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Level 8


In-game Name: _

Discord Tag: T4URUS#7149

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Timezone & Country: GMT/United Kingdom

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Korean Application - REJECTED
JSL Application - REJECTED
2nd JSL Application - ACCEPTED
Vietnamese - REJECTED
2nd Vietnamese - REJECTED
3rd Vietnamese- ACCEPTED
Italian Application - ACCEPTED
Korean Application - ACCEPTED
3rd Language Authorization - ACCEPTED
Russian Application - ACCEPTED
Chinese Replacement - ACCEPTED
Col- Councillor Application - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server: Daily activity. I tend to play more towards the later hours of the day and occasionally during mid-day hours. This means hours at a time as I have my own active family and friend groups to be around, especially towards school. This means I am mostly on through later in the day. I am free from 6 pm to 2 am on most weeks day's unless it's an urgent event happening, But I would say I am on SRP mostly all the time when I am free, From the start to when I was a greenie my activity has changed dramatically since then, Also when I joined college I have been on more and more since then and I very much enjoy my time playing on the server as of right now


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
The government faction has always been in my interest to give it a go when I first met ( Goemen), I chose to apply for this role due to my current education being around law and order and public services, I have chosen to join a different faction to have a clear understanding on how to talk to people in a work environment and to also have a laugh at the same time, In councillor I have gained so many new skills i never wish i could have and has helped me to the point i was told to give this role a go, and it really stood out to me instead of the other factions because there so much you can do as a lawyer and you can learn so many new skills and make new friends whilst also being close to people you are familiar with

Although I can't say for certain that with my current educational levels, I will apply to be a lawyer in person, or even have the idea of becoming one in my personal life outside SRP, However, I do love the idea of becoming a lawyer in SRP because I have been really good at debating situations and doing them in a professional standard, I always take time to think and give the best possible answer I can, have always challenged myself to think outside of the box, although I find that my weakness is being put under pressure or on the spot, so I am well-motivated to improve that and what better way would be to further expose myself until I get comfortable and ascertain the skills to be more confident while being put on a time constrain, I also Believe This will improve my confidence in myself, And to others that If I try 100% I will go as far as giving over 150%, and I am convinced that joining the faction could help with that.

With my current knowledge and educational endeavours related to the role under this faction, I am confident I'll find myself enjoying my time here. Having both experiences in The school faction and being a manager at the Sayonara gift shop, I feel really happy and motivated to join a new team And to learn new things whilst also being in a new job with new people to learn from is something I find really exciting and good to have later on in life

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I consider myself well-versed, and knowledgeable in Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I know that I could do better and that I can be more engaged within SRP when I see things in a better and positive light which is why upon joining the government faction I promised myself that I would improve more on my activity and in-game interactions with other players compared to before, and will be my chance to prove to myself that I am determined for this role, and to be on the same level as everyone else and try to go further than a possibly can.

Well, my main goal is to protect and serve a new place to my fullest ability and also to protect the innocent and show how guilty the real ones are, My own goal is to do everything I can and to show others how capable I am, Instead of appearing as a weak individual, The are many jobs in the government, but being able to save the innocent is the one I dreamed of doing, and to help anyone else in the faction when they need it, They are also there to work different cases, Negotiate settlements, representing their clients in the court proceedings, The most important part as a lawyer is to be ethical and maintain integrity, but also be an excellent problem-solver in any matter.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

A lawyer is a person who has been trained and licensed to fight by the law, they also make sure that people are being justified for a crime that they could have committed, and if they are innocent they are deemed such, A lawyer is also in charge of defending their client to the best of their ability, within the client's requirements. In the justice system many different types of lawyers serve different purposes, criminal lawyers, corporate lawyers, and family lawyers..

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

I understand and acknowledge this detail and I am willing to take the risk at any given time

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Absolutely! But my real life and health will always come over SRP

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

That is understandable and acknowledged.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read over the rules and have familiarized them to the best of my knowledge to join the government faction

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

I will always make them unless I have important work/event outside of SRP

Full name:
Saeko Drakos Jokull

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr Jokull

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:


Public Relations & Organizational Communication
Criminal Justice/Law

(Osaka University)

(Osaka University)

Work experience:

Age 16-21
First job at Sayanora
As soon as Saeko became the legal age to work, He wanted to go up the ranks in life to start his career, He got a job at a small gift shop named Sayanora gift shop and he has been working there since he was 16, By the time he got into college, His boss (Lulu Saiky), Has asked Saeko would he like to become one of there managers at the store, Without a doubt Saeko took the position and became one of her new managers in the shop doing whatever she wanted Saeko to do

Age 21-25
Went to work back in Iceland
After one year of being a manager at the shop, Saeko got a letter in the post about, His grandfather not doing so well back in Iceland and he needed to take over his place so he could rest, After he heard that Saeko took a plane to the small town of Keflavík, a town near the international airport, with a population of 16,814. Saeko was more than happy to spend time With his grandad, He owned a small business selling household items, Saeko when he was a toddler would spend days in the shop whilst his parents worked, So he would have the whole day with his grandparents this is where Saeko gained the experience about a shop and how to run one.

Age 25-29
Worked as receptionist
Saeko after spending most of his years travelling from Iceland back to Japan, Saeko started to stay in a small town in Minoh, Osaka in Japan, He worked for a law firm, As a receptionist and had the simple tasks any other receptionist would do and greet and answer calls that are needed, Saeko Whilst working there would spend most of his time when he's not busy, Watching court cases and writing down different lawyers answers, He would then write a script with better answers and a better way how he could win a case, This is where his passion for becoming a lawyer hit him, He tapped his pen on his desk thinking of an idea, And then it hit him, He told his boss he was leaving, with an application in his hand for the one and only, Lawyer's wanted in Karakura apply today

Political background:

Saeko tends to maintain neutrality when it comes to politics, His experience in Iceland and Osaka has taught him to question politics all the time and assess before coming up with a conclusion When working within this profession, It's best to have your view on it, instead of taking different people's sides, It's also good if you are well aware of any upcoming progression in the political world

Nationality & born location:
Icelandic/ Born in karakura

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

"My passion for the job could definitely serve as one of the reasons I would be a decent candidate, I handle my job seriously, and responsibly. Also, I assure you that nothing is amiss to avoid mistakes, with every detail on the right track, and in order. I've developed a good sense of judgment, and have always strived for a better version of Karakura, After spending my 8 years in law school I have the confidence to go further in life with my knowledge and expertise. There are some people out there who work so hard to mean what they do, the people who can confidently say I have done it, This Is the best achievement in my personal opinion and I believe that is where I am at rn, Through all the mistake's I have made, They finally pay off after trying and trying over and over again to get to this point

However, I must acknowledge that I could not have come this far without the support of my family. My father has taught me valuable life lessons that have helped me achieve my dreams. I am grateful for their unwavering support and encouragement. Overall, I am confident in my abilities and excited about the opportunity to pursue my dream job. Thank you for considering my application."
Last edited:


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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