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Accepted Lawyer | wesisnt's Application


Level 4

In-game Name:
(NOT! ‘wesnt’ or ‘userwesnt’ or ‘wethnt’)

Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Sure do.

Timezone & Country:
PST; I live in California, USA.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Spanish Application | wesnt
Spanish Re-Application | wesnt
Spanish Language Application | userwesnt
*Lawyer Application | userwesnt
Spanish Language Application | EL0TERO
Italian Language Application | wesnt
*Shrine Priest Application | wethnt
French Language Application | wesnt
JSL Application | wethnt

*Non-Language applications

Describe your activity on the server:
Ever since I came back to this server, I have been fairly active in various parts of the city. As of lately, I’ve tried branching out back into the CrimeRP aspect of the server (though I am not very experienced with writing a lot of fights). This does not mean I spend my time on a criminal character, as I have many others currently active at the moment.
My favorite characters that I have previously or currently played have to be the older men; it’s easy to make them realistic when you have a specific blend in mind for them. Mine tend to be grumpy, frail, a tad bit impatient, but that’s just something one could expect from old men. A second favorite would have to be the teenage girl or a prepubescent boy; there’s so much you can do to develop them.
Other than that, I get on in various intervals throughout the day, depending on which character I am in the mood for, and I keep to a small group. This doesn’t mean I am not open to new opportunities to roleplay with new people, it is just my usual process.
My designated time to log on varies, but I can be found online in the afternoon hours, since my job schedules me during the morning.


What position are you applying for?:
Re-Applying for the Lawyer position.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I spent a good amount of time as a lawyer before and I found the writing and the roleplaying aspect of it to be highly engaging, overall just fun to do. It’s also something that you don’t really see anywhere else on the server, even if you are part of the faction.
I resigned beforehand for reasons unspecified, but I found that I actually miss putting together arguments for my character to present in a courtroom; that single-handedly is the reason why I am currently applying for this position instead of the other available ones.
I have a decent spread of characters throughout the city; two of them in school, two of them adults, two old men, yet I find myself continuously drawn to this position because I feel comfortable with my knowledge of the law. Since my last time being in this position, I can say I have expanded my knowledge more than previously established, and I’m really excited to have a chance to use that once again.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, although I may need to refresh my memory, but that shouldn’t take very long at all.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I’ve had this character for a while already, and have occasionally updated her whereabouts to whoever asked when I hadn’t played her in a while. My goal for her is to make a name for herself, establish the kind of persuasion she holds within her binder to the public.
I want people to look forward to seeing Cordova assigned to their trial, maybe give them a little bit of hope for their character. I also want people to realize there is a lot of engaging roleplay to be found on the other side of the criminal aspect. I can’t completely say this is not based on the crime part of the server because it is a direct part of it.
In-character, Yasmin does truly care about the community and realizes there are still things to fight for in Karakura. She has been granted forgiveness by the world from her past mistakes as a teenager she previously felt guilt over, and she now pours all of that into her work.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Restating what I mentioned last time, there are several different types of attorneys that specialize in their own kind of branch. This position in particular is most commonly known as a trial lawyer, someone who presents an argument for their client currently on trial to get (if not the most favored outcome) possibly the most realistic verdict they can reach in a designated amount of time. If you wanted to get even more specific, the lawyers most commonly used on the server are trial lawyers that specialize in criminal cases (since criminal cases are not the only kinds that can be brought to trial).
They’re the most common example of an attorney, probably the one people usually think of first when they think of the word lawyer; criminal trials are probably the most commonly known type of trial in any case, most people get confused when we start getting into civil ‘suits or corporate hearings or property management or even will hearings.
Realistically, it could take years for a non-guilty plea to reach a courtroom, I’ve seen it firsthand. Within that time frame, an attorney is meant to be working on their presentation, dictation, and strategizing what they’re going to bring to the courtroom.
Back to basics; I feel as if prosecution and defense attorneys get mixed up in their own bubble of just ‘Lawyer,’ but I feel it is worth noting that they are actually meant to specialize in one specific side of the courtroom; a defense attorney will usually stick to defending clients, whether they be court-assigned (public defenders) or if they are able to find success with a company or solo-practice while a prosecutor will usually be backed by the state or a company specializing in law. Either way, they usually stick to their own suite.
However, to completely piggyback off what I said in my last application, every type of attorney has one goal in mind; give their client the best representation they’re looking for for the most positive outcome.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I don’t think this will be a problem.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Of course, I don’t want to give anything less.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I have done a good job of not letting that happen with my past trials.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
It would really have to depend on my schedule for work, but I should be able to. My schedule is usually set a week in advance, which is more than enough time for me to prepare statements and everything.


Full name:
Yasmin Cordova
(Formerly ‘Yasmin Núñez’)

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Miss Cordova
(An occasional ‘Dr. Cordova’ is also acceptable)

Current age:
39 years as of 2023

Date of birth:
August 21, 1984


Academic Degree:
-Criminal Justice (PhD)
-Juris Doctorate (J.D.)



-Forensic Science

Work experience:
Established before, I was introduced to the law previously through a mother who is an attorney along with an infamously rebellious younger sister; as one could guess, those two things don’t mix well in a singular household, especially when you have two teenagers going through the exact rebellious phase and they’re fueling each other.
After that phase was over, my mother thought it would be best to take us under her wing, and started as an intern at her firm; filing and sorting important documents. I’d occasionally guide her in the right direction sometimes without her noticing, but I noticed. I watched her take note of this new point she felt she came up with.

With this newfound motivation, I stayed around; my mother had no complaints, especially if it was keeping me and my sister out of trouble. She’d never let me out of her sight, though. She had an image; it’s one thing to be an esteemed lawyer, but to be attorney general of our state, she had high expectations of us. I was placed as a court reporter downtown, which took more time to train for than most people realize; those are no normal keyboards.
I documented every single one of my mother’s trials, on top of any other trials that were assigned to me. I was thankful to actually be in the courtroom, but I wasn’t satisfied if I wasn’t the one with the microphone.
Grueling work being a court reporter, but I made it through law school on my own. I made it through law school and passed the bar shortly after; all under the guise of satisfaction being a court reporter. My mother was thrilled and granted me an immediate position at her firm; this did not mean I would take trials with my own hands. No, I sat in council with her. It was rewarding, yes, but I never was fond of the side of prosecution; with mine and my sister’s history with the law, it was safe to assume I was always one to root for the underdog.
I powered through it for a while until I was able to actually take cases on my own without much influence from my mother; I was still in her shadow.
I left her firm in pursuit of being a defense attorney, much to her dismay. I started where every defense attorney does; public defender. State-assigned cases when people couldn’t afford a defense attorney on their own; rewarding morally, but not financially. I debated going back to my mother’s firm, but at the expense of what I loved doing? I pushed through being a public defender, enough to actually start my journey as a solo-practice defense attorney.
Bold choice, I’ll admit; dropping almost every support beam you have and uprooting a business as a solo-practice defense attorney is very high-risk, high-reward. My ex-husband worked as my marketing agent, since that’s the kind of business he majored in. Maybe there’s some truth behind people advising you to not work with who you’re dating (or was it the other way around?).

Nonetheless, I brought my work around the world with me after some time. I eventually landed in Karakura, a town infamous for the crime-rates, and continued my work at the town hall (which I just learned burned down?). I spent a great amount of time here; I think my best work was when I talked an assault case down from jail time to community service. Thankful for the grace of those judges that day.
I took a leave of absence to spend some more time with my family, but they’ve since left my nest. They’re off around the world; traveling, learning, doing things I definitely couldn’t when I was their age. But, I’m back and ready to speak for those without a voice again.

Political background:
After careful consideration, I would like to formally state that I stand by my previous statement. The law is not exempt from judgment, and we have to be mindful of who is behind the enforcement of it when putting people in a position like that.
I trust myself, and I trust the people that the people who currently hold this power in their hands have the best intentions of the community in mind.

Nationality & born location:
I was born in the state of Jalisco; I’m Mexican.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
I am fluent in the Japanese language, but my native language is Spanish.
I am encouraged by my ex-husband and my children to take on more languages, but these are enough for now.

Criminal record:

Being honest is something I highly value, and it’s important to hear things about me from myself rather than researching my public records, so I will explain what they hold.
I mentioned before how my sister and I are around the same age, meaning we went through the same rebellious phase at the exact same time. Not that we had the greatest influences to look up to besides our mother.
This resulted in a vandalism charge I got when I was a teenager; call it a direct result of an inattentive mother in a position of power to the city, teenage me was crying for attention and I got it in the only way I knew how. Community service for 12 months wasn’t enough.
Later was charged with petty theft, if that’s what you can call it. My mother and I would prefer to call it being reckless with the city’s cleaning supplies. County jail for 6 months, but I was eligible for parole.
Safe to say I never did something so stupid again.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
As I’ve mentioned before, people love to have an attorney with dirty laundry. Not so much skeletons in their closet, they like something more acceptable.
They want someone they can feel comfortable with, not someone looking for a quick buck. That’s where I come in.

I have experience in this city, I know how things work because I’ve personally seen it with my own eyes. I call myself an attorney and not a lawyer because I have training with the law and I passed the bar (though many people like to use the terms interchangeably); I have a fair amount of practice under my belt and I know my head is in the right place when it comes to people in this community. Crime rates are high, and people are looking for rehabilitation, someone who can empathize with them, a second chance at a normal life. I put my all into my work and I hope it showed when I was at the podium.
I feel I am a good candidate because I am open to compromise whereas some people think attorneys have a set goal in mind; many forget that being able to negotiate terms and conditions is an important aspect of being a great attorney, not simply arguing to argue. As I said before, once someone understands this difference, they’re surely going to be successful in their field.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying for the Government Faction, after careful review, the higher ups and I have decided to ACCEPT this application. Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 to begin setting everything up. Welcome back.

Thank you for applying, feel free to DM me at oZinth#0001 if you have any questions/concerns.

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