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Accepted oboLneeecO | Caretaker Application


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:

I usually log on to SRP everyday for around 8-12 hours. This may change depending on my personal life and whether or not I have free days. Nevertheless, I should be able to log on quite often.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I've had one ban ever. I can’t quite remember when, however the ban was for 1 hour due to failure to comply with staff. While my sister and I wanted to buy individual apartments.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes! I completely understand, and will be as active as much as I possibly can.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Caretakers are the ones who ensure that students and members of the school faculty are able to work and study in a clean and peaceful environment. They’re responsible for maintaining cleanliness and on the off chance simple repair work, such as changing a light bulb. A caretaker can also offer assistance working hand in hand with other members of the faculty, helping to do tasks such as printing out paperwork, tidying their classrooms at the end of lessons or the school day. In Karakura High, some places of interest where the caretakers are responsible for the cleanliness include classrooms, toilets around the school, along with assisting in the plant nursery to perform trimming and tending to crops in the school’s garden.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I’ve had multiple different experiences within roleplay itself, such as working in a Shop, Gang-Roleplay, along with and FacultyRP twice.

August of 2020 I applied to become and successfully became one a month later, I worked there for around two months and then quit. Although I enjoyed the faction thoroughly I decided it was the time to quit and possibly come back in the future. During my time we worked well as a team together, that’s something I liked about the faction and was hoping that it’d be similar if I decided to go back. I reapplied May of 2022 after requesting my adult role to be removed. And to my surprise got accepted again. This time around it was pretty much the same experience, however I enjoyed it at a neutral level as the communication between faculty was slightly different, but I adjusted quite quickly and ended up overall having a blast with the other faculty members.

Since 2020 I’ve involved myself deeply within the GangRP community, joining gangs such as River, Oracle and Myriad during 2021 til 2022 and Sonomi during 2023. Within my time during these gangs. I very much enjoyed the relationship everyone had with each other both OOCly and ICly which continues on today, it made me want to continue my GangRP journey with them. Although, currently there are things in that community I can work on, such as my learning of P2L and a better understanding of how it exactly works.

In May of 2023 I applied to the shop known as Mai-Yume and have been working there for the past few months now. And have very much enjoyed my time there so far, with the time that I’ve been working there I feel as though I’ve become better with my social communication and I still continue in working on it the more I interact with players. And I am hoping the further I Roleplay with the Mai-Yume staff and customers the more my social communication will improve.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I’ve previously worked as a School Employee during September of 2020 and May of 2022, both times I found myself enjoying the school environment and getting the opportunity to further expand my Roleplay experiences, by meeting new people and gaining a chance to detail my actions more. During these times I worked as a Tutor and despite it being difficult at times, I found myself completely locked into that title. I was hoping once I decided to reapply I would apply for something new and this something would be an even greater interest of mine, such as Caretaker for example. I’ve overlooked many of the individuals who currently withhold the Caretaker role over the past year. And found myself highly interested in what the title itself had to offer. With that being said I finally decided during July of 2023, I’ve decided to re-apply as a Caretaker in a hopeful chance to experience what it’s like to clean, repair and thoroughly patrol the school grounds assuring faculty members and students are as safe as possible.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:’s-german-application.28008/’s-german-application.34937/ - DENIED’s-spanish-application.34938/ - DENIED’s-german-language-application.41287/ - ACCEPTED’s-french-application.41363/ - ACCEPTED’s-russian-application.44244/ - DENIED - ACCEPTED’s-latin-application.49971/ - DENIED’s-language-application.50016/ - ACCEPTED - DENIED’s-language-application.55288/ - ACCEPTED ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - DENIED’s-nurse-application.56822/ - DENIED - DENIED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

OceeenLobo - College & Grade 12
oboLneeecO Grade 12 - Applying



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

If Akari were to come across this situation she would ask the student to stop their cursing, as it is unacceptable within school grounds. If they continued she would warn them once more, after her warning. She’d threatened detention giving them a chance to stop. If they kept going she would hand them a detention slip. Asking the student to come with her so they could have a private conversation about their behavior, to avoid them being judged by others. She would explain to the student how their behavior might affect others with the words they’re using and to be careful how they speak. Notifying them that the type of language they were using should be used out of a professional setting.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Akari would immediately approach the fight in a serious tone. She would shout at the students to stop fighting, if they didn’t stop she would step between the two of them to stop them from punching each other, even though she could be hit during the crossfire. She’s very understanding when it comes to students fighting, their teenagers hormones can mess with their feelings and erupt into fights. Once the situation was calmed down Akari would hand the two students a detention slip, followed by a warning if their behavior continued SLT would be called.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

In the case that any students are present when this situation goes down Akari would ensure that they are all far enough away to where they are safe. And would send them on their way to class to deal with the situation in a private matter. She would then talk to the school employee in an attempt to defuse the situation, if she managed to take them away from what they were doing. She’d talk to them about how their actions were dangerous and could cause harm to themselves or the students around them. Depending how serious the situation was, she would inform the Head of Department of their specific role within the school or in the case that it is more severe she would inform any available SLT member.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:

Akari would enter the faculty lounge, bowing her head to anyone present as a sign of respect. She then would head towards the coffee machine grabbing herself a coffee with two full sugars. Before heading over to one of the free tables, she started a conversation with a faculty member close to her by asking them how they were doing and or how their work was going so far. If she noticed they were having a bad time, Akari would grab them a drink from the coffee machine along with a hot-dog from the food machine. Handing it to them when she returned to the table, offering another bow. “I hope you feel better soon, Ma’am/Sir.” She then would offer them a talking ear after school if they were to need it. Then hoped that they felt better soon, returning back to her seat. She’d indulged her mind into possibilities of repairs she could do.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me Stepping into the room, Akari noticed how messy the classroom tables were. She slipped her duffel bag down onto the teacher’s desk, nodding towards them. As she began unzipping it, rummaging through the bag the woman pulled out a pair of blue latex gloves, pulling each individually onto her hands! She then pulled out a spray bottle filled with water followed by a jar of mild soap and two fresh sponges if one happened to get super dirty. A light exhale escaped the woman’s mouth, as she began scrubbing down each table individually, along with their metal table legs. If the chairs happened to be plastic, Akari would scrub them down too. If not she’d thoroughly clean the chairs legs. Once she was done the female packed away her items into the duffel bag, zipping it back up. She made her way out of the classroom.

/me Multiple muttering voices murmured over the radio, about a repair located at the front desk. As she reached down to her belt, taking the radio off of it. She would press the button located directly on the side of the object. Akari began speaking into it as she politely asked, “I apologize, I didn’t quite hear what you said. Could you repeat?” Once she got a response and exactly where the location was, grabbing her duffel bag full of the useful equipment she needed to perform her job properly, grabbing a step ladder on her way out. She headed over to the front desk, placing her step ladder down just under the blown out light. Akari would place her duffel bag onto the floor, unzipping it and grabbing out a lightbulb box. She opened it, taking out the new bulb, stepping up onto the ladder enough to where she was able to reach it. Reaching her right hand up, she began un-tightening the old bulb. Placing it onto a ladder step that was available, she then moved the new light bulb to her right hand, tightening it firmly into place.

/me The woman grabbed her belongings as she headed out of the boiler room, clinging onto her duffel bag. She fiddled with the bag’s strap fabric, as she muttered to herself seemingly to encourage herself to continue on with the patrol. It had always scared her wandering around the halls, especially alone. Nonetheless, she pushed through her fear continuing her walk. Until she reached the front desk encountering two students having a physical fight with one another. Over what? You might ask. Well, that isn’t her business. Akari yelled for the students to break their fight apart, once they had she would hand both students a detention slip, warning them if she encountered them doing such behavior again, it’d be straight to SLT. After handing them their detention slip and warning them, she took both students to the nurse’s office to ensure neither of them had any major injuries.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Akari ‘Asa’ Schwarz

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:

Miss Schwarz

Age (Minimum is 25):




Academic Degree:



Communications, Mechanical Engineering


English, Science



Known Languages:



Akari was born in early July of 1998 to her mother and father in Karakura, Japan. Her parents were in the well off area of town and sat quite comfortably, they cared for her by teaching her basic life needs until the age of nine when their business went downhill and they practically hit bankruptcy and kicked her out so they were able to live a stable and comfortable life on their own without the means of having to care and cost for a child. While she was homeless, Akari picked up small jobs around Karakura for a little extra money so she could live at least slightly comfortably, whether the area was dangerous or not. She learned how to change light bulbs, trim garden bushes, plant seeds, water them and was able to learn how to repair door handles and reattach doors.

During her time of being homeless she ran into the Schwarz Family. A somewhat old family that was created by Kuro and Lora Schwarz, having members such as Yonio Schwarz, who would then decide to adopt her. While living with them they helped her get an education at Karakura HighSchool as soon as she hit the age of thirteen, along with managing German classes taught by Kuro and Yonio themselves. Mainly Kuro considering he was born in Germany and was fluent in the language. Although it was a struggle for Akari to understand the school’s learning process, with the help of the Schwarz family she managed to get a decent understanding. During her school years she became an unfortunate victim of bullying, but was able to pass by it, informing those who she viewed as her peers and ignoring the ones who were determined to put her down. Akari brushed through school and was able to get into Karakura’s College during the end of her HighSchool years.

In college Akari made friends with Sakura Schwarz and a male going by the name Shian. The trio became close, going almost everywhere together. This was until Akari decided that she wanted to take up a college course that would help her eventually get the job she desired. Akari majored in Communications and Mechanical Engineering, along with minoring in English and Science. Although these four subjects were hard to manage together on top of a small part time job at a local Mechanic Shop, she managed to breeze through college and her courses with a Bachelor's degree, finishing college at twenty-two years old.

Once Akari was done with school she went on to continue working at the Mechanic Shop making at least ¥2,800,000 - ¥4,000,000 a year. After working at the company for three years straight Akari eventually decided that she wanted a career change. Although, she took a total of six months out of work to focus on self care and her family. During her time out of work she decided to visit her father Yonio, and her other relatives such as her Uncle’s Kuro, and Tael along with her Aunt Lora. During Akari’s six month stay with her relatives she spoke to her peers that she was living with at the time about getting a new job and they all supported her with open arms, but reminded her about cautions and risks that she’d be taking if she applied for the job. Such as, money loss and even less time at home. But Akari decided this is something that would be best for her, so with the patience and guidance as well as her peers, she made the final decision to come back to Karakura HighSchool as a Caretaker to help keep a clean and safe environment for the students that attend her prior school today.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

A main aim when joining KHS is to gain a greater experience than I already have from being a school employee. The experience could be useful to any future job that I may find myself applying to. I believe that school is the one environment where I feel most safe. I am a strong believer when it comes to safe and clean environments for Karakura’s students when it comes to residing in the school during school hours. I’m certain that I know my surroundings and its rules to an average knowledge and what is and isn’t allowed when on school grounds.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Yes! I’ve had prior working experience when working as a Mechanic Engineer from the age of nineteen, along with managing private tutoring sessions assigned by my peers. I would often assist students who were struggling with their work after school every Thursday.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

Alright, while there may be other candidates/applicants, I believe I have the qualities and skills necessary for this position. With my motivation to succeed, attention to detail, adaptability, ability to work in pressure-high environments, and positive attitude, I am confident in my ability to excel in any dynamic work environment with comfort and relative ease. I hope this is enough to solidify your choice in picking me.



Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:

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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the School Employee faction.
What happens now?
Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord where you can access materials for your role, you may request the in-game tag with an Admin+.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the employee channels in Academics Discord.

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