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Make GangRP Great Again


Level 32
28th December 2022

Personally I feel like a lot of people can agree to this, Why should we ask someone permission to kill a character if they have been attached to that character the person/player will of course say no to them being killed. I feel like if a player manages to get KPS (Kill Permissions) on said players character they should be able to take that characters life. We shouldn't need to ask permission it would be the players own fault for losing that character.

I personally believe this will bring a lot of people back to Gangrp if the staff did the rules right so it benefits both parties. Taking some rules from the major gangrpers and of course the crime side of the staff team. This also would benefit the server as it'll bring back how Gangrp used to be like and bringing this back will be the chance to revive Gangrp. I do feel that if this rule goes away that a lot of people will be able to go back to Gangrp.

Thank you for reading If you have your own opinion you can say it below in the comments ~ From Carnage


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

I get where you are coming from when it comes to wanting KPS back. and as Customable said, there are gangrpers out there that are only here for the permissions and not for the Roleplay aspect on a Roleplay server. If the staff can find some way on adding more ways for people to get kps on others(Still keeping the OOC consent rule but just adding on more ways to bypass that, kinda like how they did with officers) then I am all for that.


Level 12
+1 / Neutral

The only thing is the fact that some people only GangRP for the permissions, like Customable and Dark said. However, I would prefer the rules to be set to how they were previously due to people being able to easily bypass their beloved character being killed.


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
-1 / +1 | Leaning on -1.

On the plus side, I do agree that Gangrp was more active when KPS was a thing. However, on the downside, it disappoints me to see that Gangrp was primarily filled by people who inevitably left when KPS was removed. Why? Connecting the ties, the people who left after KPS was removed were obviously here for, as Customable said, permissions. Gangrp was full of people who were so desperate for permissions that it wasn't even RP anymore, it was just PVP. I, for one, dislike that factor. I know a lot of people will say or think that "well, ur just trying not to have your precious character killed!" and to that, I disagree. I sometimes participate in Gangrp for the risk of losing my character as I find it thrilling. The reason I supported KPS being removed was not that I believe that people shouldn't have their character killed, but I do believe it's a consequence that ALL gangrpers must be aware of.

I wholeheartedly agree that Gangrp was partially killed off by the removal of KPS. I also agree that it was the people who only cared about perms and not actual rp that were the ones that, for the most part, left. I hoped that those gangrpers wouldn't leave and that they would actually attempt to benefit from actually rping but it seems Heb's plan backfired. Puts a frown on my face but oh well

I think Gangrp can be great. In my opinion, I do also think that saying KPS is what makes gangrp great is wrong. It's the RP, not the permissions. If only a lot of people recognized the potential of criminal roleplay and actually attempted to use it.


Level 134
28th December 2022
Personally I feel like a lot of people can agree to this, Why should we ask someone permission to kill a character if they have been attached to that character the person/player will of course say no to them being killed. I feel like if a player manages to get KPS (Kill Permissions) on said players character they should be able to take that characters life. We shouldn't need to ask permission it would be the players own fault for losing that character.
I personally believe this will bring a lot of people back to Gangrp if the staff did the rules right so it benefits both parties. Taking some rules from the major gangrpers and of course the crime side of the staff team. This also would benefit the server as it'll bring back how Gangrp used to be like and bringing this back will be the chance to revive Gangrp. I do feel that if this rule goes away that a lot of people will be able to go back to Gangrp.

Thank you for reading If you have your own opinion you can say it below in the comments ~ From Carnage

Removing kill permissions weeded out the gangrpers who lacked interesting roleplay or care for a compelling storyline. GangRP, albeit less active, is way better now and is the best that it's ever been. Of course, there are those who used their kill perms interestingly, but it's a matter of responsibility. SRPers proved they could not handle that permission, and the correct course of action was done to enact punishment. People DO and HAVE agreed to kill permissions, and it really isn't all that uncommon.

I want to mention that there is already a rework in progress for adding soft kill permissions for players who participate in gangs. (Unless that's changed in the past month or two)


Level 32
Thread starter
I also understand that people may get attached to a certain character however, If you get kps on someone you should be able to use them without being punished ocly instead just keeping it all ICLY. but yes I do understand that people may like or even love that character.


Level 57
There are tons of players who never played GangRP, they got involved by some kind of accident, no one wants to lose their character, especially players who don't play GangRP, I've seen two people already quit due to losing their character and quit SRP and never contacted me again, Undoubtedly, this is a great blow to a person who just wants to seriously immerse himself in an ordinary life, and many of these people have certain psychological barriers and mental illnesses, which is why they choose to pin their hopes on in a virtual world. I don't want that to happen again.
This is also the main reason why I have been against GangRP. in my opinion, GangRP should not exist in SRP, not everyone in this world wants to find excitement in the game, and these people want to find themselves in the game, help them regain confidence, not let The game goes further to hurt them.


Level 32
Thread starter
There are tons of players who never played GangRP, they got involved by some kind of accident, no one wants to lose their character, especially players who don't play GangRP, I've seen two people already quit due to losing their character and quit SRP and never contacted me again, Undoubtedly, this is a great blow to a person who just wants to seriously immerse himself in an ordinary life, and many of these people have certain psychological barriers and mental illnesses, which is why they choose to pin their hopes on in a virtual world. I don't want that to happen again.
This is also the main reason why I have been against GangRP. in my opinion, GangRP should not exist in SRP, not everyone in this world wants to find excitement in the game, and these people want to find themselves in the game, help them regain confidence, not let The game goes further to hurt them.
Personally if you create a character that you do not wish to lose. Do not join in on Gangrp it's that simple. People who leave SRP over a characters death is just petty in my opinion. Also I completely understand that people may suffer from all kind of different stuff in the real world so please do not bring these types of topics up in a positive/negative (you get what I mean by positive/negative thread) thread.


Level 32
Thread starter
I once had a character who I had for 2 years straight (Varian Ito Hashirama) who was recently killed in 2020 I think. You can always create characters that have roughly the same personality traits as that character doesn't mean you'll lose that one forever just make an even better one.


Level 36

legit because staff are already talking about bringing it back but to a level of extent where it’s good and revives Gangrp, however still being restricted slightly.

-1 simply because staff were already talking about it


Level 4
28th December 2022
Personally I feel like a lot of people can agree to this, Why should we ask someone permission to kill a character if they have been attached to that character the person/player will of course say no to them being killed. I feel like if a player manages to get KPS (Kill Permissions) on said players character they should be able to take that characters life. We shouldn't need to ask permission it would be the players own fault for losing that character.
I personally believe this will bring a lot of people back to Gangrp if the staff did the rules right so it benefits both parties. Taking some rules from the major gangrpers and of course the crime side of the staff team. This also would benefit the server as it'll bring back how Gangrp used to be like and bringing this back will be the chance to revive Gangrp. I do feel that if this rule goes away that a lot of people will be able to go back to Gangrp.

Thank you for reading If you have your own opinion you can say it below in the comments ~ From Carnage
-1 'great again' as if it was ever great, the GangRP community was always extremely toxic.


Level 4
+1/-1 leaning towards -1

After being a part of gangrp for almost a year, seeing the roleplay when KPS wasn't consented and then it being switched to consented, my personal belief is that it would be what Customable stated above. Only verified and possibly unverified gangs being able to perform unconsented KPS, so it does not remove the concept of KPS entirely but still remains fair in a way. Yes, it is a consequence for majoring a person, but I do not believe that should result in them losing a character they have put countless hours and development into. I believe if they want to lose their character, they can decide that for themselves. A lot of people within gangrp, including me when I was a part of it, enjoyed the detailed roleplay and lore behind gangrp more than the quick (barely even rp) permissions which has no lore or story to them. A lot of majors I did were to people who I had character lore and beef with and would let my own character get majored for the lore. I do not believe my character should be unconsentedly killed for that reason unless it fits within the lore. Killing people's characters for the reason to just kill them for permissions/activity isn't roleplay at all (in my opinion). My own personal belief is that unconsented KPS should be given to verified, and possibly unverified gangs, due to the fact that they can use it as lore and development for certain reasons like someone leaves, someone reveals information, re-sells items, harms/majors one of their own, etc etc. Not to just kill characters for activity. A gang should not be ranked based on how much activity they have but how much lore and story they have within it. There is no 'making gangrp great again' with rules, make it great in your own way. You can create so much lore and story with you and your friends and agree to your own activities. Rules to not make gangrp great, the roleplay does.

Again- this is all my personal opinion.


Level 121
I bypassed this thing when I was a bmd
I just gave people KPS for free if they catch people lacking

-1 'great again' as if it was ever great, the GangRP community was always extremely toxic.
Simply a skill issue.
you acting like you roleplayed with the entire community and took notes of everyones behaviour.
During my time gangrping
i saw toxic people & annoying people

but i also met with people who are really great, some who I even became nice friends with.
I saw nice & kind people, people who really put roleplay > winning and people who put fun > roleplay
in the end, I saw more nice people than I saw toxic & annoying people.


Level 113

Speaking from personal experience, no. I've gotten myself into KPS because of a plushie, and my lack of knowledge in permissions, mainly because I never got involved in GangRP. Some frequent GangRP could easily bait someone into KPS even if they didn't mean to, because the other lacks a good knowledge in how GangRP works.

Are the permission rules in the /rules? Yes, I know they are, but people who don't GangRP will most likely pay little attention to permissions, since they don't expect to use them.

I feel a lot better knowing that my highly developed characters won't die because of an incident involving a doll again.

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