Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information:
What is your Minecraft username?:
ninycold (Main)
ninylukewarm (alt | applying with!)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): ninys
How old are you? (Optional): 18 (06)
What is your time zone?: MST
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say my activity on SRP can vary, some days I am on for at least a couple hours, some would say I am on too long of the day. Usually days I am not on are Thursdays, having my groups during then. Although it is welcome to change due to my own life outside of any games. Other than that I am more than willing to explain to others and have people know if I have some form of inactiveness.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
5PM-10PM | 2PM-10PM | 2PM-10PM | 3PM-12AM | 8PM-12AM | 1PM-12AM | 5PM-10PM |
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge if I am inactive I will be demoted, and if I am inactive I will be available to tell whoever would be lead.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I will be applying to be a Receptionist.
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
On a day of being a receptionist they would arrive at the grounds of the school, making way to be seated at the front or the back desks of the school grounds, tending and listening to the questions of the students while keeping a sharp ear upon the radio, for any scraps between students, college or high school. After the first bell for the second period has rung I would begin to make my rounds around the school, monitoring any kind of behavior that is against the rules. First going around the border of the school's walls, before making a lap in the building itself. Before returning to my desk where my monitoring will hopefully take up the whole timestamp before the next break. With that break I would sit at my desk, finish up any paperwork that needs to be taken care of. Then repeat when the bell rings for the third period. Gradually making my way down the halls controlling any situation that needs to be handled, but having this monitoring of the school be shown the upper levels of the building, until I reached the roof of the school, finishing the loop around the bell would ring for lunch break. I would then make my way back down stares, still keeping a watchful eye out for any form of bullying, or harassment of another student. If there was no trouble I would walk into the faculty break room beside the nurses office, and the school's public gym. I would prepare myself a cup of coffee, three cream, no sugar. And a ham sandwich with cheese. Only allowing myself to take up 15 minutes of the day, before giving myself time to walk back to my desk, whilst helping new or the same students as i was before my monitoring. Taking my time, as this would be the last period of the day, i would excuse myself from my desk a half way through the period, as i do my last scanning through the school, as the dismissal bell rings, i would either make my way home, after collecting my items, or help with with the children that got a detention until 5PM finally being able to leave and go back to my home. It Is the end of the school day now.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been playing SRP for about 3-4 years now, I feel like I have a good grasp on roleplay. Most of my detailed actions can usually be more than 3 appends and before my time on SRP I was involved in multiple discord servers that were largely based around roleplay. When I first joined SRP though, I was brought in by two friends that we started a small family with the 3 of us making our characters related. As time dragged on I would be in multiple SRP Gangs, like Forelli and others like 50 blessings and Rakki being the main three I was most involved in. From there, I was primarily a GangRPer. Before moving onto the News Faction, and having different situations there, while on another character I would be in Altieri before GangRP would grow boring on me. Then I would move away from the GangRP scene entirely, and move more to doing more Lore based situations with other people in larger groups.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Why wouldn’t I want to join the School Employee faction, there would be so many more different scenarios I can get involved with. Having my time on SRP be more than just playing on my two different roles, have another chance at playing an adult character and play around with knowing how other faculty members are while also learning new the differences between being a Reporter and being in another faction. I also want more opportunities in character to help newer players and help them get more involved within the community.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
News Reporter Application | Accepted
News Reporter Application (rejoin) | Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
(Main) Niny V. Sumisu [College][B][Swim]
(Main) Kaodi N. Warren [Grade-12]
(Main) Beelzenef [Cat]
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
As Mahuen would be doing the monitoring of the halls, a student would walk up to her, while the student appeared to not be in the greatest mood, she would remain a level head while the student would be talking rather aggressively to her. Although they haven't done anything that would need strict discipline like detention. The first thing she would try to do is talk to the student, try to figure out what is wrong and why would they be so upset. If the student refuses to answer, eventually calling Mahuen ‘pathetic’ she would softly but strictly suggest the student not to call anyone, especially faculty members or anyone in the school system. If the student continues to verbally assault her she would have to give them a warning about it. Which would very soon lead to a detention of the misbehaving student. If the student leaves her alone after the warning she would continue on her monitoring of the building. In the end she would do her best to not make the student grow more aggressive, and try to calm the student while keeping her professionalism as she is still a working member of the school.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Whilst Mahuen would begin doing her monitoring, as she walked down the long hallway of the school building she would come across a group of students that appeared to be watching a fight between two students. As she notices the exact scenario that was happening that she was told to take care of and punish those who are involved in the violent outburst. First of all she would separate the two individuals, preferably without laying a hand on them, by demanding they do not continue or have not even tried to continue on. After she would separate them she would check both for bruises on their knuckles, before asking them what caused the fight, and after confirming they were both throwing hits at one another, She would give them a detention slip accordingly either one of them was the assaulter, or a victim, or both and ensure they had said on coming to detention or not. And asking for both of them to see the nurse immediately, to care for their bruising. From there Mahuen would walk away and radio the nurse that two students are going to be at their desk. Mahuen would then continue the monitoring of the halls and return back to her desk, until the next period or is radioed to a location.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
While Mahuen would be attending and monitoring a class with a professor on the rooftop of the school she would notice as the class was moving towards the fenced off side of the school, as a ‘demonstration’ the professor would be seen standing on the top of the fence, although Mahuen didn't know what class it was she was watching, but she knew one thing, that a employee of the school shouldnt be showing such a dangerous sight to the kids of the classroom. Approaching the professor she would strictly advise getting down, and explain to the children as to why they should never even attempt to do what they have done on the fence. Due to the policies Mahuen would have to connect a higher-up about their behaviour while in a class whether the professor obeyed her suggestion or if they refused using an excuse for a lesson. Mahuen would continue to be in the class session due to her suspicion that it could be dangerous if she left now, assuming that the professor could attempt to do another trick like this for their class lesson.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
As one of the many class periods starts Mahuen would make her way towards the break room from her desk, of course still monitoring the kids making sure no one is getting in trouble or causing any. Mahuen would walk into the break room, grabbing hold of her homemade lunch she had made for both herself and her son. Placing it down on a table before making her way towards the coffee machine preparing herself a cup of coffee in the same mug she used everyday, a cyan outside with a cat on the side of it, and putting her 1 creamer and 3 sugar in the mixture. Placing it down on the table where her lunch would be as well, keeping her radio and a reasonable volume still keeping her eye on it. In case someone needed her assistance, Of course as not to spend too much of her time in the breakroom she would finish her coffee, and lunch before making her way back to her desk, returning to her duties of being a receptionist, organising papers, doing small reports, and of course putting down anything that would need to be told to any of the other employees.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me While Mahuen would be stepping back into the office space she would place her bag beside her chair, before sitting down she would look around her desk, only to stand back up to grab a folder of papers for a report she was writing, and turn to the shelves in the back of the office, and look through them. To her clear dismay, they weren't put away properly or in an organised manner, she sighed, grabbing a hair tie that was around her wrist and using it to tie up her long seemingly healthy blue tipped hair into a rather messy bun. Rolling up her sleeves as she would grab down a pile of five binders. Beginning to put them back into the order she wanted them in, which would be the alphabetic order of the subject that each binder had labelled. Her quiet thoughts began to run through her mind, wondering who in the office space would have made such a wreck of the perfect space, and why couldn't they have put the binders back where they had pulled them from. Either way, as Mahuen would be thinking just as fast as it started she finished the rest of the books. Pulling the hair tie from her hair, she would sit back down, only to realise in the end she forgot the whole reason she even was organizing the binders.
/me As Mahuen would settle in at her desk, Whilst she was already sitting working on replying to many of her emails, she had noticed all the useless pen clutter, the notebooks that were just laid all across the desks surface. Softly tapping her nails on the surface of the table, she would with her other hand pull open the drawer as pulling out the small square desk container she had for her pens, pencils and erasers. As she placed it just beside her monitor just above her keyboard, grabbing each misplaced pen, putting them in one section of the container, moving to pick up the pencils and erasers. After placing the container, leaving her one special pen out. A blue-printed metal pen that had some words written on the side of it, the ink was smooth as butter. It was the perfect pen to Mahuen. She would then pull out the trash can that was between the desks and put it beside her chair and pick up the candy wrappers, plastic and sticky notes that were not in use anymore. Placing the trash bin back into its place she would then grab a wipe from her drawer, and would wipe down her monitor and keyboard until the multiple wipes ran clean. Placing the dirty cloth into the bin and putting the disinfectant wipes away. Finally she stared at her clean desk area looking at the ones beside her, a bit disappointed but shrugged her shoulders as it wasnt her area to maintain.
/me stepping into the office she took off her jacket, as it was a rather gloomy day in Karakura, making sure she wasn't bring in any mud on the floor of her desk space, making sure to completely dry off her heels before walking in and taking a sit on her chair softly leaning back into it. As she would take a couple minutes to settle in before having to get to working on replying to emails. Turning on her computer she would soft hum as she was waiting for it to boot up she would make sure her keyboard was connected and made sure to have all the wires out of her way while of course plugging in her personal mouse as it was far easier to use. At Least that's what she felt when using it. As it began to open she would roll her head around in a circle before holding her hand on the mouse and going to open her browser and opening her email app. Her posture would be straight up looking at her screen as she would look at the array of emails that were in her inbox, a soft exhale coming out of her mouth as she would scoot her chair closer to the screen and desk, and begun to read the context of the information. As she would then open to compose a response, typing out her answer letting her finger press each of the keys, backspacing any errors, she may have put as well as all the right punctuation. Pressing send on that specific email before moving to the next. Doing the same with the other select few emails she had to respond to. Before realizing the time and setting her computer to sleep, and getting up from her chair as she would grab hold of her jacket, throwing it over herself, putting it on and leaving the room to do her monitoring!
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only), Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
‘My full government name is Mahuen-Iglop Sacree.’ Her voice was soft spoken, as her hands would sit softly on her lap. Softly lowering her head. ‘I’m honoured to have this opportunity.’ Allowing herself to write down the answer looking up at the person as she would then say continuing onto the next question she would look down at the application that was sitting in front of her on the desk top. ‘I go by miss. Miss Sacree.’ Her eyes expressed a bit of joy knowing that she quite enjoyed the sound of that.
Preferred Name:
Looking at the individual in front of her she would bring a hand to her chest with a slight higher tone than before. And a smile as her blue-dyed hair would sway with her head movements. ‘Mahuen, I’d prefer to go by Mahuen as my full first name is far too long.’
Age (Minimum is 25), Gender:
The blue haired female would nod her head bringing out her ID that would display her full name, her height that would be 5 '7, and her weight which was 167 pounds, and of course the most important her birth-year and birthday that was April 13th, and the year being 1989. Her two fingers on the top of the card facing it to the individual. ‘I am the age of thirty-six.’ while on the ID care would be her gender, Female. ‘While it's very kind of you to ask, I am a female.’
Academic Degree, Major(s), Minors:
‘I have graduated from both highschool and college, having myself a diploma.’ Her head nodded, her eyes glimmered with the passion she had from being able to graduate both while having such a rough past. ‘I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing as I used to be a reporter in Karakura, and in a smaller town in Korea.’ Adjusting her posture as she continued on. ‘While being in that role in the small town, I also had another job there, being a front desk receptionist at a small business company.’
‘If you couldn’t tell already, I am Korean, born and raised there, but came here to care for my one kid.’ Having a smile on her face as she said so, all she wanted was to care for her son, the only reason she even came back.
Known Languages:
The female would start her sentence with speaking Korean before repeating herself in Japanese. ‘I know two languages, Korean, and JSL.’ Looked rather proud of herself. ‘I also know a bit of Russian, although I'm not fluent at all, but I can roughly understand it.’
In the very beginning of her days she had a pretty stable family life, living with her parents not having to worry about a whole lot when she was in Elementary through Middle school. From when she got into highschool she was always bouncing from house to house due to her parents constant fighting having herself even taken away and sent to Karakura for a hopefully stabler life alone in the town, seen as many other people in the city had already lived alone the same age as her. She attended the Karakura High School, until the moment she got her diploma. After leaving Karakura and returning to Korea with her mother, to care for her while she was on her deathbed. Mahuen did everything she could to give her mother the treatment she needed. Mahuen at the age of nine-teen would be working hard in her college classes, while having two completely different jobs. In the end of her working hard for 3 years she hadn't had enough to pay for the expenses of her mothers treatment, being the only child her mother had, she was the only one that was with her on the very spot she passed.
Although Mahuen was torn apart about losing her one only parent she was even in contact with. She would continue working hard, trying for a good life for herself, she would finish college with a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts in Creative Writing using that to make her way getting a job in a small business office, getting the experience of a workplace, before taking a notice of leave, as she would leave her hometown, traveling back to Karakura, to apply to become a News Reporter for the town for a short while before she had to return home to Korea. While in Karakura Mahuen had adopted a kid named Kakaro, caring for that one child as if he was all she had, while in the town Mahuen also had a loving relationship with a male she loved longingly. Until that was her one first love had disappeared, worried. She did as much as she could to find them again. To no avail she had to tell her son, she had to return to Korea, hoping he would return with her, knowing he had friends here he didn't want to leave. She let him stay, promising to him that she would return soon for him, and she wouldn't just leave him alone in the city. After parting with her son she would catch the nearest boat, and sailed off back to the mainland, coursing her way to a flight to her hometown. Of course throughout this entire time Mahuen would keep her hair blue, sure it was immature but she enjoyed the hair color she had. It lived through her life until she was in her mid twenties! After Mahuen would live in Korea getting hired as a receptionist under a different company than the last job she had worked in her town. Having worked there for a couple of long years, and seeing not many other opportunities in that town that would better her life. She would pack all her things after leaving the town, seemingly for good. As much as she loved it, seeing everything reminded her of the once happy family she had with her parents, and determined to live that life of her own, but keeping the peace within it having her one kid, Kakaro lived a great life like she had.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
‘“I came here to better the life of my own child, Although i have not worked in a school before. I do believe I can be helpful in terms of helping other kids in the town of Karakura. I fully intend on being present everyday I can as well as continue to be a warm welcome to newer students in the system! I have such a sweet soft spot for younger kids and children in general! Same as well troubled teenagers, as in my home town we had a lot of them and they would always listen to my harsh words. I like to think I have a way with the youth of our day of age!” Mahuen would take a moment to catch her breath as she would continue on her words of motivation. “I also in general love the atmosphere of the school, the way it's a school for both High School students and College students while having them be rivaling sport teams, is such a unique thing to have for a school! Usually for schools they would compete with other towns schools or other school places that could be around! While I had also graduated High School here, and always thought about how it would be if I were to become an employee here! So I decided to make an application with the hope and desires to officially be in the faculties team! Thank you for at least giving me the time to talk with me!”
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe I should be accepted over other applicants due to my experience in the server and my acknowledgement between CombatRP, FearRP as well as roleplay in general. I also feel like I could be a lot of help to newer players on the server. As well as helping already existing players with in-game situations. I am also always on, either being on my main or not. More often than not I am online. I absolutely love the people that are already in the faculty faction, and I feel like I would fit right in without much trouble with anyone in the faction, and if I do have problems with anyone I will more than be willing to put our problems aside and be civil in the faction. I can also catch on to the different kinds of tasks I may need to do in the role. I won't be late on quota times and wants. Though there are other applicants I do understand if they are accepted over me.
Additional notes about your application:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my application. I do hope you had a lovely time reading as it took me quite some time to compose and making sure everything was in place, and the images were loading!
Do you have any questions?:
Overall, all of my questions will only come if I am accepted! Thank you again.