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Accepted NossTheHotDog | Receptionist application #2


Level 12
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
NossTheHotDog (applying with)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am seventeen years old!

What is your time zone?:
My timezone is GMT+1

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am a very active player on SRP. On a scale of 1 to 10 I think I would say 8.5 right now. I am usually online around 2-9 hours a day since I have nothing better to do. When I have school I am usually online from 3PM to 11PM. If i don't have school you will probably see me online more. Other than that I am really active and it’s usually a 9 out of 10. If you see me offline on the server It’s probably because I am in school at the time or I am enjoying playing another game with my friends!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes sadly I have been banned before, i got banned due to ERP for 20 days like a year ago now. I wish that would have never happened so i could have a clear record. It was a very boring wait as I spent a lot of hours playing on this server and I am really enjoying it. Of course I have re-read the rules and I have learned my lesson and I promise it won't ever happen again!

However, I've had a warning before about selling glitched items in the Auction house when I first joined SRP. of course I didn't know better but I know now that it is not allowed!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that I will get my role taken away if I am not active enough. I actually think it sounds good to check activity here and there to let other active players get a chance to be one of the faculty!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying to be a receptionist!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
When you first step into the school, the first thing you notice is a person sitting behind a desk, that's the receptionists! They always want to make sure you get to the right destination, now if you are looking for a specific person they can call the intercom and tell that person to come to reception, or a teacher/professor over the radio. A receptionist can also help you find the right places around the school such as the faculty lounge, the nurse's office or other places you now want to go. If a particular student has misbehaved and you can't go around the school looking for them, they usually call the person to come to reception with the intercom command, but of course the receptionist has the option to go out of the room and search.

Receptionists also take care of Visitors at the school who are usually KPD. handing it over, it says ''KHS Visitor's Pass'' which is a small card that must be filled in. You must make sure it says the name of the visitor and a reason why. speaking of KPD, They usually call the number that goes to the receptionist and all the SLT to inform that they are entering the school. Of course, others can call in, such as the students. The students can then call in because they might see a fight somewhere, or ask for directions to a room if they can't bear to go to the front desk. This doesn't happen very often because all the students usually hang around the front desk already. which can of course cause some problems

If a student has helped in a situation where no faculty could do anything/where no one was looking, the receptionist can give a reward token to the student who helped them in that situation as a thank you for helping the faculty when they are busy with other things. This also applies if they are sitting at their chair and an individual comes forward and wants to hand in their tokens. Then they give a small reward depending on how many tokens they submitted. The receptionist takes care of the reward tokens and the prizes you can get. if you have now done very well in the test/exams and have received over 50 reward tokens, you're able to receive a one-time allowance for 100k!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general, I've learned a lot when it comes to roleplay. ive been playing on this server since December 2021 and I am very happy that my friend showed me this! Some months after I started my SRP journey, I joined a gang and became quickly higher-up due to me being extremely active. After 6 months of GangRP I decided to stop there. I quickly applied for Receptionist and got accepted. I worked as a Receptionist for maybe 6 or 7 months. I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to knowing all the commands inside of the faction and how to use them in a roleplay situation. However, After I quit the faction I felt like trying to GangRP again but it didn't last long until I left again. I have now realized that I would like to do something more than just stand in plaza as an adult and would gladly become a receptionist again even though it is pretty amazing to RP and a normal adult!

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
From my perspective, I don't have much to do as an Adult/High school student, but I would like to change that. The more faculty members there are within a school, the more fun and better it will be, and I would like to be one of them! I really enjoy helping people, it's something I've always done. both outside the RP and inside and I think this is the closest I'll get to it! I would like to be a good faculty member and someone that people look up to when they start their roleplay. A few months ago I worked in the school faction. I can say it myself that I really miss everyone in the faculty and also all the students you got RP with and created fantastic friendships. I think I'm ready and I'm really happy to be an employee again. I also feel like this job would suit my character perfectly and I/she would do anything to keep this job forever!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Accepted VincissRP's Receptionist Application

Pending Noss69 P.E teacher application 2

Noss69 | Builder Application

Denied Noss69 Staff Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Noss69 - Adult
NossTheHotDog - HS student
PeepsRP - Dog
YoNanRP - Fox


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Rahsle wouldn't give them much of a reaction since that is what they want in this situation. Rashel would of course tell them to watch their language and get to class. She wants to have fun at his job and she knows this is just a waste of her time. She knows she has more important things to do. If these unnecessary comments offend her badly enough, she would tell them to watch their language one last time, making her voice a bit more clear and sharp than before. After the two warnings she would not hesitate to hand the person a detention slip telling them that if these words come to the wrong person they can take a lot of offense. They were just lucky that Rashel is a grown woman and can take a lot of words before getting hurt.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Rashel would walk up to both the students that were fighting and tell them both to split up before someone gets extremely hurt. Once she split them up, she would listen carefully to what both students had to say about the fight and why they started fighting. If splitting them up didn't work, she would ask kindly over the radio if anyone could come and help her if the situation became worse. Rashel would give both of them a detention slip and check if there was a nurse inside the nurse's office. If no nurse would be there that day, she would go in with both of them to check if either of them had any major damage she could try to fix for a short time before going back to her desk. If she saw any of them fighting or arguing again, she would not hesitate to threaten that SLT will be involved if they do not stop.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
she would remind her colleague that they are at work and that they must act professionally around the young people. She would also remind them that they set an example when they are here and if they keep being immature it may affect the future of the kids which is not our goal. If her colleague were to continue in this way, she would of course remain calm to be a better example than the person at work and try to call the SLT there in the hope that they will do something. While trying to get contact, she would look around to see if a camera might have caught the situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When she entered the lounge, she had a notebook in her right hand and an old pen stuck in the book. with a cheerful mood and a leading smile on her face, she greeted her colleagues around the room. She would make her way down to the table's hot chocolate machine to get a cup. waiting for her hot chocolate to be ready, she turns to everyone in the room to start a small conversation with one of the colleagues, perhaps asking how their day has been so far or what they plan to do after the break. Taking her chocolate, she went to a chair and sat down. Rashel sat somewhere where it wasn't quiet but there weren't many people. She would either read the newspaper for daily updates or scroll on her phone and maybe text her friends outside of school. But you'd probably find her with her pen in hand, sketching in her notebook. but she would talk if she was spoken to and wouldn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with the co-workers in the room. She would be very friendly with her co-workers but if there was something someone said that bothered her, he wouldn't hold back and tell them maybe not to say it because it could trigger a lot of thoughts and bad vibes!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

She would walk into the school unlocking the door to the front desk, sitting down, she would then begin to look through any papers and begin to do what's needed, she would look up and see a small female looking her way. she would place her pen down and greet her with a smile “Hello there! How may I help you today?” would come out of her mouth, the female would ask for a specific room, Rashel would explain where to go and point to the direction. moments later the person would come back and tell her that she did not find the specific place. Rashel would stand up, walking out of the front desk to tell the female to follow her. only to return to her desk moments later.

/me She would slowly be walking from the faculty lounge to her desk after her short break. you would see an individual running quickly towards her but stopping a few inches from her. she would quickly ask what the person needed help with. The person in front of her gave information that there was a fight at the football field. with quick steps she would go there to confront them. she would do her best to separate those who were fighting each other. ''Break it up now or I will make sure SLT hears about this.'' After they stopped their fight, she would immediately take their names and give them both a detention slip while she listened to what they had to say. After everything was done, she would make sure they both went their separate ways.

/me After a long day at work, she packed up her things and walked towards the room where everyone who hasn't behaved is, the detention room. opening the doors she would notice at least 7 students, this is hopeless she thought. She opened the drawers where all the detention tasks are, and gave out a book to each person. ''If you have a question, raise your hand instead of shouting outright. Otherwise, I ask you to be quiet and work.'' she would say, then stand at the desk and look into the wall, waiting for a student to finish their task.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Rashel Misono
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Ms
Preferred Name: Rashel, Ms, Miss

Age (Minimum is 25): 37
Gender: Female she/her

Academic Degree: Bachelor degree
Major(s): Communication
Minors: English

Nationality: Russia
Known Languages: Japanese, Russian, German


Rashel Misono was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1986. Born as the only child to a wealthy family in the heart of Russia's capital, Rashel was raised under strict Catholic rules in a Catholic household and her parents placed big plans onto her shoulders even when she was just a kid. Even so, Rashel learned to make the best out of it, and learned the art of negotiating and communication at a young age. So despite her strict household, young Rashel most of the time, if not always, got what she wanted. She never let her privilege put herself higher than any of her friends or strangers, and instead did her best to help others.

As she got older, Rashel attended several prestigious private schools and the outcome was always the same; expulsion. Despite her smarts and wits in the art of language and communication, Rashel struggled severely in school due to her ADHD. She struggled to maintain anything higher than a C, and her parents did not miss the opportunity to comment on her grades at any moment they could.

Failing in school with no way, motivation, or attention span to bring her grades back up, Rashel quickly began to fall into a state of depression with no one to turn to. Her parents offered her no helping hand when she needed it the most, and this could not be changed no matter how she begged or pleaded. Angry and lost, Rashel became rebellious and violent outside and away from her family. It wasn't until she got herself tangled into a supposedly harmless spar that quickly turned into a life changing event, did her violence and anger catch the attention of not just her parents, but her teachers as well.

With now a 7 inch scar cutting across her once blemishless skin on her shin, Rashel was angry, sad, in pain, and alone. The friends shed once helped in the past turned their backs on her out of fear for her anger and violent outbursts. They left her alone, with finals on the way and the definite fate of expulsion once more.

And at her lowest point, she thought about the end. She was cornered, with nowhere to go. Her parents were no help, and her friends were gone. With no choice and her fingers crossed, Rashel chose to reach out to a teacher, Ms. [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. She knew it was probably her only choice, even if there was only a month left on the clock. and to her surprise, [REDACTED] warmly agreed and truly did offer her a helping hand, staying after school hours after closing time and sometimes even arranged private tutoring with Rashel in order to help her learn things in the best way possible, experimenting teaching methods that helped Rashel remember things the best.

To Rashel, Ms. [REDACTED] was not just a teacher, but she also quickly became a second mother to her. She did not just teach, she listened too. Taught her academic things, and the little things, like braiding her own hair. And with her help, Rashel managed to finish the year, and every year after that with ease using the learning methods Ms. [REDACTED] taught her.

Shortly after Rashel's graduation from college, Ms. [REDACTED] passed away from unknown causes. At her funeral, Rashel made the silent promise to be what she had been- patient, understanding, and flexible. A teacher that knew what their students needed, and did their best to provide. And as she found her way to Karakura, now 37 years old and a dream of teaching, she stepped into Karakura feeling like she was now closer to Ms. [REDACTED] more than ever.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
I would love to join the Karakura High School faculty because I am a very positive thinking person and can bring up many conversations with both young people and people my age. To keep this job as a receptionist I am willing to do anything, effort is something I take seriously when it comes to these types of jobs. My goal is to make sure every student as well as the new ones, feel that this school is a safe zone and that they actually have motivation to go there. I want them to keep going in life and not give up that easily and make them feel like they are actually worth something and I will always offer a hand to show them. I want them to have a possessive mindset when they join classes. I know some in the faculty and would of course like to spend some time with them as my colleagues during the breaks! I would of course like to get to know all the students and create a good aura and friendly relations with today's youth. There are a few people who have motivated me to join the faculty team and who have spoken very well about them and I would gladly like to experience it myself.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I enjoy learning new things, especially when it comes to a bigger job like this .I will work hard to improve myself and learn from others and I'm not afraid to take a little criticism. i feel confident to say that i will suit perfectly for this job and i will make sure not to lose it in any type of way! I think I have all the experience when it comes to a job where you have to be good at both remembering where all the rooms are and communicating with other people. I am very good at putting myself into other people's perspectives on things. I am a very talkative person when it comes to meeting new people, I am not at all afraid to start a conversation and I love to make other individuals happy and in a better mood.

I am very strict when it comes to bullying and I will make sure that those who have created problems do not get away with it. The same when it comes to giving a student detention, I will not allow any cheating or unwritten questions. If you are in detention, you are in detention for a reason and I want them to learn not to get into trouble and end up in detention again. it can affect one's future and I want it to go as well as possible for them. However, I believe that I am the right person for this job and I will take my job seriously and be professional as always!

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: Thanks for reading!
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the School Employee faction.
What happens now?
Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord where you can access materials for your role, you may request the in-game tag with an Admin+.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the employee channels in Academics Discord.

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