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Accepted Lawyer [Government Application] | zacksoshawtious


Level 17

In-game Name:

The account I'm applying for is; Zacksoshawtious
My main account; ZackTimeKiller

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I am able to communicate via VC if needed although be aware there will be occasions that I am unable to speak due to an illness that affects my throat that could arise from time to time. But, rest assured, it doesn't happen very often, though at the time of making this application I am currently experiencing the mentioned ailment.

Timezone & Country:
GMT+8, Philippines.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
During this month and foreseeable future, I consider myself to be somewhat active depending on the time of the week. I typically see myself playing on SRP on a weekend for about 5-10 hours on average. Although, my activity can dwindle from 2-6 hours or so during the weekdays, mostly depending on the time of day when I choose to get on. And moreover, I’ve been more active in tailoring commissions rather than in-game presence, which I’d like to change in the foreseeable future!


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
The government faction has long piqued my interests when I first joined SRP, especially when I am currently in pursuit of a related academic program pertaining to politics and humanities for my current education. Although despite my initial interests, I've been side-tracked from my endeavor for applying due to miscellaneous reasons alongside my opportunist mindset that has been keeping me too occupied to apply sooner; mostly joining other factions instead of what I have initially had in mind due to applications coming out first, and so on.

Although, I can’t say for certain that my educational pursuits relate to any aspiration of becoming a lawyer, or any form of job relating to working under the government when it comes to my personal life outside of SRP, however, I find myself enjoying any form of debates that is handled maturely, I’ve always liked testing the limits of my wits, and tests the endurance of my intellect. I perceive myself as an unorthodox thinker, and have always challenged myself to think outside of the box, although I find that my weakness is being put under pressure or on the spot, so I am well-motivated to improve that and what better way would be to further expose myself until I get comfortable and ascertain the skills to be more confident while being put on a time constrain, and I am convinced that joining the faction could help with that.

With my current knowledge and educational endeavors related to the role under this faction, I am confident I'll find myself enjoying my time here. And, having experienced both EMS & KPD, I have been wanting to try out something new. Not only that but there’s an abundance of people that I am familiar with within the government faction and I am quite motivated and thrilled to be working and playing by their side under this role. Especially when roleplaying with them so far has been a blast! And one of my primary motivators for being active within the game.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I consider myself well-versed, and knowledgeable in Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

This section will be divided OOCLY & ICLY.

My goals, and endeavors out-of-character;

Admittedly, I've been in two factions, in which I believe that I've underperformed, or wasn't. In my perspective, I’ve convinced myself that I was not able to fully unleash my full potential; personally, I know that I could do better, and that I can be more engaged within SRP when I see things in a better and positive light which is why upon joining the government faction I promised myself that I will improve more on my activity and in-game interactions with other players compared to before, this will be my third chance, and will be my final chance to prove to myself that I am determined, that I can achieve my goals if I just put my mind into it and, my passion for a betterment of my productive endeavors and my interests in political science will certainly be the primary fuel to further reach my goal.

Upon joining the government faction, I aim to be more persuasive, to use my wits to the fullest, and, presenting myself while roleplaying under the lenses of a lawyer as well to use this as an opportunity to improve in-character engagement. Which I personally think I lack.

I like the people in the government faction! Honestly everyone is chill and great to roleplay with. They've made me more engaged in SRP than before. My goal is to strengthen our bonds both icly and oocly.

In-character goals that I plan for, and hope to achieve with a satisfying execution;

I've always enjoyed character creation, and the best thing about making a character is their depth, development and improvement.

To better understand my character’s goals, let's start with an introduction, fair warning. It's a bit lengthy, however, it’ll give a further understanding of the character and the curtains behind their ambition.

The character I'll be primarily using is Botan Ōtsuka, I have been using him as of late within my adult account for a decent while now. He is currently married to Aiko Asōgi-Ōtsuka, and the uncle in-law of the current and famous Attorney General, Goemon Asōgi. Two very familiar names within the Government faction.

Note; the following quotations were taken from in-game interactions between the two characters, although there are some minor alterations for the purpose of better storytelling.


"We all know you can do better. All due respect, your pride is fucking your life up."
. . .
"You're not fucking stupid.”

-Goemon Asōgi

Those words had since made a large impact on Botan’s mindset and altered his worldview ever since his ‘squabble’ with the Attorney General, he did not want to admit it, however, deep inside, Botan agreed with the man he liked the least amongst the Asōgi- Well, second to his father. For more context regarding their confrontation, Goemon addressed Botan’s current unemployment, and how much he was neglecting himself in regards to his exertion and contribution to his own family. And with the given quotations, it’s evident with what he said next.

“God fucking dammit, the Harry Potter is right.”

Botan may have not let himself go when it comes to fashion, and his visage, but he certainly let himself go when it comes to striving for a living and contributing for the betterment and stability of his family. He’s supposed to be responsible, the man of the house, yet.. What happened?
Was he baby-girlyfied way too much by his wife? That pink apron he has in his kitchen certainly proves so…

Later on, Asōgi suggested that Botan should apply for the town hall.

“You'd be a great governor or judge.”

However, Botan decided to apply to be a Lawyer out of spite. Despite his petty characteristic, it was a minor contribution to his reasonings, primarily, his endeavors and goals align within the field and path befitting to that of a Lawyer.

What now? Botan cannot simply let himself go, he is tired of being belittled, and played with by condescension of the ‘mischievous’ Goemon. No, he’s ashamed, his pride and dignity, where did it go..? Nothing but delusions and ego, and he wants to change that. Botan wants a reason to work harder, and in order to do that, he needs to go back to his old roots.

Where did that Botan go?

The reason he became a lawyer in the first place was due to Karakura, he was born and raised here, and had a rough start in his childhood - often finding himself drowning at the center of crime which isn’t something you can easily avoid in this city. Being exposed to bad apples all throughout his life, Botan knew how most criminals think, he knew how their brains were wired and worked, and he’d always held a strong disdain for those who lacked humility. He wanted to be a litigator and work in trial again just for the sake of humbling these kids, these ‘people’ back to where they belong. To rot behind bars. It’s one of his primary ambitions to keep this place safe, even if it’s one person at a time, it’s better than stepping aside and watching this place fall into a deeper hole, especially when his family currently resides here.

It’s time to wake up, Ōtsuka, be a man again, and stop playing Barbie with your family. Sit still and be pretty? Are you kidding me?

Snap back to reality, we aren’t playing doll house anymore…

That’s what other people expect Botan to say to himself, but for Botan? Hah, he doesn’t care about their opinion other than his wife. Either way, it’s too late, he’s way too into being the house husband in his household that it’ll be way too hard for him to give it all up just because someone told him to move on, and stop being unemployed. Instead, he’ll juggle between being both a Lawyer, and a malewife. That is one of his primary goals. He will be a more beneficial provider, while still being a part time father and husband.

Furthermore, I wish to better develop and progress Botan’s relationships with his wife, and his nephew-in-law, I am confident that having the character be a part of the government faction could better enhance his relations or.. Worsen it, especially when they’ll be working alongside each other. Currently, he is in rough waters with Goemon Asōgi, and Botan ‘wants’ to change that, but he is unsure how to exactly achieve that endeavor.. HIs cranky, bitter mind makes it too difficult, and a challenge for him to overcome.

Speaking of being bitter..! I aim for Botan to improve his attitude and behavior! He’s certainly a piece of work to deal with in-character, but I want to witness him grow and go through his redemption arc at a slow and fair pace. And, what great way to do that but to meet, and interact with more people at the workplace! Maybe, someone out there can certainly give him a piece of their mind. (Aside from his wife…) It could be a great eye-opener for him to realize that this ‘ol’ grump’ is having a negative effect on people, not just on certain recurring figures in his day to day life especially in a professional setting at his workplace.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Relevance to how Lawyers function within SRP, they are famously known for representing their clients in court at the face of trials, in this situation, from my understanding, they advocate and voice out the client’s concerns under legal matters, alongside providing, and gathering sufficient evidence to further support their claims. Additionally, I believe there’s an easy misconception when it comes to court cases especially as an Attorney, in my perspective, the goal of a Lawyer is to not entirely ‘win’ a case by simply having the client have full rights or be fully exempted from something - that can be good, although, that type of opportunity doesn’t often brought up in some situations, so - their goal is often to lessen the strain and decrease the burden on the client. What do I mean by this? Let’s say for example, your client is charged with large amounts of money that they simply cannot afford, and think is put ‘unfairly’ against them, but you know, for a fact, that the evidence is strong from the opposing side, so instead of trying to ‘free’ the client from the burden of the charges, you lower the numbers to what you or the client ‘think’ or ‘agree on’ to be the fair amount. Of course, afterwards, you try to convince the people in court of your proposal. There are many forms to this, but that is my prime example.

Overall, this is simply just my perspective coming from my observations when I’ve watched other trials. And to add on, as a former KPD, I know that they also come by to the police station to consult the person in question within the interrogation room, to further help them with their situation by giving them legal advice, and so forth.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I am aware that my performance can affect my status within the faction, and I will act accordingly to the given rules to remain within the position.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Upon joining the faction, I will provide both dedication and my utmost effort into the role, I will make sure my performance will be sufficient enough for you to not regret accepting me within the faction.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I acknowledge that being OOCLY biased will lead to dire consequences, and that I should passively remain fair to everyone involved without leaning towards a party.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Absolutely! I have read and agreed to follow the Government Faction rules, it’ll be my utmost responsibility to be knowledgeable in this regard to minimize mistakes, and to take my role seriously.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Of course, I plan to attend as many meetings and events pertaining to the faction whenever possible.


Art made by me! ZackTimeKIller.

Full name:
“Botan Ōtsuka.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“Mr. Ōtsuka will do, although I will certainly not take old man, ‘ol’ grump’, and the like under a professional setting.”

Current age:

Date of birth:
January 17, 1970.

Male, he/him.

Academic Degree:
Masters of Legal Studies in Law.
Juris Doctorate Degree.
Bachelors of Science in Automotive Engineering.

Criminal Justice
Mechanical Engineering


Work experience:
Early spring of 1986 to Late Autumn of 1991.
Age 16-21.
Auto-mechanic, Carpenting, Technician, Construction, other blue collar jobs.
“My family wasn't well-off, so I had to start a job as early as I could. As the eldest of my siblings, I was the one that’s deemed to be the most responsible amongst all of them, so I’ve made early sacrifices to ensure that everyone had food on the table. Of course, my parents were present, but we all had our individual struggles, and I had to help out as soon as I could. And during this time, I’ve mostly been studying while part-taking school and pursuing my early education in college.”

Early Autumn 1993 to Mid Summer 1995
Age 23-25.
Automotive Engineer
“As soon as I received my Bachelors in Engineering, I immediately applied for an entry job. A year went by, and I couldn’t see myself pursuing a future as an engineer - if I have to be honest, I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer whenever I was younger, but I was never really confident with my ability to do so, especially when I had prior difficulties indulging myself with reading.. I have to admit, I’m more of a math person. Despite this, I’ve overcome my blunders, and remain persistent with my ambition. And, around this time I was working part time while pursuing my masters in a law school.”

Late Spring 1998 to Mid Winter 2003
Age 28 - 33
“I formerly worked as a litigator for roughly five years now. Mostly as a prosecutor involving juvenile crime within the UK, and had remained working there for a very long time afterwards.”

Early Summer 2004 to Late Winter 2015
Age 34 - 45
Civil Judge
“If I can recall correctly, I was a Civil Judge for approximately eleven years, and was promoted to Senior Division after exactly five years of service. I later retired from the position when my family moved back to Karakura.”

Political background:
“Under professional lenses, I’ve abstain myself from any political parties, and political dogma. When working within this profession, it’s best to steer clear of any bias or discriminatory judgment, and maintain an open mind within the line of duty. Of course, it’s also good to be up to date, and become aware of the progression of the political world.”

Nationality & born location:
Japanese • Karakura, Japan.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“When it comes to work ethics, I handle my job seriously, and responsibly. I assure that nothing is amiss to avoid mistakes, with every detail on the right track, and in order. With years of experience on my belt, my observations should not be taken lightly alongside that. I've developed a good sense of judgment, and have always strived for a better version of Karakura, although of course, it’s not an easy endeavor nor is it nearly impossible either. But, even so, I will go through lengths to seek justice for those that rightfully deserve it. With how I see it, not everyone is there due to a mistake. There’s always people out there that mean what they’ve done, especially those that laugh proudly without an ounce of consideration to other human life. I’m here to ensure that they get what’s coming for them, and I’ll make sure to rub the smug looks off their faces.”

“Aside from that, I have ‘angelic’ children, a beautiful wife that all live here within Karakura. I think of them every single day, they are the main drive that’ll keep me motivated in making this place a tad bit safer, and help secure their future especially for my kids to thrive in a happier life.”​


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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