Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
Discord name & tag:
What timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Pending - Mewmis Event Team Application
Mewmis || Event Team Application What is your Minecraft Username: Mewmis Describe your activity as a player of the server: I would say my activity is rather moderate! I am a student so I can only be online for a few hours at a time during the weekdays, usually varying from 3-4. Very rarely...
Describe your activity on the server:
I try to be as active as possible in SRP. I am a student so it will usually be hard for me to log on for long hours during weekdays. Usually on Mondays-Fridays I can be spotted online for 3-4 hours at a time. Please note, I have medical problems that cause me to struggle with fatigue and due to this I may not be on at all some days. Other than that, I attempt to stay online for long hours. Most of the time, I will involve myself with roleplay and find new people to talk to. I am very social in SRP and because of this, I am usually on for extended periods! There can be a huge jump in my activity on the weekends. During these days, I am on for around 8-12 hours at a time.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have done gangrp for a few months. I started off as someone who knew VERY little to absolutely nothing and over the course of a few months, my knowledge of it grew. I have luckily worked my way up and obtained the role of a vice-captain. Obviously I was very proud of this and although it wasn't a lot, I felt I had improved. Most of my time on this server has been spent hanging out with people I am close to in my gang. The hours we spent with each other would be used by doing some of the dumbest things and getting either close to arrested or detained. Recently, I have had a fall out in the gangrp community. I am no longer enjoying time by just vandalizing or jumping people as it can get very boring. Due to this, I resigned. For a little while, I have been drawn to the idea of joining KPD. I had thought about applying a little before I got to be accepted into a gang and once I was, I was kind of in a spot where I would definitely see KPD a lot more. I think because of this, I was more entertained by the idea of an officer rather than a gang member. I think I have had my fun in the gangrp community and I am ready to move on to something else. However, this is not the only reason I am here applying. Like I stated before, I usually had spent my time running around with people that I am close to in my gang. Running around while in a VC is fun, yes, but it is not roleplay. I came to this server solely seeking the opportunity to RP. I feel that if you are not properly involved, then the amount of roleplay you can experience is rather limited. In my eyes, KPD is a faction that offers more of that roleplay than a lot of other factions do. Joining KPD would open a chance to actually expand roleplay that is not only entertaining, but also varies.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
As this is my first application, I will try to explain the best I can. I am not that educated on police work however, I am able to recite the basics.
This faction requires people to work together as a whole rather than wandering off as one. The police force offers many different tasks that can vary from the easiest stuff such as paperwork to the most difficult, such as dealing with a kidnapping. These different tasks should all be taken with care and respected, no matter how hard or how easy each one is. Police work includes a wide range of responsibilities and duties aimed at maintaining public safety, enforcing the law, and preventing crime by taking action. This is a force that takes a lot of dedication and respect from others and from co-workers.
Listed below are a few things that I have learned from doing gangrp and observing what cops have and behavior.
- Handcuffs are used as a temporary restraint that are used to keep a person's wrists close together. They make it easy to keep control of someone without escalating a situation and causing a turn for the worse where someone can be hurt.
- Breathalyzers are occasionally used to check if an individual has recently ingested alcohol.
- Batons are usually used for defense in combat. A baton is usually long, making it hard for an attacker to grab or hit you.
- Luminol spray can be used when revealing blood on items like weapons.
- Pepper spray is used to blind an attacker and temporarily remove threats.
- Radios are used to communicate with other officers. They are often used to send codes to other officers, alerting them in times of need.
- Body cams are used to record the environment of an officer and review situations.
- Stun-blasters are used on people who try to flee from officers
- Badges are used as an identification tool for other officers and the public.
- First-aid kids are used in medical situations where someone is in need of help and EMS may not show up in time.
- Crowbars are tools that help officers pry open things such as doors and chests when used to raid or whenever they may be needed most.
Obviously, this is not a lot. I do believe that I am pretty quick at learning and will be able to pick up on things efficiently, without wasting much time.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police are a key point in SchoolRP. They are there to maintain safety within the community, eliminating threats and crime in the potential area. Without police, the city of Karakura would fall into chaos, crime being the center issue. There could be a potential stabbing at some point. Who will be there to help if EMS won't arrive in time to aid your character? KPD will. Who will be there when you are getting harassed by a gang? KPD will. The police act as a crucial part of the server, making things more fun for the people of SchoolRP and more entertaining for those who GangRP. With a large amount of the server participating in GangRP, the KPD acts as the perfect solution to weigh it all out perfectly. Not only are they helpful to keep the server in control, they make the roleplay aspect stand out.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police are a key point in SchoolRP. They are there to maintain safety within the community, eliminating threats and crime in the potential area. Without police, the city of Karakura would fall into chaos, crime being the center issue. There could be a potential stabbing at some point. Who will be there to help if EMS won't arrive in time to aid your character? KPD will. Who will be there when you are getting harassed by a gang? KPD will. The police act as a crucial part of the server, making things more fun for the people of SchoolRP and more entertaining for those who GangRP. With a large amount of the server participating in GangRP, the KPD acts as the perfect solution to weigh it all out perfectly. Not only are they helpful to keep the server in control, they make the roleplay aspect stand out.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Masako Kimura
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she / her
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Grade - 12
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Japanese Sign Language, Spanish
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Masako is a fairly young woman, standing at an astounding height of 5'5 however she looked rather small, weighing around 110 LBS. Masako had a face of porcelain with no trace of a blemish left anywhere. Her eye's were a darker color accompanied by a natural sparkle, giving that effect of a midnight sky. A beauty mark sat on the outer corner of her right eye of her pale skin. Her light, wavy hair flowed down her back almost perfectly. Her fashion seemed rather typical for a woman in her late 20's, dressing in clothes that were a bit more modest than what you usually see young adults wearing. She sort of looked like she was one to try and keep up with what people were wearing nowadays so her outfit wasn’t all that boring..
Although Masako has just about a beautiful complexion, there is more to it. Due to Masakos traumatic encounters she has had as a child, she has gained a few physical scars. Some of these are usual scars that you may find on anyone. A healed cut on her knee, a mishap of some sort to give her a taint scar, etc. One of these many memories stood out the most. A burn scar on the palm of her hand was a bit faint yet very noticeable. The scar tells enough memories itself and from viewing over Masakos past, it was almost certain as to what it was from. Other than this, nothing else could be seen on the outside. Masako seemed to look like a pretty boring girl with just a few scars that have stories to tell.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Masako's frame of mind can change depending on her environment and the current activities throughout it. She is someone who tries to get work done in the most efficient and quickest way she can. She is someone who also can be seen overworking, often resulting in a loss of sleep but still a determination to get the job done. She is able to quickly adapt to certain conflicts that may interfere with her work and is one to try and get any obstacle out of the way as soon as she possibly can.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Masako definitely enjoys the idea of teamwork. She is someone who tends to be a social butterfly and is open to hear any ideas from anyone. She's easy to work with and has a bright outlook on everything that is suggested to her. She tries to be the most optimistic, even if she doesn't agree with what the person that she is working with is saying. Masako is actually someone who finds working with people to be quite relieving. She is sometimes intimidated by the idea of working alone and doing everything on her own, making her rather dependent on others. All she really needs in situations like these though is a designated job to do and she is on it, quick to get to work!
What's your character's backstory?
In a fairly small town labeled Miyada, there lived a happy couple. This couple had no worries in life. They were both able to support each other with the little amount of money they both made and even with some financial troubles, they were still content with the joys the life had brought them. As the couple's love grew, so did their family. On February 22, the lovers had found out they were expecting. This thrilled the couple, finally knowing that their dreams of starting a family would be standing before them. Finally, on November 18th,1995, a child was born. As her mother held the infant in her arms, she knew what her name would be almost instantly. A baby by the name of Masako Kimura was finally brought into this world.
Nothing big had happened in Masako’s life as it was pretty mundane. Her parents had showered her with all the love and attention that most could only dream of, leaving Masako pleased with her life. Masako had that same routine any child could have. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, get ready for bed, and prepare to do it all again tomorrow. She was comforted by the idea of living a life with no worries. A life that followed the same routine every single day. This was until a new child would be brought into her life. On April 8th, 2004, Masako came home to the news of a new sibling. She was excited by the news of her becoming a big sister, filled with enjoyment at just the idea of actually having a friend to play with. This would later cause a new chapter of her life to unfold.
Life, as it often does, had a cruel turn awaiting Masako. Tragedy had creeped into the Kimura home one devastating night when a fire had erupted in their home, engulfing it completely. Masako had woken up to the smell of smoke. The dark cloud had crept into her room from under her door as panic began to flood Masako’s head. Masako had leaped out of bed, attempting to open her door. The handle was hot from the flames, causing her to burn her palm. She had thought that her hope was lost until she noticed the window, seeing as it was her only way out. She lifted the window, kicking the screen that was in the way. She then escaped, watching her only home come to an end. In the chaos of it all, Masako’s parents were unable to escape the home that was set ablaze, causing her to become orphaned and alone in a huge world. The fiery inferno not only claimed their lives but also shattered the innocence and tranquility of Masako’s childhood.
A Desolate Being
From that moment on, Masako’s life had taken a drastic turn. She was thrust into the cold, bureaucratic world of foster care. It was challenging for Masako, bouncing from one temporary home to another. Each new family that she had encountered brought its own set of challenges and disappointments. A few months into foster care, Masako was welcome into a new family. One much like her previous, possessing of a singular couple that showered Masako with love and affection. Due to this, Masako grew an attachment to the new family she had, forgetting that it was all temporary. Masako had only been in this family for a few weeks and yet she had felt complete. A part of her was finally full, leaving Masako at ease with her life once again. 4 months after she was moved into this family, it was time for her to depart. She had dread these moments, wishing she could have more time. She had begged the couple to adopt her and was told that she was too much for them to handle. This shattered her heart, leaving Masako empty and drained. Masako was then back to her old routine of altering homes, feeling stranded and yearning for the warmth of her parents yet again.
A New Purpose
Despite the changes in her teenage years, there was one that haunted Masako’s life. Masako had developed a strong desire for justice. The fire that had taken away her family had still played through Masako’s mind every night. One night, Masako tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. The same scene of that everlasting inferno played in her mind on repeat. She was used to this on most nights but tonight was different. The scene spoke louder than others, the fiery picture being more violent. The flames growing more aggressive than before. This night was different. This scene spoke to her, she had to figure out why though..why would this suddenly come back all of the sudden 10x worse than before? Masako had stayed up that night, thinking about what caused this eternal nightmare to be different. She had always had a bad feeling about the situation. She had always had a gut feeling that not everything added up. It was like there were missing pieces to her unsolved puzzle. The curiosity that stood with this entire tragedy had fueled her desire to become a police officer, determined to uncover the truth and bring closure to her painful past.
The Girl
Masako had moved out of extended foster care at 21. She lived with a friend for awhile, saving up enough money to move somewhere else. One day, Masako had been wandering the streets of her town when she suddenly spotted a young child crying on the side of street. She looked to be about 10 and there didn’t seem to be any adults that she belonged to. Masako questioned the girl, asking her where she was from, where her parents were, and what her name was. Masako had discovered that the poor girl was named Fuyuki and was abandoned by her parents. She had felt the pain sink in her heart as Masako knew what the feeling of abandonment was. This triggered Masako to take the young girl under her wing and to raise her as her own. That day, Masako had made a promise to herself. She promised that she would protect Yuki with everything she has, even if it is the last thing she does. Masako taught Fuyuki everything she knew. How to cook, how to properly clean, how to tie her shoes, and how to love unconditionally.
A New Life
Masako had finally gained enough money to move to a new town, forcing her to leave her childhood behind. She packed her bags, boarded her flight, and departed for Karakura, Japan, taking Yuki with her. Masako was able to move into a small, two bedroom apartment and got a roommate who was willing to support Masako and her daughter until she was able to pay for the two of them. Masako had been living off of her roommate for a few weeks while she had gotten a temporary job as a barista. It wasn’t a lot but it helped her roommate to feed 3 stomachs.
A Step Into Success
Masako quickly discovered the dangers of Karakura as she was constantly getting warned about certain areas that crime was most active in. She watched as she saw all kinds of situations happen, amazed by the way KPD handled each obstacle. This caused her to remember her dreams to become a police officer as a child. Masako was quick to apply for an online university in Karakura, attended for some years, and graduated with a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Once Masako was ready, she researched the information that she needed, scaling the web for all kinds of help. She decided to finally take a chance to apply for her local police forces, KPD, pursuing her childhood dreams. Over the course of a few weeks, Masako officially applied to become an officer for Karakura, taking her final step into her career.
In a fairly small town labeled Miyada, there lived a happy couple. This couple had no worries in life. They were both able to support each other with the little amount of money they both made and even with some financial troubles, they were still content with the joys the life had brought them. As the couple's love grew, so did their family. On February 22, the lovers had found out they were expecting. This thrilled the couple, finally knowing that their dreams of starting a family would be standing before them. Finally, on November 18th,1995, a child was born. As her mother held the infant in her arms, she knew what her name would be almost instantly. A baby by the name of Masako Kimura was finally brought into this world.
Nothing big had happened in Masako’s life as it was pretty mundane. Her parents had showered her with all the love and attention that most could only dream of, leaving Masako pleased with her life. Masako had that same routine any child could have. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, get ready for bed, and prepare to do it all again tomorrow. She was comforted by the idea of living a life with no worries. A life that followed the same routine every single day. This was until a new child would be brought into her life. On April 8th, 2004, Masako came home to the news of a new sibling. She was excited by the news of her becoming a big sister, filled with enjoyment at just the idea of actually having a friend to play with. This would later cause a new chapter of her life to unfold.
Life, as it often does, had a cruel turn awaiting Masako. Tragedy had creeped into the Kimura home one devastating night when a fire had erupted in their home, engulfing it completely. Masako had woken up to the smell of smoke. The dark cloud had crept into her room from under her door as panic began to flood Masako’s head. Masako had leaped out of bed, attempting to open her door. The handle was hot from the flames, causing her to burn her palm. She had thought that her hope was lost until she noticed the window, seeing as it was her only way out. She lifted the window, kicking the screen that was in the way. She then escaped, watching her only home come to an end. In the chaos of it all, Masako’s parents were unable to escape the home that was set ablaze, causing her to become orphaned and alone in a huge world. The fiery inferno not only claimed their lives but also shattered the innocence and tranquility of Masako’s childhood.
A Desolate Being
From that moment on, Masako’s life had taken a drastic turn. She was thrust into the cold, bureaucratic world of foster care. It was challenging for Masako, bouncing from one temporary home to another. Each new family that she had encountered brought its own set of challenges and disappointments. A few months into foster care, Masako was welcome into a new family. One much like her previous, possessing of a singular couple that showered Masako with love and affection. Due to this, Masako grew an attachment to the new family she had, forgetting that it was all temporary. Masako had only been in this family for a few weeks and yet she had felt complete. A part of her was finally full, leaving Masako at ease with her life once again. 4 months after she was moved into this family, it was time for her to depart. She had dread these moments, wishing she could have more time. She had begged the couple to adopt her and was told that she was too much for them to handle. This shattered her heart, leaving Masako empty and drained. Masako was then back to her old routine of altering homes, feeling stranded and yearning for the warmth of her parents yet again.
A New Purpose
Despite the changes in her teenage years, there was one that haunted Masako’s life. Masako had developed a strong desire for justice. The fire that had taken away her family had still played through Masako’s mind every night. One night, Masako tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. The same scene of that everlasting inferno played in her mind on repeat. She was used to this on most nights but tonight was different. The scene spoke louder than others, the fiery picture being more violent. The flames growing more aggressive than before. This night was different. This scene spoke to her, she had to figure out why though..why would this suddenly come back all of the sudden 10x worse than before? Masako had stayed up that night, thinking about what caused this eternal nightmare to be different. She had always had a bad feeling about the situation. She had always had a gut feeling that not everything added up. It was like there were missing pieces to her unsolved puzzle. The curiosity that stood with this entire tragedy had fueled her desire to become a police officer, determined to uncover the truth and bring closure to her painful past.
The Girl
Masako had moved out of extended foster care at 21. She lived with a friend for awhile, saving up enough money to move somewhere else. One day, Masako had been wandering the streets of her town when she suddenly spotted a young child crying on the side of street. She looked to be about 10 and there didn’t seem to be any adults that she belonged to. Masako questioned the girl, asking her where she was from, where her parents were, and what her name was. Masako had discovered that the poor girl was named Fuyuki and was abandoned by her parents. She had felt the pain sink in her heart as Masako knew what the feeling of abandonment was. This triggered Masako to take the young girl under her wing and to raise her as her own. That day, Masako had made a promise to herself. She promised that she would protect Yuki with everything she has, even if it is the last thing she does. Masako taught Fuyuki everything she knew. How to cook, how to properly clean, how to tie her shoes, and how to love unconditionally.
A New Life
Masako had finally gained enough money to move to a new town, forcing her to leave her childhood behind. She packed her bags, boarded her flight, and departed for Karakura, Japan, taking Yuki with her. Masako was able to move into a small, two bedroom apartment and got a roommate who was willing to support Masako and her daughter until she was able to pay for the two of them. Masako had been living off of her roommate for a few weeks while she had gotten a temporary job as a barista. It wasn’t a lot but it helped her roommate to feed 3 stomachs.
A Step Into Success
Masako quickly discovered the dangers of Karakura as she was constantly getting warned about certain areas that crime was most active in. She watched as she saw all kinds of situations happen, amazed by the way KPD handled each obstacle. This caused her to remember her dreams to become a police officer as a child. Masako was quick to apply for an online university in Karakura, attended for some years, and graduated with a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Once Masako was ready, she researched the information that she needed, scaling the web for all kinds of help. She decided to finally take a chance to apply for her local police forces, KPD, pursuing her childhood dreams. Over the course of a few weeks, Masako officially applied to become an officer for Karakura, taking her final step into her career.
General Knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, pocket knives are weapons that are illegally carried and if you are caught with a knife you will be arrested for illegal weaponry and charged 150K with a sentence of 3 months.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Cough Syrup
Wooden Canes
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“I’d try to observe the situation at hand. See what is going on and try to settle it without causing harm to the victim, my co-worker, and myself. I would then question the officer and inmate to see what was going on and why physical action was taken. If there is no valid reason, I would ask the officer to stop and if they refuse to do so, I would take action to restrain the officer so they can stop inflicting harm on the inmate. I would then inspect the inmate, making sure serious harm was not done to them. If so, I would call for an EMS to get them the help they need. After the situation is handled, I will then report the matter to higher ups, making sure they are aware of future troubles that could be caused.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If a coworker is being assaulted, I would rush to their aid immediately. The course of action that I take will depend on the situation that is at hand. Since they are being assaulted, I would radio in for assistance and EMS, just in case the situation can escalate. I would then take out my taser, getting ready to stun them if they either attempt to flee or continue to assault. I would arrest the individual and charge them for assaulting an officer.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Reporting without evidence wouldn’t be enough..I would try to dive into the situation more and gather enough evidence against them that I could report without looking stupid. It isn’t a lot but that’s really all you can do, right?”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"Bribery? Who would be stupid enough to bribe a cop..? I guess if there really was someone willing to do so then I would charge them for bribery as it is a finable offense. After doing so I would warn my co-workers about the criminal attempting to bribe. Wait, Is this even a real question..? I mean like, I feel like some of these are kind of obvious. Makes me wonder if these are trick questions or if you’re just teasing me at this point.."