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Accepted - Lawyer Application - | - Soul_Demon_12 -


Level 6

In-game Name:

ALT - Soul_Demon_11

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Timezone & Country:
PST/GMT-8 - America.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

I would say I am fairly active on the server. I am mainly caught up in roleplay due to my interest in more detailrp, therefore it takes a bit longer. Besides detail roleplaying and just regular RP situations, I am mainly running around chatting with friends. Then of course we put into the fact of having responsibilities for my gang. Into perspective though, I mainly work on things oocly for the gang. I also have more real-life responsibilities such as my two jobs, college and home life which brings me away from the server. On average I can get at least 2-5 hours on SRP per day, then weekends/days I am not working is 5-7 hours.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I am currently on my way to becoming a law student, thanks to the college program I am enrolled in. Even since a child I have watched my mother go through law classes as well as watch criminal trials and I always found it fascinating. Now that I am a part of what I have dreamed of with my past research with psychology in my free time and participating in criminology courses. I found that this was a perfect time to take the opportunity to improve and insert my real-world knowledge into a fictional world as a test. This will allow me to see where I need to improve and where I am excelling.
When it comes to why I picked this faction specifically it’s very easy in my opinion. The main plot of the server is based around the school. Therefore you can either be a student or a staff member for the school. You can teach, cook food, help with injured students, watch security cameras for disruptive behaviour of the school's policies, or even help with the more psychological aspect of the school which I was a part of. It is fun, but I feel as if it’s not for me. The EMS faction is always a blast being around but I don’t think I can deal with the stress of all the patients. Maybe in the future but that’s not what I am looking for. KPD, I can’t due to being a gangrper. Reporter, I am applying for reporter as I do love writing, but I’d heavily prefer a government faction to give me more roleplay opportunities than a reporter.
I found that the government faction over everything else was always in my sights more than anything. That could be because of my educational status, but I like to believe it's more than that. The level of maturity and common sense that is needed within the faction pushes me to want to succeed. I feel as if given the opportunity I can truly help within the faction and that’s what I look for. Being able to lift work off others' shoulders and go through trials to help my interests improve. Not only does it help me in the end, but it may or may not help others if I succeed.
Like I was saying earlier with my current studies, I am not looking to gather more knowledge than I already have; I want to put it into action. I want to apply what I know and insert it into roleplay opportunities.
Throughout my time on SRP, I have watched many criminal trials take place. Watching as the lawyers, judges, governors, and more all have specific roles within the courtroom. It’s intriguing and fun to watch. If I was put into that situation to gather evidence and all it would be amazing. I have been to trials in person for my reasons and I have always noticed specific factors within trials that I believe would be beneficial for lawyers to put notes in within trials. One of my motivations is about my skills. The fact that if I get accepted into the faction I would be able to test my ability within a courtroom. With that, I can improve and figure out what things are at the end goal already. I want to see/help justice be served is another motivation for applying.
It may seem wrong due to the fact I am a gang lead on another character trying to serve justice in a way of law. But truly, I have always had a thing with the law. Especially since I am well adapted to the laws of Karakura; I believe that I can do well. The more I push to become a lawyer, the more I am motivated to do so. Being able to give another perspective on cases as well as helping out in general as much as I can would truly be an honour.
Throughout my time of criminal roleplay; one thing stuck out to me. During the interview process after being detained or arrested, I realized that a lot of people can’t get a lawyer. As well as I feel like not many get out of trials after waiting a while so being able to provide the ability for them to have that chance is more than anything to me.
I always like to believe I have a good sense of words to being able to help put on a trial for either side I think would give the other lawyer a difficult roleplay. It motivates me to do more than watch those trials and push forward more. I want to do more than watch and if I got the ability to do so I would.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I stated a lot of my goals within the motivation section for why I want to be a part of the faction. First, I am currently on track to becoming a law student. I am enrolled into criminology classes and more. Not only do I continue my studies on campus but also off campus so my educational knowledge is far more than I make it seem. I am looking to find more ways to improve my thought-processing abilities. Finding new ways in terms of perspective as well as how to handle a fictional case to prepare myself for the real world. Being able to take on brand new cases with new situations behind them, as well as find out the reason for all. Figuring out ways to please the jury, judges and more with flawless reasoning. Being able to accomplish all of this would truly be a major goal of mine.
Even if my major reason for applying is to help with my skills, another reason is wanting to work on my detail RP work. I believe this will allow me to have more chances with detail roleplaying. No matter how skilled I am with writing and detail roleplay, I always believe I can do better. There are more roleplay opportunities within the faction. I want to get to a point where I can fill up one or two entire chat boxes with all appendages every time I detailrp.

Some goals for my character are that I want him to develop more as a character. Not just as a son, but as a character himself. He is a part of a family, almost like a side character to a story. I want to develop his story further with his interests. He already excels in fashion but that is not his main hobby. He loves watching criminal justice shows and thinking through the entire process along with the show. Sometimes finding himself yelling at the TV/device he was watching it on, about how he thinks things went through. I want to find him helping more than just himself like he wanted to. Adel has many family members apart of EMS and government factions already so being one of the first, third generation Kirishiki's to get a civil service position would be a goal for him. He would already know his boss going into the faction as well as other government workers already working there.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers have a great deal of responsibilities within the government faction. This can range from supplying legal counselling to helping explain laws and regulations to those in need of it. During legal proceedings, lawyers will be there to advise and counsel you through the entire proceeding. Though they can’t make the major decisions for the client. They can help provide the information and advise on how you should go about your situation. A lawyer is allowed to assist a client during a court proceeding. They can represent them and put all the information into facts. They can press information, evidence, witnesses and more into the crossfire to help with their case. Though, lawyers are not just able to represent a client. Some also have to be a prosecutor for cases. They insert their witnesses, evidence and more against the defendant. Their job is to put people who have broken the law into light and show them the punishment they deserve.
Lawyers can spend many restless days gathering evidence for criminal trials, or just trials that they pled not guilty for. However, they do more than just court proceedings. They often time help prepare documents for counselling.

Within Karakura, they can also help with lawsuits, restraining orders, they can also help with marriages. They usually are found at the front desk of the town hall and most of the time people go to them for I.D. You can also talk to them about any types of questions you may have about the law. As a lawyer, they hold a high level of maturity and respect for what they do.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I understand.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read and agreed to follow the rules of the Government faction.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes. Like I stated before I am busy at times so it truly depends on my work schedule. Though I should be able to.


Full name:

"My name is Adel Kirishiki, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I often use the name Mr. Kirishiki in formal situations."

Current age:
"I am currently 25 years old."

Date of birth:
"My date of birth was on December 24th, in 1999."

"I am a male."

Academic Degree:
"I achieved my high school graduate degree at Cambridge International School in Moscow Russia. With my scholarship, I achieved both my Masters in Criminal Law and my Doctorate in Law."

"Criminal Law and Philosophy"

"Psychology and Communication."

Work experience:
"When I was 16 I started working simple jobs and throughout college, I worked jobs at stores or food places. Sometimes helping my family members with their work, but most of the time just observe them. So in terms of work experience, I only have experience with stores. I am hoping that I will have more experience if I get accepted to become a lawyer."

Nationality & born location:
"Russian - Japanese. I was born in Moscow Russia."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:
"I have a clean record."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"A couple of reasons I believe I am an amazing fit for this job is I am great at ****yzing situations. I can put together a large amount of information, evidence and even witness testimonies and I can identify the situation at hand. It may not seem like that from a casual perspective but I take a lot of pride in my ability to see a situation that others cannot. With gathering information in general, I am great with communication. I have no issue with anxiety in terms of speaking up to get what is needed or going to someone to have a conversation with. I can effectively speak to clients as well as negotiate if needed. A good debate is always a needed skill to learn and I feel as if I can debate very well. In serious situations, I believe to fit the role of having good judgment. It's rather common sense in my opinion but others can classify it as decision-making. I have had a great passion for the law since I was a child more than my interests in fashion. I'd always watch my shows and read books about court trials and I always found it fascinating.
When it comes to research I go beyond the requirement in my opinion. And with that evidence or whatever I can acquire I can use it to my advantage to provide a good report for trials or more. Not only am I good at research, communication and more. I am also very adaptable to new environments, situations and more. Situations change all the time meaning what needs to be done in terms of this position will change to the situation at hand. I would like to say I am a very friendly person so talking with co-workers, clients, witnesses and more is crucial for me. So having that friendly aspect I believe is one of the main skills I have. Though, don't mistake that friendliness for me being naive."​


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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