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Model Donation System | Server Feedback


Level 37
StonerGoat / AzrailedXML



A Model Donation System


One of the plenty things I have found out coming back into this server is the restriction of personal models being utilized for your custom model. Plenty of the issues I understand within that information is the fact that the model may not be apart of the server's style, as the modeling style has transitioned from utilizing CUBIK Studio, to Blockbench -- and to a newer Blockbench style that's a little more true to the Minecraft style, by utilizing textures as a means of optical illusions to display exactly what a creator wants to portray through a model.

Example of the shift in style.
Cubik Studio - Jotaro Kujo's Cap from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Part 6
18 elements
4 elements
Newer Simplified Style (models made by yours truly, i can literally count the elements just looking at the picture.)

Going back into some possible issues of the personal models-- would exactly be that. Size issues, compatibility issues, and more. Without a doubt, with the shifting to this new style, a personal model that does not go into the mix would be quite strange, above all, having the model be way too big while mixing in with all of the newer models in contrast being very small- isn't that great. Although, these issues do seem to be some small, minimal problems to people who are more experienced in modelling. I for one, being one of those people, already understand quite well in how the system works out.

Step. 1

Contacting the Model Coordinator and asking questions regarding the possible model you want in the game. Getting answers and understanding the possible taxpay / rules of the model before.

Step 2

Paying the model.

Very honestly, and very bluntly, trying my best to not disrespect the server in any way, would be the kicker to this whole situation, the pricing of purchasing the model slot would be a whopping $35.00 USD when you want to purchase a model. As someone who enjoys creating models for my block game and as someone who has seen the models change throughout the years into being smaller and compact, it is absolutely wonderful to see these new styles and how absolutely nice they could be.

But when talking about this to say, a friend who has some interest in the server, some interest in the idea of getting a personal model -- They are baffled by the price tag of it, even more so when being told how large the models are to begin with. Of course, you'd be paying for the slot of the model within the server, and the argument could be made that the slot itself could be expensive because of the increasing size of the resource pack. Nonetheless, the person is still baffled, and now undeterred to buy a custom slot. Although, when that such argument that you'd be paying for the 'slot' is created, it truly does not hide the fact that you would be purchasing this said model for the price of groceries.

That's a lot of money. And a lot of judgement to the player purchasing the items. So you may be asking, why does this information apply to the fact that you cannot bring your personal models into the server? If you are paying for a slot in the server for the price of $35 while having the capabilities and knowledge of exactly what the server's expectations are, there would be a common sense that one who does have the capabilities and knowledge should be able to, most especially if they are having to make multiple requests for readjustments for the model one would purchase.

The person requesting the model only has the capability of knowing exactly what they want in a model, and if they have those skills, why not have the ability to utilize them some more? The argument can also be made that "If the requestor can make the model, then what is the point of having the team in the first place?" Well, the counter-argument to that would be the general fact that not a lot of people know how to model, that, although it is understandable that people making the models instead would ruin the possible profits of what the Official 3D Modelers would get, then why not create a compromise?

Perhaps there should be a 'Donation' System where a fellow modeler could donate their Personal Model to a fellow Official 3D Modeler for the sake of putting that model into their quota, so as long as the model goes maintains the size and style requirements. If the model does have a size or style issue, then the donated model should also be used as a means of a base so the model can maintain somewhat of the 'personalized' feel the 'Custom model' is most honestly supposed to maintain.

This system can be devised through letting the player that purchased the slot send the .bbmodel and the .png texture to the 3D Modeler -- Perhaps through a system where it scans the files in the case of people sending suspicious stuff -- (Discord already has something that does scan files. But still, something can be done about scanning files.) -- and with this, time waiting for the model can be saved, the worry of bothering the Modeler with making multiple adjustments? Completely solved. As a former Official 3D Modeller, if one player gave me the tools to create the model they truly desired and requested and it fits along line with the requirements-- That's an easy profit/compensation so as long as there is some kind of "terms and conditions" thing that is agreed upon before sending in the model. Allowing your personal model to be in the server would most definitely make the idea of paying the price of 35.00 buckaroonies actually decently worth something. You made it, or it has a personalization of what you wanted to portray in it, and none of that should be limited, and because of the limits, plenty of unwarranted and unlikeable opinions would already be made because of this little rule.

SchoolRP should encourage this creativity in the community, it's exactly why the team is as big as it is now. I was one of the many people who brought in the idea of custom models when I went to Duckings, when I found the idea of the model donations neatly tucked away in the rules, and I am not just saying this because I think I have a right to say anything within it. It just seems like a silly idea to create these restrictions, to put it very bluntly with no disrespect. I had plenty of hesitance making this suggestion enough because I was truly excited coming into the server once again.
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Level 130

I completely agree with this, and regarding the price tag, you are not really paying for the model itself... you are paying for the resource pack storage space. As that space becomes increasingly limited, the price will expand over time.

If the model you are submitting fits the style, is given through a .bbmodel file, is properly adjusted, and has adequately low filesize... I do not see the problem.


Level 46
[Forgot to post this, as I was making skins]
Probably best if they just allow having the customer have the 3d Model that they want, as It's their money that's purchasing a custom.


Level 138
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
You are indirectly complicating the process of the modelling team’s job by wanting items we can not even ensure fit the style or sizing of the pack, both of that aren’t just arguments it’s a real issue.

A year back I almost witnessed a death to custom items simply because of how unoptimised the texture pack became.

The reason modellers do their job is so that the consistent style and sizing is kept and the community is still able to even order custom items atall in the first place.

Now, I agree, If your model is optimised enough to standard, then let them claim it, there are plenty of talented modellers in the community, however, we ensure every customer is aware that if those models don’t meet that standard, then it has no place in the pack, and if you continue to purchasing a custom item after that, it is at your own risk.

With custom items pricing going up, it is not just sizing and style you have to take into consideration, if we lower our custom items prices, they will take longer to be made because more players will flood the requests with orders, wait time for a custom item could go from 2 weeks to 2 months, you must consider the modellers feelings on this especially as they already grow burned out, arguing expanding the team is an option but it means it’s harder to manage for Mike, with hosting for the server likely going up in pricing too, we may not be able to afford simply making custom items cheaper in anyway.

Neutral / -1


Level 138
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Just to note that we also make it very clear in terms and conditions that if you don’t like this style of modelling you should not be spending your money in the slightest.


Level 231
I get the prices are the prices. But a single custom vehicle costs $55 for me. That's nearly the price of a new triple AAA title.... Nobody is getting that much fun out of a custom vehicle.

It is insane.

Perhaps actually pay your workers proper wages per completed item and not just ingame items (Which is nearly as bad as paying artists in exposure), expand the team and allow for more organisational structure to assist mike if he is unable to do it by himself.


Level 37
Thread starter
You are indirectly complicating the process of the modelling team’s job by wanting items we can not even ensure fit the style or sizing of the pack, both of that aren’t just arguments it’s a real issue.

A year back I almost witnessed a death to custom items simply because of how unoptimised the texture pack became.

The reason modellers do their job is so that the consistent style and sizing is kept and the community is still able to even order custom items atall in the first place.

Now, I agree, If your model is optimised enough to standard, then let them claim it, there are plenty of talented modellers in the community, however, we ensure every customer is aware that if those models don’t meet that standard, then it has no place in the pack, and if you continue to purchasing a custom item after that, it is at your own risk.

With custom items pricing going up, it is not just sizing and style you have to take into consideration, if we lower our custom items prices, they will take longer to be made because more players will flood the requests with orders, wait time for a custom item could go from 2 weeks to 2 months, you must consider the modellers feelings on this especially as they already grow burned out, arguing expanding the team is an option but it means it’s harder to manage for Mike, with hosting for the server likely going up in pricing too, we may not be able to afford simply making custom items cheaper in anyway.

Neutral / -1

While it is most definitely true that everything is in your risk, it still does not completely change the fact that like Toto said, something like custom vehicles can end up being the price of a AAA game. Of course it is very understandable that custom models would take far longer if they had been lowered back to the $20 price tag it was before, but I am not asking for the server to make the models cheaper.

I am asking for a system models from the community are still accepted.
The reason modellers do their job is so that the consistent style and sizing is kept and the community is still able to even order custom items atall in the first place.

I have already made a bit of a counterpoint to this, because nonetheless, there are so many people in this community who are already told plenty of the size limits and style limits, we know that's the reason modelers do their job, there's more modelers like me, for an example, who has been on the team before and left because of my own circumstances, who already understands and comprehends those rules enough to even help other fellow growing modelers in the server.

Nonetheless, if style is truly an issue, there are still plenty of models that are not the same style and that are still being changed to this day within the resource pack.

Rounder / Older Style model.


Newer model.

Ontop of that, despite size being a possible issue, I could also see cubik models still being somewhat used to masks, and I do not want to argue, but as a former cubik modeler and understanding how the sizing can be very iffy with those models. they can really end up big when there are ways to definitely utilize textures to make models more compact.

For an example, Lithium's mask model.

It's an incredibly well-shaded and textured model, I absolutely love the style, but it definitely has that 'voxel' attribute within the model, which in a way, kind of breaks the whole argument down a little when saying that proper sizing and consistency is being configured with. There isn't a lot of consistency, and creating a guide to making a model that'd fit the requirements wouldn't be that difficult, and this is coming from a modeler who already understands the process, I am unsure if the official modelers are getting paid in models or money but
Perhaps actually pay your workers proper wages per completed item and not just ingame items (Which is nearly as bad as paying artists in exposure), expand the team and allow for more organisational structure to assist mike if he is unable to do it by himself.
if this is still true that modelers are getting paid in models, a donation system where a fellow modeler, can say, take the model they made and send it over to another modeler, like for an example, what I have done to send a 2 KB model with a 768 Byte texture file for my Locket --- Wouldn't be a horrible system when the said model slot is $35. The money being your responsibility can be a counter-point as well, the fact it is your money and the fact that you'd be taking the risks within the terms and conditions already says enough that you understand the current style and sizing of the model, and that is to say that the model even has any sizing.

The Locket

Yes, this model has mixels. but it can still be fixed nonetheless.

EDIT: I fixed it. Because someone in the community gave me the feedback, easy, right?



A three element model might I add.

it fits within the style, fits in with the sizing, so already, there isn't an issue with sizing and style. I am once again not saying to lower prices, but to at least create a way so other modelers from within the community can help with official 3D modelers while letting the official 3D modelers still receive compensation because that is how the community expanded to begin with.
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Level 175

I agree with customable about this but also understand where your coming from, so for now I'll be neutral on this matter


Level 139
Step 1: Apply for 3D Modeler
Step 2: Request yourself as the creator for every single model you want to implement
Step 3: Implement your models into the pack (with the added bonus of a free quota!)
Step 4: Resign


Level 138
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
While it is most definitely true that everything is in your risk, it still does not completely change the fact that like Toto said, something like custom vehicles can end up being the price of a AAA game. Of course it is very understandable that custom models would take far longer if they had been lowered back to the $20 price tag it was before, but I am not asking for the server to make the models cheaper.

I am asking for a system models from the community are still accepted.
Fair game to this point

I have already made a bit of a counterpoint to this, because nonetheless, there are so many people in this community who are already told plenty of the size limits and style limits, we know that's the reason modelers do their job, there's more modelers like me, for an example, who has been on the team before and left because of my own circumstances, who already understands and comprehends those rules enough to even help other fellow growing modelers in the server.

Nonetheless, if style is truly an issue, there are still plenty of models that are not the same style and that are still being changed to this day within the resource pack.
This is where I know something has gone wrong, you are “told plenty of file size limits” the job of modellers isn’t to follow a limit, it is to optimise the model as low as possible no matter what, we don’t have written down limitations for size on customs, if your car is 80kb or more or doesn’t look it’s size, it’s simply not getting added and you will be told to remake it.

with the models being changed, yes, that’s precisely the point, we are changing them now because of the clutter and break in style in the old resource pack

Perhaps actually pay your workers proper wages per completed item and not just ingame items (Which is nearly as bad as paying artists in exposure), expand the team and allow for more organisational structure to assist mike if he is unable to do it by himself.

We have an option between withdrawing money at the end of every month based on our model quota or using our quota’s for custom items, most if not all modellers, choose custom items.

here’s what I think in the long run, if you feel as if you’re able to make an item, make it, but whether mike or yonio believe it fits the style or not is up to them, If they don’t think it does, they will reject it and hand it off to a modeller, if it does, then they will upload it, that’s all.


Level 193
The current system will remain as it is to avoid complications and keep things organized within the 3D Team. The modellers make logs of each model they finish and who they belong to so it's easier to track down the original model owner. Community players will not be able to have access to these channels without being a modeller themselves.

To put it simply, all models requested will be worked on by the official SchoolRP 3D team

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