Level 37
StonerGoat / AzrailedXML
A Model Donation System
One of the plenty things I have found out coming back into this server is the restriction of personal models being utilized for your custom model. Plenty of the issues I understand within that information is the fact that the model may not be apart of the server's style, as the modeling style has transitioned from utilizing CUBIK Studio, to Blockbench -- and to a newer Blockbench style that's a little more true to the Minecraft style, by utilizing textures as a means of optical illusions to display exactly what a creator wants to portray through a model.
Example of the shift in style.
Going back into some possible issues of the personal models-- would exactly be that. Size issues, compatibility issues, and more. Without a doubt, with the shifting to this new style, a personal model that does not go into the mix would be quite strange, above all, having the model be way too big while mixing in with all of the newer models in contrast being very small- isn't that great. Although, these issues do seem to be some small, minimal problems to people who are more experienced in modelling. I for one, being one of those people, already understand quite well in how the system works out.
Step. 1
Contacting the Model Coordinator and asking questions regarding the possible model you want in the game. Getting answers and understanding the possible taxpay / rules of the model before.
Step 2
Paying the model.
Very honestly, and very bluntly, trying my best to not disrespect the server in any way, would be the kicker to this whole situation, the pricing of purchasing the model slot would be a whopping $35.00 USD when you want to purchase a model. As someone who enjoys creating models for my block game and as someone who has seen the models change throughout the years into being smaller and compact, it is absolutely wonderful to see these new styles and how absolutely nice they could be.
But when talking about this to say, a friend who has some interest in the server, some interest in the idea of getting a personal model -- They are baffled by the price tag of it, even more so when being told how large the models are to begin with. Of course, you'd be paying for the slot of the model within the server, and the argument could be made that the slot itself could be expensive because of the increasing size of the resource pack. Nonetheless, the person is still baffled, and now undeterred to buy a custom slot. Although, when that such argument that you'd be paying for the 'slot' is created, it truly does not hide the fact that you would be purchasing this said model for the price of groceries.
That's a lot of money. And a lot of judgement to the player purchasing the items. So you may be asking, why does this information apply to the fact that you cannot bring your personal models into the server? If you are paying for a slot in the server for the price of $35 while having the capabilities and knowledge of exactly what the server's expectations are, there would be a common sense that one who does have the capabilities and knowledge should be able to, most especially if they are having to make multiple requests for readjustments for the model one would purchase.
The person requesting the model only has the capability of knowing exactly what they want in a model, and if they have those skills, why not have the ability to utilize them some more? The argument can also be made that "If the requestor can make the model, then what is the point of having the team in the first place?" Well, the counter-argument to that would be the general fact that not a lot of people know how to model, that, although it is understandable that people making the models instead would ruin the possible profits of what the Official 3D Modelers would get, then why not create a compromise?
Perhaps there should be a 'Donation' System where a fellow modeler could donate their Personal Model to a fellow Official 3D Modeler for the sake of putting that model into their quota, so as long as the model goes maintains the size and style requirements. If the model does have a size or style issue, then the donated model should also be used as a means of a base so the model can maintain somewhat of the 'personalized' feel the 'Custom model' is most honestly supposed to maintain.
This system can be devised through letting the player that purchased the slot send the .bbmodel and the .png texture to the 3D Modeler -- Perhaps through a system where it scans the files in the case of people sending suspicious stuff -- (Discord already has something that does scan files. But still, something can be done about scanning files.) -- and with this, time waiting for the model can be saved, the worry of bothering the Modeler with making multiple adjustments? Completely solved. As a former Official 3D Modeller, if one player gave me the tools to create the model they truly desired and requested and it fits along line with the requirements-- That's an easy profit/compensation so as long as there is some kind of "terms and conditions" thing that is agreed upon before sending in the model. Allowing your personal model to be in the server would most definitely make the idea of paying the price of 35.00 buckaroonies actually decently worth something. You made it, or it has a personalization of what you wanted to portray in it, and none of that should be limited, and because of the limits, plenty of unwarranted and unlikeable opinions would already be made because of this little rule.
SchoolRP should encourage this creativity in the community, it's exactly why the team is as big as it is now. I was one of the many people who brought in the idea of custom models when I went to Duckings, when I found the idea of the model donations neatly tucked away in the rules, and I am not just saying this because I think I have a right to say anything within it. It just seems like a silly idea to create these restrictions, to put it very bluntly with no disrespect. I had plenty of hesitance making this suggestion enough because I was truly excited coming into the server once again.
StonerGoat / AzrailedXML
A Model Donation System
One of the plenty things I have found out coming back into this server is the restriction of personal models being utilized for your custom model. Plenty of the issues I understand within that information is the fact that the model may not be apart of the server's style, as the modeling style has transitioned from utilizing CUBIK Studio, to Blockbench -- and to a newer Blockbench style that's a little more true to the Minecraft style, by utilizing textures as a means of optical illusions to display exactly what a creator wants to portray through a model.
Example of the shift in style.
Going back into some possible issues of the personal models-- would exactly be that. Size issues, compatibility issues, and more. Without a doubt, with the shifting to this new style, a personal model that does not go into the mix would be quite strange, above all, having the model be way too big while mixing in with all of the newer models in contrast being very small- isn't that great. Although, these issues do seem to be some small, minimal problems to people who are more experienced in modelling. I for one, being one of those people, already understand quite well in how the system works out.
Step. 1
Contacting the Model Coordinator and asking questions regarding the possible model you want in the game. Getting answers and understanding the possible taxpay / rules of the model before.
Step 2
Paying the model.
Very honestly, and very bluntly, trying my best to not disrespect the server in any way, would be the kicker to this whole situation, the pricing of purchasing the model slot would be a whopping $35.00 USD when you want to purchase a model. As someone who enjoys creating models for my block game and as someone who has seen the models change throughout the years into being smaller and compact, it is absolutely wonderful to see these new styles and how absolutely nice they could be.
But when talking about this to say, a friend who has some interest in the server, some interest in the idea of getting a personal model -- They are baffled by the price tag of it, even more so when being told how large the models are to begin with. Of course, you'd be paying for the slot of the model within the server, and the argument could be made that the slot itself could be expensive because of the increasing size of the resource pack. Nonetheless, the person is still baffled, and now undeterred to buy a custom slot. Although, when that such argument that you'd be paying for the 'slot' is created, it truly does not hide the fact that you would be purchasing this said model for the price of groceries.
That's a lot of money. And a lot of judgement to the player purchasing the items. So you may be asking, why does this information apply to the fact that you cannot bring your personal models into the server? If you are paying for a slot in the server for the price of $35 while having the capabilities and knowledge of exactly what the server's expectations are, there would be a common sense that one who does have the capabilities and knowledge should be able to, most especially if they are having to make multiple requests for readjustments for the model one would purchase.
The person requesting the model only has the capability of knowing exactly what they want in a model, and if they have those skills, why not have the ability to utilize them some more? The argument can also be made that "If the requestor can make the model, then what is the point of having the team in the first place?" Well, the counter-argument to that would be the general fact that not a lot of people know how to model, that, although it is understandable that people making the models instead would ruin the possible profits of what the Official 3D Modelers would get, then why not create a compromise?
Perhaps there should be a 'Donation' System where a fellow modeler could donate their Personal Model to a fellow Official 3D Modeler for the sake of putting that model into their quota, so as long as the model goes maintains the size and style requirements. If the model does have a size or style issue, then the donated model should also be used as a means of a base so the model can maintain somewhat of the 'personalized' feel the 'Custom model' is most honestly supposed to maintain.
This system can be devised through letting the player that purchased the slot send the .bbmodel and the .png texture to the 3D Modeler -- Perhaps through a system where it scans the files in the case of people sending suspicious stuff -- (Discord already has something that does scan files. But still, something can be done about scanning files.) -- and with this, time waiting for the model can be saved, the worry of bothering the Modeler with making multiple adjustments? Completely solved. As a former Official 3D Modeller, if one player gave me the tools to create the model they truly desired and requested and it fits along line with the requirements-- That's an easy profit/compensation so as long as there is some kind of "terms and conditions" thing that is agreed upon before sending in the model. Allowing your personal model to be in the server would most definitely make the idea of paying the price of 35.00 buckaroonies actually decently worth something. You made it, or it has a personalization of what you wanted to portray in it, and none of that should be limited, and because of the limits, plenty of unwarranted and unlikeable opinions would already be made because of this little rule.
SchoolRP should encourage this creativity in the community, it's exactly why the team is as big as it is now. I was one of the many people who brought in the idea of custom models when I went to Duckings, when I found the idea of the model donations neatly tucked away in the rules, and I am not just saying this because I think I have a right to say anything within it. It just seems like a silly idea to create these restrictions, to put it very bluntly with no disrespect. I had plenty of hesitance making this suggestion enough because I was truly excited coming into the server once again.
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