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Accepted Noss69 P.E teacher application 2


Level 12
What is your Minecraft username?:
Noss69 (Applying with)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
I do have a working microphone and I am willing to speak at any time!

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 17 years old

What is your time zone?:
My timezone is GMT+1

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that I will get my Teacher role taken away if I am not active enough. I actually think it sounds good to check activity here and there to let other active players get a chance to get into the Faculty!

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am very active on the SRP server. On a scale of 1 to 10 i think i would say 7 right now i used to be very active and be on the server at least 2-9 hours a day. This is due to my mental health at the moment and it will probably fix itself in some weeks or so. Other than that I am really active and it’s usually a 9 out of 10. When I have school I am online from 1PM to 11PM. If i don't have school you will probably see me online more. If you see me offline on the server It’s probably because I am in school at the time or I am enjoying playing another game with my friends! If I get accepted I think I will become even more active than I am right now!

Do you have any previous bans?:
Yes sadly i do, i got banned due to ERP for 20 days a few months ago. I wish that would have never happened so i could have a clear record. It was a very boring wait as I spent a lot of hours playing on this server and I am really enjoying it. Of course I have re-read the rules and I have learned my lesson and I promise it won't happen again!

I know that I've had a warning before about selling glitched items in the Auction house when I first joined SRP and didn’t know better, but of course I know now that it is not allowed and I will never do that again!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Accepted VincissRP's Receptionist Application

Noss69 | Builder Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Noss69 -
Adult tag
NossTheHotDog- Grade 12
PeepsRP- Dog
YoNanRP- Fox

What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying for Physical Education (P.E)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Since I have been working as a receptionist for a long time, this job seems to catch my interest even more. There is a lot more to do than only being at the front desk in school. I could be teaching students and helping them learn, and have a good time in school like I had when I was a grade-12! Something I want to do is host classes in school and help students through their most difficult times and through their studies as well.

Why am I applying to be a teacher? Well, my best friend is currently a teacher and has been for a while now. I have seen how she holds her classes and that has made me interested in joining the faction and I would also love to work with her!

At the time when I am online, which is usually at 11 am my time, there is no one hosting. I want to make a difference, and as well as change this to make the experience better for the people that are in my timezone! Though I already know plenty of faculty commands, there are other ones that I would like to learn too! I would like to experience something different than just sitting at a front desk all day and I think this job is right for me!

The thing that catches my eye is spending more time with school staff, getting to know them even better. Although this, as a teacher you have the opportunity to influence your students in the best way, to give them a different outlook on life. I want to work with them even more, and it would be really fun and I would enjoy hosting classes. Sports is something I have always loved, in SRP too and to host them myself would be even better! I find this job very exciting, which means that I get new experiences when it comes to roleplaying. I really want to get accepted, and I have high hopes that I will.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I completely understand that I will have to attend the teacher training when you get accepted. I think it’s a great way to get to know the other co-workers and I will of course make sure I am able to join these teacher training sessions.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The class logs are a way for SLT/STAFF to see the activity of each teacher, and if they are doing a decent job with their classes. In the class log, they will write the amount of time a class was held and the specific person that hosted it. It will also show how many stars the class got by the students reacting to it. The class log helps the staff to see if the students enjoyed the class and if teachers are doing their job properly.

Once you start a class in game a message will automatically be sent in the Karakura Academics Discord to keep track of all the classes the teachers have hosted during the month. If they have hosted the if they haven't reached the goal of 10 classes in a month, they will get a strike and then no money. 3 strikes and you're out of faction

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

OOC Rules:

-FearRP property

-As the teacher I have the right to kick you out of my own class for being disrespectful or annoying towards me or other students.

ICLY Rules:

Rule 1:
No harsh swear words
Swearing and insulting others is not allowed in any classroom. These two things can be very hurtful in some ways to another individual. Some people may take offense to what other people say very easily, which is why we have a rule. we don't want anyone to get in a bad mood. In my classroom I want a simple and respectful environment when everyone is working. By following this rule, we can all work peacefully and focused and create a good feeling in the room. It is very hard to work and focus if someone is throwing out swear words here and there, so this is why we should respect others

Rule 2: No Electronics
I believe that paying attention and being involved while the teacher is holding a class is very respectful which we all want in a classroom. Smartphones, flip phones, computers can be distracting for others as well as for ourselves in the room. By not playing with any electronic device in the class can help everyone staying focused. If you know you have someone on the phone that really needs to speak with you. you may ask the teacher for permissions beforehand if you got a specific reason for it. Else we do not want any devices in the room.

Rule 3: Raise your hand
I belive that everyone's voice is important. When you want to speak, you should raise your hand to get the teacher's and others attention. Raising your hand in class is a signal to the teacher that you have something to say and it’s a respectful way of talking instead of shouting it out. It's also for students that would like an clarification or add something. this shows that you are paying attention and that you actually want to learn something in school. By shouting out their question, all students will believe that they are free to do and talk as much as they want. This rule will help everyone in the classroom and have their class organized and focused!

Rule 4: Motivtion
Motivation and a smile on your face is always good to have when you walk into a class full of students. There is of course not a rule to have a smile on your face everyday but we all can at least try for others! Teachers love seeing the student have motivation in their class as well as being focused. This shows the teacher that they are actually interested in doing what they are told to do. Teacher always wants you to do the best you can but if you're not feeling too good you can always have a little mini break.

Rule 5: Ask for help
You should never be afraid to ask for help in a classroom full of people, for some it can of course be difficult to express yourself among others, but if you have a necessary question, you should always raise your hand. You should never be afraid of what people will think of you. Of course, you can always ask your question after the class is over as people may find it easier. but this is a way to improve as you will probably be in front of a lot of people when you get older and look for a job.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general, I think I have a lot of experience when it comes to Gangrp, DetailRP and all the commands when it comes to using them in a roleplay situation. I of course can also use all the employee commands when needed. When my friend showed me this server in December 2021 I didn't know that I would stay, and play as much as I currently do.

about a month ago, I started testing gangrp after an 8-month hiatus and I think it's quite fun doing so. You get to run around with your friend and do all type of thinhs and it's very interesting because you never know what will happen next. Even tho i have left that a month ago i still think it looks very fun to gangRP and i wish to do it soon again. however, 8 months ago I was doing gangrp as I said, I joined a gang with a friend and became quickly a higherup due to me being very active.

Often when I am bored, I usually join a class and sit for myself and detailrp, It's something that I actually enjoy and i am very good at writing when i am in my own world. I've been a receptionist on this server for about 7 months and i would say it was the funniest thing so far but felt more and more stressful at the end. I would love to spend more time with the faculty and RP more with the students. I would like to try something new when it comes to working in the faculty since i really enjoyed working there and hopefully I will get accepted to this job!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of department
↳ Description: Head of department is the lead in that department, the HD helps and trains the UT They also help monitor their department such as making sure everyone is hosting and following the rules, they also help with hosting classes with the UTs

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The qualified teachers are the teachers that are the most qualified, they have the most experience with their department and know how to teach their subject well! They don’t need anyone to help or look during classes and are qualified enough to teach at full time!

↳ Meaning:
New-Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: newly Qualified Teacher have just finished their basic training and can now host classes! They might get some help from HD and QT during classes such as overlooking and so on.. but they are qualified to host and teach at full time.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Unqualified Teacher is a teacher who is undergoing teacher training meaning they can’t teach out anything yet! During this time they will not host any classes alone, they will be supervised and they will help other teachers (NQT,QT and Hd) with their classes to learn and understand how to hopefully host themselves!

Teacher Knowledge
Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers both in real life and in-game serve the purpose to teach and educate the students for future exams and tests and different subjects. They teach students at a very young age to learn different things that you usually need to use in the future to live.
In-game teachers are there to teach students different subjects so students can come to a test or an exam and understand what they are supposed to do. They are also there to patrol around the school when they are not hosting classes to see if the students are doing okay.

When you first get accepted as a teacher your first role will be UT (Unqualified Teacher) which means that the teacher is still training and cannot hold any classes until they have reached the role NQT. When you have reached the NQT role your paycheck each month will be ¥350,000 yen when they have hosted 10 classes. QT will receive a paycheck of ¥400,000 each month. Teacher’s have a thing called overtime. If the Teachers host 5 more classes after the minimum quota they will receive ¥50,000. ¥500,000 is the highest salary you can get as a teacher.

Out of game Teachers play a role to show and teach students different subjects as well as teaching them how to behave and how to communicate with others! They teach students from a young age and help the future generation decide what jobs they want to work with depending on their interests. A teacher here where i live makes about 36600kr which is like 3400$ per month!

Some students may not think that teachers actually have a life outside of school, but they do! Some teachers enjoy spending time with their families and loved ones. They may enjoy playing games together, cooking together or just take a chill day after work and watch some movies. Of course, many teachers are also passionate about adventure. They can go relax on a beach or go hiking in the mountains or maybe they even go on small vacations outside of the city. Teachers are just like anyone else, they have interest in small or big things. If i were a teacher, I would probably go out and spend time with my loved ones or I would sit at home and correct all the tests that have been given to the students.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are there both IC and OOCLY to help the students to chase their dreams they might want to achieve in the future. They are there to teach you at a young age and help you decide what jobs they want to work with. Of course, the students get to choose which job they want depending on what interests they have. If it wasn't for the teachers, you would not have any education and would probably not have the greatest job. Without the teachers there wouldn't be any students who learn the basics about life and wouldn't be able to achieve their dreams. We need teachers to teach us new stuff everyday and of course a school needs teachers. if SchoolRP wouldn't have any teachers there would just be students walking around the school not knowing what to do.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
There are all types of school systems in the world but where we’re located in Karakura Japan we go by a school system called MoSCoW system, which means, Must Have, Could Have, Should Have, Wouldn't or Would Have.

Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Alessia stood at 5’4 with an aura that seemed to make her glow with warmth. Alessia was born and raised in Russia meaning she would have a strong russian accent while speaking Japanese. Speaking with her strong russian accent she would also have a clear and sharp voice. With her hazel colored eyes she would have silver/blonde hair that flows to her shoulder in waves on her right side. Her posture would be very formal and her facial expression would show a serious woman even though she was a very funny and creative individual.

while looking closely a scar would twist the skin on her cheek, being the only mark to taint her flawless complexion. How the scar appeared on her face is because of a fight being held in school when she was younger. Other than that she would have a prosthetic tongue and a prosthetic left hand due to crimes as a 18 years old. She had a very hard time at school and could create a lot of problems for both herself and others but always tried her best. She has always dreamed about being better and helping those people who had the same problem as her as a student! And that is what is inspiring her to become a teacher, she loves the students and just wants to help them, give them the chance she never got!

Alessia had a few of her siblings working within the school faculty and saw that they seemed to enjoy the hours at the job and she hopes she will too! Alessia loves to talk to everyone and see if people are doing okay, she is a caring and beautiful soul even though she is walking around with a bitchy expression on her face. She can speak her mind and is not shy to tell someone off, if she dislikes something she will put it out there in a nice way to not offend anyone. After her teaching life she just wants peace and quiet, making a difference for the generation and she thinks by becoming a teacher that will help! Her dream is to move out to a quiet place, maybe the country? spending time with her future husband and her kids and hopefully this dream will become true one day!



You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

While Alessia is patrolling she would hear students down in the hallway cursing and swearing at each other. She of course would not hesitate to walk down the hallway. As she stood there listening to what the students had to say to each other she would make herself heard and hopefully make the students quiet. She would try to get into the conversation as much as possible to know why and who started this situation. If the students continued to behave badly she would tell them to watch their language. If they just continued having this conversation and ignoring Alessia, she would hand them a detention slip with the reason for ‘bad behavior and not listening to faculty staff.’

Now, if this situation would become more of a bigger problem she would take a few steps back and reach for her faculty radio asking if there's anyone that could come help with the situations she's in. Whenever a co-worker got to the place she would quickly tell them what's going on and see if they can do something about it too. Whenever the help was received and the situation was over, she would give them a big thank you and continue on with her day!

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
In the classroom Alessia would stand at the front with a blank facial expression looking at the students talking with each other while letting out a big sigh. It’s always important not to give up if you don’t feel heard. She would raise her voice to the point where she was heard around the classroom. ‘’Excuse me students, could you please listen to me?’’

She would then look at all of them becoming quiet while getting back to her happy face.
If the students would continue to speak she wouldn't hesitate to call them out in front of the class and ask if there is anything they would like to represent to the class. She would also tell them that it is very disrespectful to talk while a teacher is trying to do their job. Whenever she was done saying whatever she got to say to the class she would clear her throat and continue on with the lesson like nothing happened.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
When she entered the lounge, she had a notebook in her right hand and an old pen stuck in the book. with a cheerful mood and a leading smile on her face, she greeted her colleagues around the room. She would make her way down to the table's hot chocolate machine to get a cup. waiting for her hot chocolate to be ready, she turns to everyone in the room to start a small conversation with one of the colleagues, perhaps asking how their day has been so far or what they plan to do after the break. Taking her chocolate, she went to a chair and sat down. Alessia sat somewhere where it wasn't quiet but there weren't many people. She would either read the newspaper for daily updates or scroll on her phone and maybe text her friends outside of school. But you'd probably find her with her pen in hand, sketching in her notebook. but she would talk if she was spoken to and wouldn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with the co-workers in the room. She would be very friendly with her co-workers but if there was something someone said that bothered her, he wouldn't hold back and tell them maybe not to say it because it could trigger a lot of thoughts and bad vibes!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Alessia would have a dodgeball placed in her hand while walking onto the field with a big smile before turning around facing her students. This is her favorite sport of them all! She would stand there quietly waiting for the class to stop talking. ‘’Okay class, Today we will play dodgeball and i hope you all will enjoy it!’’ She would then gently pass the ball onto a student whilst walking quickly back to the side to observe how they were playing. She would stand there on the side with crossed arms and a big smile on her face while looking closely at the movements of the kids and make mental notes and grade them mentally!

/me Alessia would welcome all of her students into her classroom with a huge smile and a warm welcome like always. Alessia approached the front of the classroom and waited for everyone to be quiet. ''Today we shall go outside and play a sport, which I will leave up to you. What are your thoughts on that?'' She turned around and started drawing on the black board behind her: Basketball, Dodgeball, Baseball.’’ It was now written on the black board behind her. She would now stand quiet at the front waiting until the students had chosen their activity for the day. After the students have voted on which sport they want to play Alessia would make her way down to the classroom door to open the doors, letting them all out of the door.

/me She would open the classroom door to let the students in, she would walk to the front while she hummed to herself and write in a neat handwriting “Dance” she would turn around facing the students with a big smile on her face. “Okay class! Today's lesson will be about DANCE! Now I know it might be cringe and embarrassing for some of you but you have to embrace it! It’s so fun to dance don’t you think?” She would begin doing some dance moves to make the students laugh and smile! “Okay but really, let’s get dancing shall we! To the auditorium!!” She would open the doors to her classroom to let the students out and make their way out to the auditorium.

/me She would wave at the students coming towards the running track showing them that they have come the right way! She would wait a few minutes before counting the students that attended. “Okay wow, a lot of you came! How awesome! Now today we will be running around the track.. how about we start with a 5 min warm up so we prevent any accidents yeah? OKAY GO!” She would watch them run around for 5 minutes before yelling at them to come back “Okayy.. so half of the group you start here and the rest start at the other side, the first one to have all their members to sit down wins!” She would wait for the students to separate and go to their different teams “OKAY?! REAaddyyYyy!? SET GO!

/me walking a few steps forward, Alessia would clap her hands for the students opposite her, while they just got back from the warm-up. ''you guys did that amazing!'' she said as she gave a huge smile. ''I will divide you into two groups, one group will focus on the muscles in your legs, arms and hips. the second group will run a few laps around the track.'' after dividing them into two groups, she would inform what would happen next ''those of you who are going to run, you run 4 laps then you can take a 3 minute break then just run again, for those of you who are going to be with me, you will do 40 squats and after that I will tell you more.'' Seeing the students run off to the track she would sit down, pulling up her notebook and her pen to begin to write down. ''now, let's do 25 jumping jacks, or is that too easy?'' After training this group, she would switch after a few minutes and take the others, giving them the exact same instructions.

Backstory 300 words (562 words)

In Moskva, Russia, 1998, Alessia Misono was born as the youngest child between an older brother and a twin sister in a humble family. Shortly after her birth, she and her family would move away from Moskva to a quiet town in Japan, where they'd stay for a few months before eventually returning to Germany in order to be closer to her mother's side of the family.

As a child, Alesia was outspoken and bright for her age, often being spotted playing with her older sister, Edith. She enjoyed looking after people, caring for them despite her occasional stubborn moments. Alessia displayed high levels of intelligence as a kid, being much more academically and emotionally developed than her older sister. This academic and learning gap between her and her sister would continue to grow in the following years of elementary school, where Alessia would smoothly excel in all fields of education while Edith would struggle to stay afloat in Russian.

The family would move once again, and for the last time. They would return to Japan to start a new life, forcing Alessia and her siblings to uproot the life they'd just settled into. During this period of time, Alessia would struggle to communicate and see eye to eyes with her family. Edith, who had only just begun to adjust to their old life, would be angry about the move as she felt like everything she'd worked for in the past few years were for nothing.

This was a dark period in young Alessia's life. Things seemed to go wrong one after the other, with her verbally abusive father falling ill and becoming bedridden and her mother leaving the family one evening mysteriously. Alessia and her sister worked hard to support themselves and their father. The girls would sell baked goods to classmates while their father would struggle to juggle three jobs around the clock before eventually getting a stable job with good monthly income.

Slowly but surely, Alesssia's life began to shift back on track. With her father now having a stable job and being able to provide for the family, Alessia turned her focus to education and her hobbies. She had always been bright, but had never known what to do with her wits. She was a great speaker, enjoyed children, and was an amazing storyteller.With these gifts, she decided to study hard with the hopes of becoming a teacher.

Alessia's highschool life consisted of mainly studying and education, with the occasional dash of friend, family, and romance on the side. Her new friends and new hobbies got her through her problems, and she did her best to help her family get through its problems. At the young age of 17, Alessia would begin to think about a family of her own after meeting the love of her life. The two would date for a year before he'd propose to her with the promise of staying beside her during her pursuit of a teaching career. At the age of 19 she would have married and divorced, all the while putting her heart and mind into being the thing she wanted the most, a teacher.

To this current day, Alessia is still searching for her calling. Her siblings and her friends push her onwards in the times of uncertainty as she still trudges onward towards her goal of being a teacher.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Alessia Misono

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs. Misono

Given Name(s): Miss, Misono, Alessia

Preferred Name: Alessia or Mrs. Misono

Age (Minimum is 27): I am 27

Gender: Female She/Her

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: I am currently single

Nationality: Russian & German

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
Receptionst 25-27

Academic Degree: Bachelor degree

Year of Graduation: 2015

Major(s): Communications, English

Minors: Communications and psychology

Native Languages: Russian & German

Other Languages: Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • There was another applications that stood out more
  • The subject you applied for is currently capped

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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