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Accepted Mr. John Thornberry's History Teacher Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Time Zone

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I understand I will be demoted if I am inactive. In fact I strive to be more active than expected.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on every day mostly roleplaying with friends. After I have eaten breakfast I log on and I am roleplaying with friends pretty much all day.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: (That was because the character died)

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I have a character named John Tin Thornberry
My newest character is Nadine E. Thornberry


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying to teach History because I find any history fascinating. From the American revolution in 1775, to the World Wars.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for me becoming a teacher comes from a childhood game I played with my older cousin called "teacher" we used to play that every day when I visited my family in New York. We made up silly names for our students, some were silly and some were normal. we had a small two in one black and white board to use and I used the black board and he used the white board. I have always wanted to become a teacher since then and since I cant become one in real life, I found this server and saw that I can become one more seriously than other roleplay servers where you're not really a teacher you just choose "teacher" role and go into a classroom and be lucky other players followed you into the classroom.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes I understand I am applying for the teacher role of UT (Unqualified Teacher)

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand I will undergo teacher training, yes.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher Class logs are ways for teachers to document data in the classroom such as students' progress, classroom events. They can also record parent/teacher conferences, communication with parents and students entering the classroom. Teachers use this tool to help them and others have a better understanding of which students need more or less help. This helps the Senior Leadership Team know how much to pay the teachers at the end of the month! They record how long each class ran for and how many students attended. I am sure there is more information on the subject but this is all the information I can read about for now, I hope to learn more as I do my job.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Rule 1: I do not want to see any phones in my classroom! If I see any phones out I will confiscate them and you will get them back at the end of the day.
Rule 2: I want everyone to be respectful of others and their belongings. If I see anyone breaking this rule I will give you a warning. Next time you break this rule I will kick you from the class.
Rule 3: Be kind to others, if I see anyone breaking this rule I will give you three warnings. When you get three warnings you will be kicked from class.
Rule 4: When I am talking I want all eyes on me, if I see anyone not paying attention, you will be called out.
Rule 5: I want everyone to be prepared for class and learning. You are here to learn, not to mess around and talk with your friends.
Rule 6: If you have something to say you must raise your hand. If I catch anyone talking without their hand raised I will give you a warning.
Rule 7: Note that any warning I give will be accounted for anything, meaning if you receive a warning for not raising your hand and for being unkind to others, you have two strikes.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started roleplaying as a child and played multiple games with a couple of my cousins, with my older cousin in New York I played three games called "Teacher" "Apartments" and "Iron-man and Spiderman" in Teacher we acted as teachers to some imaginary students and used our imagination to make the game fun so Id randomly say "Rosey, no you may no drop a piano on my head". In Apartments we used random parts of our Grandma's back yard for our apartments, my cousin used Grandma's fenced in abandoned garden for his apartment, and I used her back porch. We thought of everything in this roleplay, we thought of what our jobs were and what our family's names were and even what our vehicle would be. Iron-man and Spiderman was a game where we pretended to be the two heroes and would fight crime and use our Grandma's hammock as our vehicle to get around. When I was 20 years old I came across a not so great roleplaying server, you chose your role whether it was "teacher" "mom" "dad" "son" "daughter" and you played as that role but you had to be lucky to end up in a roleplay. Playing as a teacher you chose the role and you had to be lucky to get students to join your class. I played a number of random roles and was lucky enough to be a teacher a couple times. I was a dad, I was a boyfriend/husband, I was a baby, and I was a student a few times.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description:

This rank is the top of the chain. The HD is the boss of the school. These individuals know very much what they are doing in this field. This individual has been in the teaching business for the longest time and knows the ins and outs of being a teacher and what to do and what not to do. They are here to help new teachers get acquainted with their new roles, and help the new students get acquainted with the schoolThey help make sure the school system is running smoothly. They help plan and maintain school functions.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:

This rank has been in the business for a very long time. They help the newcomers get acquainted to their new role and give pointers. These people are the ones you go to for advice on how to do certain things such as keeping a class behaved. Qualified Teachers have shown they know and are well aware of the rules and know what they are doing. They know the ins and outs of the school building and the teaching job itself.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:

These people are Unqualified Teachers who just became Newly Qualified Teachers. These individuals have shown they know what they are doing enough to move up in the chain. They have proven themselves to be able to handle teaching a class on their own. They can also show newcomers around and give them a helping hand in getting acquainted to their new role. The NQT's are no longer the new kids on the block and have been around long enough to know that they know what they are doing.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:

These individuals are the new kids on the block and know the least about their new job, which is why they are called "Unqualified Teachers" These people look up to other ranks and often seek help and advice on how to do their job. They are not allowed to host classes until they have underwent teacher training. Other higher ups in the faction will generally be there to help them out with where to go for things and certain commands on being a teacher.

Teacher Knowledge

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers teach players ICLY and sometimes even OOCLY, valuable information such as Math, Sciences, History/Social Studies, English etc. Teachers help guide the students down the correct path. As this is a school role playing server, teachers play a significant part in it, showing students how to act properly and how to treat others with respect, while also doing their jobs and providing general knowledge, helping the students grow up and become better, successful people.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoSCoW Must have, Should have, Could have, and Wont have.

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers are the epitome of education. They help us learn what we need to know in order to live in this society. Teachers in-game are unique compared to real life teachers, they are more fun and fun-loving. A fun lesson and teacher, helps students like them more and want to learn from them, in turn winning their attention in the classroom. For example, I've seen PE teachers take students down to the dodge ball court to play dodge ball, or to the courts for volleyball. Teachers out-of-game get a salary of roughly 40-50k, whilst in-game teachers get roughly 500k, reason being that money in game is easier to earn compared to real life. There are numerous teachers, each of them with different teaching styles. Some are more stern and straight to the point, while other are fun and engaging with their class. These are the teachers that make learning fun and interactive. Interactive learning naturally draws in students' attention more and makes them want to learn and listen. Teachers are regular people, they have daily hobbies just like others. That might involve video-games, sports.

Character Information

Describe the character:
How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
John Thornberry (Mr. Thornberry) is a handsome suit and tie kind of guy. He likes to wear a top hat everywhere and walks with a cane. John doesn't always wear formal wear, he loves to wear his favorite green jacket and white T-shirt with black dress pants. He sometimes wears his signature yellow framed sunglasses. John is relatively average in height and his face has some pleasant features that compliment his messy hair. He is a middle aged man in his mid 50s and loves to joke around. John can also get very angry at times but he calms down very fast and doesn't hold any grudges and apologizes when he needs to. As a teacher he is a very loving and caring person and will do anything for his students. Due to some family issues, John can be super overprotective of his relatives and friends. Even tho he has let himself go, he is still very healthy for someone in his 50s.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
John observes each and every student individually. He tries to have a positive outlook for his students as well as his co-workers. He cares about everyone and will do anything to help people. If a student is having trouble with their learning, John will help them best he can. Same goes for his co-workers, if they're having trouble with anything, he will be glad to lend a helping hand. He had faith in every one of his students and wants them to succeed, and due to his patience and kindness he is willing to give extra help to anyone needing it. John will try and chat with every one of his students at least once at some point within the year, so he can learn more about them, about their plans for the future and will help them get there if he can. When sitting in the faculty lounge, John will actively chat with his co-workers about their own plans and outlook on life, sharing advice and focusing on understanding them more in depth.

What are their plans for the future?
John's plans for the future is to make sure his family is safe and well taken care of. He cares a lot about his niece and wants to make sure she will have someone to take care of her and love her. John may be in his 50s but he's really happy with being a teacher and being there for his family, and has no other plans other than caring for them. John wants to spend the rest of his life looking after his niece, helping her and making sure she can reach her goals and succeed in life. His family and friends mean so much more to him, considering he has already lives a big chunk of his life. He wants to better himself and teach his niece how to be responsible and to strive to be a better person.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

When dealing with delinquents you have to be patient! So after I remind them to watch their language and that they're on school grounds, I would ask "What's the problem?". If they continue to swear or threaten me I'd remind them and warn them I can get them a detention if they don't cooperate. If they continue I will have no choice but to give them detention. If the situation is difficult, I can also call other teachers or employees to the scene and get some help if need be. After the situation is resolved, if he needs to, John will talk to them nicely and ask if everything is alright and if they're doing alright as this behavior can come from something that is bothering them such as family drama/trauma. Students shouldn't be talking like that to teachers, staff and adults in general! John cares more for his students' well being rather than just scolding them and throwing them into detention. Thanks to his family and natural experience, he has learned how kids act and he knows how to handle similar situations.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
John would tap his cane on the floor and say "Ahem!" wait a second to see if they respond or stop to listen then he would say "I'm not getting any younger!" or "I can wait, I'm here all day!" If they don't listen he will do what he does with his niece at home which is exclaim "OI!" and say "You need to listen to me, I am here to teach you, and you are here to listen to me! Now I want all eyes up here on me or there will be consequences! I will even have John create a routine to make sure he has their attention or tap his cane on the floor 3 times and wait to talk. If they still don't listen Ill threaten to start handing out detentions and kicking students out of the class. If they still wont listen Ill slam heavy books on my desk and say "that's it! if you don't wanna listen I don't wanna teach! shrugs and sits in his chair and scans the class to see whose listening and who's not

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In the teacher's lounge John will lean his cane in the corner and open up his news paper or book read as he eats his lunch. He will try to start a conversation with the other people in the room, just small talk will do, however he likes meeting new people, so he might also try to start meaningful conversations with anyone. If hes in the mood, John might do some simple exercises to keep his body in shape. Another thing John will do is call his family, make sure they're alright, before he goes back to class. If John has nothing else to do, he will go outside and patrol around the school until the bell rings.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:


Walks into the classroom and goes to the front of the class "Hello class, Good Morning and welcome to History with yours truly" he says as at the same time he notices a student on their phone and goes to warn them to put it away, then goes to right down the day's current lesson on the board. A paper airplane hits him on the back of his head, he turns around to inquire who threw it. No one wants to answer. "I'm going to choose to ignore that for now but the next time I see or feel a paper airplane get thrown, I will kick you out of my class, no questions asked." He goes back to keep writing when he notices a student sitting on top of the file cabinet near his desk. "Get down from there now and go have a seat!" He sighs before he continues. "Why cant children behave?" He says to himself. John will then go to the file cabinet to retrieve some test papers and goes to hand them out to each student saying "This test is open book so I hope you studied and took notes as well as paid attention!"

John would walk to the door to see who is knocking and begins to talk with another teacher when ne notices a young girl in the corner crying. He walks over to her and takes her out into the hallway to talk and make sure she is alright. He asks the staff member he was talking to before and asks them to watch his class while he is talking to the sad student. He asks the student if there is anything he can do to make things better but the student politely refuses, thanks Mr. Thornberry and walks back to class wiping tears away. John sighs as he walks back to class, thanks the other school staff member and continues to teach his class. All of class he watched the student sit there sadly and tried to think of anything he could to help her. After class he gets on the phone to call her parents and begins to talk about what happened that day and sets up a parent teacher meeting to try to help the student and find out what is going to try to help her.

As John goes to collect the tests to grade them he notices a student passing a note to the student next to them and says: "Uh, Excuse me? No passing notes in my class! Now either put it away or I will make you read it to the entire class!" after he says it he notices out of the corner of his eye the student passes it anyway. John then goes to snatch the note out of the student's hand and throws it in the garbage pail. "You're lucky I'm not doing to read this, or worse...I make you read it. Next time I will make you read it!" after he says this he finishes collecting tests and goes to sit down in his chair to grade tests. John would watch the students in question and makes sure they don't keep passing notes.

John goes to write down "World War 2" on the board when he hears two students swearing at each other light-heartedly. Mr. Thornberry then walks slowly over to the two students and says "You two have heard of my rules, yes? Why have you decided to break one of them?" he then gives them a look of warning then he walks back to the board to continue writing "World War 2 Today we will be discussing the events of World War 2. Before we start does anyone remember what we went over in yesterday?" He says as he leans on his cane and scans the class to see who is listening. John would then watch the students to make sure they don't keep swearing at each other, if they do he will hand them each detention slips.


John and his 3 other siblings Emily, Chloe, and their eldest brother is named Frank. The Thornberry family when the children were young were often described as beyond dysfunctional. The parents severely abused the kids when they messed up in their daily chores. Emily would often mess up whether it was weeding the gardens or milking the cows, as she would mess up her mother would strike her across the face with the shovel. Another thing that would get Emily smacked was she always stood up for herself and her siblings. John didn't mess up as often but when he did his father would whip him every time he would slip up.
John's chores were to mow the lawn with an old fashioned non-electric push mower, he had to harvest 4 acres of carrots and potatoes and bring them to the market to sell and they got a hefty sum. The Thornberry yard spanned about 8 acres of land with the 2 story home with a barn right smack dab in the middle as they sold carrots and potatoes. Mowing took John about 3 days of hard back breaking work with many other jobs in between such as building and repairing things within the property such as their fence, and anything inside like a table or chair, or a kitchen appliance. Emily's general chores were to weed and tend to the gardens, she had to cook and clean, she had to make sure the family's animals and plants were watered and fed, and she had to cook and set the table for dinner at exactly 5:00. All the parents did were d**** over the kids and smack them all day long every day every time they messed up. The parents had nothing else better to do as they had no jobs as they made their money from selling carrots and potatoes. Whilst all this is happening, Chloe, who is toddler aged is still in the house left alone for hours unfed and unsupervised. Emily being the only one to take care of Chloe is unable to feed her sister during the day as she is outside most of the day, though she does as much as she can. John is completely unable to care for her sisters as he is mowing the lawn, tending to the farm, and building and repairing things, and when he tries to do something his father whips him again. Frank the eldest of the 4 Thornberry kids was a wealthy and successful man so much older than his brother and sisters and didn't live there any more however he did come by now and again to check up on them and sneak them some food and would take them out as a break once in a while. Frank worked in advertising with his best friend Nigel.
One fateful day a fire broke out and burned the house down along with the parents. The kids searched for hours for Chloe but they couldn't find her. John and Emily eventually gave up and left with some words of departure, along with some tears believing they had lost their baby sister. John and Emily wandered towards California where a guy in this forties with a rugged graying beard suggested they go to Japan as its cheaper there (I honestly don't know) so they found a ferry and hitched a ride and found themselves porting in Tokyo. In Tokyo they were homeless for about a year. The kids were chased by dogs and ate out of garbage cans to survive. After about a year John and Emily found them selves enrolling in an orphanage school in Hiroshima where they met the nicest teacher the kids have ever met.
Miss Hiyo was a small plump lady in her 50's with brunette hair and half rimmed spectacles and always wore a green kimono. She smells of watermelon-pine scented perfume all the time and she loves children and John and Emily are her favorites. John love this teacher, she was his favorite as well as Emily's. Miss Hiyo inspired John to become a teacher himself. From his time in the orphanage to today he has worked so hard to become a teacher. Teaching was always fun for John as he was always teaching his sisters something all their lives.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

John Thornberry
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Thornberry
Given Name(s):
My friend calls him "Yonathon" or "Yon" for short.
Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
I am 54 years old.
I am male
Religious Denomination:
I am Christian Non-Denomination.
Marital Status:
I am single.

I am an American
Current Location:
I live in Karakura Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

When I was twenty years old it was just me and my sister and had to find any means necessary. After I graduated high-school I worked in Mc. Donalds as a bus-boy. I was later given a promotion and I was waiting tables and soon after I was one of the cooks. Another job I worked in was in a Walmart warehouse doing a number of things. Some jobs include packing trucks, making boxes, filling boxes, and operating a forklift. I worked at this warehouse for 10 years. I didn't find another job to work at part time along side Walmart until a year later and this job was mowing lawns for 20$ a house. I did this for 11 years until I got fired for accidentally running over my client's flowers. I quit from Walmart because I learned a wood working trade after I turned thirty years old and worked with my hands for nineteen years. I had to quit because I broke my back falling off the roof of a 2 story house my men and I were building and needed a couple years to recover. After I was told by the doctor I wasn't allowed to wood work anymore I decided to look into teaching as I wanted to learn to teach when I was a teenager. So I went to collage and got my bachelor's degree.

Academic Degree:
I got a bachelor's degree
Year of Graduation:
I graduated in 2024
Creative Writing

Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, German, and JSL

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No I have none of those things.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
I put days into this application, and have written all that I could and I know about each topic, and with careful consideration I have decided to submit my application. Id like to note my John character is in my secondary character slot.
Do you have any questions?:
Will it be mandatory to teach about the history of Karakura as I will be a history teacher?​


Level 39
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction!
Please join the Karakura Academics server to gain your roles and receive further instructions.​

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