In-game Name: MinisterFudge,
However, my alt’s IGN, which would be the relevant account here: HumanTeethParade.
In fairness, the Application Format/Rules were unclear vis-a-vis what IGN should be placed in the Title.
Discord Tag: crystallizedgene
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Timezone & Country: AEDT, Australia
Links to any current & past applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
I spend enough time on the server to meet the activity requirements.
My primary character, at the time of writing, is a College Professor and so my activity has to be at a certain level to satisfy that. I have never had an inactivity strike, and that Professor is an [HD]. My alternate character is a member of KHS’ Occult Club. Membership in which does require a certain degree of activity. Again, there has never been anything said/questioned regarding my activity on the server in that space either. I am also a community team member [Event Team], again requiring a degree of activity. I mention these things for the benefit of the application reviewer so that they can appraise my activity with these facts in mind and be assured that, were this application accepted, there would not be issues vis-a-vis inactivity.
In terms of what my characters spend their time doing: My Professor, of course, teaches Law and Justice but he is also a religious leader running a registered 'Christian Organization' with Town Hall. This group effectively schedules, announces, and organizes after-school activities to raise funds to keep the business afloat, and also for charitable purposes. In truth, I mainly created it to have something TO DO after KHS closes. My secondary character is also deeply involved with this group, hosting activities for it, and attending Occult Club activities as well.
What position are you applying for?: Lawyer
What is your motivation for applying?:
Firstly, I saw the announcement and the need for my lawyers, observing on the Government Roster that there is not a single Australian or anyone from Oceania represented on it. I figured I would express interest in diversifying that roster if Town Hall would be open to that due to having an alternate account and observing there are, albeit rare, instances where some players operate across two factions at once.
Secondly, as for why I’m expressing interest in the lawyer position, well… the Town Faction is, frankly, one of the few factions I could see myself enjoying. If I do not apply NOW, I see myself expressing interest again somewhere down the line when lawyer positions open back up again. Lawyers seem to be the people involved in the most interesting legal stuff from my layman's perspective. No other group within the faction has people coming to them with the expectation of their legal disputes being intimately discussed and resolved.
My OOC background also makes this role particularly interesting to me: helping people on the server resolve their petty fictitious disputes by going overboard and giving the impression of having done actual legal research sounds hilarious to me. I want in!
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes. My other character can not shut up about them.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes. I notice far too often people are too hesitant to plead not guilty even when the KPD have little to no actual evidence of them committing the crime, or, in one instance, where there is no case to answer and the evidence is insufficient to prove the necessary elements of the crime, and the circumstantial evidence isn’t really strong either. My character would actively encourage people to plead not guilty and staunchly advocate for people to have their presumption of innocence respected, and to seek justice in Karakura’s Courts. I’d also love to be known as having the character that will never turn away a client unless the law/faction demands they do so.
It's also quite nice, I imagine, to have a character around in the faction who is just OLD and experienced in legal advocacy/legal history.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
On the one hand, the primary responsibility of lawyers within the faction is to represent their clients. This involves meeting with them, in person, to discuss their case and file lawsuits so the matters can potentially proceed to court, but in criminal matters: discussing the client’s defense (unless prosecuting). Citizens in Karakura can call lawyers at any time using the Town Hall phone number to get into contact with government employees, which include lawyers. On the day a trial is scheduled, lawyers are expected to show up and, if prosecuting, prosecute, or otherwise: put on a defence for their client. Unless it is a civil trial, in which case they put forward the plaintiff’s case, or represent the interests of the defendant.
Other work done by lawyers includes menial ‘front desk’ work, which typically involves answering questions from citizens and redirecting them to other members of the government if asked to do a task they are not lawfully authorized to perform (e.g. deal with marriage certificates, business registration). There are key tasks lawyers can perform when doing desk work, notably: issuing IDs.
I do know, however, lawyers have an active role in helping people obtain restraining orders, and reviewing the evidence that may justify one being made. They can ensure these orders are issued independently, without the need for judicial involvement. If those subject to the order feel they have not been heard they can attempt to file a lawsuit against the maker of the order, something I uh, learned from… experience.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Oh yes, I am keenly aware of that. Yes.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Absolutely. Trials take long enough to organize as it is.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
They are at the very top of the thread containing the application format. I have read and agree to follow them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes. In the event I am unable to, I will let the faction lead know.
Full name: Timothy Randal
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr.
Current age: 63
Date of birth: 5 August 1961
Gender: Male
Academic Degree:
Bachelor In Jurisprudence (1979, Oxford University)
LLB (1982, Oxford University)
LLM (1985, Oxford University)
PhD in Law (1988, Oxford University)
Constitutional Law
Criminal Procedure and Evidence
International Comparative Law
Legal History
Magna Carta
Work Experience
These laws gave the Metropolitan police extraordinary powers to search people deemed to be acting ‘sus’, or suspiciously under the Vagrancy Act 1824 (UK). I was quite horrified by the abuses of this power I learned about accompanying the QC to seek justice for those ‘caught up’ in the string of arrests following riots amidst police operations during this period.
After completing vocational training, I went on to gain more practical experience during my Pupilage with this very same Barrister, Madelline. This was the final step before becoming a Junior Barrister myself. This pupilage saw me directly assisting Madelline with case preparation and performing actual legal work as opposed to the minor assistance and observation I was involved with during my internship.
I garnered a reputation of being particularly successful at community organizing and representing VERY PARTICULAR clients pro bono, namely, those clients with which I was of the professional opinion... that they had ‘no case to answer’. Indeed, I went on to make such applications of no case to answer on behalf of those skillfully selected clients, with the overwhelming majority of them being accepted, resulting in the immediate release of the accused, without them needing to put on a defense. I did face my fair share of intense ridicule from colleagues for wearing long-waisted pants outside of the courtroom, but their failure to take me seriously often proved to work to my advantage. Crown Prosecutors in my day were such a fickle bunch!
Nationality & born location:
United Kingdom, City of Oxford.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English
Criminal record:
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
During my post-graduate studies, I was able to learn about international comparative law. I was most fascinated by the peculiar legal arrangements of the prefecture of Karakura. From what I can wryly observe from here, there is an urgent need for passionate advocacy in this space, for staunch and experienced legal professionals to reinvigorate your legal profession. These bones may be old, but I can assure you they are still able: years of getting up and down making representations for the most vulnerable has left me in a position where I would relish the chance to assist, here, in this prefecture.
I would not want my International Comparative Law studies, and my election to study Japanese, a most arduous language to learn, to have been a waste or dismissed by my insufferable colleagues here as some silly parlor trick or trivia knowledge. I genuinely want to make a difference somewhere else.
I have taken the liberty of studying, albeit in brief, the history of this prefecture and the great deal of chaos within it, with much venom and hostility being directed towards the government. I should hope my presence and zealous advocacy of the people within it might go some way to securing a lasting peace. It would be a privilege to serve the people here, maintaining their confidences.
My time at the bar puts me in an extraordinary position to carefully study the legal disputes before they proceed and go before Karakura’s very overburdened Courts. I hope my advocacy in this space can be seen by your wise counsels as useful to this prefecture. Though… do be advised, should you choose to accept me, I shan’t be abandoning my wig.
Yours faithfully,
~Timothy R.
In-game Name: MinisterFudge,
However, my alt’s IGN, which would be the relevant account here: HumanTeethParade.
In fairness, the Application Format/Rules were unclear vis-a-vis what IGN should be placed in the Title.
Discord Tag: crystallizedgene
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Timezone & Country: AEDT, Australia
Links to any current & past applications:
[Shopkeeper] – DENIED
[Event Team] – ACCEPTED
[Student Council] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x3] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x2] -- DENIED --
[Caretaker Application] -- DENIED --
[Philosophy Professor] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x3] -- DENIED
[Professor Application x1] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x2] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x1] -- DENIED --
[Governor] -- ACCEPTED --
[Latin Language Auth App] -- ACCEPTED --†-latin-†-language-application.64848/
[Italian Language Auth App] – ACCEPTED –
[JSL Language Auth Apps] – ACCEPTED;
[Shopkeeper] – DENIED
[Event Team] – ACCEPTED
[Student Council] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x3] -- ACCEPTED --
[Philosophy Professor x2] -- DENIED --
[Caretaker Application] -- DENIED --
[Philosophy Professor] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x3] -- DENIED
[Professor Application x1] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x2] -- DENIED --
[History Teacher x1] -- DENIED --
[Governor] -- ACCEPTED --
[Latin Language Auth App] -- ACCEPTED --†-latin-†-language-application.64848/
[Italian Language Auth App] – ACCEPTED –
[JSL Language Auth Apps] – ACCEPTED;
Describe your activity on the server:
I spend enough time on the server to meet the activity requirements.
My primary character, at the time of writing, is a College Professor and so my activity has to be at a certain level to satisfy that. I have never had an inactivity strike, and that Professor is an [HD]. My alternate character is a member of KHS’ Occult Club. Membership in which does require a certain degree of activity. Again, there has never been anything said/questioned regarding my activity on the server in that space either. I am also a community team member [Event Team], again requiring a degree of activity. I mention these things for the benefit of the application reviewer so that they can appraise my activity with these facts in mind and be assured that, were this application accepted, there would not be issues vis-a-vis inactivity.
In terms of what my characters spend their time doing: My Professor, of course, teaches Law and Justice but he is also a religious leader running a registered 'Christian Organization' with Town Hall. This group effectively schedules, announces, and organizes after-school activities to raise funds to keep the business afloat, and also for charitable purposes. In truth, I mainly created it to have something TO DO after KHS closes. My secondary character is also deeply involved with this group, hosting activities for it, and attending Occult Club activities as well.
What position are you applying for?: Lawyer
What is your motivation for applying?:
Firstly, I saw the announcement and the need for my lawyers, observing on the Government Roster that there is not a single Australian or anyone from Oceania represented on it. I figured I would express interest in diversifying that roster if Town Hall would be open to that due to having an alternate account and observing there are, albeit rare, instances where some players operate across two factions at once.
Secondly, as for why I’m expressing interest in the lawyer position, well… the Town Faction is, frankly, one of the few factions I could see myself enjoying. If I do not apply NOW, I see myself expressing interest again somewhere down the line when lawyer positions open back up again. Lawyers seem to be the people involved in the most interesting legal stuff from my layman's perspective. No other group within the faction has people coming to them with the expectation of their legal disputes being intimately discussed and resolved.
My OOC background also makes this role particularly interesting to me: helping people on the server resolve their petty fictitious disputes by going overboard and giving the impression of having done actual legal research sounds hilarious to me. I want in!
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes. My other character can not shut up about them.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes. I notice far too often people are too hesitant to plead not guilty even when the KPD have little to no actual evidence of them committing the crime, or, in one instance, where there is no case to answer and the evidence is insufficient to prove the necessary elements of the crime, and the circumstantial evidence isn’t really strong either. My character would actively encourage people to plead not guilty and staunchly advocate for people to have their presumption of innocence respected, and to seek justice in Karakura’s Courts. I’d also love to be known as having the character that will never turn away a client unless the law/faction demands they do so.
It's also quite nice, I imagine, to have a character around in the faction who is just OLD and experienced in legal advocacy/legal history.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
On the one hand, the primary responsibility of lawyers within the faction is to represent their clients. This involves meeting with them, in person, to discuss their case and file lawsuits so the matters can potentially proceed to court, but in criminal matters: discussing the client’s defense (unless prosecuting). Citizens in Karakura can call lawyers at any time using the Town Hall phone number to get into contact with government employees, which include lawyers. On the day a trial is scheduled, lawyers are expected to show up and, if prosecuting, prosecute, or otherwise: put on a defence for their client. Unless it is a civil trial, in which case they put forward the plaintiff’s case, or represent the interests of the defendant.
Other work done by lawyers includes menial ‘front desk’ work, which typically involves answering questions from citizens and redirecting them to other members of the government if asked to do a task they are not lawfully authorized to perform (e.g. deal with marriage certificates, business registration). There are key tasks lawyers can perform when doing desk work, notably: issuing IDs.
I do know, however, lawyers have an active role in helping people obtain restraining orders, and reviewing the evidence that may justify one being made. They can ensure these orders are issued independently, without the need for judicial involvement. If those subject to the order feel they have not been heard they can attempt to file a lawsuit against the maker of the order, something I uh, learned from… experience.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Oh yes, I am keenly aware of that. Yes.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Absolutely. Trials take long enough to organize as it is.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
They are at the very top of the thread containing the application format. I have read and agree to follow them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes. In the event I am unable to, I will let the faction lead know.
I do not have a skin prepared yet, that'd be overzealous. But the character below is like, 63. I have references of the kinds of attire he WOULD wear/what he'd look like.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr.
Current age: 63
Date of birth: 5 August 1961
Gender: Male
Academic Degree:
Bachelor In Jurisprudence (1979, Oxford University)
LLB (1982, Oxford University)
LLM (1985, Oxford University)
PhD in Law (1988, Oxford University)
Constitutional Law
Criminal Procedure and Evidence
International Comparative Law
Legal History
Magna Carta
Work Experience
- Internship and Pupilage:
These laws gave the Metropolitan police extraordinary powers to search people deemed to be acting ‘sus’, or suspiciously under the Vagrancy Act 1824 (UK). I was quite horrified by the abuses of this power I learned about accompanying the QC to seek justice for those ‘caught up’ in the string of arrests following riots amidst police operations during this period.
After completing vocational training, I went on to gain more practical experience during my Pupilage with this very same Barrister, Madelline. This was the final step before becoming a Junior Barrister myself. This pupilage saw me directly assisting Madelline with case preparation and performing actual legal work as opposed to the minor assistance and observation I was involved with during my internship.
- Junior Barrister in the UK
I garnered a reputation of being particularly successful at community organizing and representing VERY PARTICULAR clients pro bono, namely, those clients with which I was of the professional opinion... that they had ‘no case to answer’. Indeed, I went on to make such applications of no case to answer on behalf of those skillfully selected clients, with the overwhelming majority of them being accepted, resulting in the immediate release of the accused, without them needing to put on a defense. I did face my fair share of intense ridicule from colleagues for wearing long-waisted pants outside of the courtroom, but their failure to take me seriously often proved to work to my advantage. Crown Prosecutors in my day were such a fickle bunch!
- Becoming a QC
Nationality & born location:
United Kingdom, City of Oxford.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English
Criminal record:
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
During my post-graduate studies, I was able to learn about international comparative law. I was most fascinated by the peculiar legal arrangements of the prefecture of Karakura. From what I can wryly observe from here, there is an urgent need for passionate advocacy in this space, for staunch and experienced legal professionals to reinvigorate your legal profession. These bones may be old, but I can assure you they are still able: years of getting up and down making representations for the most vulnerable has left me in a position where I would relish the chance to assist, here, in this prefecture.
I would not want my International Comparative Law studies, and my election to study Japanese, a most arduous language to learn, to have been a waste or dismissed by my insufferable colleagues here as some silly parlor trick or trivia knowledge. I genuinely want to make a difference somewhere else.
I have taken the liberty of studying, albeit in brief, the history of this prefecture and the great deal of chaos within it, with much venom and hostility being directed towards the government. I should hope my presence and zealous advocacy of the people within it might go some way to securing a lasting peace. It would be a privilege to serve the people here, maintaining their confidences.
My time at the bar puts me in an extraordinary position to carefully study the legal disputes before they proceed and go before Karakura’s very overburdened Courts. I hope my advocacy in this space can be seen by your wise counsels as useful to this prefecture. Though… do be advised, should you choose to accept me, I shan’t be abandoning my wig.
Yours faithfully,
~Timothy R.
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