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Denied miasfraud's receptionist application


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

Minecraft Username:

Discord Username: miasfraud

Age: 16

Time Zone: EST

Activity on the server: 8/10 on weekends, 7/10 on weekdays, unavailable from 7am-2:30pm EST on weekdays due to school.

Bans: One Discord ban for being hacked.

Acknowledgement of potential demotion for inactivity: Yes, I acknowledge it.

School Employee Role Applying for: Receptionist

Employee Role Description:

As a Receptionist, my character's role would involve being the first point of contact for students, parents, and visitors to the school. They would be responsible for answering questions, directing people to the appropriate locations, and providing a friendly and helpful atmosphere at the front desk. The Receptionist may also assist in administrative tasks, such as maintaining a clean and welcoming reception area, and helping care for the safety of students.

Roleplay Experience:

I have been actively participating in SchoolRP for almost three years. During this time, I have engaged in various roleplay scenarios, including roles like being part of the student council, participating in medical roleplay, and even combat roleplay.

Reason for Joining the School Employee Faction:

I am keen to join the School Employee faction because I find it incredibly intriguing. I believe it will provide me with an opportunity to expand my roleplay skills and experiences. Becoming part of the employment team would also allow me to witness more of the server's interactions and contribute to its immersive environment.

Link(s) to Previous Applications and Appeals:
(1/12) First Russian Application. (Denied)
(2/12) Second Russian Application. (Accepted)
(3/12) Korean Application. (Accepted)
(4/12) Third-Language-Authorization. (Accepted)
(5/12) French Application. (Accepted)
(6/12) Discord Ban Appeal (Accepted)
(7/12) French Replacement to JSL. (Accepted)
(8/12) Korean Replacement to Spanish. (Accepted)
(9/12) Chef Application (Denied)
(10/12) French Replacement for Russian (Accepted)
(11/12) Student Council Application (Accepted)
(12/12) Serbian Application (Accepted)

Current Role(s) on the Server: College[Councillor], [Grade-12]


If a student starts cursing at my character for being pathetic during a work-shift, my character would maintain a calm and professional demeanor. They would respond politely, attempting to defuse the situation by asking the student if there's anything they can help with or if they have any concerns. If the student's behavior continues to be disruptive or disrespectful, my character would inform a higher authority or a school administrator to address the issue appropriately.

2. If my character, as a receptionist, witnesses two students physically fighting in the hallway, with punches being thrown, their immediate reaction would be to prioritize the safety of everyone involved. My character would quickly assess the situation to determine if it's safe to intervene physically. If it appears safe to do so, my character would step between the fighting students and use a firm, authoritative tone to instruct them to stop immediately. They would then call for assistance to ensure the situation is fully under control and to provide additional support if needed. My character's primary goal would be to ensure the safety of all students and prevent further harm. After the situation is resolved, they would follow up with any necessary documentation and reports as per school policies and procedures.

3. If another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately or engaging in dangerous behavior while on the job, my character would approach the situation discreetly and professionally. They would express their concern for the employee's safety and the impact on the school environment. My character would suggest that the employee stop the inappropriate or dangerous behavior and, if necessary, report the incident to higher authorities or supervisors for further action.

4. In the employee break room, my character would act friendly and sociable. They would engage in casual conversation with other employees, share experiences, and build positive relationships within the workplace. My character would also maintain a respectful and professional demeanor, avoiding gossip or inappropriate discussions, to create a harmonious and welcoming atmosphere among colleagues.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me she’d notice a spill on the reception desk, grabbing a cloth, she’d meticulously wipe it clean, ensuring the area remains pristine and presentable for anyone who may approach, maintaining a high standard of cleanliness in the reception area.
/me sensing tension in a conversation between two students in the reception area, she’d speak in a calm yet authoritative tone, "Let's find a peaceful solution to this issue, shall we?" as she attempts to mediate and resolve the conflict diplomatically, ensuring a harmonious environment in the school.
/me she reaches for a stack of student schedules, meticulously organizing them one by one. She’d then hand the student in front of her a schedule.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Himori Andreev-Väli
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss/Ms.
Preferred Name: Mori/Ms. Mori

Age: 25
Gender: Female

Academic Degree: Education
Major(s): Curriculum and Instruction
Minors: Sociology

Nationality: Japanese, Serbian.
Known Languages: JSL, Serbian, French.


Himori Väli, known as Ms. Mori, had a journey to becoming an employee of the school that was shaped by a rich tapestry of experiences and a deep-seated passion for education and helping others. Born to a Japanese mother and a Serbian father, Himori grew up in a broken household that exposed her to not knowing her father until she was in her 20s. Her early years were marked by curiosity and a thirst for understanding human interaction, traits that would later guide her career.

During her formative years, Himori developed a profound love for sociology, captivated by the intricate ways in which society and culture molded individuals' lives. Excelling in her studies, she chose to major in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in Sociology when she entered university.

As a young adult, Himori was determined to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. After completing her academic degree, she embarked on a transformative journey that took her across the globe. In Japan, she dedicated herself to teaching Japanese Sign Language (JSL) to deaf students, offering them the means to communicate and integrate into society. This experience profoundly touched her, cementing her dedication to the field of education.

Her travels didn't stop there. Himori's path also led her to Serbia, where she reconnected with her father's side of the family, a reunion that didn't occur until she turned 20. This late introduction to her father and his culture provided her with a newfound understanding of her Serbian heritage, enriching her background and linguistic abilities. During her time in Serbia, she selflessly volunteered at local schools, supporting teachers in their classrooms and helping students excel in their studies.

Returning to her home in Karakura, Japan, Himori decided to channel her educational background, linguistic skills, and her unwavering passion for assisting others by applying for the role of Receptionist at the KHS. To her, this position was an opportunity to serve as the first point of contact for students, parents, and visitors, offering guidance and support to those seeking information about the school's programs and services.

Today, Ms. Mori stands poised at the school's front desk, drawing upon her diverse experiences, multilingual abilities, and her profound educational background to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for all who enter the school's doors. Her journey, from a curious child to a dedicated educator and receptionist, epitomizes her commitment to nurturing understanding, communication, and the pursuit of knowledge in the world around her.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

My motivation to become a part of KHS lies in my strong belief in the importance of creating a welcoming and well-organized educational institution. I firmly believe that students, parents, and visitors should be greeted with an environment that exudes comfort and support. Additionally, I am genuinely excited about the prospect of contributing to KHS's mission of delivering high-quality education while nurturing a positive and inclusive atmosphere. This role offers a unique opportunity for me to actively engage with the school community and play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall experience within the server.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment?

I regret to inform you that I do not possess any prior experience in a school environment. However, I approach this opportunity with eagerness and a commitment to applying my skills effectively.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I believe I should be considered a strong candidate for the role of Receptionist at KHS due to my extensive experience and dedication. Over the past three years, I have actively participated in various scenarios within the server, which has honed my ability to interact effectively with a diverse array of individuals and navigate complex situations. This experience has equipped me with the essential skills to excel in the role of a Receptionist, where interpersonal interactions and communication skills are paramount.

Furthermore, my unwavering commitment to maintaining a consistently professional and friendly demeanor sets me apart. These qualities are vital in providing exceptional service in this role. I possess a comprehensive understanding of the server's rules and expectations and am fully dedicated to upholding them while contributing positively to the immersive environment within the server.

In summary, my wealth of experience, steadfast dedication, and enthusiasm for this role make me a highly suitable candidate for the position of Receptionist at KHS.

Additional notes about your application:
There are no additional notes to provide at this time.

Do you have any questions?:
I do not have any questions at this moment. I appreciate your consideration of my application. Thank you.
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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