Hello, I made this thread so we could all share our best memories with the retired staff member; WiffyBanter who did a great service. You can share screenshots, quotes, and much much more. Even little goodbyes.

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I see my ss of him being unemployed there sob sobHello, I made this thread so we could all share our best memories with the retired staff member; WiffyBanter who did a great service. You can share screenshots, quotes, and much much more. Even little goodbyes.
YO ME AND HER USED TO BE FRIENDS, the memories, i used to play on her sticky piston serveri remember being jealous that he was friends with okami artist (amy)
swc?YO ME AND HER USED TO BE FRIENDS, the memories, i used to play on her sticky piston server
i forgot to respond BUT YEAHswc?
LOL Why are these posts reminding me of even more memories... Was Teaching a history class my students started laughing I turned around Banter appeared behind me then kept doing it trying to "help me with my class" lolOne time I was teaching a class back when I was a college professor. I had difficulty getting the kids to actually sit and do work and the God WiffyBanter came in and told everyone if they’re not there to learn then get the hell out of his classroom