Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
oceannawa (Applying)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
Same as before. I’d like to believe I’m as active as I could be. Perhaps a bit too much? But even then I’m online for 8 hours at most times or even sometimes more at once, even less, or separated. It can differ based on sleep schedule or even home/school-life, with school being one of my focuses at the minute or whatever else it could be. But granted I will be available to be online and complete quota, attend training, as well as complete Caretaker quota in order to maintain (and hopefully keep) both roles. Should there be a time where I’m in need of a timeout from the EM Faction as a whole I would write out an inactive note in the correct channel. If this extends over a month or two I would DM the Commissioner (Hirathex) or another higher-up and note the reason to them should it be private; the higher-up could then pass across the message.
I’m available almost all the time, aside from when I have planned stuff with School or whatnot else. But in order to provide a more accurate idea I will provide a small timetable. Though keeping in mind this can differ quite a bit with sleep schedules.
oceannawa (Applying)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - TokyoRP's 2nd Tutor Application ("Re-post") | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Jeewhuu's Tutor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Employee Application - [ROLE SWITCH] | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - oceanmaan’s Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Doctor Application | OceeenLobo | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oboLneeecO | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oboLneeecO | KPD Application #1 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oceannawa | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Employee Application - [ROLE SWITCH] | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - oceanmaan’s Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Doctor Application | OceeenLobo | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oboLneeecO | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oboLneeecO | KPD Application #1 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oceannawa | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Staff Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Describe your activity on the server:
Same as before. I’d like to believe I’m as active as I could be. Perhaps a bit too much? But even then I’m online for 8 hours at most times or even sometimes more at once, even less, or separated. It can differ based on sleep schedule or even home/school-life, with school being one of my focuses at the minute or whatever else it could be. But granted I will be available to be online and complete quota, attend training, as well as complete Caretaker quota in order to maintain (and hopefully keep) both roles. Should there be a time where I’m in need of a timeout from the EM Faction as a whole I would write out an inactive note in the correct channel. If this extends over a month or two I would DM the Commissioner (Hirathex) or another higher-up and note the reason to them should it be private; the higher-up could then pass across the message.
I’m available almost all the time, aside from when I have planned stuff with School or whatnot else. But in order to provide a more accurate idea I will provide a small timetable. Though keeping in mind this can differ quite a bit with sleep schedules.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
It can depend whether or not I have class scheduled. But otherwise between 6AM-9PM/11PM | It can depend whether or not I have class scheduled. But otherwise between 6AM-9PM/11PM | It can depend whether or not I have class scheduled. But otherwise between 6AM-9PM/11PM | It can depend whether or not I have class scheduled. But otherwise between 6AM-9PM/11PM | It can depend whether or not I have class scheduled. But otherwise between 6AM-9PM/11PM | Available all day Between 7AM-12AM/2AM | Available all day Between 7AM-12AM/2AM |
What is your motivation for applying?:
While I do understand that it could be far too soon to send out an application from the original leave and I can understand if this application is denied due to that reason. I do want to express how much fun I had within this faction and the motivation I have for wanting to even return so soon. I’ve been here for almost a total of six years now and had more than enough opportunity to be in a numerous different selection of faction’s which included a couple of the same roles, but I had expected or even dreamed to be in the KPD for an entire year before I chose to leave out due to some personal issues that’ve been sorted out now. In the Faction I managed to create some incredible bonds with some incredible people that I even talk to now; even the interactions with people outside of the Faction whilst inside the force were incredible, stressful, but incredible. It was like a dream come true. All the people in the EM Faction are people I can honestly admit are people that I would like to move forward with on the server and within roleplay experiences, it’s like one massive family; a home even. The teamwork within is incredible too. The point is. I had a blast and even though this might be a bit of an early application to return. I would like to at some point.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Main Division
The Commissioner! The Boss of the Department is the one who oversees both Divisions in order to keep and ensure all are in check.
Captain [HU]
The Commissioner’s Right-Hand Man. As well as a Higher-up of the Department. The one in charge of the Main Division and ensuring all of them are performing their jobs in a correct fashion, and not misbehaving. The one that handles situations should the Commissioner be unavailable.
Lieutenant [HU]
A rank below their Capitan but still considered a Higher-up of the Department. Lieutenant’s are as well able to hand out punishments to officers and pass across information to the others, or the Commissioner themselves.
A rank below the Lieutenant one step from being a higher-up in the Department.
Considered a Commanding-Officer if there’s no one else around to handle the Department. While Sergeants aren’t able to hand out the majority of punishments, they’re able to hand out laps to misbehaving officers and even pass the major ones onto a HU (Higher-Up) to be dealt with more appropriately. Sergeants are able to take command of Hostage Situations. And are handed with a tranquiliser.
Corporal! A Corporal is someone that is assigned to train cadets. These can be the Commanding-Officer when there’s no one that’s SGT+ around. However, they are not able to hand out punishments.
An upgraded cadet! Patrol-Officers are recent cadets that have passed their cadet exam and then been promoted to Patrol. While they are still considered a lower-level officer. Patrol-Officers are the Commanding-Officer when no CPL+’s are around. A patrol-officer cannot hand out punishments and should report issues to SGT+
A Cadet! The Cadets are the new-ranks of the department who have an entire two-weeks to train with their assigned trainer. While it’s unfortunate that these cadets will be forced to the station. It’s important that the cadet(s) receive their much needed training, as well as their introductions to either one. In the first week that cadet will be trained between 5 different scenarios without the use of /roll in order for them to be able to grasp a proper idea of what it’ll be like in the second week. In the second week the use of /roll is introduced with a couple more scenarios for them and their trainer to train through.
The Commissioner! The Boss of the Department is the one who oversees both Divisions in order to keep and ensure all are in check.
Captain [HU]
The Commissioner’s Right-Hand Man. As well as a Higher-up of the Department. The one in charge of the Main Division and ensuring all of them are performing their jobs in a correct fashion, and not misbehaving. The one that handles situations should the Commissioner be unavailable.
Lieutenant [HU]
A rank below their Capitan but still considered a Higher-up of the Department. Lieutenant’s are as well able to hand out punishments to officers and pass across information to the others, or the Commissioner themselves.
A rank below the Lieutenant one step from being a higher-up in the Department.
Considered a Commanding-Officer if there’s no one else around to handle the Department. While Sergeants aren’t able to hand out the majority of punishments, they’re able to hand out laps to misbehaving officers and even pass the major ones onto a HU (Higher-Up) to be dealt with more appropriately. Sergeants are able to take command of Hostage Situations. And are handed with a tranquiliser.
Corporal! A Corporal is someone that is assigned to train cadets. These can be the Commanding-Officer when there’s no one that’s SGT+ around. However, they are not able to hand out punishments.
An upgraded cadet! Patrol-Officers are recent cadets that have passed their cadet exam and then been promoted to Patrol. While they are still considered a lower-level officer. Patrol-Officers are the Commanding-Officer when no CPL+’s are around. A patrol-officer cannot hand out punishments and should report issues to SGT+
A Cadet! The Cadets are the new-ranks of the department who have an entire two-weeks to train with their assigned trainer. While it’s unfortunate that these cadets will be forced to the station. It’s important that the cadet(s) receive their much needed training, as well as their introductions to either one. In the first week that cadet will be trained between 5 different scenarios without the use of /roll in order for them to be able to grasp a proper idea of what it’ll be like in the second week. In the second week the use of /roll is introduced with a couple more scenarios for them and their trainer to train through.
Detective Division
Detective Superintendent [HU]
The Superintendent! Another of the Commissioner’s Right-Hand Mand. Captain of the Detective Division. Much like the Main Division Captain. These ensure that their detectives are working in order and accurately working their cases!
Detective Chief Inspector [HU]
A rank below the Superintendent. Similar to themselves Detective Chief Inspectors are considered the Right-Hand Man for the Superintendent. A total of two people are able to be in place of this title and take command when needed. DCI’s are able to hand out punishments to both detectives and members of the Main Division. As well they’re able to pass on messages to other higher-ups if needed.
Detective Inspector
A Detective Inspector. One rank below becoming a higher-up in the detective department. Detective Inspectors are the equivalent to a Sergeant. A tranquilliser is handed to someone of this rank. It’s their duty to pass on messages toward higher-ups if there’s a situation that they’re unable to handle. And much like Sergeant’s are able to handle hostage situations.
Detective Sergeant
A Detective Sergeant. Similar to a Corporall the rank above a Constable. They’re someone who is assigned to train cadets and constables. The same as a Corporal they’ll be the commanding-officer when no one else is around. (SGT & DI+) Aren’t able to hand out punishments but are able to hand the punishment onto a SGT or DI to pass onto a higher-up if required.
Detective Constable
Detective Constable! The cadet version of the Detective Division. Much like a cadet , people with this title will undergo an entire week of training with their respective scenario’s. At the end of the week they’ll take an exam and move to the higher-rank if passed.
Detective Superintendent [HU]
The Superintendent! Another of the Commissioner’s Right-Hand Mand. Captain of the Detective Division. Much like the Main Division Captain. These ensure that their detectives are working in order and accurately working their cases!
Detective Chief Inspector [HU]
A rank below the Superintendent. Similar to themselves Detective Chief Inspectors are considered the Right-Hand Man for the Superintendent. A total of two people are able to be in place of this title and take command when needed. DCI’s are able to hand out punishments to both detectives and members of the Main Division. As well they’re able to pass on messages to other higher-ups if needed.
Detective Inspector
A Detective Inspector. One rank below becoming a higher-up in the detective department. Detective Inspectors are the equivalent to a Sergeant. A tranquilliser is handed to someone of this rank. It’s their duty to pass on messages toward higher-ups if there’s a situation that they’re unable to handle. And much like Sergeant’s are able to handle hostage situations.
Detective Sergeant
A Detective Sergeant. Similar to a Corporall the rank above a Constable. They’re someone who is assigned to train cadets and constables. The same as a Corporal they’ll be the commanding-officer when no one else is around. (SGT & DI+) Aren’t able to hand out punishments but are able to hand the punishment onto a SGT or DI to pass onto a higher-up if required.
Detective Constable
Detective Constable! The cadet version of the Detective Division. Much like a cadet , people with this title will undergo an entire week of training with their respective scenario’s. At the end of the week they’ll take an exam and move to the higher-rank if passed.
Police Bike
An item that is restricted to CPL+. These are handed out to officers who have passed being a Patrol-Officer. A bike will allow the officer to respond to calls in a timed manner as well as patrol around on their bike should it be needed.
Police Cruiser
An item that’s restricted to SGT/DI+. These are handed out to officers that have passed being a Corporal and Detective Sergeant. Cruisers are used to transport inmates to the Town Hall for scheduled trials, or multiple officers at once to and from situations. It allows multiple to respond in a timed period to decrease the risk of escape from suspect’s.
Stun Blaster
A Stun Blaster. It’s handed out to all officers regardless of their rank and even comes in yellow if tired of the regular old blue. It can be used from an eight block range but is recommended to be used in a four block range, and has a 3 second cool down before the next use. It cannot be used in/near water.
Tranquiliser + Darts
Tranquilizers are handed out to SGT/DI+ (And out to Veterinarians) . It’s a restricted item due to the far more lethal usage of the dart that’s kept within. It can be used on both animals and humans, and can reach longer distances that the Stun Blaster cannot. The holder of this item is able to be in possession of multiple darts (Not an over board amount) The tranquilizer itself can hold two darts at a time and can be used in water.
A piece of equipment that’s handed out to all officers no matter their Division. It’s an item that can be used in close combat situations, whether that be defensive to block in-coming attacks, or used as an offensive weapon to disarm their suspect from returning anymore attacks. It’s recommended to be used around watered places, in the ocean and sewers, as well as inside the Department cells. There’s a two block range with this item and it CAN be used to knock someone out should the situation require it.
An item that's handed out to all of the department. Which are made more commonly from steel and allows the cuffs to be resized to fit the respective person. Its common use is to restrain individuals and to create a safe environment while performing a detain and/or an arrest.
An item handed to all officers. This item is used to determine what drunk % someone is. If the suspect is over a certain percentage a fine will be handed out for Public Intoxication.
Pepper Spray
An item that's handed out to all officers. Its common use would be to suppress violent animals, such as bears. But is as well used to disperse violent suspects from causing physical harm to the officer or someone else. It causes irritation to the suspect and offers temporary blindness while the officer is able to handcuff them.
Rubber Boots
This one’s rather simple. An item that’s accessible to all officers within the department. It’s an item that can be placed on the boot section (armour slot) of someone’s character. Rubber Boots are used for calls specific to the train stations, abandoned or not; (abandoned that have active tracks) These are designed to deflect the electric current from the tracks and avoid causing harm to the officer(s) while responding to a call.
Gask Mask
An item that is handed out to both EMS and KPD. But are commonly used in the military as defence of chemicals. However for the EM Faction, It's used to prevent harmful substances harming the user underneath. While it can be unmasked without the need for knockout.
Riot Shield
A piece of equipment handed to Patrol-Officer+. It's a vital piece of equipment that can be used in numerous different situations, but the most important would be to provide officers assistance during residential raids. Ensuring they're able to find all hidden boxes and rooms.
Police Badge
An item Patrol Officer and above can acquire. A simple item. It displays their full name, rank and then their callsign.
EM Levels
Police Bike
An item that is restricted to CPL+. These are handed out to officers who have passed being a Patrol-Officer. A bike will allow the officer to respond to calls in a timed manner as well as patrol around on their bike should it be needed.
Police Cruiser
An item that’s restricted to SGT/DI+. These are handed out to officers that have passed being a Corporal and Detective Sergeant. Cruisers are used to transport inmates to the Town Hall for scheduled trials, or multiple officers at once to and from situations. It allows multiple to respond in a timed period to decrease the risk of escape from suspect’s.
Stun Blaster
A Stun Blaster. It’s handed out to all officers regardless of their rank and even comes in yellow if tired of the regular old blue. It can be used from an eight block range but is recommended to be used in a four block range, and has a 3 second cool down before the next use. It cannot be used in/near water.
Tranquiliser + Darts
Tranquilizers are handed out to SGT/DI+ (And out to Veterinarians) . It’s a restricted item due to the far more lethal usage of the dart that’s kept within. It can be used on both animals and humans, and can reach longer distances that the Stun Blaster cannot. The holder of this item is able to be in possession of multiple darts (Not an over board amount) The tranquilizer itself can hold two darts at a time and can be used in water.
A piece of equipment that’s handed out to all officers no matter their Division. It’s an item that can be used in close combat situations, whether that be defensive to block in-coming attacks, or used as an offensive weapon to disarm their suspect from returning anymore attacks. It’s recommended to be used around watered places, in the ocean and sewers, as well as inside the Department cells. There’s a two block range with this item and it CAN be used to knock someone out should the situation require it.
An item that's handed out to all of the department. Which are made more commonly from steel and allows the cuffs to be resized to fit the respective person. Its common use is to restrain individuals and to create a safe environment while performing a detain and/or an arrest.
An item handed to all officers. This item is used to determine what drunk % someone is. If the suspect is over a certain percentage a fine will be handed out for Public Intoxication.
Pepper Spray
An item that's handed out to all officers. Its common use would be to suppress violent animals, such as bears. But is as well used to disperse violent suspects from causing physical harm to the officer or someone else. It causes irritation to the suspect and offers temporary blindness while the officer is able to handcuff them.
Rubber Boots
This one’s rather simple. An item that’s accessible to all officers within the department. It’s an item that can be placed on the boot section (armour slot) of someone’s character. Rubber Boots are used for calls specific to the train stations, abandoned or not; (abandoned that have active tracks) These are designed to deflect the electric current from the tracks and avoid causing harm to the officer(s) while responding to a call.
Gask Mask
An item that is handed out to both EMS and KPD. But are commonly used in the military as defence of chemicals. However for the EM Faction, It's used to prevent harmful substances harming the user underneath. While it can be unmasked without the need for knockout.
Riot Shield
A piece of equipment handed to Patrol-Officer+. It's a vital piece of equipment that can be used in numerous different situations, but the most important would be to provide officers assistance during residential raids. Ensuring they're able to find all hidden boxes and rooms.
Police Badge
An item Patrol Officer and above can acquire. A simple item. It displays their full name, rank and then their callsign.
EM Levels
Interrogations & Investigations
Both of these are conducted in the Detective Division and shouldn't be performed by someone from the Main Division.
Police Reports
Police Reports can be handled by anyone within the Department and aren't restricted to a specific role. These reports can be almost anything, but the most important ones are Missing Persons, Crime Reports and Protective Custody.
Patrols can be done by anyone as well. However if there's a Commanding Officer around permission will need to be granted from them. If permission has been requested. It's important to wait a couple minutes for a response, if there hasn't been one you're welcome to assume they're unavailable (AFK) and head out without permission. But do keep in mind that cadets aren't allowed to head out on patrol alone.
A couple other duties that I can provide are as listed below
Inmate Care
Arrests, Fines & Community Service
Front Desk / CCTV
Government Events
Interrogations & Investigations
Both of these are conducted in the Detective Division and shouldn't be performed by someone from the Main Division.
Police Reports
Police Reports can be handled by anyone within the Department and aren't restricted to a specific role. These reports can be almost anything, but the most important ones are Missing Persons, Crime Reports and Protective Custody.
Patrols can be done by anyone as well. However if there's a Commanding Officer around permission will need to be granted from them. If permission has been requested. It's important to wait a couple minutes for a response, if there hasn't been one you're welcome to assume they're unavailable (AFK) and head out without permission. But do keep in mind that cadets aren't allowed to head out on patrol alone.
A couple other duties that I can provide are as listed below
Inmate Care
Arrests, Fines & Community Service
Front Desk / CCTV
Government Events
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Of course! If there are sessions hosted while I’m online, I’ll make sure I’m available to attend them.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
“Akari Schwarz”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“Female | Any Pronouns.”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"I studied Bachelor's Degree in Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Criminal Justice for Majors."
"And studied Bachelor's Degree in English and Science for Minors."
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“I’m familiar with Japanese, and I’ve studied Spanish and German which I’ve become quite frequent in.”
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A now much older woman that had a shorter stature. But this shouldn’t be something that can fool you, though; she maintained that athleticism. Despite the reserved, neutral demeanour Schwarz showed off, exhaustion accompanied, etched into her face. There was a set of Grayish-blue eyes shining from the woman’s once radiant with obvious determination that had become rather dulled out, covered in a sense of bitterness overtime. A once soothing, mellow tone, was now drowned out with a raspier and quieted tone, a prominent scar on her neck that indicated the cause. Even with this claw-like mark that decorated her left cheek, it didn’t ruin the remnants of elegance that covered Akari's face. As well! Once a piece of air the prosthetic hand accompanied in place.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In more professional situations Akari’s quiet as a mouse, timid too, much more different that Akari had been in her prior employment at the department; due to certain injuries that caused her some struggle. However should there be a situation that requires Schwarz to be more professional Akari would be over in a flash to mask across that inner fear that resided in a heartbeat. In contrast to how Akari had been in certain situations, it was almost like a light bulb had burst within the woman. It’s like Akari’s shine has ceased.
In more casual situations Akari can be found with a more timid demeanour, quiet and focused, the same as if Akari were in a professional scene. However, aside from how Akari might come across, Schwarz is focused on her figure and athleticism, often found within the Public Gym. Though this isn’t her main focus, more often than not Akari will be found around family, her Ex-Fiancé,Ujarak Katsumi and their children; Alice M. Schwarz and Shōhei Katsumi-Schwarz, whether it be movies or bundled up at home with one another.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“There are certain situations that I would rather not have assistance in which included police reports or the occasional solo patrol. It shouldn’t be deemed as an issue to do alone, granted that there’s the permission to do so and the emergency level meets the requirements for officers. Otherwise. There’s no issue with teamwork. It’s more than welcome to be provided by other officers in high-end situations, from calls that require numerous officers to attend; or even a simple task in the cells, such as mugshots or even moving them to an interrogation room for their lawyer to converse with them. It’s not an issue at all and for someone to refuse such assistance would be foolish. It’s a riskful career that requires more than one person. If teamwork were something that didn’t exist the quote; teamwork makes the dreamwork, wouldn’t exist. The quote ‘teamwork makes the dreamwork’ wouldn’t be a thing if that were true.
What's your character's backstory?
“Akari Schwarz”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“Female | Any Pronouns.”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"I studied Bachelor's Degree in Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Criminal Justice for Majors."
"And studied Bachelor's Degree in English and Science for Minors."
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“I’m familiar with Japanese, and I’ve studied Spanish and German which I’ve become quite frequent in.”
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A now much older woman that had a shorter stature. But this shouldn’t be something that can fool you, though; she maintained that athleticism. Despite the reserved, neutral demeanour Schwarz showed off, exhaustion accompanied, etched into her face. There was a set of Grayish-blue eyes shining from the woman’s once radiant with obvious determination that had become rather dulled out, covered in a sense of bitterness overtime. A once soothing, mellow tone, was now drowned out with a raspier and quieted tone, a prominent scar on her neck that indicated the cause. Even with this claw-like mark that decorated her left cheek, it didn’t ruin the remnants of elegance that covered Akari's face. As well! Once a piece of air the prosthetic hand accompanied in place.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In more professional situations Akari’s quiet as a mouse, timid too, much more different that Akari had been in her prior employment at the department; due to certain injuries that caused her some struggle. However should there be a situation that requires Schwarz to be more professional Akari would be over in a flash to mask across that inner fear that resided in a heartbeat. In contrast to how Akari had been in certain situations, it was almost like a light bulb had burst within the woman. It’s like Akari’s shine has ceased.
In more casual situations Akari can be found with a more timid demeanour, quiet and focused, the same as if Akari were in a professional scene. However, aside from how Akari might come across, Schwarz is focused on her figure and athleticism, often found within the Public Gym. Though this isn’t her main focus, more often than not Akari will be found around family, her Ex-Fiancé,
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“There are certain situations that I would rather not have assistance in which included police reports or the occasional solo patrol. It shouldn’t be deemed as an issue to do alone, granted that there’s the permission to do so and the emergency level meets the requirements for officers. Otherwise. There’s no issue with teamwork. It’s more than welcome to be provided by other officers in high-end situations, from calls that require numerous officers to attend; or even a simple task in the cells, such as mugshots or even moving them to an interrogation room for their lawyer to converse with them. It’s not an issue at all and for someone to refuse such assistance would be foolish. It’s a riskful career that requires more than one person. If teamwork were something that didn’t exist the quote; teamwork makes the dreamwork, wouldn’t exist. The quote ‘teamwork makes the dreamwork’ wouldn’t be a thing if that were true.
What's your character's backstory?
Schwarz Akari returned to Karakura in September of 2023, having spent almost five years focused on the Police Academy in Tokyo. It was tough but Akari was a tough cookie and managed to pass through the academy. Once finished she decided it would be nice to head home and attempt at reuniting with possible relatives, but this seemed to be difficult as Akari had no clue where to even start. Instead she decided to make an application for the School as a Caretaker, unfortunately, it took a little while to be reviewed but eventually it was and Akari was accepted into the School Faction as a Caretaker. Throughout her time as one Akari focused solely on the career and maintained it well. It wasn't until a little while later that Akari was introduced to one of the cadets, at the station. Lloyd Saiky. He was troubled and continued to hit on Akari, but Akari refused his attempts, until at one point in the station the old Commissioner wandered out to see if the two were doing well. Akari mentioned how she had been searching for her father and mentioned his name with it. All of a sudden, this commissioner was baffled. His daughter had returned to Karakura. The two bonded with their relationship, and Akari continued to focus on work. She met two people meanwhile named Klara Kulik and Ujarak Katsumi, both people were sweet as could be and the three eventually formed a relationship with each other the closer they bonded; a polygamous relationship. It was sweet until both Akari and Ujarak decided that it wasn't for them and they wanted to be together, just the two of them. A little bit afterwards Akari resigned from the School and applied to the Police Force. She worked there for almost an entire year, made it to Detective Chief Inspector before her resignation was sent. During her time in the force Ujarak and Akari's relationship ended, due to selfishness on Akari's end, but the two even had a son together. Akari focused on work for the following two months. Until the two had a conversation in relation to their kids, and decided it was a fine idea to rekindle their relationship. It went well and Akari even returned to the School as a Caretaker once more, before resigning for personal reasons with her family. But now that's all sorted and she feels well enough to return to the department having her Medical leave revoked too.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“Nope! You cannot be in possession nor even own such an item. In the case that someone is found with an illegal weapon on them whether that be in the midst of a pat-down or even something that’s been reported and captured on CCTV.”
“In both situations the suspect would be pat-down and then have the item confiscated off of them.(Granted the individual still has the item after that report has been placed.) If the area is deemed too crowded for such an item to be sprayed down there and then the individual would be transported to the station. Afterwards. The whole blood and clean scenario is an entirely different context that doesn’t need to be added here. But if it’s clean. There'd be immediate charges, such as Possession of Illegal Weaponry, for a total amount of ¥150,000, which is bailable in a total of 3 days after the original arrest date. And then blood covered would be a whole different procedure. Additionally, If bail isn’t paid they’ll spend the remainder of their time in the Mainland Prison until they’re released.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“I mean. While there are a number of different medical items that require a prescription to be in ownership of with a much wider range, there are a multitude of different items that don’t require them to be provided beside them. Below I’ll list a couple of their names with their prices included and how much can be purchased at a time.”
¥1,500 | 3
Iron Supplements
¥2,500 | 3
Wooden Cane
¥7,000 | 2
¥5,000 | 2
Cough Syrup
¥6,000 | 2
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
In an honest opinion. It could depend on situational context and who caused the scuffle to break-out in the first place. It could've been the officer or the inmate who caused it. In either situation both would have the situation intervened. Either one would be taken to the Station's Medical Bay in order to provide the two medical attention from a paramedic and be treated before either one is questioned about what happened. After treatment has been provided the two would be questioned in private location's, about what caused the scuffle to happen. If either one were to point fingers to the other I would head down to the first level and into the surveillance room. In there I would review both body camera and normal camera footage, thankfully there's some inside the cells. If the officer had been the one to start the altercation I'd make a report to a higher-up as soon as possible, from there it would be left to the higher-ups themselves. It's outside of my hands now. But! If it were the inmate to have started the scuffle. There would be two extra charges added on; Assault on a Government Official and Obstruction of Justice, due to the fact they've lied in the beginning."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I were to come across a situation like this. I would crouch down somewhere out of sight from the suspects with my stun blaster unholstered, and radio for back-up, with a detailed but shortened description of the situation. With a note in mind of how many people were involved / surrounding the officer; as well commenting on whether or not weapons were visible. In a situation like this it’s important to protect the officer and get them out of reach from the culprits. After back-up showed officers would move in groups, group A would deal with the culprits, whether the be having them walled or even chasing them off from the area to eventually catch them. The other half would deal with the injured officer and transport them to the Hospital where medical attention would be provided from Hospital Staff.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Good lord. Well. Considering corruption is forbidden. It'd be quite the shock to figure out something like this is happening under the department's nose. In the event that I have taken note that a fellow officer is assisting a criminal organisation I would request to have a meeting with one of the higher-ups about the issue, and inform them that while I don't have valid evidence on the issue I don't think it's something that should be left unreported. Because whether I do have valid evidence or none at all the issue is something that shouldn't be left unreported. The officer in question could eventually place themselves or another officer at risk in dangerous situations should their corruption be something that continues.”
“In a report like this I can understand the need to have or even want to have evidence because of how viable it can be towards the corruption report that’s been made, and well I can’t disagree that evidence is not important because it is more than important to provide. But it is not something that I believe a regular officer such as myself should have to feel the need to place themselves into a high state of risk for some evidence. Gathering something of the sort should be down to the commissioner or higher-up team, or even included with someone from the Detective Division to handle and conduct an investigation on them. Or well. If that were something the higher-up team decided to agree on.”
“However. In the situation that evidence was gathered whether it had been off of body camera footage or through a phone, recording or audio recording. I would hand it or email it to the higher-up(s) in question that it’s been reported to.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I would decline their offer and then hand out an immediate warning to refrain from attempting to bribe an officer, due to the fact it’s against the law for us to accept them. If the individual continued their attempt after said warning I’d hand out a Bribery fine.”
“Nope! You cannot be in possession nor even own such an item. In the case that someone is found with an illegal weapon on them whether that be in the midst of a pat-down or even something that’s been reported and captured on CCTV.”
“In both situations the suspect would be pat-down and then have the item confiscated off of them.(Granted the individual still has the item after that report has been placed.) If the area is deemed too crowded for such an item to be sprayed down there and then the individual would be transported to the station. Afterwards. The whole blood and clean scenario is an entirely different context that doesn’t need to be added here. But if it’s clean. There'd be immediate charges, such as Possession of Illegal Weaponry, for a total amount of ¥150,000, which is bailable in a total of 3 days after the original arrest date. And then blood covered would be a whole different procedure. Additionally, If bail isn’t paid they’ll spend the remainder of their time in the Mainland Prison until they’re released.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“I mean. While there are a number of different medical items that require a prescription to be in ownership of with a much wider range, there are a multitude of different items that don’t require them to be provided beside them. Below I’ll list a couple of their names with their prices included and how much can be purchased at a time.”
¥1,500 | 3
Iron Supplements
¥2,500 | 3
Wooden Cane
¥7,000 | 2
¥5,000 | 2
Cough Syrup
¥6,000 | 2
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
In an honest opinion. It could depend on situational context and who caused the scuffle to break-out in the first place. It could've been the officer or the inmate who caused it. In either situation both would have the situation intervened. Either one would be taken to the Station's Medical Bay in order to provide the two medical attention from a paramedic and be treated before either one is questioned about what happened. After treatment has been provided the two would be questioned in private location's, about what caused the scuffle to happen. If either one were to point fingers to the other I would head down to the first level and into the surveillance room. In there I would review both body camera and normal camera footage, thankfully there's some inside the cells. If the officer had been the one to start the altercation I'd make a report to a higher-up as soon as possible, from there it would be left to the higher-ups themselves. It's outside of my hands now. But! If it were the inmate to have started the scuffle. There would be two extra charges added on; Assault on a Government Official and Obstruction of Justice, due to the fact they've lied in the beginning."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I were to come across a situation like this. I would crouch down somewhere out of sight from the suspects with my stun blaster unholstered, and radio for back-up, with a detailed but shortened description of the situation. With a note in mind of how many people were involved / surrounding the officer; as well commenting on whether or not weapons were visible. In a situation like this it’s important to protect the officer and get them out of reach from the culprits. After back-up showed officers would move in groups, group A would deal with the culprits, whether the be having them walled or even chasing them off from the area to eventually catch them. The other half would deal with the injured officer and transport them to the Hospital where medical attention would be provided from Hospital Staff.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Good lord. Well. Considering corruption is forbidden. It'd be quite the shock to figure out something like this is happening under the department's nose. In the event that I have taken note that a fellow officer is assisting a criminal organisation I would request to have a meeting with one of the higher-ups about the issue, and inform them that while I don't have valid evidence on the issue I don't think it's something that should be left unreported. Because whether I do have valid evidence or none at all the issue is something that shouldn't be left unreported. The officer in question could eventually place themselves or another officer at risk in dangerous situations should their corruption be something that continues.”
“In a report like this I can understand the need to have or even want to have evidence because of how viable it can be towards the corruption report that’s been made, and well I can’t disagree that evidence is not important because it is more than important to provide. But it is not something that I believe a regular officer such as myself should have to feel the need to place themselves into a high state of risk for some evidence. Gathering something of the sort should be down to the commissioner or higher-up team, or even included with someone from the Detective Division to handle and conduct an investigation on them. Or well. If that were something the higher-up team decided to agree on.”
“However. In the situation that evidence was gathered whether it had been off of body camera footage or through a phone, recording or audio recording. I would hand it or email it to the higher-up(s) in question that it’s been reported to.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I would decline their offer and then hand out an immediate warning to refrain from attempting to bribe an officer, due to the fact it’s against the law for us to accept them. If the individual continued their attempt after said warning I’d hand out a Bribery fine.”