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Opening the floodgates with Hampter ft. GangRPers


Level 20
I have a couple opinions that I've wanted to put out here for a while.

  • Yakuza's should be considered different gangs, and there should be set requirements to consider your gang a Yakuza. I see too many gangs called Yakuza's that are no where close to a Yakuza and do not follow a traditional code of conduct.
  • Following from my next point, YakuzaRP and GangRP should be two different things. Yakuza's aren't stabby stabby, angry at world, there's a code to the Yakuza and it's much less hand on hand combat involved than your regular gang.
  • Gang's should be Lore Based. I cannot get around a gang that has really boring lore or its soul goal is to "Destroy another gang that's super powerful". There should be lore behind it, a purpose to its existence.
  • Gang's should have a wide variety of players. They should take on newer players in the GangRP community and show them the ropes. This is more common now but when I joined I couldn't get involved in GangRP because I hadn't been in a gang before.
  • If a gang is driven on purely by activity, It is not a gang. It is simply perm hunting and I will not budge on that opinion.
  • Connections, are very very important. Do not just try to meet everyone, make friends with one person, grow that relationship and you can rise up more to meet higher people. If you get those connections you get better opportunities in gangs.
  • GangRP is not the root problem of OOC Toxicity, the root problem of it, is Toxic people.

That's all I can think of for now.
I completely agree. From what i know there has only been two yakuza’s that actually acted like yakuzas. Akihito and Ketsueki. I also agree alot of the new gangs are perm hungry and Don’t focus enough on lore and actual rp. I believe a good gang should be active within the community work with the bmd and help the new players learn the ropes . I aslo agree with whoever said detailrp and p2l aint all that cause the only time you can really p2l is more jock roleplay or a knock out fight. You cant p2l a kill nor a major cause lets be honest no one wants that to happen to there char. Also i agree with whoever said we need to stop blaming staff its not there fault we didnt listen to the rules i do think there needs to be an addition to the gangrp rules and combat cause there is multiple scenarios where there isnt an explanation and needs staff. I think we should be able to gangrp without always needing staff. One of the things i have wanted to see from a gang is to actually work with the government and the bmd all i see is gang going after people for the stupidest of reasons. I understand if your char gets majored sure go after them or if a cop arrested you go after them. I think we need a new type of gang not even a gang a organization that does gangrp but also helps the community like akihito did before they were found out. I loved the aspect of there respect. I also loved ketsuekis idea of actually roleplaying out fear rp and listening to a code no gangs have a code now a days its like just kill everyone. All gangs have a code and have a reason ive seen gangrpers go after greenies and senior citizens and scam greenies a ton and new grade 10 11 and 12. People need to stop praying on the players who do not know what they are doing yet. They need to guide them instead stop getting fussy over them actioning if it has taken them more then 7 minutes then ask politely for them to action in looc. Also you don’t need that much activity yes it is good to have it but that is not what a gang is if all the gang is is activity then its just a group of perm hungry people going after everyone they can. These are my thoughts and opinion you can feel free to read if you want or ask any questions if you would like to.


Level 105
i think all gangs that base their entire backstory and activity based on using permissions and stabbing people and knocking people out are super cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
Create a gang with story behind it. A lot of gangs today are remakes of ones that died. I want to see something unique with unique systems. Different ranks but also with cool titles and names. Not something with power.
Not all gangs too have to be about gangs fighting and members. It’s about roleplay and roleplaying out intense moments with each other. The adrenaline, fear and rush of what will happen and their consequences. a gang that has structure and tries to involve roleplay instead of hunting for permissions.
For every action to have meaning behind it and not to have have keybinds. A lot of people abuse this and it makes me so annoyed.
Trying to not be so toxic about everything and try and just be genuine. If you make a mistake or have something happen don’t bother trying to argue back unless you’re in the right. But be polite and not rude about it.


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
Ya'll aint ready for this

1. 'Prime gangRP' doesn't exist, it's just a moment in which players had the most fun, it's subjective to everyone. Stop calling your favorite moments 'Prime GangRP'

2. Just using perms isn't gangRP, that's just text-based PVP

3. GangRP is overused, gangRP is all about the actual roleplay of comitting crimes together with others, organized crime and all that

4. Gangs that only rely on perms aren't gangs, just PVP groups

5. Perms are unneeded. If you have cool and unique ideas you can organize them all with consented perms on what to do and what not

6. Rules exist.

7. Gang revives are unwanted, stop brining them back. If something died, it died for a reason. Think of something new

8. Take your time. You don't need to pump out 30 activities on the daily to be a good 'gang', cause gangs dont revolve around activity.

9. Take responsibilty of your actions and the consequenses that follow them. Just stop arguing with staff, if staff is actually wrong: staff reports exist. But most of the time everything results in pointless arguing.

10. Roleplay is different from gangRP/crimeRP.

11. KPS didn't make gangRP great. It actually was the burden of most problems.

12. A good gang has influence over the entire crime community.

13. Keybinds are the easiest way to failRP, as well as the easiest way to not be unique in what situation you find yourself in. Spamming the same action removes the ability to write actual good actions regarding the situation

14. To this day I haven't seen people painRP properly in gangRP.

15. CrimeRP/DeliquentRP is severly underrated, but becoming overused.

16. Proper gangs have proper meaning, depth, lore and what not.

17. No one RP's out information regarding practically anything out properly. It's always just 'come here, i'll tell you', or 'I'll brief u in VC'.

18. No one realises you need motive to share permissions to others.

19. Don't use chatGPT for gang ideas, lore or wtv. Just think of something yourself by getting inspiration from books, movies and what not. ChatGPT just kind of makes everything forced.

20. 'Real Crime' doesn't exist on this server. It's always just mainly perms. With real crime i'm referring to most likely bigger events. Like robberies, proper hunting, kidnappings etc.

21. No ones cares about your kill count or major count. It just shows how perm hungry someone is.

22. GangRP itself is overrated, mainly because no one does it properly. You're better off with crimeRP and doing something unique on your own, inviting people later on if it's needed.

23. GangRP'ers don't act according to their own lore they wrote/had written.

24. Gangs never stick to their original motives and goals. It always comes down to just 'who can harm the most people'.

25. Unique gangs have a bigger chance of failing to succeed, cause most part of the community just wants to do perms. When you do something like I did which revolved around stalking people and collecting blackmail, you'll only attract a small crowd. Not enough to 'survive' or function properly

26. The easiest thing to avoid is OOC toxicity, you can avoid this always by just limiting your LOOC messages.

27. Stop taking IC to OOC, thats petty asf.

28. Metagaming is the biggest problem as of right now from what I've seen.

29. Don't hate on gang leads that got their gang disbanded if they did nothing wrong. The main cause for gang strikes is always from the members.

30. Stop passive-agressivly hating on other gangs OOCLY. We can see the true meaning behind the messages, you're not slick. And you probably have no good reason to hate on the gang. Theres a difference between disliking and disagreeing.

31. P2L isn't used properly.

32. Actual good actions (DetailRP or just proper actions) + rolling is an underutilized way of commiting crime.

33. DetailRP keybinds are terrible. Just cause you add a bunch of unnecessary text so you avoid being warned for unseriousRP doesn't make u a good roleplayer or anything

34. To not metagame is easier than people realize. But some opt to learn the hard way

35. Quality > Quantity. If you do 2 good events in 2 months, it's better than 1 sloppy event and a bunch of perms. (IMO)

36. Current gang meta kinda sucks. Almost no one is doing something original. It's mostly just gangs with their own unique lore and motive they choose to disregard. There are a few exceptions of actual good gangs rn (imo)

37. It's not difficult roleplaying according to your lore.

38. GangRP'ers need to start RP'ing out mental disorders.

39. Stop asking for proof of perms in the middle of something, it's actually stalling and just a hassle for nothing. RP it out, then ask for everything so you can overview it

40. Last but not least: Stop arguing and hating on staff for doing their job and correcting your mistakes, only because you don't like the outcome of it.
don’t need to say anything else. My lore buddie has it all down pat. I agree with every point 10/10


Level 174
I aslo agree with whoever said detailrp and p2l aint all that cause the only time you can really p2l is more jock roleplay or a knock out fight. You cant p2l a kill nor a major cause lets be honest no one wants that to happen to there char.
Personally I like to P2L, but I get what you're saying. Most people when you do agree to KPS, will still want to roll and fight back, however sometimes a player might be leaving the server and they want the character gone, in this case you can ask them if you can P2L. Or fighting in the dojo with friends, it makes room for P2L.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
I wish more petty gangs which just spray graffiti and be delinquents existed

I wanna see the groups of misfit kids that just hang out in the parking lots behind school exist, maybe give you some information if you pay them or make fun of you as you walk past


Level 104
I wish more petty gangs which just spray graffiti and be delinquents existed

I wanna see the groups of misfit kids that just hang out in the parking lots behind school exist, maybe give you some information if you pay them or make fun of you as you walk past
Join Rakkiyatsu or the Zeros


Level 52
I'm gonna be honest. The groups in the edge of law or the ones that are a little unorthodox are more interesting. The two GOI(groups of interest) that I covered in the KUERT wiki page are Bandera and Panopticon, those two groups put in the table a new way of understanding the dark side of the city. Panopticon does that by being intelligence agency who is everywhere but not interacting with any group at all. Bandera was anonymous criminal reporting onrain account. Both are more intereseting than the whole gangrp scene.

Sadly many of these groups are hard to find because they are destroyed by the sterotypical gangs in their search for power and "honor" (do you see the quote mark there? lemme make it bigger) "honor". I want to see more interesting groups in the future.

I also want to make an honorific mention to the question mark and pwp onrain accounts. Focusing on breaking and entering was another good approach to gangrp. I also loved the beef and hate they had at the beginning, it was really fun to watch them go full twitter mode.

Hunger sharpens the wit and this server has been starving for too long.
I aint reading allat


Level 86
this probably isn't that hot of a take, i have a lot of opinions on gangrp
like that it isnt inherently bad. i really like thrilling stories of bad guys doing interesting crimes, especially in anime.

anyways, nowadays most gangs have lore so you can't quite pick on them for it.. so that begs the question, why are they still not up to standard? most of them aren't trying to tell that grand or interesting of a story. i haven't heard any interesting intercharacter conflicts from gangrp as of recent that pursue an overarching story. if gangs were to do that and tell an actually interesting story that involved outside players as well, ie the kpd/ems/outsiders it'd be super cool.

I also think that what separates gangrp from the past (2017) and now is that there's simply a much larger playerbase interested in it. It's easier to have interesting conflicts when you're OOCly friends with the opposing gang, but nowadays without that connection it's easier for players to dislike each other oocly as well as icly.

i have more thoughts but itd take a while to write them lol

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