Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):
Do you have a microphone?
I have a working microphone to be able to talk and able to communicate with others!
List your timezone and country:
GMT+0 - England
How active are you on the server?:
I am quite active as from before, I’ve been in events and able to join in with skin tailoring contest. I have been applying for different jobs and able to do a lot of things to get myself, to go somewhere in the server! I would do all sorts of new things to get myself active and do any activity to be able to develop that activeness, since I have been trying to change and try to keep it up with the same things but changing myself because I’ve been pretty stupid before but, I’ve realised it since I joined the server overall, and so I try and try to do whatever it takes to get my activeness and do any type of activity like joining teams, and joining in different. I’ve tried to do like different things in the server. I’ve been quite busy lately but, I’ve started to balance out my time and being able to get on SRP to keep up my activity. I've always wanted to do something different everytime, I come back to SRP and able to have a good experience.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lowkeyrps-ban-appeal.33052/ - WiffyBanter
https://schoolrp.net/threads/ban-appeal-kuraicy.24650/ - Im6
Link any past applications below:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/maths-teacher-app-simptxstic.25878/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/service-dog-soulsrp.25921/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lowkeyrps-korean-app.30165/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/highkeyrps-psychiatrist-app.30904/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/highkeyrps-jsl-app.31376/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/highkeyrps-college-prof.31563/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lowkeyrp-tutor-app.35998/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-lang-app-unbrokenmask.35862/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/d-t-teacher-app-unbrokenmask.35624/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lowkeyrps-nurse-application.30670/ - Accepted
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation of applying is making sure the whole city is in order, and have respect for everyone. I want to be able to expand my roleplay experience because I’ve only became a teacher and a school employee, and I didn’t seem to enjoy it so I wanted to try out something new, and so I went ahead to do look through the forums - and then search up what I really wanted to do and what I really wanted to do is try to be a Government worker, I wanted to be able to try to do something new and change what I really want to do, rather than be lousy and don’t apply for anything because that’s not me, I love being creative with applying and so I wanted to try out to be a Govenor and get to know what I need to know to become one, and read different forums to know how to become one, I’ve been hyped from my friends to apply for this and so I wanted to do my best to get myself together and apply, it took me time to think about what I wanted to do, so I gave up applying for any school jobs in the server and apply for jobs, excluding the school jobs.
Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?:
I certainly do have plans for my spot with this role, which is treating everyone around me with respect and able to help others, with their suggestion with the city and able to show that I’m at service for any. I want to show that I am responsible for others and myself, showing that I am capable to do this job without being in trouble, to show that I can be trusted without making a mistake, but minor mistakes are fixable. I want to be able to have a try to be someone, who’s honest and reliable because I never ever considered something like that, I’ve never tried to consider so now I’m willing to go further on with it! It quite hard for me, but I am certain that I will have a straight and forward change in my own self, which is a plan and going fourth to help others in general, which is another plan.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am aware of the rules that each person that must follow, which shows that I am obedient in my self-control from doing the wrongdoings. I should be more aware of having to follow rules as being a Government worker is quite an important job for the city, itself.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am familiar with the laws of Karakura, as I must follow all of them, if I become the role I want to be. The laws of Karakura should be read as I should have knowledge to know that to help me with understanding about the situations that might come into and it would help me to go further on with the situation.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I have a good understanding of my position as I am applying for it, I should have a good understanding of my role, which I should have researched for it. This also mean to have good research to help me understand what it means to be a Governor and to govern a certain area and group that would enforce laws to help them to know that they are doing something wrong.
Summarize what your position does in the town:
A Governor has authority over an area or a group, which is specified as a ruler or appointed that acts like a leader. This also means that they have authority over people or a certain area, to have power - which is like having a mayor in a certain area and a leader in a group or place and they are in charge of a certain region administration laws, that is to protect a region that they have power and enforcing laws to show that they want the best for that certain region. It’s also a public official with power with the power to govern the executive branch which is of a non-sovereign or sub-national level of authority.
In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:
Eloise Kojima
Preferred name & Title:
Current age? (25+):
Past job experiences?:
No job experiences
What plans do you have for the town?:
my plans for the town is to have authority of the laws to enforce the laws to the people to keep them safe from whatever harm that could be - and showing that keeping responsibilities will help me have more and more time to show that I can handle complicated situations, which can lead me to a ‘muddle’ - that mistake can easily be fixed by handling it calmly and showing that I can fix a minor mistake within the seconds within it. I want to show that I do not abuse the power to hurt the citizens but to use them on criminals that do not have the worth to be in this city - and to show that I am able to be at service for anyone.
What jobs will you execute with this position?
I can provide legal details of law enforcement and able to handle situations that could make me feel uncomfortable but try to help out by showing and doing what is right - the legal details might be for a case and so, I will provide the information and be able to execute the job and do what is right, I may not an absolute smart person, but I do know what is right and wrong, I want to be able to have a goodwill on doing this so, I will provide official work to show that I am organised and prevent from having a misunderstanding with anyone, who I work with, I can comply with other workers, who have the same role as me - which I will provide responsibility and being at service at all time. This will help me to provide my confidence and self-esteem to be able to provide myself to show that I am not a weak person, but a strong person that has a good will and with a good heart.
Do you practice any sort of religion?:
I do not practice any sort of religion.
How did you get into politics?:
I have read many books of politics and watched the news of politics, I wanted to be imagine myself to be able to having a conversation to show my understanding of being fair of to the people and to have a knowledge at a limit to not get overboard. I want to show that I can co-operate with others within helping and able to show that I can wait for my turn to speak and speaking of my knowledge and to know what is wrong to talk about and what is right. I want to be able to get into politics show that there’s something wrong about this certain place and help it get better by doing this or to do that, I want to be able to have a conversation to show that I can be mature and polite within politicians.
What makes you unique?
I may not be smart, but I can read the rules and the knowledge of laws to show that I can provide myself a calm and understanding impression to show that I can be a good listener and able to understand other’s opinions before speaking of my own. I do not argue because it shows of my incapabilities, which can damage my own self. I do not take other’s opinions in a judgemental way but to show them that they could be possibly wrong or right and able to go further on showing that knowledge that I have and able to resolve it by talking it out like a grown person without having to argue nor to get aggressive with my own words. I want to show that I can handle any situation in a calm and quiet manner. I do not take aggressions lightly so I will ask them to “stop” if it gets too much to handle in a rather small suggestion way to show that they are being quite aggressive towards me.
Do you have a criminal record
I do not have a criminal record.
If so, list your crimes:
Nationality & Born location:
Russian and Moscow
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Russian, Japanese and Malagasy
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