What is your Minecraft username?
main - rieums
alts - floresial, violuet, and elevour
The account that I will be applying for the role on is floresial
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?)
If a member of the staff team needs to get in contact with me, my best form of communication is Discord. My Discord username and tag can be added as
How old are you?
What is your time zone?
United States - EST
Describe your activity on the server
After my long break from the community, I joined back in late December of 2023, and I was welcomed with open arms by the members of the server. I have been on every single day, with no exceptions since I came back to the server, and have been becoming involved in every way that I can such as working at Shadonk’s shop, Shizukesa. I am currently roleplaying as a grade twelve high school student named Presley Primrose who is also a Bobcat Cheerleader. Although I do attend college in real life, this will not be an issue concerning my activity on the server. I only attend college Monday-Thursday for five hours every day. Once out of school, I do not have any extracurricular activities that I am currently involved in, which makes it easier for me to be as active as I can. Before I departed from the server two years ago, I possessed numerous roles throughout my time such as Bobcat Cheer, Swim, Track, EMS, Receptionist, and College Professor. I began to learn in every way I could in the aspect of roleplaying, and the server as a whole. My inactivity has always been pretty consistent when I was a part of the community, logging on every day, etc.
As of right now, I am playing around 5-8 hours a day which is. . Wow quite a lot. . But I genuinely enjoy being on the server and conversing with the other players. As of right now, my playtime is 6 weeks, and 5 days which is only adding up the number of hours I have on my main account, and I have hours on my alternate account also! Wow!.. That's a lot... My activity will only continue to grow if I am selected to have this shop as it will open the possibilities of roleplaying and gaining even more knowledge.
As well as my overall dedication that I give to the server while roleplaying as a Bobcat cheerleader, I also help OOCly in regards to the staff & community team. I am currently on the event team and work to incorporate ideas into the server for players to enjoy.
What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants who are applying for a shop?
OOC Experience:
Honors Club - [OOC]
As I am a full-time student who attends University/College Monday-Thursday, I heavily rely on staying up to date on my academics. Although I am only in my first year, I have made the dean's list both times, which has made me eligible to join the honors club. I run events that the club has, as well as new student orientations. This is not just a club where we meet, and talk, but rather inform upcoming students of why they should attend our university. Being a member of this club/organization comes with an array of responsibilities that I have taken on. I have learned how to work in a team to conspire ideas to influence future students.
Social Media Management - [OOC]
As I am a Digital Marketing and Social Media Major at my University with high grades, I have been selected to run a brand's social media account within my University. As stated above in my Honors Club section, I am thoroughly involved with marketing our university to other students. Sounds great, Right? I would say it is.
I work alongside another classmate with the same major as mine, and we work on a scheduled basis to come up with innovative ideas for posts based on ****ytics and engagements on previous posts. Teamwork is a vital aspect of making sure that we are completing all the criteria and maximizing our success rate on these accounts.
Retail Management - [OOC]
Retail.. "What a lovely job to take up as a college student!" Says absolutely nobody. Anywho! I am a management executive at my workplace and have been there for almost two years. If you have ever worked in retail, you would know that it is a chaotic drama filled environment. Besides this, I have thrived. Working in a team is something that is required on a daily basis in my workplace to satisfy the needs of the customers. (Even if they yell at me about coupons allll day!)
Marketing Team - [OOC]
As part of my university, I as well as another student have been selected to host a 'Day in the Life' takeover for a stadium event. Our team of students will be attending an event for sports management and documenting a 'Day in the Life' documentary to attempt to convince students to come to our school. Sounds great. . Right? Well, in my opinion, it's a bit scary. The account that I will be taking over has 17.9k followers and I am as of February 27, 2023, coming up with ideas, and calculated marketing plans so that when I do attend this event, I will be ready. You may be thinking, why does this matter? It matters because my teamwork and innovative ideas are what make me outshine other applicants.
IC Experience:
School Teams - [SRP]
Since joining SRP in 2020, I have been on numerous sports teams. With this, I have been able to develop my roleplaying skills, and learn about the different aspects of what SRP has to offer. As of now, I am not currently part of any of the teams since my return three months back, but I thoroughly enjoyed each of the teams that I have been on including, Bobcat Cheer [2021], Bobcat Track [2020], and Bobcat Swim [2020]. I spent most of my time on the Bobcat cheer team, where I was able to build friendships that I still have to this day. As cheer does not have a plugin, communication was the key to success. Along with attending practices, and pep rallies, being a member of the cheer team meant that teamwork was a must. I was able to not only attend events with many of the team but help contribute to planning events for the team.
EMS, Receptionist, and College Professor - [SRP]
In 2021 whilst I was a part of the Bobcat Cheer team, I thought. . Hey! Let’s apply for EMS, Receptionist, and College Professing. And that is exactly what I did! I did thorough research on what each of the roles had to offer and I typed up a lengthy application showcasing my skills. And well! I got on. . All of them!
If you have been on EMS before, or even KPD for that matter, you know that teamwork is a must. I was first trained by 6Pancake aka Alex, and I was taught the necessities of teamwork and collaboration. Although being a receptionist, and a college professor does not require much teamwork, it still helped me learn about the server and how each faction is run.
Cashier - [SRP]
Throughout the numerous years that I have spent on the server, I have been a part of many shops such as Kissako, Sakura Henei, Sayonara, and currently, Shizukesa run by Shadonk. I thoroughly enjoyed each role that I have been a part of and each has helped further develop my knowledge of the different aspects of the server each in its own way. With this, I can use my accumulated knowledge towards my future endeavors of being an active and devoted member of SRP. As you would know if you have ever worked in a shop, the overload of players entering and wanting to buy items can be, well.. Overwhelming! Being a cashier, or a manager at one of SRP's shops requires teamwork and is a skill that I have developed to ensure that these openings run smoothly.
Overall, my past endeavors and experience are what make me outshine any other applicants. With time, comes knowledge. Not only do I have the leadership, and organization skills that are required to be a member of the event team, but I have helped firsthand with multiple events throughout my numerous years of playing. With this, I would be an excellent member to accompany the event team.
Have you ever been banned?
Along with my dedication to the server, I do unfortunately have one punishment/ban on my account. At the time, I was a hurt 16-year-old who was lashing out at a player, and well. . I continued to lash out against members of the server. It has been over a year and a half since my ban, and since, I have grown into an individual I am proud of. I understand that the actions of my past were not always the best, but as a now 19-year-old, I can fully say that history will not repeat itself.
I would not like the focus of my application to be on my past, but perhaps my future as this past event does not define my dedication towards the server. If any members reading this application would like more information regarding this incident, my Discord can be found at the top of the application.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?
I fully acknowledge that being active is a vital and key component of obtaining a shop and if I fail to be active that it can lead to demotion at any point in time. Completing the required amount of openings per month is something that must be met, and if I am selected to possess Miyage-Hin Mato, I will strive to go above and beyond, creating positive experiences for other players, and the employees.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server
Below I have listed all of my previous applications regarding SchoolRP whether they are recent, or old.
Event Team Application [Accepted]
Event Team Application | rieums
╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗ What is your IGN? rieums alts- kvanii, kvaani, kkvani Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: After my long break from the community, I joined back in late December of 2023, and I was welcomed with open arms by the members of the server. I...
College Professor [Accepted]:
College Student Application [Accepted]:
Receptionist Application [Accepted]:
Accepted - School Receptionist Application - kvani
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: kvani, but will be buying a new account if I get accepted onto KHS team. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): jordyn#0001 How old are you? (Optional): 17 What is your time zone?: EST Describe your...
EMS Application [Accepted]:
kvani Hospital Staff Application
- kvani / jordyn ☆ - IGN: kvani, but will be purchasing a new alt if accepted to the EMS team. My character in which I am applying on, is currently on my alt kvanii! Previous bans: I currently have no past bans on the server. Describe your activity on the server?: Currently, I have been...
Korean Application [Accepted]:
French Application [Accepted]:
Event Team (3 years old!) [Denied]:
Denied - LightRP Event Team Application [RE-APPLY]
Discord: jordyn | LightRP#3627 IGN: LightRP Something about me: I am a 16 year old female from Rhode Island, USA. I am applying for this position because I think I could really help the team. I have been playing SchoolRP on and off since 2015. Something about me you should know is that I am...
What are your current role(s) on the server?
Currently, I am roleplaying as a Grade-12 Bobcat Cheerleader named Presley Primrose. I am also a part of the community team of SRP specifically, Event Team.
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?
After reviewing the roster of shops that are open for applicants, I have decided to apply for Miyage-Hin Mato.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?
I started my long journey of SRP back in 2018 with lesqian, we didn’t quite know what we were doing but I sure did have a good time! A 13-year-old girl sat on her Windows computer role-playing inside of the previously known 11/7. How cute. The memories that I made from roleplaying at the 11/7 shop years back impacted me as a starting user. Without this, I probably wouldn’t have stayed on the server. I would like to be able to inspire other players the same way the shop owners did back in 2018.
For a lengthy amount of time, I ended up leaving the server, before joining back in 2020 along with lesqian and ghimiis. Since then, I have been able to always aim for something more, whether it be being on a sports team such as the Bobcat Cheer, Track, and Swim team, or being a Receptionist, College Professor, and EMS. All of these excellent roles have allowed me to broaden my knowledge and understanding of the server as a whole. Besides the roles that I have possessed, I have also been a cashier and manager in an array of shops such as Shizukesa, Kissako, Sakura Henei, and Sayonara Gift Shop. This being said, I have explored numerous roles that SchoolRP has to offer over the several years that I have spent supporting the server but I have never been able to be the person in control, such as a shopkeeper.
I would say that I have spent a rather hefty amount of money to contribute to SchoolRP’s success over the years such as buying ranks, and 10+ customs. Which is. . quite a lot! This being said, I truly believe that some of the customs that I already have as of now can contribute to making this gift shop stand out above other shops or even other applicants. I have seen that many shops tend to sell the same things, but the goal for my shop over time is to sell exclusive items only available at Miyage-Hin Mato.
I would like to create a pleasant experience for not only the employees but the members of the server. I have seen shops come and go over the years that I have spent on SRP, but I would like to be one here to stay. Creating a memorable experience of real-life roleplay for players is something that I feel very passionate about. Without having interactive shops, and events for players to attend there is no connection between the factions and everyday players.
Along with creating experiences for other players, I would like to have a new experience of SRP myself. I have explored the many different factions and roles that SRP has to offer, but I have never been a shopkeeper. I would like to learn the business aspect of SRP as well as selling items, stocking items, and managing employees. All of these things will only broaden the current knowledge that I have for the server, and provide me with a new and pleasant roleplaying experience.
Ultimately, the answer to this question is that my background knowledge and experience as well as my loyalty to the server are my underlying reasons for applying to become a shopkeeper. Being a loyal player with broad knowledge is something that factions tend to look for, so I believe that I will be a perfect candidate to take over the shop and make it thrive.
Why do you qualify to be a Shopkeeper?
Overall, my experience and dedication is what makes me qualified for this position. I have on-and-off dedicated myself to this server for over three years now which is quite a long time. I have the ability to not only control IC situations based on my knowledge of the SRP guidelines and rules, but I also know how to stay organized and run a shop out of character as well.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?
Once obtaining Miyage-Hin Mato as my own, I would like to completely revamp it and create a SchoolRP IC ‘brand’ that players will remember. I feel as though many shops at the moment do not stick to a consistent theme, and if they do, the shops look fairly similar to one another. But this will not be the case with the revamped Miyage-Hin Mato. I would like for players to feel as if they are experiencing something new as they enter the shop. Upon entering, they are faced with a rather modern shop filled with bright pastel colors.
Unlike many other shops, Miyage-Hin Mato would sell a majority of items that were specifically unique and exclusive to us. For example, we would not feature public items. Why? You may be thinking. Well! As other shops open daily, they may all sell similar items which cause users to not attend all the openings. By having exclusive items only, it causes the demand for Miyage-Hin Mato’s products to sour on an uprising track. With this, players will feel more inclined to attend openings and support the business. It’s a win-win situation! Players get the items they are longing for, and we get business as a shop.
You may be thinking.. This isn't unique. But it is! I would like Miyage-Hin Mato to stick to a strict color scheme and professionalism that fits with the brands name. Elegance and grace. It makes an interactive and specific experience that SRP players can expect when they walk through the front doors of Miyage-Hin Mato. Whether they are interacting with the employees, browsing the shelves, or buying an item, they know what to expect. Miyage-Hin Mato is not a store you want to be fooling around in, and most know it. I plan to have openings that integrate the citizens of Karkura more such as promotions, giveaways, and even parties!
As stated before, I would like to completely revamp Miyage-Hin Mato to provide an experience unlike any other. Preferably, I would like for my shop to have an IC dynamic as well as an OOC one. I have been a member of an array of shops in the past, and I have learned that both are just as important. While opening the shop, there will be roleplaying between the employees and the players of the server. From someone who joined the server over three years ago, I would say that shops are the one thing that made my experience as good as it has been. Being able to buy items while roleplaying with friends makes the server seem like a real community.
What will in-store promotions look like?
As stated previously, the demand for Miyage-Hin Mato’s items will be at an all-time high, which requires higher prices, but having promotions will intrigue players to buy items at a lower rate. These promotions would happen for two openings a month, at random and players must attend the opening to receive the promotion. Promotional deals are something that will make Miyage-Hin Mato stick out over other shops. The lower the prices and the higher the quality, the more customers you will have. The promotional deals for the specified month will be based on ****ytics of how much the shop has made this month. If the shop is not doing well, the promotion will be significantly less, such as 5% off. If the shop has met all of the profit goals, there may be higher promotions such as 10% off or 15% off.
How will you communicate with your employees?
Once accepted to become the owner of Miyage-Hin Mato and hosting interviews to hire new players, each will get an invite to a fully designed Discord server that I have set up. If you would like to join the server and take a tour, the invite can be found below. With this, I can track openings as well as communicate with employees as well as regular players who are looking to learn more about the shop faction or apply for Miyage-Hin Mato. I have created a mock server so anyone who would like to see how this shop may be run, can.
Discord Invite
What will your brand logo look like?
For the initial opening of Miyage-Hin Mato, I have created a logo that fits the aesthetic that I am going for. Purples, pinks and other pastel colors will be the dominant colors of Miyage-Hin Mato. ☾
What are your plans for opening Miyage-Hin Mato?
I would like for Miyage-Hin Mato to open at least twice a week on a scheduled basis that works for all employees. I believe that each employee should have a chance to work despite their time zone, so these plans are vital to creating a positive experience for myself as well as the employees who were chosen.
What will your uniforms look like?
As stated above, I would like for this shop to stick to a consistent color palette which creates a ‘brand’ for the shop. Although the outfit that I chose may not be traditional when it comes to uniforms, that is not what I am going for! I would like for the shop to feel warm and welcoming to all. Following the aesthetic of Japanese clothing, I found an image that perfectly represents what I am looking for being classy and chic! Having a uniform is a vital aspect of building the aura that I would like this shop to have which is warm, welcoming, and bright. How cute! There are two styles of attire that each employee can choose from which allows them to pick the one that best suits the personality of their character. Based on the current shading style of SchoolRP at the moment, I will be purchasing outfit files from Yemi, whom I will pay OOCly to create outfits that fit the aesthetic I am going for.
What will the shopkeeper look like?
Well, to fit the standards of Miyagi-Hin Mato, and fit the overall aesthetic of the shop, my shopkeeper will be a Japanese woman in her mid thirties who dresses in strictly either pink, blue, or purple. Below is an image of a skin I had tailored for my shopkeeper account! Outfit created by Yemi & head made by ghimiis

What will you sell in your shop?
Overall, I would like to keep the theme of the Miyage-Hin Mato that it had previously when it comes to items. Sticking to the gifts and souvenir shop is what will help the shop thrive. Below, I have listed public items and custom items that will be a good fit to fill the needs of the player base.
Public Items:
There is a large array of already modeled items that SRP has to offer, and can be utilized until the shop is provided with more unique, and custom items.
Hair Master Necklace
Pink Watch
Butterfly Mach Bow
Bunny Earrings
Daisy Gloss
Makeup Raybans
Mustache Bow
Heart Moon Moon Headband
Bat Glasses
Frosted Bag Earrings
Sailor Hot Vuitton Aventors Backpack
Dita Earrings
Hinikuna Chain Bag
Heart Bows
Black Earrings
Hana's Mama Bow
Whitehead Bag
Pink Louis Lip Teru Paper Purse
Laptop Pearl Tiara
Pink Peach Earrings
Peach Glasses
Bunny Diamond Bag
Sakura Sunglasses
White and Beret
Sailor Compaca
Phrog Glasses
Peach Girl ear Horns
Star Hand One Clip
Angel Earrings
Magical Backpack
Pink Black Glossier Mini Earrings
Star Earrings
Strawberry Devil Headband
Club Earrings
Pearl Handbag
Pink Butterfly Wing Clout Chanel Glasses
Pink Watch
Butterfly Mach Bow
Bunny Earrings
Daisy Gloss
Makeup Raybans
Mustache Bow
Heart Moon Moon Headband
Bat Glasses
Frosted Bag Earrings
Sailor Hot Vuitton Aventors Backpack
Dita Earrings
Hinikuna Chain Bag
Heart Bows
Black Earrings
Hana's Mama Bow
Whitehead Bag
Pink Louis Lip Teru Paper Purse
Laptop Pearl Tiara
Pink Peach Earrings
Peach Glasses
Bunny Diamond Bag
Sakura Sunglasses
White and Beret
Sailor Compaca
Phrog Glasses
Peach Girl ear Horns
Star Hand One Clip
Angel Earrings
Magical Backpack
Pink Black Glossier Mini Earrings
Star Earrings
Strawberry Devil Headband
Club Earrings
Pearl Handbag
Pink Butterfly Wing Clout Chanel Glasses
My Customs:
Throughout my long journey with being a part of the community, I have spent a hefty amount of money to support the community. I have included a list of my customs that I feel would fit perfectly into the shop. As well as the customs I already have currently, once receiving the role of Shop Keeper, I plan to purchase two customs monthly that I can incorporate into the shop. Such items will be plushies, accessories, and souvenirs.
White Chic Sunglasses
Burn Book
Pink Juul
Primrose Earrings
Primrose Compact Mirror
Burn Book
Pink Juul
Primrose Earrings
Primrose Compact Mirror
Future Item Ideas:

How many employees do you plan to have?
Shopkeeper [1/1] - rieums
The role of Shopkeeper would be played by myself as I am applying for this role. Along with being a shopkeeper comes an array of responsibilities that must be taken on. An example of such responsibilities is hosting shifts, hiring employees, and training players to ensure that the cashiers and managers have a well-rounded understanding of the website, and the shop itself.
Managers [0/2]
As the management position of a shop also comes with an array of responsibilities, I trust that managers will be able to train employees, count stock, and host openings when I am unavailable. I could not think of any better players to instill as managers than these two.
Cashiers [0/12]
The position of a cashier will consist of a variety of players whether they are experienced or inexperienced. I believe it is important for all members to get the chance to develop their roleplaying skills as well as gain knowledge on the server. This being said, I have decided to not create an initial list of employees that I would like to hire if I am selected, but instead, leave this blank and up for interpretation. This role will be filled as IC interviews in which I take the applicants into the backroom and ask them an array of planned questions. If the player passes the interview and all managers as well as myself decide to hire them, they will be placed into the trial cashier position.
Hypothetically speaking, cashiers at Miyage-Hin Mato will receive 40% of the items that they sell which may increase in the future. As well as the profit that they make from working, each OOC month, a bonus of 50,000 yen will be awarded to two employees!
Trial Cashier [?]
This role is self-explanatory, as players are hired to Miyage, they are placed into a category called trial cashier where they will be trained. Once the player has proved that they are comfortable with how the shop works, along with the website, they will be promoted to cashier.
What will the hiring process look like?
The hiring process at Miyage-Hin Mato will look a little bit different than other shops have in the past. Although the majority of the applicants will apply using a Google Form, I would also like for players to engage in IC interviews held by myself and the managers. Having a Google Form can be helpful n’ all, but it does not engage in the main part of the server, roleplaying! After reviewing applications that come pooling in, I will select a handful of players to come to this in-person interview.
What do you want your shop to look like?
As some of these ideas may be hard to incorporate into a Minecraft server, I do understand that I must modify my interior design ideas for Mayage-Hin Mato. The images that I have selected are the color palette and scheme that I would like the shop to reflect. Overall, I would like for the shop to have a warm and welcoming feel for the players that enter whilst incorporating bright colors such as white, pastel blue, purple, and pink.
What do you want the aesthetic of the shop to be?
Overall, the aesthetic of the shop is hard to display in images so instead, I have created a color palette & a Spotify playlist that shows the aesthetic that I would like the shop to emit to players. This can influence how my employees act and engage with customers, as well as how they dress. I took inspiration from Dani's application for this aspect of my application and incorporated it into here.
Advert Ideas:
/advert Miyage-Hin Mato is now open! Come indulge in your shopping fantasies. We are running a 10% off sale on your hottest items! Snag 'em before they’re gone!
/advert Miyage-Hin Mato is now open and guess what? We are hiring! Want to work with the best of the best? Come take a stroll and visit us. You sure won't regret it!
Employee Actions Examples:
/me [hexcode] placed both of her hands on the counter and leaned forward, her brunette hair sweeping the counter. Across her visage was a rather large smile that beamed from ear to ear. &F”Welcome to Miyage-Hin Mato! What can I get for ya’ today?”
/me [hexcode] bowed her head towards the customer. ____ pat the edges of her skirt down before blurting; &F”Welcome to Miyage-Hin Mato! What can I get for you today?”
/me [hexcode]allowed a smile to tug at the corner of her lips. &F"Welcome to Miyage-Hin Mato! What can we get for you today?"
What rules will you implement?
To ensure that the shop runs not only smoothly, but in a safe manner, there are a list of rules that I would like to be strictly followed by my employees if I am chosen to own a shop on SRP. Having set rules for a shop is vital and I plan to stick to them.
Citizen Rules:
To state the obvious, citizen rules apply to all players that do not work at Miyage-Hin Mato.
- Minging is strictly prohibited, and staff will become involved if this occurs
- No yelling in Miyage-Hin Mato.If a pleyer yells more than two times, they will be asked to leave the shop.
-You may only buy a maximum of five per item. For example, you can buy five sunglasses, and five earrings but you cannot buy more than either of those items.
- I.D's are required if you are buying more than 20 items.
Employee Rules:
- Do not sell more than five of each item.
- Ensure that you are being respectful to not only other employees, but the citizens who are shopping at Miyage-Hin Mato. If you have an altercation or a customer being disrespectful, please find the shopkeeper, being myself.
- Make sure that you are using the SRP website for shops correctly, if you have any questions, contact the shopkeeper
- If you are to go on inactivity, please place an inactivity report in the designated channel in the Discord server.
- You must ask the customer for an I.D if a player is attempting to buy more than 20 items.
Do you have any additional notes?
I do understand that my writing may not be the best, but I hope that the ideas that I have explained and my previous history on the server make me a perfect candidate for this position. I have spent a hefty amount of time on the server as well as possessing many roles on the server. If you have any questions regarding this application or just need clarification about any part, feel free to direct message me on Discord. My username is stated at the top of the application. Thank you for reading my application.
- rieums
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