Level 4
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Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?: mzvzt
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): msvzt#2122
What is your time zone?: Eastern Time Zone [EST]
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP is very high. Every day for at least an hour or two I get on the server and play. I am active within the community with tailoring, applying for languages, joining classes when I can, being on a team and joining practices almost every time they're hosted, as well as being a librarian. I have a lot of free time, and even when I have school I have so much time afterwards to play and do what I find most enjoyable nowadays. If I had to rate my activity I'd give it a 9/10. Because even if I am on quite frequently, I have days where I don't feel like it and get massive rp blocks. Regardless, I love the server and have spent a lot of time playing!
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Language Applications:
Faction Applications:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12][Basketball-Team] Eryka Blaski
[Librarian] Estrella R. Nori
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Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:
Hanakotoba | Would be renamed to Chimuwaku.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Shopkeepers are a big part of SRP and everything that goes on in Karakura. They allow our role play experiences to be better than ever. When I think of shopkeeping I think of inspiration, new experiences, and responsibility. I want everything that comes with shopkeeping, allow me to explain to you why.
One of the things that amazed me the most when I first joined the server were the real shops with actual players running them. Shopkeeping amazed me and seemed like such a cool task. They were inspirational to me and I have always wanted to run my own shop since I joined the server. Shopkeepers add so much to role play. Whether it's their stock and new items they add to the game or the ability to have characters and players work there. It's all so amazing and having your own place that you own and designed is something I'd love to have. These people who run shops add onto the economy as well, with the back and forth of money going from the customer to the cashier to the owner and then goes into stock to allow this cycle to continue. It's all so inspirational that shopkeepers do all of this. I'd love to be given a chance to do this.
New experiences is something that everyone on SRP looks for. Something to allow us to have even more fun on the server. There are so many different roles and jobs you could have on the server, the possibilities are endless. Whether you want to be a team member, a doctor, a police officer, a librarian or teacher, a lawyer! All of it is available on SRP, a fake world that so many of us have dedicated so much time to. This server allows us to have a big imagination and one of the roles/jobs that I want to experience is shopkeeper. It's so different to all the other roles because I'd get to run something myself. Choose the name, the employees, the stock, all of it would be my choice. Being able to do all of that is so powerful and amazing. Having the opportunity to do that is great and I'd love to be chosen for the shop.
When most people think of shopkeeper, they think of a job that makes loads of money. They may be true but one of the biggest thing that comes with shopkeeping is responsibility. It takes so much of it to be able to run a shop. You are responsible for restocking and hiring people, for designing the shop in a way that attracts customers, choosing the right items that will also attract customers. The success of the shop depends on your choices and that's a lot of pressure. Learning to be a good leader and run a shop well may take time, however I see myself as a fast learner. I've always learned quickly and I don't expect it to be any different with shopkeeping. I'd love to take on the responsibility of owning a shop and I hope I am able to have the opportunity to do so.
As you can see, so many things are linked to shopkeeping and it's such a big part of SRP. Whether it's the inspiration, new experience, or responsibility, I want to do it. Owning this shop has been my dream since the first day I joined SRP and realized how amazing shops are. I hope my application is considered.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
The shop appearance may change based on the season, holiday, or events that are happening in SRP. Colors may change based on those to give more excitement around these things. Some examples of this is decorations being around the shop for holidays, team posters being around the shop during tournament season, or seasonal banners being hung up high to express the vibes of whatever season it is. I'd take any recommendations from the staff for extra decorations or color scheme changes, etc! They deserve to have an input because of their hard work.
Employee of the Month
On a wall in the shop will be a plaque. Every month, the most active, consistent, and kind employee will have their name as well as their photo on the plaque. This photo will be posted in the discord server when announced! They will earn a cash reward for doing so well, this will encourage the employees even more to do their best while working and being a part of this team. Currently the amount has not been decided, but I estimate it will be 100,000 or more! Some examples of ways an employee can earn this position is when someone who has gone to many openings in the month gives up their spot in an opening for someone who hasn't gone to many or any openings yet. This is an act of kindness and allows another fellow employee a chance to earn money and attend an opening! Another way is by being active, speaking in the shop discord often, showing up to openings consistently, and many things along these lines! I'm sure there are many other things that I will see employees do that will give them a point towards employee of the month that isn't listed here because some people are extraordinary and do amazing things! Another thing to add is that the employee of the month will also be used for any new items that have come out that month! They will be used as a model to showcase the new item and how it looks! A photo of them modeling it will be edited and posted in the discord server for all to see.
Go Team!
Something special where the store gives a 15% discount to any team member, bobcat or spartan, during tournament season! A 20% discount will go towards a captain because they are the ones organizing the practices and teaching the team. This will only last a week, specifically the week before tournaments! This is not meant to be seen as an unfair advantage for the teams and those who win on them nor is it meant to be seen as favoritism! It's simply appreciation for all their hard work as well as a small way to cheer them on for working hard and trying to win! This part specifically is because the character I plan to use has been a captain before and is currently on that team, no longer as captain! She would have a special place in her heart for all teams so this would make sense for her, however if I decide to use someone else I would still do this because OOCly I still love all the teams and think they deserve this because they put in a lot of work to win.
Wearing a uniform will not be required however it will be an option! During holidays, special uniforms will be made. Some examples of possible holiday uniforms would be a witch's costume or pumpkin themed outfits during Halloween season. Elf outfits would be around Christmas time and so on! These will not be required to wear but definitely recommended to keep the spirit high!
Opening Time
My time zone is EST, and I have noticed that the most active times are around 3pm and later in EST time. I am always active around these times and am sometimes even active really late. This would give me the opportunity to open quite often and at different times to allow people with very a different time zone to me a chance to shop as well. Having a manager with a different time zone would be something I'd try to do so that when I am not around they may open. This gives more people the chance to attend a shop opening as well as allow customers to shop more!
What will you sell in your shop?:
/*Any former custom items that were sold would continue to be sold if possible.*/
Seeing as this is an accessories store, items like glasses, hats, bags, earrings, etc! All available things along this line will be considered and most likely sold.
For possible custom items, I'd consider any of the following. The choice would depend on the employees and customers. They'd get a chance to vote on what they'd like to be sold at the shop. I want more customer-shop interaction and allow them to have a say.
Teddy Backpack
Bucket Hats
Holiday Themed Earrings
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Employees are a big part of any shop. They do a lot of the front work while the owner does more behind the scene. Employees are the face of the shop. They're one of the first things someone sees when they walk in. Some things I expect from my employees are kindness, warm welcomes, and a good attitude. No one wants a rude cashier, it reflects badly on the shop. The employees represent the shop, it's best for them to give a good impression. The total amount of employees, including managers, are 14. Three employees will be able to work at once.
Cashiers [0/10]
The cashiers are responsible for the customer's order and getting it for the customer. They are responsible for getting the money from the customer and handing the right % to the owner at the end of the shift. The cashiers are the face of the store, they are the people that the customers will see before they leave and when they are purchasing items. A good impression needs to be given and positive energy must always be emitted.
During each shift, a total of three cashiers will be asked to show up to a shift because of the total of three registers available, however, if less than two show up the owner will step in as a cashier.
Manager [0/4]
A manager is a trusted employee who has proven that they deserve the higher position. They will usually have the same job as the cashiers but will also have the ability to monitor a shift when the owner is not available. They have more authority than the employees and are expected to enforce the rules. A manager can show up to a shift even if all 3 employees are there. They will be expected to keep the employees in check when the owner can't. Managers will assist in coming up with event ideas with the owner. Every month there will be a group discussion where we talk about possible events and ways to give back to the SRP community.
During each shift, only one manager will be allowed at each shift otherwise the amount of employees on each shift become too much.
What are the rules your employees must follow during their time in your shop?
Rules play a large part in any place, public and private. It sets a stable environment for everyone. Some general rules that my employees would need to follow:
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Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?: mzvzt
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): msvzt#2122
What is your time zone?: Eastern Time Zone [EST]
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP is very high. Every day for at least an hour or two I get on the server and play. I am active within the community with tailoring, applying for languages, joining classes when I can, being on a team and joining practices almost every time they're hosted, as well as being a librarian. I have a lot of free time, and even when I have school I have so much time afterwards to play and do what I find most enjoyable nowadays. If I had to rate my activity I'd give it a 9/10. Because even if I am on quite frequently, I have days where I don't feel like it and get massive rp blocks. Regardless, I love the server and have spent a lot of time playing!
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Language Applications:
Faction Applications:
Denied - CrySan's Shop Application | Karafuru Na Yume
Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: CrySan Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): cryybaby._#3255 What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: I am active almost every day for multiple hours a day, I am an active player and I do...
Accepted - GlitchedValley's Math Teacher Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: GlitchedValley Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): cryybaby._#3255 Do you have a microphone?: Yes. How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your time zone?: EST. Do you acknowledge that if you are...
Accepted - Librarian Application | Gl1ky
____________________________________________________________________________ Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Gl1ky Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): msvzt#2122 How old are you? (Optional): 16 What is your time zone?: EST Describe...
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12][Basketball-Team] Eryka Blaski
[Librarian] Estrella R. Nori
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Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:
Hanakotoba | Would be renamed to Chimuwaku.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Shopkeepers are a big part of SRP and everything that goes on in Karakura. They allow our role play experiences to be better than ever. When I think of shopkeeping I think of inspiration, new experiences, and responsibility. I want everything that comes with shopkeeping, allow me to explain to you why.
One of the things that amazed me the most when I first joined the server were the real shops with actual players running them. Shopkeeping amazed me and seemed like such a cool task. They were inspirational to me and I have always wanted to run my own shop since I joined the server. Shopkeepers add so much to role play. Whether it's their stock and new items they add to the game or the ability to have characters and players work there. It's all so amazing and having your own place that you own and designed is something I'd love to have. These people who run shops add onto the economy as well, with the back and forth of money going from the customer to the cashier to the owner and then goes into stock to allow this cycle to continue. It's all so inspirational that shopkeepers do all of this. I'd love to be given a chance to do this.
New experiences is something that everyone on SRP looks for. Something to allow us to have even more fun on the server. There are so many different roles and jobs you could have on the server, the possibilities are endless. Whether you want to be a team member, a doctor, a police officer, a librarian or teacher, a lawyer! All of it is available on SRP, a fake world that so many of us have dedicated so much time to. This server allows us to have a big imagination and one of the roles/jobs that I want to experience is shopkeeper. It's so different to all the other roles because I'd get to run something myself. Choose the name, the employees, the stock, all of it would be my choice. Being able to do all of that is so powerful and amazing. Having the opportunity to do that is great and I'd love to be chosen for the shop.
When most people think of shopkeeper, they think of a job that makes loads of money. They may be true but one of the biggest thing that comes with shopkeeping is responsibility. It takes so much of it to be able to run a shop. You are responsible for restocking and hiring people, for designing the shop in a way that attracts customers, choosing the right items that will also attract customers. The success of the shop depends on your choices and that's a lot of pressure. Learning to be a good leader and run a shop well may take time, however I see myself as a fast learner. I've always learned quickly and I don't expect it to be any different with shopkeeping. I'd love to take on the responsibility of owning a shop and I hope I am able to have the opportunity to do so.
As you can see, so many things are linked to shopkeeping and it's such a big part of SRP. Whether it's the inspiration, new experience, or responsibility, I want to do it. Owning this shop has been my dream since the first day I joined SRP and realized how amazing shops are. I hope my application is considered.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
The shop appearance may change based on the season, holiday, or events that are happening in SRP. Colors may change based on those to give more excitement around these things. Some examples of this is decorations being around the shop for holidays, team posters being around the shop during tournament season, or seasonal banners being hung up high to express the vibes of whatever season it is. I'd take any recommendations from the staff for extra decorations or color scheme changes, etc! They deserve to have an input because of their hard work.
Employee of the Month
On a wall in the shop will be a plaque. Every month, the most active, consistent, and kind employee will have their name as well as their photo on the plaque. This photo will be posted in the discord server when announced! They will earn a cash reward for doing so well, this will encourage the employees even more to do their best while working and being a part of this team. Currently the amount has not been decided, but I estimate it will be 100,000 or more! Some examples of ways an employee can earn this position is when someone who has gone to many openings in the month gives up their spot in an opening for someone who hasn't gone to many or any openings yet. This is an act of kindness and allows another fellow employee a chance to earn money and attend an opening! Another way is by being active, speaking in the shop discord often, showing up to openings consistently, and many things along these lines! I'm sure there are many other things that I will see employees do that will give them a point towards employee of the month that isn't listed here because some people are extraordinary and do amazing things! Another thing to add is that the employee of the month will also be used for any new items that have come out that month! They will be used as a model to showcase the new item and how it looks! A photo of them modeling it will be edited and posted in the discord server for all to see.
Go Team!
Something special where the store gives a 15% discount to any team member, bobcat or spartan, during tournament season! A 20% discount will go towards a captain because they are the ones organizing the practices and teaching the team. This will only last a week, specifically the week before tournaments! This is not meant to be seen as an unfair advantage for the teams and those who win on them nor is it meant to be seen as favoritism! It's simply appreciation for all their hard work as well as a small way to cheer them on for working hard and trying to win! This part specifically is because the character I plan to use has been a captain before and is currently on that team, no longer as captain! She would have a special place in her heart for all teams so this would make sense for her, however if I decide to use someone else I would still do this because OOCly I still love all the teams and think they deserve this because they put in a lot of work to win.
Wearing a uniform will not be required however it will be an option! During holidays, special uniforms will be made. Some examples of possible holiday uniforms would be a witch's costume or pumpkin themed outfits during Halloween season. Elf outfits would be around Christmas time and so on! These will not be required to wear but definitely recommended to keep the spirit high!
Opening Time
My time zone is EST, and I have noticed that the most active times are around 3pm and later in EST time. I am always active around these times and am sometimes even active really late. This would give me the opportunity to open quite often and at different times to allow people with very a different time zone to me a chance to shop as well. Having a manager with a different time zone would be something I'd try to do so that when I am not around they may open. This gives more people the chance to attend a shop opening as well as allow customers to shop more!
What will you sell in your shop?:
/*Any former custom items that were sold would continue to be sold if possible.*/
Seeing as this is an accessories store, items like glasses, hats, bags, earrings, etc! All available things along this line will be considered and most likely sold.
For possible custom items, I'd consider any of the following. The choice would depend on the employees and customers. They'd get a chance to vote on what they'd like to be sold at the shop. I want more customer-shop interaction and allow them to have a say.
Teddy Backpack
Bucket Hats
Holiday Themed Earrings
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Employees are a big part of any shop. They do a lot of the front work while the owner does more behind the scene. Employees are the face of the shop. They're one of the first things someone sees when they walk in. Some things I expect from my employees are kindness, warm welcomes, and a good attitude. No one wants a rude cashier, it reflects badly on the shop. The employees represent the shop, it's best for them to give a good impression. The total amount of employees, including managers, are 14. Three employees will be able to work at once.
Cashiers [0/10]
The cashiers are responsible for the customer's order and getting it for the customer. They are responsible for getting the money from the customer and handing the right % to the owner at the end of the shift. The cashiers are the face of the store, they are the people that the customers will see before they leave and when they are purchasing items. A good impression needs to be given and positive energy must always be emitted.
During each shift, a total of three cashiers will be asked to show up to a shift because of the total of three registers available, however, if less than two show up the owner will step in as a cashier.
Manager [0/4]
A manager is a trusted employee who has proven that they deserve the higher position. They will usually have the same job as the cashiers but will also have the ability to monitor a shift when the owner is not available. They have more authority than the employees and are expected to enforce the rules. A manager can show up to a shift even if all 3 employees are there. They will be expected to keep the employees in check when the owner can't. Managers will assist in coming up with event ideas with the owner. Every month there will be a group discussion where we talk about possible events and ways to give back to the SRP community.
During each shift, only one manager will be allowed at each shift otherwise the amount of employees on each shift become too much.
What are the rules your employees must follow during their time in your shop?
Rules play a large part in any place, public and private. It sets a stable environment for everyone. Some general rules that my employees would need to follow:
- Be welcoming and kind - When a customer comes up to your counter, always welcome them and be kind. Any negative attitude or rude tones will not be tolerated.
- Uniforms - Uniforms are not required but they are appreciated! If you decide to wear it, thank you.
- Stealing - Always report stealing to the owner or manager (be sure to get a screenshot of the person!). Do not steal items from the stock for yourself and do not keep more of your earnings than you are supposed to.
- Time - Be on time to shifts, don’t make everyone else wait on you! You’ll be holding up the opening.
- Non-Employees - Don’t bring any non-employees into the back of the shop without the permission from the owner or a manager.
- Casualties - If you are ever struggling with a customer, never take that as an excuse to be rude. Do not stoop to their level and always be kind no matter the situation. If the customer gets to an intolerable level, please let the owner or manager know (if they have not stepped in yet) and allow for them to handle it.
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Additional notes about your application: N/a.
Do you have any questions?: N/a.

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Additional notes about your application: N/a.
Do you have any questions?: N/a.
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