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Nerfing Bounty Hunters


Level 45
What's your Minecraft Username?: 80sJeremy
What's the title of your suggestion?: Nerfing Bounty Hunters

What's your suggestion?:
To a personal standpoint, the matter of a bounty-hunter seems quite overpowered in a sense to where if you are not to be in a Gang at all, you can buy Verified, or Unverified gang weapons, and if you buy one item for full price; the next is 50% off. I'm not entirely opposed to that idea; however, I think that the matter of Bounty hunting should either be reduced to where its BMD's and or BMDA's are only bounty hunters. Or, this was me & my friends other idea; reduce bounty hunters to where depending on if your in a gang, in my case Immertreu, (im not a BH) I could only buy Unverified Weapons, however, say a Bounty Hunter wasn't in a gang, you could only buy the weapons limited to players.

Alongside this, the action of Bounty Hunting isn't used often; so it makes sense to be nerfed, as I believe that people just join to get cheaper weapons, alongside UVG/VG weapons

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Making a more fair & even playing field for members​


Level 48
-1, We can get VG and UVG weapons, but it is mainly what makes the service up, there are a lot of BH's that don't have access to those weapons and would limit them from doing things, we do get 50% off of them, however this can only be used once every 2 weeks, so its not like, every time you need something you can just get it for 50% off.


Level 45
Thread starter
-1, We can get VG and UVG weapons, but it is mainly what makes the service up, there are a lot of BH's that don't have access to those weapons and would limit them from doing things, we do get 50% off of them, however this can only be used once every 2 weeks, so its not like, every time you need something you can just get it for 50% off.
I understand this; however I've not often seen the act of bounty hunting physically used; so I feel as people join to get the benefits


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
Hey! I don't normally reply to these things but, totally appreciate the feedback on BH!

This is one of the two leads for BH — regarding the whole thing with weaponry there is a cool down as SkiXD mentioned. Though yes, I completely understand your opinion and what not but! With regards of BH and how the members work, we do the same as any other application with the server. We don't just particularly let anyone and everyone in, we are aware of the situation with it coming off to be 'overpowered' since they have access to weaponry some don't. But we are wary of our members, the same as how gang applications work, we do pay attention to reputation and what not! It's not that we're giving weapon access to anyone and everyone, there is a cooldown with Bounty Hunting requests.

As for activity; the entirety of the business is still in ongoing works, we are still working on it and helping maintain its activity. — Hope this all makes sense, if you have more like questions and concerns and anything in between, you can contact me on discord about it!


Level 95

I'd personally say allow them to still purchase VGM weapons, provided they are able to prove those weapons are for Bounty Hunting related duties, and not for other reasons. (So, for example, if there is a bounty, that should be the only time they are able to purchase VGM weapons (I'd go even further and limit it to 1 VGM weapon, not multiple), if there are not any active bounties they are partaking in they should not be able to purchase VGM weapons).

I also do not understand why they would get a 50% off... So in huge agreement with ya there.


Level 45
Thread starter
Hey! I don't normally reply to these things but, totally appreciate the feedback on BH!

This is one of the two leads for BH — regarding the whole thing with weaponry there is a cool down as SkiXD mentioned. Though yes, I completely understand your opinion and what not but! With regards of BH and how the members work, we do the same as any other application with the server. We don't just particularly let anyone and everyone in, we are aware of the situation with it coming off to be 'overpowered' since they have access to weaponry some don't. But we are wary of our members, the same as how gang applications work, we do pay attention to reputation and what not! It's not that we're giving weapon access to anyone and everyone, there is a cooldown with Bounty Hunting requests.

As for activity; the entirety of the business is still in ongoing works, we are still working on it and helping maintain its activity. — Hope this all makes sense, if you have more like questions and concerns and anything in between, you can contact me on discord about it!

I just honestly don't think someone would pay 40,000-200,000 or whatever the prices are, I feel as doing permissions themselves is more beneficial towards the player themselves, buying a baseball bat is more "worth it" for a scenario like this, as it is the same price (sometimes more/less) as a Major Assault, when you can repetitively use the baseball bat instead of something that is a one-time use.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
I just honestly don't think someone would pay 40,000-200,000 or whatever the prices are, I feel as doing permissions themselves is more beneficial towards the player themselves, buying a baseball bat is more "worth it" for a scenario like this, as it is the same price (sometimes more/less) as a Major Assault, when you can repetitively use the baseball bat instead of something that is a one-time use.

As you said, yes it is beneficial for someone to do their own permissions, but there is more of a roleplay aspect in this sense! — All the prices are listed for their reasons, higher than others or ranged to a higher price.

ex. — Stalking and/or information grabbing, ¥50,000 to ¥80,000
Some information is more risky to obtain without being caught, some information is needed more than others, such as finding out what gang someone is in, who their relations are, etc.

As for scenarios like major assault, yeah, you can totally do all that! If you don't want to use BH, its up to you. The service is there in case somebody's character isn't a fan of getting their hands dirty, they never get caught in the end of it. — It's more of an IC purpose rather so an OOC perspective, but I totally understand ya on this!

With alllllll that, if you have more concerns please head to my DMs as this is a suggestion after all, I have mentioned all my comments and thoughts


Level 3
I understand this; however I've not often seen the act of bounty hunting physically used; so I feel as people join to get the benefits
Yes! that was the case, myself and bheom talked about this recently. If people are just joining for the weapons that they can get at a discounted price. We will completely scrap the 50% discount. As bheom said mine and her dms are always open to speak about BH and what we could change and what not.


Level 89
-1 The reason why bounty huntingnwas not common is because applications had been accepted around one month ago i think. You cannot now kick out of BH everyone who spend time making their applications and developing the characters.
Last edited:


Level 73
This type of suggestion is meant to be coordinated directly with bheom & Cap rather than placing it directly on the forums (given the circumstance that they are the respective faction leads for the bounty hunting services.)

I don't think it's necessary to “nerf” bounty hunters, given the logistics behind bounty hunting, it's only fair that they have an advantageous position in buying weapons over your normal bloke or a member of a criminal organisation— though, the latter could be debatable.

I recommend letting the business take its form naturally before we start dictating what needs or doesn't need to be done to balance it out. This is still an under progress project, seeing as the business was left abruptly by the former BMDs; Tearliner & robinzee.


Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team

I understand. The idea of being involved in the bounty hunter business will have you and your in-character ties close with the BMD, but that already co-exists with BMDAs, so for it to only be for associates - that makes sense. The percentage off on weapons et cetera, I also agree in that it could be hindered to a number less obnoxious to imply risk of purchase as weapons typically do when sold. The primary function of the BH is underused, and yet as bheom mentioned, currently underdeveloped. Both leads are working on creating fresh features, but suggestions like these will be the activate the motivation for invention. So, thank you, in that regard.


Level 115
I recommend letting the business take its form naturally before we start dictating what needs or doesn't need to be done to balance it out. This is still an under progress project,
The thing is, however, is that whilst currently the business is still developing and trying to maintain and grow its activity, the Bounty hunters—even the ones who are just trainees, and no training are hosted to make them official bounty hunters due to the absent hideout—can still purchase the weapons WITH the 50% discount as well.

It's better to as Luke suggested; allow them to purchase the VGM weapons (or even only 1 VGM weapon as Luke stated) for Bounty Hunting purposes. Seeing as it's now just an extra way for players to not even supply themselves but even supply friends/gang mates possibly with VGM weaponry, which is only given to them for the reason of using it for bounty hunting.

To even give them an additional discount whilst our BMDAs who are much more closely associated with the Black Market don't even get is also quite 'weird' in a way that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense; either we also give our BMDas discounts, which in return also promotes BMDA as a position you can just stockpile your weapons with, or we remove the discount given to Bounty Hunters.

Sure, you can still do a personal loan with the directors of the Bounty Hunting business to loan some money or save some money much like the discount, only then does it go through an IC process and will have consequences linked to them.


Level 108
neutral, leaning to -1

you see, as a bounty hunter we obviously needed weapons. its clear why this system was implemented how ever if people are found to join bounty hunting just for the weapon discount, im sure that there are plenty ways that they can be punished both icly and oocly [removal from the faction etc].

yet i do understand your point, when its people such as myself who are rather active in the community, this money coming in and out quickly is just meaning more and more weapons. often meaning a more dangerous individual.

if i was to suggest anything, i think the thing atm that cap is doing with the first few weapons being full price is a good approach.

another thing worth mentioning is that i agree with what luke said. the idea of still having weapons up to vgm is a good thing. if anything was to be done, i think the 50% discount being lifted wouldn't be an issue so long as VGM weapons were still avaliable at any price that is seen fit.

my last note is that there could be a system implimented where money is taken out of paychecks over time if an individual has a weapon at half price. for example if i complete a 100k mission, and i owe 65k [lets say for a bat], bheom or cap could take that out my check and say "its for the bat".


Level 73
The thing is, however, is that whilst currently the business is still developing and trying to maintain and grow its activity, the Bounty hunters—even the ones who are just trainees, and no training are hosted to make them official bounty hunters due to the absent hideout—can still purchase the weapons WITH the 50% discount as well.

It's better to as Luke suggested; allow them to purchase the VGM weapons (or even only 1 VGM weapon as Luke stated) for Bounty Hunting purposes. Seeing as it's now just an extra way for players to not even supply themselves but even supply friends/gang mates possibly with VGM weaponry, which is only given to them for the reason of using it for bounty hunting.

To even give them an additional discount whilst our BMDAs who are much more closely associated with the Black Market don't even get is also quite 'weird' in a way that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense; either we also give our BMDas discounts, which in return also promotes BMDA as a position you can just stockpile your weapons with, or we remove the discount given to Bounty Hunters.

Sure, you can still do a personal loan with the directors of the Bounty Hunting business to loan some money or save some money much like the discount, only then does it go through an IC process and will have consequences linked to them.
I think, in any case, that bounty hunters shouldn't receive the privileges that they currently have until the service is established and official— i.e. prices have been updated, turf has been built, the business has gained a sprinkle of activity, etc.

I don't disagree with your standpoint.

! salty

Level 51
-1 make it to that they're weapons on borrow from bmd (returned after a hit is completed with proof) and will need to be compensated in some form if lost - also means they won't be paid for if returned

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