Level 52
Hello... As a representative of the Cocomelon-SchoolRP embassy I have came to know the tragic news that @NikTalks has a severe addiction of watching cocomelon...
Please support us and help @NikTalks and vote for him to stop watching cocomelon...
The first case from Nik was in 1978 - June 18th New Jersey , New York. He was reported shouting "THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND , ROUND AND ROUND , ROUND AND ROUND". Many Victims were scared 7.54 minutes later the FBI came, There was nothing they could do because he ran away to East Colombia...
Admitting to the crime and getting 6tekashi9 in jail...
In 2018 he made a "wash your hands"-cocomelon musical freestyle with 6tekahi9 in 2018, 6Tekashi9 was later found and was arrested though Niktalks was never found.
Help and support the cause...
Please vote on our side to help and support the cause before its too late, Thousands have died because of this. Help before it turns into Billions
Please support us and help @NikTalks and vote for him to stop watching cocomelon...
The first case from Nik was in 1978 - June 18th New Jersey , New York. He was reported shouting "THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND , ROUND AND ROUND , ROUND AND ROUND". Many Victims were scared 7.54 minutes later the FBI came, There was nothing they could do because he ran away to East Colombia...
Admitting to the crime and getting 6tekashi9 in jail...
In 2018 he made a "wash your hands"-cocomelon musical freestyle with 6tekahi9 in 2018, 6Tekashi9 was later found and was arrested though Niktalks was never found.
Help and support the cause...
Please vote on our side to help and support the cause before its too late, Thousands have died because of this. Help before it turns into Billions