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maeussy | Maiden Application

IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I am on a daily basis that's for sure, and I'd classify myself as an active player. If we’re rating it out of 10, I’d place myself as an 8 or 9. Although I am on for multiple hours daily, I of course do take breaks between that, sometime’s to go do over activities or just grab drinks. I’m often on when the server is at its busiest which also happens to leave my work schedule unaffected due to how late I am online, although clearly it impacts my sleep schedule.​
My hours online are fairly flexible, and I can be on whenever. My only OOC responsibilities are really spending time with my family, and my job which isn’t too taxing and I work from home most days- so if I am needed for anything, I can rush online. Sometimes I will be watching movies with my family, or going out for dinner with them but it shouldn’t get in the way too much. I’m no longer a student, so luckily I don’t have anything such as homework to tie me down.​
It is important to note that I am on HS cheer which does require activity, however I would 100% be able to manage both however I do sometimes have practice on the weekend which could impact my availability slightly- but it only tends to be for an hour or so! I have previously been much more active on my main (triishlikefish) and I am often on as Tilly Minogue or Reibun Naito (and Isla Bautista, who I am less active on now), both of which I roleplay on a lot, usually a lot of it is fairly detailed writing too. Both characters listed above are quite different from each other, one is a very intense, serious character who suffers badly from nerves while the other is pretty much a stereotypical cheerleader- who is very silly. I think this displays how versatile I have gotten at having characters who are different from each other (which used to be something I struggled with). However my overall point is that I actively engage in, or make roleplay.​
The chart below displays my time availability: (these are subject to change depending on if i go to the pub, watch a movie etc.)
7PM - 4AM​
7PM - 4AM​
7PM - 4AM​
7PM - 4AM​
7PM -1AM​
8PM - 4AM​
8PM - 4AM​
List your current roles on the server:
Currently on my main account I have my HS Cheer tag on my primary spot, a Masters college tag on an alternate spot and just an ordinary grade 12 as well.​
Link any previous applications:
(all from my old forums account before I forgot the password and made this newer one!)​
Filipino App ACCEPTED​
TA App ACCEPTED (this one is ANCIENT)​
Event Team App DENIED​
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I am applying for Maiden.​
What is your motivation for applying?
This faction has caught my eye for a while now- even when my old friend Ivette was in it, I remember telling her I wanted to apply, and she encouraged me. Unfortunately at the time life had other plans for me, and so I decided against it. I often go up to the shrine a lot, especially when not many people are online just because of how BEAUTIFUL it is. The build team really captured the right vibe perfectly. I’ve roleplayed there a few times- for instance at New Years events, or just using the hot springs and it just seems really interesting to me. I remember seeing a performance done by some of the maidens a while ago and it was just so stunning- from the thought out movements, to the detailed actions. As a Cheerleader I relate to the amount of time and effort that would have gone into that. I absolutely love writing, and of course I love cheer but I think it would be really fun to try out something different than the Teams faction, and roleplay in a different environment.​
I’ve already been in a few other adult factions before, However I don’t think any of them were exactly for me. They were fun but something didn’t quite click, So i’d really love to try something fresh that I’ve never done before! I can imagine the writing for this faction is vastly different from ems, kpd and teams, which would be really interesting to experience and learn from. For quite a long time, I’ve mostly just been on teams and so i’m very used to the quick paced, rivalry heavy roleplay which is so entertaining, but I’d love to try something different. I don’t have much knowledge on Shintoism, but I’d love to take this as an educational opportunity, and learn more about it. Overall there are loads of pros to this faction, and I'm 100% interested in it!​
I am better at adapting to different characters now- I used to have the curse of only really being able to roleplay out 1 certain stereotyped character, but I feel as though that has recently changed due to my vasty different characters Reibun Naito (who is a trad goth, and super intense) and Tilly Minogue (a cheerleader, need i say more.) These contrasting characters have pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I love both of them so much, and I really hope that having a Maiden character might bring me another unique experience, something that’s different from the usually ‘silly’ characters I used to stick to.​
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I have fairly shallow knowledge about it, which is mostly from google and stored knowledge from the time I previously wanted to apply, but ended up scrapping the application.​
Basic knowledge + What is Shintoism?
It is a popular religion in Japan. It is a Polytheistic (meaning more than 1 god- or in this case Kami) and Animistic religion. The Kami are believed to be all around them- within all things for example, forces within nature, and landscapes, as well as concepts such as fertility etc. Followers of Shintoism pray to the Kami. (This is mostly all I know so far, but I’d love to learn even more.) I also know that death is considered ‘impure’ (I may be completely wrong.) in Shintoism, so cemeteries are often not built near shrines! In addition there is a certain type of funeral called ‘Sosai’ which helps people pass on purely.​
Torii gates:
A Torii gate is a traditional Japanese gate that is often seen at the entrance of/ or within Shinto shrines- a few can be found in SRP! Symbolically, it signifies the transition, or liminality between the ‘mundane’ to the sacred. Typically Kami are welcomed to travel through them.​
This is something I remember from the time I was previously going to apply!​
When bowing, it follows the order of Two bows (all the way down, before praying to the Kami) Then Two claps follow, in a praying position. Then a final, singular bow signifies the end!​
My knowledge on this is not great, but I do know that cleansing hands is important before entering the shrine.​
Character Full Name:
Kima Katou​
Character Title:
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Kima was never able to finish higher education- she is grossly unqualified for most jobs.​
Kima Katou- a lone individual from the moment she was conceived. Born to two loving yet distant parents, Kima grew up in a world where affection was often assumed, not shown. Her parents were preoccupied with their careers. Her mother, a respected barrister, was known for her sharp intellect and relentless work ethic. Her father, an architect, was perpetually lost in the blueprints of his next project, always planning, building, and dreaming- except when it came to his daughter. Although Kima obviously knew they loved her- they had to right? they're her parents. They never inherently showed it. Kima often found herself wondering if the love she assumed was real, or if it was just another thing in her life she had to create in her mind.​
Her mother, Mrs. Katou, was a distant figure- without a nurturing bone in her body; no, that part of her had been long dried up, even before Kima was born. Perhaps Kima was what sucked it out of her- at least that’s what she subconsciously thought (perhaps her mother did too.) after eavesdropping one unfortunate night. Kima remembered overhearing a hushed conversation between her parents about postpartum depression. She was too young to understand it fully, but as the years passed, the distance between her and her mother never closed. Their exchanges were brief, functional, as if Kima was just another part of the day to manage. The warmth that Kima longed for seemed perpetually out of reach. Her father, on the other hand, would occasionally bring home his latest architectural designs, excited to share them. The complex lines and detailed plans meant nothing to young Kima, yet she did understand the joy imprinted upon his expression. She’d sit quietly, pretending to be interested, hoping that his eagerness to share his work with her meant he cared. But deep down, she knew that his passion was for his creations, not for her. Despite the lack of affection, it only made her want to strive more, perhaps for an ounce of interest from both parents. A decision that was ultimately fruitless. No matter how hard she tried, they just kept on working- for the 'betterment' of her future, or at least that's what she told herself- it was entirely possible that this was another unhealthy delusion, inside a child’s mind.

School was no sanctuary either. While her parents' indifference was quiet, her classmates were much more vocal. "Tryhard," "Teacher's pet," "Snitch." These were the labels thrown at her- none of which she actually understood, nor could she understand why they mocked her. Wasn’t working hard supposed to be a good thing? But like droplets, drumming against a rock, erosion eventually happens. Their words wore her down; It started with small things- raising her hand in class less, participating less. Then her grades began to slip, and she found herself increasingly isolated. What had once been her refuge- academics- was now a source of stress and self-doubt.

Things spiralled until the bubble burst. It was no longer something she could just ignore. A screaming fit was what her parents were met with when she got home- something they’d never seen before, but they almost seemed to ignore it. This lashing out consisted for weeks and still her parents ignored the issue. Her father was ‘too busy with projects’ to care, so he’d coup himself up in his study, while her mother went to bed early. Kima couldn’t make sense of her feelings. "Why don’t they like me? Is it me? Is it them? What did I do wrong? Should I try harder?" Kima had always believed if she tried hard enough, she could fix things. But now, that belief was crumbling. Her parents, ill-equipped to handle this side of their daughter, were at a loss. They barely knew her. The only version of Kima they had ever recognized was the one represented by the certificates pinned to the fridge.​
And then, everything went quiet.​
Kima found herself at a slightly unkempt station. waiting for her grandmother, a woman she had met only a handful of times. Clutched in her hand was a faded photograph of an older woman- her only point of reference. The woman who approached was much different, with many more grey hairs and wrinkles- certainly not the sprightly woman in the photo; she was a much more fragile version now, as if the photo hadn’t developed properly. Still, despite how unfamiliar, she welcomed Kima with a warm embrace; and for the first time in years, Kima felt like someone was holding her- not just physically, but emotionally. Tears streamed down Kima's face like a baby- her wailing filling the silence of the serene countryside. At that moment, 16-year-old Kima realised she wasn’t just in a new town, ‘Nikko’- she was stepping into a new life. In truth, she didn’t quite know where it even was.. She hadn’t paid enough attention in either history or geography lessons- but she did know that it was a clean slate.​
Living with her grandmother was an adjustment, but it was also a relief. Unlike her parents' cold efficiency, her grandmother’s home was warm and cluttered with memories- it was fairly messy, but that suited Kima well; often tidying it would give her something to do. It was a lively home- Kima wasn’t used to it, but it was her home now. The aroma of burning incense, old books and .. probably a leak somewhere- there was a touch of dampness to the air, filling her nostrils, while her ears often heard the constant sound of her grandma’s slippers shuffling across the floor. A sound that was always there, and was never going to leave. How perfect. The locals of Nikko knew her grandmother well, often remarking how much Kima resembled her, from their slight hunch to their shared quiet demeanour. Kima didn't even realise about herself, and would often sit at night, feeling the small lump her bad posture had left by her neck; which was often somewhat sore. The energetic, hardworking kid wasn't there anymore, at least in Kima's opinion, but Grandma Katou who was wise beyond her years would always smile knowingly and say, “You’ll surprise yourself one day. I can see more than you.” Yeah, certainly with those thick lenses she could. The corner of her eyes creased with deep wrinkles as she smiled- her eyes practically disappeared. Kima couldn’t quite believe her, but the way the sentence was delivered with warmth gave her hope.​
It became a habit for Kima to follow her grandmother to the local shrine- it almost became something she looked forward to, especially during the build up to festivals, and the day of them too. One day, during their frequent visits to the local shrine, Kima found herself mesmerised by the flurry of activity around the upcoming festival. The bright colours, the sounds, the bustling people making sure all preparations were done in time. And of course she adored seeing the traditional garments worn by many. After seeing Kima so fascinated by them, her grandmother decided it was time Kima had her own Kimono and despite living modestly she bought one- which was pricey to say the least, but Granny Katou didn't mind, Kima was so happy with it, and continues to wear the same one over and over. It adorned vibrant colours: green, pink, blue- and some simple thread work too. To some it was 'so-so', but it was Kima's everything. Her first gift from her grandmother. Actually It was the first real gift she had ever received- something that was just for her.

It was around this time that Kima began to feel a deep connection to the shrine, to the rituals, and to the peace that came with each visit. She didn’t realise it then, but this was the start of her journey into Shintoism.​
(I listened to the song while writing this backstory, and thought it was semi fitting! 'Vienna' Billy Joel)
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Timid by nature, Kima is rather unintentionally uptight while walking around. Often she is so stressed that a long soak in the hot springs is required for all her locked up muscles. Being tense for hours on end is uncomfortable to say the least. Her posture while strolling around is.. Well it's not straight to say the least! Unfortunately it was possibly too far gone to fix, as she naturally shrunk back in on herself, ready to hide in her ‘shell’ at any sudden noise. However no matter how timid she is, she always shows respect to the shrine grounds; always making sure her hands are cleansed, always bowing before the Torii gates, these were things Kima was used to doing back home. When finding herself particularly unoccupied, she tends to sweep up, keeping the shrine in tip-top tidy conditions. Or was this just an excuse for her to quietly busy herself.. So no one talks to her. Either Way, she worked hard and used her own past experiences to always bow and pray correctly, setting a good example for any visitors!​
(Example action):​
Kima grasped onto a broom, with clammy hands. She kept readjusting them, sliding them up and down the handle after every few sweeps. Accidentally stirring up dust into the air, Kima began a small coughing fit- trying to stay as quiet as possible she held a hand over her throat, while the other slapped onto her mouth.. Completely forgetting about the broom she was previously holding, that just fell smack down onto the ground. Thank god no one saw that! After the coughing subsided, she sheepishly shuffled towards the broom, picking it up, yet from the corner of her eye, someone approached. With a meek smile she greeted them. “Hello..! Welcome. Is there anything I can help you with?’’ Patiently awaiting an answer, Kima just stood still with the broom in her hands- looking rather clueless to the naked eye. “Feel free to look around, and come to me if you need any assistance!’’ Another smile creased her features.​
Speaking of visitors… Kima always greets guests with a smile- not a particularly wide one.. And she may look as if she’s about to cry, but a smile is still a smile! No matter how nervous she appears to anyone, she is always ready to greet and welcome guests with respect. It almost seemed as if she tried to stand up straighter when greeting and guiding people- was she trying to seem more put together? It looked a little silly, and uncomfortable.. With Kima often reaching back to massage her back while no one is looking. Just like how she was welcomed into Shintoism, Kima wishes to give other people that same experience, so she always tries her best to set a good example, and be as helpful as possible in hopes for the guests return. It always lights up her face if she sees a familiar re-visiting face. Although she’s not a great conversationalist, and often stutters a little, she’ll try to be as informative as possible- to share the beauty of Shintoism.​
(Example action):​
Kima approached a group of guests entering. In her head she probably thought she was grinning from ear to ear- but in person it was MUCH more subtle. Just a slight upwards curve of her lips. “Hello, Welcome to Shinei Seinaru Monastery!’’ Her voice wavered- an unstableness to it as she spoke. Now she was starting to sound like she could cry at any moment too. “I hope you enjoy your visit. Let me know if you need anything. If you’d like a tarot reading feel free to ask!”​
It appears that she is more relaxed around fellow shrine staff- or perhaps that’s what she’s trying to be perceived as.. Yet she still seemed to have a stiff, hunched posture, and displayed small nervous habits such as playing with hair, and stuttering. Yet she is very grateful for this opportunity to be a part of a community again, no matter how hard it is to adapt to it. On RARE occasions she may even attempt some jokes with her colleagues.. But she may as well be reading them off a piece of paper in an old peoples home- joking isn’t her forte. For the majority of the time, Kima remains to be fairly respectful to them all, though mostly just because she desperately wants them to like her, and feels that being formal is the best way to go. However she seems more intense by doing so; almost robotic. Perhaps she needed some lessons. No matter how uncomfortable she may accidentally make others feel, Kima always carries her weight around by doing any tasks given by higher ups, and generally tries to be helpful. Deep down she’ll always be a tryhard- even if it isn’t for her parents approval now.​
(Example action)​
Kima stood still like a ghost- she shared the complexion of one too. All she managed to do was stare intensely at a familiar face- ‘am i staring too much? How hard is too hard..’ Her bottom lip trembled, she was teetering between crying or not. “Greetings, Mrs (name).” Indeed she was staring too hard, and was all too aware of it now. Her solution: to look away at full speed, afterall Kima wouldn’t want them to feel uncomfortable. She stood, shrinking back further and further. Twirling a stray strand of hair between her bony fingers. “Rather exquisite weather today, don’t you agree?” EXQUISITE?! Who says that! Kima practically mentally face palmed herself.​
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
While it certainly wasn’t something Kima was used to at the shrine she used to frequently visit, she had an idea or two of how to deal with the situation. Maybe it’s a Karakura thing to treat everyone and everything with disrespect? Her only disadvantage here being her shyness.. And a very hushed voice. Of course she’d still make attempts to remind the guest/s that this is a place to be respectful towards, and act accordingly in.​
(Example action):​
Kima coughed, clearing her throat a little. “Ahem.. e-excuse me? Hello- yes you! Please get down from there, for both your sake and the buildings! Not only is that dangerous.. It’s massively disrespectful too. I think this place deserves just as much respect as you expect to get treated with.” A familiar meek smile that often adorns her face briefly flashed- though as always she still looked like she was just on the edge of crying. Perhaps something was just in her eye?​
Of course if the guest persists, and continued to act with disrespect then Kima would get a little more stern- although there is a limit to this. She’s not particularly confident, and while she’d love to deal with it on her own, she may need a bit of assistance from other staff if this continues.​
(Example action): Another cough parted her lips, though this time it was a lot more forced than the last. It was a grasp for attention, not clearing her throat. “I’ve informed you already that this is a place you need to be respectful to. This is a sacred and pure space. If you cannot respect it, I kindly suggest you should rethink your visit here. We don’t need any paperwork from you falling off the roof, and the shrine CERTAINLY doesn’t deserve this level of disrespect.” Wow, it almost sounded like she had raised her voice.. Not by much though. “Please do not make me, or any other shrine staff warn you again. This is supposed to be a peaceful environment, and you are disrupting the experience for other people. This is your final warning before I bring this to the attention of my higher ups. Thank you!” GULPED. That took a lot of guts, I mean Kima practically was shaking, she had to hold her own hand still. Either she was intimidated.. Or annoyed by the sheer lack of disrespect she had just witnessed. What do they feed kids here?​
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Kima’s introduction to Shintoism:
Perhaps it was the routine of visiting the shrine with her grandma, the calming atmosphere, or the sense of belonging she felt there, but Kima began to immerse herself in the spiritual practices. What had once been an occasional visit with her grandmother turned into something more- had she finally found a sanctuary? She questioned, each time she entered the worship hall- her soft footsteps pit-a-patting against the floor. Granny Katou wasn’t just nurturing in the physical sense—she nourished Kima’s spirit as well. A former Shinto priestess, her grandmother was deeply connected to the spiritual traditions of Japan, and she slowly introduced Kima to the teachings and rituals of Shintoism. They would spend hours together at the local shrine. Her grandmother taught her about the kami, the spirits believed to inhabit all things, from the trees to the rivers to the very mountains themselves. Kima learned to appreciate the quiet beauty of the natural world, something she had never truly experienced in the concrete jungle of Tokyo. The spiritual practices of purification, offerings, and prayers became a part of her daily life.​
For Kima, the shrine was a sanctuary. The familiar smell of burning incense and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze worked like a balm, dulling her senses in the best way possible. The outside world, with all its noise and chaos, felt distant, as though it couldn't touch her here. The soft chirping of birds mixed with the faint sound of Suzu bells ringing in the distance- a clear, refreshing sound.​
Kima’s faith in Shintoism has always been grounded in love and respect for her grandmother- who unfortunately passed after Kima turned 20. In turn, this likely pushed Kima even closer to the religion- it was something they bonded over, so staying committed made her feel even closer to her. Kima constantly yearns for peace within, her grandmother was able to bury the self doubt within her, yet without that guidance, it is something that resurged within Kima- hopefully Shintoism could bring back that peace. So, Miss Katou continued with her life, becoming more and more connected with the faith that so greatly moved her. In-fact before she would stick by her grandmother's side, creating a wall between Kima and some of the other Shintoists in the area, yet the sudden lack of her presence meant that she HAD to connect with more people. Eventually after believing in the faith for years, and learning MOST of the ins and outs of it, Kima felt ready to take the next step- to become a Maiden.​

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