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Natasha Kirishiki ˎˊ˗ | Guttedvalentine Kpd Application


Level 21

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section.ᐟ
GuttedValentine Application.gif

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Pst :3!

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Accepted Psychiatrist Application

Denied Shrine Application
Denied Shopkeeper Application
Denied (I asked for them to remove it) Receptionist Application

Describe your activity on the server:

♡ Guttedcupid (Main)♡

[Grade-12][Cheerleader]Nobara Heddo

I am very active on this account, considering this is the only faction I am in currently. I only got into jockrp, early, this year. I adore it heavily, but want to try expanding my horizons, for the only other faction I was in was EMS.
♡ GuttedValentine (Alt)♡

[Adult] Natasha Kirishiki
[Adult] Sunako Kirishiki
I am not as active on this account, anymore, since leaving EMS. I do engage in roleplay a lot to grow my character that i will be applying as. I guess I find it harder to roleplay on either or as of recently.
Reminder, this is all in PST time.
ActiveSemi-ActiveActiveSemi-ActiveVERY Active
VERY Active
VERY Active
8:00 am - 1:00 Pm
BUSY! At work.

2:00 Pm - 4:00 Pm

6:00 Pm - All Night
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Busy! At Uni.

10:30 am - 3:30 pm

6:00 pm - 7:30pm
Busy! At Uni.

Available for the rest of the night.
8:00 am - 1:00 Pm
BUSY! At work.

2:00 Pm - 4:00 Pm

6:00 Pm - All Night
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Busy! At Uni.

10:30 am - 3:30 pm

6:00 pm - 7:30pm
Busy! At Uni.

Available for the rest of the night.
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Busy! At Work..

Available for the rest of the day!
Free All day (Unless studying, but I usually complete school-work before Friday.)Free All day (Unless studying, but I usually complete school-work before Friday.)

What is your motivation for applying?:
1.5 year of me in EMS. I am forever grateful for that faction, for it was the reason I got out of my comfort zone/shell. As my ems sparkle was slowly starting to run out, I knew it was my time to leave... +Irl importances getting in the way for that time of being a higher up!
Roleplaying in this faction meant I had to work (almost daily) alongside KPD's side.
Radio calls of 'Ems, we're bringing a ko patient.'
Setting up evals, organizing who is assigned to who.. It ALWAYS made me wonder, 'I'd like to know how it is on the other side of things..'

Having very close friends in this faction only created for my interest to blossom more and more as they laughed about the events and fun roleplays they had. Watching it first hand, my urges grew.. (You can ask almost most of my friends, I have been wanting to apply to Kpd for 4+ months now.)
I always hesitated due to being a higherup in ems and knowing I would not have time for police-work, so I chose to focus to my responsibilities as higher-up and apply when 'the time was right.'
To shorten everything: My motivation is that I witnessed a lot of kpd work and such during my one year and five (or six) months of being a psychiatrist, and now I would like the opportunity to do as such. I'd like to get a better understanding of how things work, since I never dipped my toes into this water. It heavily interests me. I want to be on the opposite side of the psych stuff I always heard.. I want to be the one getting my eval and pretending to dread it icly. :3

Heo Toku- No!! I'm kidding.

Natasha Kirishiki. A ginger ex-psychiatrist who lost her husband years ago in a brutal way. Her delusions and heartbreak eating her alive, as Kirishiki's agony grew when listening to others problems.
She went from marrying an officer, witnessing his death, to having to care for officer's mental health. She was not like most other psychs who continued their work, despite them needing more mental help than their own patients.. (I'm looking at you, Huali Hiwahiwa). Kirishiki was not able to help others, when she-herself needed help.

We can get a better understand of such in her backstory, but..
Kirishiki witnessed the love of her life die in front of her. The guilt eating her alive daily, as she lives in delusions while wearing an emerald wedding-ring and repeating, 'Sorry, no. I'm married.' After months of Aleksei and Raikou Kirishiki echoing to her that it is time to heal from her husband's death, Natasha began to come to terms with what occurred. Perhaps she could not have saved him, but she knows she can bring protection and care to other's lives.

'Nobody was there to save Sevastian when I needed it. I can be the answer to when people are holding the love of their life in their arms, and screaming help. I'll be that help that no one was to me.'

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
All of the information I have on police-work is what I witnessed first-hand, during my time in ems, or what i've heard those in Kpd talk about. Even though I do know a few things, I still need to be heavily informed on much more.. (Thank god training exists for that! :p)

Emergency Levels
The city goes on to have 'emergency levels' to further explain the understanding of Karakura's current state. Its entire purpose is for that, leading for officers to not be able to be alone if the levels raise as a way to avoid troubles/dangers.

Level 2: Safe
This level is considered to be the safest, allowing for officers to patrol alone! Though, I believe that's still dangerous.. Comeawn now.

Level 3: Caution
The crime is raising, so officers must be weary.. For that, the emergency level increases, mimicking the increase of danger in Karakura. Patrolling alone is NOT allowed at all, needing to have an officer to go with you wherever to avoid the crime attacking you when off-guard.

Level 4: Dangerous
This level is the most dangerous of them all, following the lead of Level 3 and now allowing officers to be alone when patrolling.. But with much more carefulness. I'm unsure on the exact number of officers required to be able to leave the station, but I believe it's 4-5 (?) When emergency calls come your way, you will need 4-6 (?) officers to accompany you.

These are all the things handed to you, icly.. Some things do not apply to all, for different ranks are given equipment as their responsibility rises.

Handcuffs are used to assist when detaining and arresting an individual. All ranks are given these; The individual being handcuffed as an option to resist (which is mentioned in Looc by the officer.)

Communication being very important in a government job, all ranks are given this equipment. The radio goes on the officer's shoulder, being used to communicate on and off duty. KPD also has the radio to communicate with town-hall, and the hospital-workers in case of needing to,
- Ask for a lawyer/judge to make their way to the station to help with warrants, and/or an inmate wanting to speak to a lawyer.
- Needing to drop off a knocked-out/harmed victim at the hospital, they will radio ems to be on standby...
- Needing ems to do bloodwork, to identify blood!
- Their month evals (of course!)
- Etc!

Police Baton:
This item is used to assist with defensive during a hostile and violent situation. With two hits, to the head, the individual can be KNOCKED out with this item.

Riot Shield:
Just like most equipment, this falls under the 'protection' category. This riot shield can be used to defend themselves against weapons depending the angle they are facing.. (Considering a shield can not defend one-self, if being hit from behind.)
These are often used to help push criminals away who are trying to attack, helping them stay safe and protected.

Gas Mask:
Again, we fall under the 'protection' category of items. Hiding their identity when being in riot-gear, the gas mask helps hide their face from crowds and criminals.. This is not all it is used for. When people think of gas-masks, they think of protecting their lungs from dangerous fumes, which is used just for that... Chemical leaks and anything dangerous are kept away when wearing this mask!
Ems has access to these as well, alongside all ranks.

Given to ems as-well, this item is used to check on the intoxication level of a civilian. Simply blowing into the item, and the individual having to /it the percentage. Breathalyzers are used when checking if a civilian is publicly intoxicated, which falls under a fine..!

This item is used to help get into apartments/pents/houses when raiding a place to seek illegal items.

This item stuns an individual for a short amount of time, causing them to not be able to move..! This is used when the person is being a threat or making an attempt to escape the situation. All ranks have access to this.

Protecting oneself from threats and violence, the tranq is used.. Only Sergeants+ have access to this item. The item goes on to knock out the individual when being 'shot' by it.

Just like in ems, all ranks have this. Used for self-defense, and threats.. It blinds the individual hit for a short amount of time.

ItemRp Equipment

Luminol Spray:
Used to identify blood and dents on weapons, they spray it down to get clear answers.


These are worn at all times, in their uniform. Recording voices and images, it can be destroyed with certain weapons..!

Other Knowledge

Making sure all is well and safe, officers and detectives go in a group (or sometimes alone if the em level is at the lowest lvl) to see the state of the city. Breaking up fights, roaming to make sure no harmed bodies are left in any hidden corner; KPD will respond as their training taught them.

After witnessing some illegal activity and wanting change to an illegal situation, citizens will bring it to the station to make a report! A series of questions are asked to piece things together and make an effort to 'get justice' for said-issue; Who was involved, what time, where (to see if CCTV caught it on camera..!). For CCTV to have caught it on camera, the player making the report would have had to take ss's of whatever they are reporting.. AND MAKE SURE, the camera is facing them and able to get it in view!

Of course, not every scenario will call for an arrest.. Sometimes an officer will need to detain a wanted person for some more information on a case to get more clues, more to the case, a better understanding of different perspectives. This usually occurs when somebody is a suspect in any area of crime. It could be a witness or them also committing the crime, hence why you will need to 'take them down to the station' for questioning.. If things fall 'into place' then an arrest is able to be made, but you don't always have to detain someone first and then arrest..!
Crimes are committed out in the open at times; Assault on a government official, street racing, assault, evasion, etc.. With this, you are the first-hand witness to arrest them. With any arrest you WILL need evidence.

Community Service:
I learned about community service back in my early months of ems.. When Mi Akihito was a grade 7 and assaulted someone, so they just made her do community service! The only two services I know are cleaning up graffiti and picking up trash! :p

A squad of officers go together into a building.. Entering when searching for a kidnapping/person on the run, weapons, or any type of illegal activity!

Desk Duty:
I very much know about this because we have it in ems too! Sitting at the desk (for I don't-know-how-much-ooc-minutes), you wait to help any citizens!

FNAF core, you have cameras to almost the entire town! I'm not quite sure when officers are required to use them, but I know some of their purpose! It's to monitor things, having access to proof if needed for investigations and arrests! Sometimes kpd has to go on and contact a higher-up in ems for their cctv footage.. Unsure if this applies to townhall too!

I'm unsure if only detectives do this.. but every time I would go on patrol to visit certain kpd detectives, i'd be told they were in an interrogation!
When interrogating a person, in the rooms for this, you will have an end goal. Using information you have on whatever goal you're wanting to achieve, the detective will ask a series of questions to try and stump the person.. Sometimes a detective is able to get the truth out with tactics.

Before bailing someone, you must make sure they are able to be bailed.. It's simple, though! After a series of 2-3 days (usually/depending on the crime), you head over to the station and provide the full name of the individual you wan to bail. After that, you will pay said-yen for the bail, and they're free!


Shoutout to Kotaro Hamasaki for allowing me to understand visitations icly...
When wanting to visit an arrested individual, you must do visitations. How this works is you head on over to the station, stating exactly your purpose for being there; You provide your full legal name, then head on over to the wall to get padded down. The purpose of being padded down is so that no illegal weaponry is inside the station/visitation room. It's 5 ooc minutes, with one or two officers in the visitation room with you. No other languages, no whispering, no physical contact.. NOT ALL JAILED INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO VISITAITONS!

The one and in charge; They are the one to be in charge of the entire KPD!! Whatever orders they give are followed by officers and detectives.
The one in charge of the main division. The kpd captain is one of the right-hand mans to the commissioner, making sure all is well and in order.
One (or two!) of the higher ups
TRANQS! Higher the rank, the more responsibilities that come with it. Here you are given the responsibility of owning a tranq.
Corporals being under sergeants, they supervise and help patrol officers alongside cadets!
Patrol Officer
Fresh from passing their exam.. They are free to do more! Even then, they need permission for a few things.
The babies of KPD! New officers LOCKED in the station as they are not allowed to patrol alone or answer 110 calls. Whenever wanting to go on patrol, they will need someone to take them out of the station for fresh air..! No off duty :(
Detective Superintendent
Just like the captain, we have another one of the commissioners right-hand people. Rather than being in charge of the main division, they take responsibility within the detective devision!

Detective Devision

Detectives do a little bit different things than officers.. As mentioned, above, they are the ones in charge of interrogations! Questioning and certain cases are left to them to solve. They investigate cases quite often...!
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Let's give a motivation to the gang and crime rpers.. That motivation being kpd.

The thrill and adrenaline of events planned within crime and gang rp are only there thanks to KPD.. Imagine if no police was in Karakura or schoolrp, in general..! These events would not have been so thought out and elaborated! Thinking of back-up plans in case if somebody calls 110, and much more. Things fall much more in depth from there, for being able to kidnap officers and further escalate things.
People often like to think it's to protect Karakura and be wary of the crime. I think it helps give gangrpers a push, and create much more fun events for everyone.. The KPD is there to keep things well balanced in the town. It is not just to 'stop' people, but they help give citizens justice for the crimes that have occurred to them.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I, guttedvalentine/cupid, acknowledge and understand this.

In-Character (IC) Section.ᐟ

What's your character's full name?:
'Natasha Varishikov Kirishiki'
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
'I am twenty-six years old.' A hum escaped from her lips as she pursed them. Her posture fixed to appear more professional, and her eyes sat staring straight at you.. Knowing her birthday was coming up in a few months irked her, but she kept the neutral look plastered onto her face.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
'My pronouns are she, and, her. I identify as a woman.'

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

I play Natasha on my adult tag (which I would want moved to my secondary slot if accepted..!)

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Hissing through her teeth, there was a roll to her r's. An accent was more than notable as she raised an eyebrow, 'Japanese is actually my second language.. Besides this, I know Russian.'

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

What makes them unique? Perhaps its the contrast from the vibrant bright ginger curls to her gorgeous tanned skin.. Or the two different colored eyes that bring an emphasis to her beauty marks scattered around her face.

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Kirishiki is 4'10'' with a bittersweet attitude. Her makeup is done very simple, besides the red lipstick that constantly wears.. Seems to be a common thing for her. Seeing in the art down below, her body type is quite toned. She works out HEAVILY as she continues to try and better herself and strength... Maybe she's trying to prove something to someone? Red gowns, red hair, red lipstick, red. Her hair is done very nicely, daily, as the curls reach the end of her spine and are separated from the front.. Leading her to tuck it behind her ears.. EXCEPT, for that stupid strand that falls down to her nose, leaving her pushing it behind constantly. She wears a gorgeous family hair-pin, having a golden serpent in the middle to showcase the Kirishiki family symbol. Her eyes draw you in, as one is a gorgeous blue like her brother's, Aleksei's and the other is a faint brown like her sister's, Tohko's. Considering she mainly wears long sleeves, most people can't see a scar slashing through her upper right arm... On her left hand, an emerald wedding ring stands out (seems like her husband loved her a lot.) Who knows when that'll come off?
Her entire personality isn't JUST her dead husband, do not worry.
She's pushy, sassy, delusional.., loyal, and smart. When first meeting her, she'll greet you with a smile that can easily fade. She tends to be defensive from the fear of losing anyone she gets close to, so often she sulks herself into books. Natasha is very driven when it comes to things she wants, and very persistent when it comes to those things. She's very sassy when people need to be put in their place, but is just a bro who wants to be loved.

A few random facts

  • She did boxing and ballet back in Russia for many years.. Elegance and technique.
  • She often reads when having nothing else to do...
  • She works out almost daily..! If she can't go on to do her cross-training workout, Kirishiki will run two miles to have some sort of workout for the day.
  • Her favorite food is mango mochi!
  • She's the youngest of four siblings.. Two of those siblings working in ems or kpd!
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Kirishikis are known to be a very respectful and humble family. Manners and efforts are always shown... But, some of them get a bit silly when no one is looking.. Her overall goal is to make people happy.

Natasha is VERY serious when she must be professional.. She knows how to take orders with a quick nod and follow. With respect, Kirishiki will always treat others well.. If somebody is misbehaving, she knows how to speak to them to get back 'in-line.' Of course, this falls under those lower-in-rank than her. She respects her higher-ups. Even then, she keeps this serious attitude on display for all to see... Everyone is aware, that even on duty.. The officers can joke around (behind closed doors. They still need to keep a reputation when citizens are around!) Efforts are made to bring smiles to her co-workers faces, as she inserts herself in convos when appropriate. Nat wants friends, making new ones brings joy to her heart. These are the people she will be working with daily, so why not make an effort to get to know them!

Although she tends to live in delusion when it comes to her love-life, Natasha can very much joke around when surrounding herself with those she loves. Laughing, smiling with her brothers.. She makes efforts to bring smiles to other's faces (perhaps its that ex-psych in her.) She dresses a bit extra at times. Fur coats, and long gowns with pearls create sparkles in her eyes as she always dresses-to-impress! First impressions are everything, so she wants to keep that classy persona stuck to her.. Even if she's singing Whitney Houston with her cousin.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Government jobs as such includes needing to work together, and she is more than aware on this. Teamwork matters heavily, an officer must care for their co-workers as the entire department has one another's back. There is a reason for needing to be with somebody when emergency levels increase, and it is to care and protect one another. Kirishiki takes these facts into account, leading her to MAKE efforts to get to know one another; Family life, favorite foods, music, and hobbies.. She'll ask all the generic question just to get to know who she is working with. It is very important to her, for she wants to build bonds with those that she surrounds herself with daily!

'I worked in the hospital as a psychiatrist.. We already had to work with one another! 'Dr. Kirishiki.. Please hook this patient up to an IV while I go on to stop the bleeding with this one'- She'd bring her voice to a higher pitch, showcasing the quote of an ex co-worker. 'Working in a setting like that, made me appreciate working as a team; Sometimes days get flooded with so much tasks that you simply need someone to say 'I got you.' I know that as an officer, I will help be that someone to my colleagues. I'd hope those words are returned to me when my life is in danger, when I am hurt.. Or even when I just need a small break from something.' Proud of her words, Kirishiki's eyes lit up as her smile grew. Finishing her overall thoughts, she'd end the answer with, 'Teamwork is very important; I can not wait to get to know my co-workers.'

What's your character's backstory?ִ ࣪.ᐟ
Art by ItzJustAurora

0-15 years old
Moscow Russia, where all Kirishikis were born. Tohko practically being the mother to her three siblings, she was left to care for Aleksei, Raikou, and Natasha.. Even with that, it was her brothers that became more protective of this little red-head. She was a good child, being a victim of being picked on heavily... Hating school and acting out in hope her mother would bat an eye towards her kids. Their father was no where to be seen, but this was something she did not mind for she never knew what it was to have two parents.. Or to simply have a parent around. Not many were fortunate like her; Pain being brought her way lead to her brothers showing up in a matter of seconds. They were your textbook-definition 'overprotective brothers'. It was not until secondary school that she found something to occupy her time in. Ballet. The dance captivating this Russian's eyes as she watched her first performance at school.. Tohko working more than ever for a couple of more rouble to spare for Natty's ballet lessons.

18-20 years old
School, ballet, work, sleep. School, ballet, work, sleep. School, ballet, work, sleep. School, ballet, work, sle-

'Have you been preforming long?'

He had tattoos, long brown hair that was pulled into a ponytail, a long white trench coat, probably around 6'3''.. and the prettiest green eyes she had ever seen. Stuttering over herself, Kirishiki fixed her posture to appear more classy. The tutu sticking out, and the gel in her hair driving Natasha insane as she composed herself in front of this stranger. Nodding to him, he'd grab a rose that was laid on the floor of the stage besides them. He'd hand it to her, stating that his sister preformed with her. The pair spoke for hours in that spot, and for the first time ever, it appeared that Natasha's ballet slippers weren't driving her crazy from the pain. His name was Sevastian, and for some unknown reason- He chose to visit the ginger during her ballet practices. She preformed better if he was around, how couldn't she? Since that performance, Sevastian not-only brought roses for his sister.. But also for Nat. Preforming better when he was in the crowd, motivation was risen until Raikou Kirishiki appeared in the crowed in front of him.
They weren't dating. They were simply friends! No confessions were made, but her emotions were out on display for anyone to note if they saw how she stared up at him with a smile and stars in her eyes. Raikou instantly approved, making it easier for him to convince Aleksei that Sevastian really was a good guy. They all hid it from Tohko for a while, considering she was the most overprotective sibling of them all. Working every night and keeping her siblings in line, Tohko found it harder to just approve of this stranger making an attempt to win over Natasha's house.

During all this, no one but one Kirishiki was aware of a crime clinic being ran by no-other than their family lead, Ryutaro Kirishiki. He was a surgeon, stealing from his job to take to those he worked with.. It'd take a lot to even see them, for they were constantly thinking steps ahead from anyone. A person who's job is to stop them in ANY WAY possible is still a good person, right? Right?

Natasha Kirishiki does not need the lecture that she is too young to marry at nineteen years old. She knew it was insane, but something about Sevastian stuck to her like no other. He looked at broken things like he could make them new, helping Natasha feel anew. An emerald ring matching his band, as she swore to him to never take it off.

'With this ring, I promise to honor you. Until my last breath, you will be the reason my heart beats.'

'With this ring, I promise to honor you. I promise to value and treasure you. With every breath that I am worth, I will forever love you.'
Sevastian really did keep his promise. He loved her until his last breath.

21-24 years old
Happily in love with one another, they remained by each other's side. The couple supported each other through it all; Natasha going to university to finish her psychiatry studies as Sevastian was a detective in the Russia Police Devision. Being a Kirishiki involved being respectful and extra-sweet, which she was not.. Quick with comebacks, and insults whenever things didn't go her way for a short while. Her husband taught her that. Such a cliche that they were, it's almost like anyone could predict this happy couple's downfall! Corruption at its finest, as Sevastian was quick with a weapon. A typical hitman story, believing he was the 'good guy' in this scenario as he was assigned to take down a mafioso-crime-clinic leader down. He had no clues, none but a golden serpent symbol... Day by day, night by night.. Sevastian was getting closer to finding who this was- Leaving Natasha was suspicion. It was not until she went into his work office, seeing the many files and images scattered around in the cabinets. Piecing things together as her heart was falling apart, she'd confront him with rage and screams of,
'Who even are you? Is anything you say true now?'
But it was.

I mentioned she was delusional, and that all developed from her marriage. He really was a good husband, a good man too.. Sometimes. Their marriage proceeded with love and joy, trust was there as he told her everything.. Including who his target was. It was here that her life practically ended. He was given a warning to stop his investigation, but why would he choose to follow when he was so close to unraveling everything? Throwing a person off of their game means taking what is most important to them. Natasha Kirishiki was that most important thing to him. The warning was given, but Sevastian did not comply. Running and rushing home, a shake to his breath occured from the anxiety running through his veins. Prayers mumbled as efforts were made to catch his breath without stopping the run. He arrived, Natasha perfectly fine but only because he got in front of her.
There was no need to harm the wife when the real threat was fading away in her arms.
The decrease to the heart rate on the monitor was not beeps showcasing the decline, but instead it was a way to tell the time to the end of something. He kept his promise and loved her until his last breath.

24 years old - To now
It took her family to remove her from his tombstone. It was danger zone for her to step into that graveyard, as everyone knew she'd refuse to head home after. Six years of marriage gone instantly, for her chose to protect her instead. It could have been much more simple; He could have taken the warning and quit the corruption, but that would not make sense for this tragic-romance. Pleading and crying, her brother begged for her to move on with her life. She could not spend the rest of her years sulking in depression with wine bottles..
Aleksei and Tohko both lived in Karakura. Taking a job at the hospital might've been her greatest second mistake, as things changed in a way she could not have prepared. A white doctor coat, and all her siblings together again.. She made an effort to get her life together with the promise that she would dedicate the rest of her years to his husband's passing.
'I am Dr. Natasha Kirishiki, your new assigned psychiatrist. All said in this room will remain in this room unless I must take legal action, before we proceed- Please state your full legal name.'

'Heo Tokugawa'
WHAT A STORY! Who has heard of such! Annoyed with her assigned officer, she could not stand his rude manners. His smug comments irking her with disgust as Kirishiki fidgeted with her wedding ring. He'd visit the hospital often, almost every patrol- But things shifted as her anger grew from seeing him with his girlfriend. He never seemed in love with her, and she could tell based on their therapy sessions together... This was not okay. Her feelings for him grew as they got to know one another more, but even then- He refused to open up about the smallest things. Her brother teasing the fact she had fallen for an officer, while the other was bothered that it was his cadet of all officers. Confessing at the zen garden, only to be left standing there crying.. It took another talk for her to convince herself she is worthy of falling in love once more.
A date was planned only for Heo Tokugawa to back out. To this day, she promises to many that her feelings for Tokugawa have left completely.. Everyone but Heo is able to see that. How could she take off her wedding ring now? She promised to love him forever, and that promise will remain till her last breath too... Nothing or no Tokugawa could bring a change to this.. Right?. . Right?

| General knowledge₊˚⊹♡ |


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Staring at the interviewer with a blank stare, she'd raise an eyebrow as a hum escaped from her lips. 'Of course not.' She said bluntly, not hesitating with her answer. 'You can not own anything sharp, as such, for it is considered a weapon which then falls under possession of illegal weaponry.. That equals jail-time.'

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

She'd smile as this question rolled off the interviewers tongue and into the air. Something she new,
'Very well.. The most popular item was always paracetamol- That's one.'
She'd bring her gloved hand up, pointing at every finger as she listed off another item. 'A wooden cane, eyepatch, cough syrup, annddd...' As she reached item number five, Kirishiki's gaze was brought back up to the interviewer. That smile that first appeared being left in place as her pointer finger reached her thumb to state,

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Her eyebrows furrowed almost immediately, but no shock was shown in her expression; Natasha was more than aware that she'd have to deal with all sorts of co-workers.
'Well... That is an upsetting sight to see. I would not hesitate to step into the situation. Pointed over at them, i'm aware my body camera now has further proof of this corruption as I radio to whoever is on duty to be alert. I'm basically calling for back-up!'
Her eyes scanned the room. Kirishiki pursed her lips as she further thought of the question before speaking again.
'Keeping myself at a distant, i'd alert my co-worker to instantly stop- Bringing their attention and sight over to me as my hand is placed onto my stunblaster. Here they are noting that I am evidently against their actions, but i'll do all I can to end the situation AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Considering I radioed for backup, someone must be here by now.. Signaling to take away their equipment that is danger to the inmate, we'd do as such..'
She'd release a short sigh, closing her eyes as she shook her head.
'I'd say i can not believe some people are corrupt as such, but this world is filled with crazy things- Anyways, right after we take care of the situation, I would run over to the inmate. With a med kit, I would do as trained in this scenario and help tend to them as asking for another of my co-workers to radio for ems..!'
She was not done with her answer, how could she be? Opening her eyes again, she'd end her statement.
'Then I would grab that body camera footage right away and take it to my superiors, report everything that I saw, and gather whoever was there with me- Any witness is important. I understand an inmate is an inmate, but who are we if we're bringing more violence to this town rather than stopping it. Are we any better? NO. I would do as trained to stop such actions from my co-workers.'

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
What a switch in questions. She bring her hands to her lap, tilting her head to the side.
'Okay.. Just as my previous answer, i'd be quick to radio for back-up. We never know how hostile and intense this situation could get and escalate. Grabbing a hold of my taser, i'd make an effort to stop the attackers- Using my equipment onto them, i'd charge my taser and allow them to be stunned. With hope that my co-workers have arrived from my radio-message, i'd ask them to arrest the individual while I lift and take our co-worker to the hospital for a checkup!'
Kirishiki paused, almost cutting herself off. She'd tap her pointer finger against her knee, as her foot begun to tap tap tap against the floor.
Things change depending on the location too.. Say if we are near water! I would NOT use my taser anywhere near a lake, or such-! That would not just harm me, but everyone else if I mess up. I'd go in and use my baton, but not just yet.. Getting closer and speaking in a calm and collected tone, i'd try to calm the attacker. If they, too, see me as a threat- They can change directions and bring harm to me. I would not be in a stable state to help my colleague if this occurs; As my steps get closer, i'd reach for my baton and make an effort to end the situation. Ending everything with the same steps of taking my co-worker to the hospital after the attacker is jailed!'

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

Brushing away her bangs with a loud sigh, she'd shake her head.
'Most would say they'd aim to collect evidence to bring to a higher-up, but why wait?? Alert them and collect that evidence with said-higher up. The longer we wait, the more corrupt plans and acts will be taken place. Of course, when presenting these thoughts to my higher-up, I must need some sort of proof- When finding out that my co-worker is a higher up.. I'll go ahead and use my bodycam and follow them very discreetly. Staying hidden and at a distance, but STILL- near them, enough so my camera could capture both actions and audio, i'd record all there is..'
A pause occurred in her sentence. Was she stumped? Natasha's mind thinking of all the different outcomes, which brought her to continue her answer..
'Now say if I am off duty! I will grab my own phone and record, considering I am not going to be wearing my body-cam when off duty.. Following my same technique of staying far away, but close enough to capture what is needed- I'll present it to my higher-up. Say if there was not enough proof in the video, but only suspicion.. This is still good to start a case against our co-worker, and further work with the detectives to bring an end to their corruption.'

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
A slight chuckle was released from her lips as she instantly said,
''That is an instant fine, OF COURSE-'
As the chuckle came to an awkward 'ha..ha- ha.' She'd clear her voice and sit up straight. Shaking her head just once, side to side, as she clasped her hands tightly together.
I mean that I will turn that bribery down with no hesitation. That there is a fine, leading me to go on and do the action as I said. Considering they are bribing me, this means they are making an effort to stop whatever I am charging them with.. Weather that is an original fine or arrest, I would add this bribery fine onto whatever I was doing! My job is protect Karakura and the individuals here. I want people to trust us, officers. I can do so if they see how I care for this job; Accepting the bribe shows lack of care.. People can assume 'If she takes the bribe, imagine what else she is willing to let get away!' That is not who I am.'

Additional Notes?


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