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New Command?! | OmissionVibes


Level 194
Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 [5/3/22]

What do you want to suggest or mention:
A new command for grabbing players, in replacement of using a keybind. Hear me out since I don't know If this is possible and because I'm writing this on impulse but aside from that just take a read. Let's say you've rolled for initiative and began a fight however the other party has fled the scene! Keybinds are heavily discouraged so you choose another option, a command from the server itself. . .

The command could be used as following: Once they win the roll to run away the following party could do /grabs which will set up some sort of intricate system which will promp you for grabbing the other player. Something will pop up in chat practically saying "Oh hey! You are prepared to grab" then you have a chase with the player. When you get into a 1-3 block range you are now capable of left-clicking this player and the grab command will come into play, stunning the player for a few seconds or until you type in an /ungrab command. You would be able to keep roleplaying and nothing would be against the rules (: ill give a break down of this paragraph below.

Player A/B: /rolls for initiative
[Player A wins and attacks player B]
Player B: actions and /rolls to escape, successfully

Player A types in a command: /grab(s)
A message then pops up in chat
&4&l[!] (IGN) &4you've prepared your grab command, to follow with this command &lleft-click &4the player you wish to grab! &4&l[!
[!] OmissionVibes you've prepared your grab command, to follow with this command left-click the player you wish to grab! [!]

Player A left clicks player B within a 1-3 block radius and then player B is stunned temporarily, a message appearing on Player B's Screen

&4&l[!] (IGN) &4You've been grabbed! &4&lContinue roleplaying like this until you are (ungrabbed / unstunned). [!]
[!] OversightVibes You've been grabbed! Continue roleplaying like this until you are (ungrabbed / unstunned). [!]

Then they continue roleplay, if they break the grab then they can be released from the command. It should probably have a cooldown of like 20 seconds so they cannot spam stun a random player.

How will this benefit the server/community?:
I believe a command like this will benefit the server and community in various ways! It has potential to replace a majority of players who use boring old /me grabs keybinds (which are highly discouraged) with a much more efficient and effective approach, literally. This can change a way most of the community roleplay in combat situations. This can also go hand-in-hand with the "Rule Proposal for Combat Related Actions" as they can now properly action without having the annoying arguments in LOOC that we all hate. I'm sure I can list a bunch more of things that this will benefit but im writing this on impulse, therefore this is all thank you for reading this weird suggestion.

Note: I wrote this on impulse and didn't feel like rereading, also thanks to YonioTheNacho for sparking my idea.


Level 130

god yes please make keybinds burnnnn

still though great suggestion, would help eliminate confusion aswell if the server decides grabs instead of the players


Level 107
+1/-1 I LIKE THIS IDEA but i feel like people are going to abuse it if they can just indirectly taze people with a /grab command but bgdjhdsbhj I DO LIKE THE IDEA THO


Level 194
Thread starter
+1/-1 I LIKE THIS IDEA but i feel like people are going to abuse it if they can just indirectly taze people with a /grab command but bgdjhdsbhj I DO LIKE THE IDEA THO
YeAhh thats the main issue, could add some sorta blacklist and a warning for ppl who abuse it


Level 107
YeAhh thats the main issue, could add some sorta blacklist and a warning for ppl who abuse it

yeaaaahhh bdfjgjbsdf maybe like, adding a restriction on the command? so like if your /playtime is below like 3 days you're unable to use the command to prevent randoms from going up to you and grabbing you? idk bdghdgjh it sounds dumb


Level 194
Thread starter
yeaaaahhh bdfjgjbsdf maybe like, adding a restriction on the command? so like if your /playtime is below like 3 days you're unable to use the command to prevent randoms from going up to you and grabbing you? idk bdghdgjh it sounds dumb
Hmm yeah something of the sort


Level 271
so the ./me grabs will change to ./grabs
I don't think it will be so useful and it will get abuse somehow;
-1 / +1


Level 194
Thread starter
so the ./me grabs will change to ./grabs
I don't think it will be so useful and it will get abuse somehow;
-1 / +1
Yeah but you can argue anything can be abused, no? I agree it could somehow be abused that's why I added the 20 seconds and blacklist along with it. But I don't see what you mean by "it won't be so useful" a majority of the community that combatrp use hot keys in replacement which are heavily discouraged, could you elaborate a bit more on what you mean by not useful so I can provide an alternative?


Level 183

I think this would be useful since during chases sometimes it's hard to tell whether one was in range for his grab or not and especially having some people with ping issues it's highly possible on one's screen they're 5 blocks far and on another one's they're 2 blocks.. So I think with a command with 2 blocks range that pops a message in both player's screen of one being grabbed, this could be useful.

However it doesn't solve the problem when it comes to keybind because, you still have to type out the command and it would most likely be keybinded too.

But I really want something more precise to decide whether one's grab action was in distance or not
Last edited:


Level 194
Thread starter
However it doesn't solve the problem when it comes to keybind because, you still have to type out the command and it would most likely be keybinded too.
Ah I get that, I'm suggesting that when they action to leave you can type it in really fast and it waits for you to left click to follow through with it so you don't have to type in anything else, like you type the command then roll nd if they win proceed.. if it's implemented they could add a few rules like you have to wait 3 seconds before running


Level 143
I agree with the concept, though if it were implemented the way you've envisioned it would be like giving every player on the server a short-ranged taser (as has been previously mentioned). Adding a cooldown for something like this is definitely necessary, though the idea of a blacklist for something which should be a basic feature of the server is off-putting. Additionally, introducing a new command is pointless as either way you would have had to type one out.

Here is how I would go about stopping players: Instead of the server actually stunning them, the server should send a message in chat notifying the player that they have been "tagged;" a similar message would be sent to the person who had caught the other player, telling them that they have "tagged" the person they were chasing. This way, roleplay could be continued at a definitive point where both parties are aware that an action was ICly initiated.

Additionally, this should be implemented through a gesture instead of a command; sprint-hitting should trigger the message, as that's when most people currently consider a character to have attempted to grab during a chase.


Level 194
Thread starter
Here is how I would go about stopping players: Instead of the server actually stunning them, the server should send a message in chat notifying the player that they have been "tagged;" a similar message would be sent to the person who had caught the other player, telling them that they have "tagged" the person they were chasing. This way, roleplay could be continued at a definitive point where both parties are aware that an action was ICly initiated.
I was actually invisioning something similar to this I just wasn't aware of how to word it, thank you for the feedback I appreciate it alot. Drop me what you think would be beneficial id appreciate it then I'll modify my original post (:


Level 112
sets /me grabs keybind and replaces it with /grab

also i dont think people know that discourage doesnt mean banned or not allowed, it means "you can do it but we dont really like it.."


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator

Never thought of fixing the grabbing or chasing issue this way, would also solve the issues like "ARE THEY IN RANGE?!??!?!" and stuff, actually a good idea in my opinion!

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