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oInfi | Disorder Authorization Application Suggestion


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
IGN: oInfi
DATE: 3/22/22
I would like to suggest a new authorization application! This is in regards to the amount of mental disorders your character is able to have. I believe you should have to apply to have more than 3 or 4 mental disorders for your character if you would like to up the amount of disorders you can display.

Controversial, I know! After speaking to some psychiatrists and being an EMS myself, it’s been brought to our attention that players are somewhat abusing the fact that they can have as many mental disorders as someone in a psychiatric hospital would have and be able to walk around freely. The purpose of this authorization application is to ensure that the player knows exactly what their mental disorder means and how it will benefit their roleplay not only for themselves, but for others as well. It’s one thing having 3 different mental disorders, that seems somewhat realistic and easy to manage. However we’ve (as in the EMS) have seen multiple accounts of people abusing or misinterpreting the fact that they have 13 mental disorders and can roleplay out whichever one they want.

How would this application work? Well great question! Here would be a plausible format:

Roleplay Name:
Requested disorder:
List all current disorders:
How did your character obtain this disorder?:

Characters who have more than 3 mental disorders would have to display it in either their character biography or their description. However I see the flaw of not being able to properly track how many disorders someone has. It would be up to the community to report such things.

Once again the purpose of this application suggestion is to not only make the roleplay more realistic, but also enjoyable for others and to make sure no one abuses the title of a disorder.

I’m very curious to see what you all think!

gold fish

Level 286
I mean I guess. . . but mental disorder is a large umbrella term, maybe disorders like Schizophrenia, DID, major disorders like those that can REALLY affect RP, and are often misinterpreted then I guess.. but a lot of characters gain these mental disorders from RP and I feel like you shouldn't have to apply to get your character PTSD if they've just been through something really traumatic because a lot of people I feel like won't bother, and so people will have their limbs chopped off, being shot, watching people die, etc, and have no mental repercussions and therefore it becomes unrealistic

I'll have to drop a -1 here, sorry friend.


Level 72
I mean I guess. . . but mental disorder is a large umbrella term, maybe disorders like Schizophrenia, DID, major disorders like those that can REALLY affect RP, and are often misinterpreted then I guess.. but a lot of characters gain these mental disorders from RP and I feel like you shouldn't have to apply to get your character PTSD if they've just been through something really traumatic because a lot of people I feel like won't bother, and so people will have their limbs chopped off, being shot, watching people die, etc, and have no mental repercussions and therefore it becomes unrealistic

I'll have to drop a -1 here, sorry friend.
It states 3 or more disorders. It's there because people continuously abuse the fact that they can give their characters multiple disorders, the same amount as a person in the psych ward, and get away with walking around normally due to sometimes not even properly roleplaying out their disorder.


Level 103
+1 people out here be having 4-6 mental disorders and not be rping them out properly like bruh come on now

gold fish

Level 286
It states 3 or more disorders. It's there because people continuously abuse the fact that they can give their characters multiple disorders, the same amount as a person in the psych ward, and get away with walking around normally due to sometimes not even properly roleplaying out their disorder.
i mean.. i suppose its whatever they mean by disorders?


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Thread starter
I mean I guess. . . but mental disorder is a large umbrella term, maybe disorders like Schizophrenia, DID, major disorders like those that can REALLY affect RP, and are often misinterpreted then I guess.. but a lot of characters gain these mental disorders from RP and I feel like you shouldn't have to apply to get your character PTSD if they've just been through something really traumatic because a lot of people I feel like won't bother, and so people will have their limbs chopped off, being shot, watching people die, etc, and have no mental repercussions and therefore it becomes unrealistic

I'll have to drop a -1 here, sorry friend.
It’s not really a matter of the type of disorder, it’s just how many you force your character to have. In all honesty the more you have the harder it becomes to rp out which is why it should be watched a little bit

gold fish

Level 286
It’s not really a matter of the type of disorder, it’s just how many you force your character to have. In all honesty the more you have the harder it becomes to rp out which is why it should be watched a little bit
i get what you’re saying for sure, i see characters with DID and Schizophrenia all the time and they just… dont come off right.. but i feel it may be very difficult to monitor..


Level 331
I don't really have an opinion on this, but what I can say from a staff point of view is that if you feel like someone's misinterpreting the consequences of a mental disorder by making fun of it (e.g. someone saying that their character has Tourettes and they use that to justify a keybind for /me barks), you can contact us and we will make sure they do not repeat it again, as it falls under the rule of bringing up/mocking sensitive topics​


Level 8
I completely agree. It's irritating when people pile as many disorders as possible onto their character and then brush it off, forgetting that symptoms don't just disappear into thin air. If there's an application process people will actually have to research what their character has and represent it accurately.
Last edited:


Level 134
+1 Having 960 mental disorders is not realistic.

Remember, we’re here to encourage good writing, and plopping mental disorders on your character to be quirky or with no story reason can be offensive.


Level 199
I don't really have an opinion on this, but what I can say from a staff point of view is that if you feel like someone's misinterpreting the consequences of a mental disorder by making fun of it (e.g. someone saying that their character has Tourettes and they use that to justify a keybind for /me barks), you can contact us and we will make sure they do not repeat it again, as it falls under the rule of bringing up/mocking sensitive topics​
As much as I can agree with this, at the same time, I think the application is mainly about applying for a disorder, not going against or with any sort of rules going with the disorders.

gold fish

Level 286
what yonio said is more of what im thinking, but looking back i can definitely see the other side of the argument as well, i think right now im more neutral than a -1 not really too sure about it but I understand what you’re sayin!


Level 118
I have a character with Tourettes syndrome, what people don't get is that others don't tic 24/7. Tics must be reasonable, I've actually done research into Tourettes syndrome and the meaning behind it all for some while now and I honestly believe I've researched enough to understand when or where to tic, when tics are triggered all of that. It's just that people abuse some of this stuff, I'm going Neutral on this one personally. It depends what it is really, if we're talking DID or Schizophrenia you would most likely have to apply, anything like minor anxiety or anything that couldn't put one at risk of death shouldn't really be applied for, it's all about research really, people don't double-check information. (If it's a tic like "/me [TIC] Wolf whistle" or "/me [TIC] Punched their collarbone [how many times]" it's a reasonable tic, but something like "/me [TIC] Did a backflip onto the road and barks at the driving cars" is just unreasonable, yes I know it can be a real tic but in all honesty it's dangerous.) All I had to say. :D


Level 23
+1 It’s tiring as an EMS worker having people come in with 5+ disorders and trying to cater to this through therapy and whatnot, not to mention all the implications of people just not being realistic with it! If you have 5+ disorders it’s unrealistic unless you properly RP it out and are in serious commitment to it


Level 200
+1 Please, and add that they at least know a majority about the disorder before throwing the character they have into something new and completely random that they do not know how to properly roleplay I've seen so many people in the player base claim the character they mainly play as will have (x,y,z) and then horribly roleplay said disorders out.


Level 272
As an attending psychiatrist it will be really helpful, a person came to me and like, starting therapy. fucking 7 disorders?????????????? what the fuck

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