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Denied Lawyer Application | imvalyrie


Level 0

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Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):


Describe your activity on the server:


Ever since my friends showed me SchoolRP, I would be obsessed with it. Within the first week I'd wake up early to play, or go to bed late staying up playing srp. Now, I manage my time properly. I get on minimum 3 hours, or 2 but today as I write this I have been on for more than 7 hours.

My character loves going around and talking to new people, she's a very social butterfly indeed. Having writing as a hobby and a part-time job, she finds her self known with words and knowledge.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
My true motivation for applying is just experience, In real life I am studying to become a lawyer. SchoolRP Community is really amazing, giving you countless options on whatever you want to do! Normally I'd just let these opportunities just pass away, but no I could not let this just slip out of my hands. So might aswell try, my friends are one of the main reason I am applying. They give me courage.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I understand. I find myself coming up and reading the documents time from time, making sure I am well-known to all these new updates as the days go past.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

My character wants to become a lawyer because of her abusive father, and her mother who was silence and unable to say anything. My character believes in freedom, and justice to all. That the truth will always be brought out to light, she truly believes into making the world a better place for everyone. Her goals are to mainly just make sure that people can know, they have a voice and they can use it.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

The position i'm applying for (Lawyer), helps citizens of Karakura letting the truth come out to light, representing them as they would make sure Justice is served. I believe that lawyers provide a voice for people that are too afraid, or unable to speak up for themselves. In the process of doing that, lawyers conduct research and ****ysis of legal problems, this could include in presenting facts in writing to their clients. A lawyer needs to be good at observing, even the littlest things can just tell the lie apart from the truth.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand, I will put in all of my hardwork and pure dedication into this position.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes I have!

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Definitely, my schedule is free so I will be able to be presentat weekly meetings & events.


Full name:
Valyrie 'Asami' Sakure

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Miss. Asami

Current age:
18, turning 19
(Not sure what age is required for the job, hopefully this doesn't affect it.)
Date of birth:
December 23, 2005


Academic Degree:
2022 : Bachelor of Laws Degree , undergraduate



Work experience:
2018 : Fisherwoman
Ongoing from 2018
Author / Writer -
2020 - Started 3 year long study for law degree
2023 - Lawyer (Hopefully)

Political background:
N/A (None)

Nationality & born location:
South Korea

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Korean, Japanese, English, French

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
My dedication to this role will shock you, I am very commited into becoming a lawyer. No matter my age, I am known as an academic god. My knowledge of studying as a lawyer in real life will really benefit me in this role. I do not give up easily, so i definitely do not see myself turning down or cancelling cases, i don't work hard i work smart, making me able to finish work in a short period of time- adding onto that, I am extremely free and able to attend any work meetings or events. Since my father was abusive and my mother had no choice but to stay silenced, it was a really traumatic experience/event for me. My goals/desire in life is to provide justice and freedom for people who are forced to be silenced, unable to take action. I feel like I will be a great candidate for this job, if I am unable to get it I will totally understand.
Goodluck, and thank you for your time.


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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