In-game Name:
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do, and I am able to use it whenever needed.
Timezone & Country:
EST, I live in Canada.
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
DENIED - KPD application:
Describe your activity on the server:
While i do not have a fixed predetermined schedule, i usually log on daily for a few hours during the afternoon/evening typically unless IRL obligations enter into conflict with my schedule. I will make sure to give out updates should my availability change.

What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?:
In the two years I've played SchoolRP, I’ve had the pleasure (and displeasure) of interacting with nearly every faction available on the server, and even actively involved myself in some of them. Though it was mainly CrimeRP under many different branches- DelinquentRP and YakuzaRP to be precise, i also had my fair share of interactions with what is labeled as GangRP, and this has led me to turn away from the CrimeRP side of the server due to the current state of the community and the fact that the faction hasn’t seen much development on an infrastructural level. I however have learned many things from DelinquentRP especially, such as detailed P2L actions and deep player-made storylines that spanned over several weeks and even months from my stay in Rakkiyatsu and ZEROS. Unfortunately, as mentioned before I believe I've seen pretty much all there is to see when it comes to it, and this has led me to gradually lose interest in the server as a whole since I also had no interest in regular StudentRP. This is why I've been looking for a brand new type of roleplay that is foreign to me for a while now, and I've concluded that the Lawyer role within the government faction would be a great way to give a breath of fresh air to my SchoolRP experience and rekindle my interest. Interestingly, I've considered directing my IRL studies towards law in hopes of becoming a lawyer- and while my choice has since shifted to a different career path I remain very interested in the profession, and as such would be very excited to involve myself in roleplay based on it. I’ve been a big fan of it ever since I watched TV shows when I was little so this would, in a way, allow me to put into action all the ideas that have been sprouting through my mind since then. I also have many ideas specific to the character I'm applying on, and acquiring this position would allow me to accomplish them. On a side-note, I consider myself as a very creative and outgoing person- and so I would be happy to bring my own personal touch to the faction as whole and, hopefully, leave a long-lasting imprint on the server through it.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
While I haven't memorized the entirety of the Karakura citizens' rights and the different types of felonies and misdemeanors that can be charged against somebody, I clearly understand the distinction between them, and will do my very best to memorize as much as I can should I be accepted. Before I can reach that point however, I will of course make use of any and all resources available to me to roleplay as accurately as I can and ensure that fair treatment is issued to all my clients.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes, of course. The main reason I decided to opt with my original character for this role is because he has undergone a vast and dense amount of development already, and I feel the lawyer role would be a good fit as the next step in the course I have in mind for him. I will try my very best to ensure that visible development is seen over a long period of time playing my character as a lawyer, and hopefully create a beautiful story. One thing to note however is that while I do have a specific idea when it comes to his linear progression, I'm very open to changes in its trajectory should I deem the setting appropriate, and most of the details surrounding his story are punctual. On a personal level, I consider myself as somebody that is constantly overflowing with new ideas that I would be glad to share with the rest of the faction, as I've previously done for the ZEROS’ unverified gang- and I of course know to keep to myself as well should my input not be appreciated, which I can understand very well without getting offended. I rarely hesitate to speak my mind, and so it is always appreciated to be told when I cross a line.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer’s primary duty is to protect and represent their client, and they may use various tools made at their disposal to achieve this, such as a deep and nuanced understanding of the jurisdiction system or incriminating evidence against the opposing party. A lawyer does not get the final say in anything, as their job is to convince the people in charge to make the right decision. They may be employed for a panoply of reasons, some of them not including the direct representation of a client in a court of room- indeed, a lawyer may simply act as an advisor to a client in various legal matters of differing magnitudes or merely be employed to manage a client's legal paperwork. They may also be required to complete essential tasks within the government like the filing of restraining orders or basic front desk work, and while it may seem like they don't have many tasks to tend to, those very tasks can vary a lot depending on the context or request made, and as such require full dedication in order to be completed adequately- something that i fully intend to uphold.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I of course understand that I am not entitled to my position. While I will try and ensure that such lengths will not be taken against me, I will accept any decision made at my expense.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I am planning on committing to this role as best I can should my application be accepted.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, of course. I've been a direct witness to OOC bias in the past, and it has disgusted me- it would be hypocritical of me to tolerate it if i'm the one doing it.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, i have.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I should be available most of the time, though unforeseen circumstances may arise.
Full name:
‘’My name is Heo Tokugawa.’’
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
‘’I would prefer to be referred as Mister Tokugawa.’’
Current age:
‘’I am 25 years of age.’’
Date of birth:
‘’I was born on the 2nd of February 1999.’’
‘’I am a male, and would like to be referred as such.’’
Academic Degree:
‘’I’ve acquired a bachelor’s degree in law and a Juris Doctorate degree at Kyoto University.’’
‘’I’ve acquired a major in communication and criminal justice.’’
‘’I’ve acquired a minor in legal studies, political science and cognitive science.’’
Work experience:
‘’While I've only recently obtained my degrees, I have worked as security in a bar and as a freelancer for a time. I would deem the internship I have completed at Yamamuratadao Law Office in Kyoto under the context of my scholarship as experience in itself however, and though it was not generously remunerated, the tutelage and guidance of esquire Aoi Watanabe made it a truly valuable experience.’’
Nationality & born location:
‘’I was born in Seoul, Korea, though i’ve been staying in Japan for long enough to obtain citizenship.’’
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
‘’Having lived in Korea for most of my childhood and teenage years, i am fluent in the Korean language- though my Japanese is just as good.’’
Criminal record:
‘’As I used to be a troublesome teen, I stayed in jail for a time during my youth due to assault- though it was only once, and I have since of course learned the errors of my way. My brief stay behind the bars has been eye-opening, and I have since vowed to stay very far from the influences that have led me astray. I do not have any felonies under my record, however- and i aim to keep it that way.’’
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
‘’Despite the fact that i have only recently integrated the work market, I have been studying with this job in mind for quite a long time, and I believe to be far more motivated than any other applicant due to this- after all, I've been working very hard for the past few years with this sole purpose in mind. Though I lack the sheer experience a veteran of the profession may have, I deem myself to already be much more capable than the vast majority of other applicants, with all due respect. I also believe myself to have acquired enough knowledge and proficiency through my classes and internships to conduct my role very well- having even handled a case myself at Yamamuratadao, successfully proving my client's innocence against the insurance fraud charges made against them despite Japan's 99.8 conviction rate. I however of course lack experience as a contracted worker, and therefore hope I can gain it alongside the rest of Karakura’s government. I deem myself to be able to become a great asset to the government of our city, and pledge to uphold the hefty expectations that will be set on my shoulders. Despite originally deviating my career path to law from criminal justice due to my adoptive father’s recommendations, my interest in this job has only been increasing since- without any signs of stopping. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that you will not regret having me work alongside your team, and I hope to have the opportunity of meeting you face to face soon.’’
‘’Yours sincerely,
Heo Tokugawa’’
I simply want to take a few lines to thank you for reading this application in its entirety, and I hope the hard work I put in it reached you successfully. Till next time, I hope!
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