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Lawyer | Aania's Application


Level 185
News Lead
Out of Character | Basic information

What is your in-game name?: Aania.
Do you have discord?: Aania#8220 [It's a new one, due to my previous one being compromised.]
Do you have a microphone? Yes.
List your timezone and country: CET - Germany

How active are you on the server?: I’d like to say, I’m fairly active, it's mostly the roles which I keep on the server and the things that interest me in RP that let me do so. I have three different accounts, so I hop between those every now and then. But if I were to rate it, I'd give it a solid 8/10. My time zone tends to be a good middle ground for activity between EST and European timezones.

Do you have any previous bans?: I do, but that ban-appeal is from 2018 and I do not have access to that forum account anymore.

Link any past applications below:
[Only gonna link them from my Aania account, as it's the account I’m applying for.]

Teaching Assistance: Accepted:
Staff Application: Denied | In Staff Application Thingy
Italian Language Application:
Sociology Teacher: Accepted:
Character Disorder: Accepted:
Italian Language Application #2: Accepted:
College Professor #2: Accepted: | [Private Convo with Im6]
Character Disorder:
Staff Application #2: Accepted: | In Staff Application Thingy
Urdu Language:
Psychiatrist: Accepted:
College Professor #3: Accepted: | [Private Convo with WiffyBanter]
Council Application:
Jin Language: Accepted:
College professor: Accepted:

Out of Character | Morals & ideas

What position are you applying for?: Lawyer.
What is your motivation for applying?: I have been on the server for quite a while and have essentially had every role on the server, including being a KPD officer and achieving the rank of captain. Previously, the way lawyers and such were managed was misjudged unfortunately and resulted in the faction falling apart quickly. Back when Ryanark first created the judicial system, I was pretty invested as an officer with all the roleplaying you could possibly have. So I think the role will be rather unique from the other jobs in the city, which is always exciting in its own way.

Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?: This is a given as a lawyer because it is your job to defend someone against charges. Discrimination against others would do no good as a lawyer, it is not supposed to matter what race, gender or sexuality a person is. This is also just a rule in general if you want to reach any high ranking role on the server.

What qualities prove you suitable for this role?: I think I personally have quite a lot of experience with roles where you need to figure out each side and you really have to confront the person. I have been a staff member in the past who had to deal with two sides clashing where I had to either defend one side or bring both sides to an understanding. At the time I was a staff member, as I said, I was an officer of the KPD for nearly two years, starting in 2018, when laws and so forth were still being formed. While that was the case, I was one of the officers that assisted in establishing the fines and punishment that we see these days. Throughout that time, I held a captain position that provided me with a good grasp of how to properly teach and enforce the laws on others.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: Yes I am.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: I'd personally like to say that I am.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?: Yes, I do.

Summarize what your position does: Lawyers are like the last defense line for people, for either civil cases such as: divorces or also cases where a person has been accused of being a criminal. Lawyers are the ones in these situations who handle the legal advice for their client and then represent them in court, in hopes to win a case and have the best outcome for their client. During these types of cases, it's always a good idea to have a lawyer as they are a so-called middle ground. They have no real emotional connection to the case, which means they look at any case with fresh eyes. In the end it's their job to defend each and every client, no matter what horrendous thing they've done, they've been taught and trained to not judge their client and just pursue the best way of not letting their client be guilty or get the short end of the stick.

In Character | Questionnaire

Full Name: Annabell Sturm
Preferred name & Title: Sturm | Ms.
Current age? (25+): Forty-Five
Past job experiences?: Eleven years of practical Police Work, ten years of practical work as a Police Academy Instructor in Germany and a short period of time as College Professor in Karakura.

How would you describe yourself?: Allowed to, I’d say humbly that I am known to be a hard-worker. I've learned to thrive and always go beyond what is expected from me, whether it's career vise or in social vise, I will do what’s needed to accomplish my goal, as long as this remains on the legal route. Personally, I’d like to say I am a person who’s strict to a point, yet creative when it comes to problem solving. Especially in Karakura, someone who knows what to do is always of importance.

What plans do you have for the town?: I will carry on the same goal I had, when I was a young naive officer. Which was to decrease the violence which plagues Karakura and truly bring justice to our town. For the longest time, it’s been riddled with corruption within. I believe with a thriving and well functioning judicial system, there will be hope to clean up Karakura. I spent many years in Karakura, seeing many people whom I called my friends, be taken too soon from this world due to the cruelty in this town. So my biggest hope is to once more do my part for Karakura and possibly return it to a more peaceful era.

What jobs will you execute with this position? It’s a lawyers job, to defend those who can no longer defend themselves and use their voice, to advocate for them. So of course, I will lend those who request mine and speak out against any wrong-doing which threatens them. I will give them the advice that is best suited for the occasion and be the leaning stone for them, with any legal troubles.

Do you practice any sort of religion?: I do not, but of course respect everyone’s choice of one.

How did you get into politics?: Growing up where I did, Politics was a big talk, in friends group whose parents were lawyers and police officers or at home with my father who was quite acquainted with the cities politicians, I grew up watching the daily news and became engaged in political agendas, not all which I agreed with, but I found the way politicians gripped their audience and found the right words for the right crowd, was both fascinating on a legal way, but psychological way.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: I’m pleased to say, my record is clean.
Nationality & Born location: German/Spanish - Cologne, Germany.
Fluent languages: (Underline your native): German, Spanish, English, Japanese



Level 165
Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice!

Keep in mind that the rules stated in the format are strictly enforced and
certain acts can get you instantly removed from your position depending on the severity.

- After reading, you may DM me in order to get your roles set up. (Oph#1556)

- Ensure that you are in the following discord: KARAKURA TOWN


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