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NoodleRP | KPD Application


Level 4
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:


Describe your activity on the server:

I do play SRP most of my time, I was inactive for quite a period cause I had my semester exams, Now that I'm done with it I can play SRP for at least 5 hours a day. Yet I do nothing except learning more about the KPD and hang with my friends. Try my best to participate in most events and meetings since I'm a club Co-Leader. And so hope to become a Police Officer one day.

Which timezone are you in?


Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag


Do you have a microphone:

Yes, I do

List your current and past applications: (Denied) (Pending) (Accepted) (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?:

I was a citizen back when Karakura was full of criminals and thieves, I was assaulted many times and yet KPD couldn't do anything cause every time they were masked and I was all alone, Had no friends nor relatives or a family to protect me. So I studied with my current conditions until I become a college student. Learned more about Criminology and started to find someone that could train me how to fight. Found someone and so he gave me a fee for the training. With no hesitation, I paid the guy and he taught me everything about basic combat. Yet I returned to him again after a few days to learn Advanced Combat Moves and know more about how to defend myself. So I paid more and learned more so I can know one day that I could take my revenge, And avenge the other innocent people that were assaulted just like I was.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

I Didn't know that much about the law and basic conduct Until I started using books and the internet to know more about it and study it. At least 2 hours reading in the morning and 1 hour reading before sleeping. Until I learned it all and was ready to take it all at me

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Usually patrolling around and stopping crimes, Fights, and any injuries caused by criminals or thieves. But I believe that the Police have much way better work that I yet don't know about. It could be classified but I'm willing to know it and do my best to become a Police Officer at least. I have been learning about Criminology almost my entire career just hoping to become a KPD Police Officer one day so I could protect Karakura from the criminals. Yet I'm ready to take anything that could stand in my way no matter what is it, How is it or when is it. I won't stop until I have reached my long-life goal.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Without Police, Chaos would have begun, Crimes and robberies would have been committed and there would be no balance or safety in the city or the country. Police do bring justice to chaos. Staff can't take care of everything since the staff is humans just like us, They can't solve everything at once nor fix anything automatically. So Police do really be very important to us, Not just us but the whole community and the social life. Without Police, many lives would have been lost to random criminals and thieves around the city. I know Police could get hurt or maybe killed but, It's for the sake of the citizen and innocents of Karakura and its civilization.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, I do and fear to do such mistakes that could lead to demotion. I would never leave my duties or responsibilities unless it's been taken care of by myself. Yet I hope that I could never disappoint KPD at all costs.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes, I do acknowledge and understand this with my heart. A Police Officer's job requires full concentration and a full mind to do the job perfectly. Requires full energy since It will be a very hard job that would require all before. Missing one of these will lead to not really good results with doing the job

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I do and will keep my eyes open for anything that is happening during both offline and online time. For a guy like me, I don't like missing any training nor events or anything important that I should be participating in. Such as patrols, investigations, and occurring fights or crimes. Yet I'll try my best not to miss anything that I was supposed to be participating in.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Yes, I do acknowledge that and know that IC and OOCly are not the same things. If I have harassed IC then I would take it to my character and not myself. If I was harassed OOCly then I would take it seriously to staff and so report it immediately if I was offended by it. If I wasn't then I would just ignore them or go with it as long as it doesn't interfere with IC situations.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Kyle Hunter is a 20-year-old male college student. Looking to be looking like a tall muscle body build. Measured 6'3ft (190cm). His skin tone would look dark orange as his hair was light gray color. Looking to be a bit fluffy hair but well brushed. Yet he has an expression on his face that shows he's mostly upset or angry. His eyes would be dark brown. Has a soft voice as he always talks nicely and in a low tone. Seeming to be calm although his face looks angry. He could see from afar and has a well good hearing sense. Even though he is very kind and gentle to people and yet loves to help people.

What they're like on and off the job?

Kyle is pretty concentrated on the job when it comes to working. He could spend many hours working without a sign of getting tired or bored. Always straight-minded, Serious at his jobs, Gentle when it comes to socializing or treating. He is very patient that he could wait for something that isn't worth waiting for. Follows any order given by his higher-ups. Yet is very smart at making plans or investigating situations and crimes. He could be a little serious but he just doesn't know how to communicate with people. He always has been like that ever since his childhood. But off the job, He really uses his time to know more about the crimes and the ways they could occur or happen. Learns from his mistakes and tries to improve it and so learns more combat moves in case it comes to melee fighting.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

Kyle really appreciates his position no matter what is it, How it is. He likes all of his co-workers and appreciates their jobs and hard work. Even if it's not hard he still appreciates it for at least doing it. He could sound like he doesn't care but he does appreciate them in his mind, Afraid to communicate with people that he doesn't usually know or met. Yet he keeps in mind that he would never trust anybody even if it comes to his higher-ups or anyone that is very trusted. Cause he always grew up on betrayal and doesn't want to go back to it again. But he listens to the higher-ups since they are his higher-ups. And so he tries his best not to show his bad feelings or his good feelings to anybody. He doesn't want to bring that much drama to any kind of situation. His long-life goal is to protect Karakura no matter what costs him or makes him do. And so he wants to take revenge on his previous criminals that were robbing him every time.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Kyle Hunter was born in England in a small village, He would age 10 years old before he was brought into school to educate. he grew up all alone with no friends since he was afraid of communicating and socializing, Until he reached 13 years old, Kyle walked around exploring the place, he found some friends, he met new people, they were kind to him, and he was so happy there, One night, Kyle was sleeping in the park, Kyle heard something from the alleyway, he went to check what's going on, he found sewers way, he went in but someone from behind tried to hit him on the head but he avoided it, Kyle ran in the sewers finding his way out, he lost the unknown guy, and he found a way out, he left and never came back.

Kyle was so scared in the school, thinking there may be kidnappers, bullies and more, he explored around and found a volleyball stadium, he played with his friends, he had fun and they were swimming together, they went to play football, but one of them went to do something, Kyle decided to go classes and learn more about life, he learned a lot when he went to his first class, but some bullies tried to annoy him, he pushed one of them away, the others tried pushing him off but Kyle avoided it, they tried punching him, but Kyle pushed them off and ran away, Kyle went to his friends and continued playing, till hometime came and they all left.

The next day, Kyle didn't meet his friends, he thought something happened to them, he went to school, waiting for them, but they haven't arrived, He went to check on them, he didn't find them or their parents, he went to the school taking lessons and playing, after some time, he met a girl and they played together for the whole day, till the bullies arrived again, Kyle was ready, He beat them one by one, they all fell back and ran away, he loved the girl and they both loved each other, till they reached 18 years old, and the girl left Kyle for a better person, and his parents went to a vacation, so Kyle was alone at home, no one having fun or taking care of him, Kyle was all upset and stressed ever since they were gone, so he promised blind that he will find his friends one day...

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Kyle 'Fish' Hunter

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Mr (Mister)

Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:






IC Phone number:


Religious Denomination:

Unknown yet

Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

3 Years.

Working Experience:

4 Years

Academic Degree:

Bachelor Degree

Year of Graduation:



Criminal Justice



Native Languages:

English (Japanese)

Other Languages:

Last edited:


Level 328
Thank you for applying; however, the force has decided to deny this application.

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