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Opening the floodgates with Hampter ft. GangRPers


Level 118
acting on perms for the sake of "having perms" is wack.

If it doesn't benefit roleplay on either side, or help develop your character beyond gaining another tally to your major/kill count, then there is no point.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I'm gonna be honest. The groups in the edge of law or the ones that are a little unorthodox are more interesting. The two GOI(groups of interest) that I covered in the KUERT wiki page are Bandera and Panopticon, those two groups put in the table a new way of understanding the dark side of the city. Panopticon does that by being intelligence agency who is everywhere but not interacting with any group at all. Bandera was anonymous criminal reporting onrain account. Both are more intereseting than the whole gangrp scene.

Sadly many of these groups are hard to find because they are destroyed by the sterotypical gangs in their search for power and "honor" (do you see the quote mark there? lemme make it bigger) "honor". I want to see more interesting groups in the future.

I also want to make an honorific mention to the question mark and pwp onrain accounts. Focusing on breaking and entering was another good approach to gangrp. I also loved the beef and hate they had at the beginning, it was really fun to watch them go full twitter mode.

Hunger sharpens the wit and this server has been starving for too long.
dawg what


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Shouldn't exist.
I don't care if we lose half the playerbase. The main root of toxicity oocly is gangrpers anyway.
1. Crime is fine on minecraft servers. What draws the line is gorerp, which isn’t allowed. If it broke the EULA, it wouldn’t be here.
2. The main root of “OOCly toxicity” is NOT gangrpers. There’s (unfortunately) toxicity in all factions, some more than others, and oddly enough my observations have been that crime is lower on the chain.


Level 84
Thread starter
Each comments have interesting points, here's my controversial opinion:

KPS is not what kept GangRP Alive, therefore GangRP is not Superior back then due to the system, It's 'superior' because people actually get CREATIVE with what they do.

If your gang relies on KPS or Major to remain relevant/filling up that claim your gang have in the gang's description, It is not a Good Gang.

Also like... stop saying GangRP is dead, people are just waiting for GangRP where it's actually Roleplay and not... Text-based PVP with RNG.


Level 115
Ya'll aint ready for this

1. 'Prime gangRP' doesn't exist, it's just a moment in which players had the most fun, it's subjective to everyone. Stop calling your favorite moments 'Prime GangRP'

2. Just using perms isn't gangRP, that's just text-based PVP

3. GangRP is overused, gangRP is all about the actual roleplay of comitting crimes together with others, organized crime and all that

4. Gangs that only rely on perms aren't gangs, just PVP groups

5. Perms are unneeded. If you have cool and unique ideas you can organize them all with consented perms on what to do and what not

6. Rules exist.

7. Gang revives are unwanted, stop brining them back. If something died, it died for a reason. Think of something new

8. Take your time. You don't need to pump out 30 activities on the daily to be a good 'gang', cause gangs dont revolve around activity.

9. Take responsibilty of your actions and the consequenses that follow them. Just stop arguing with staff, if staff is actually wrong: staff reports exist. But most of the time everything results in pointless arguing.

10. Roleplay is different from gangRP/crimeRP.

11. KPS didn't make gangRP great. It actually was the burden of most problems.

12. A good gang has influence over the entire crime community.

13. Keybinds are the easiest way to failRP, as well as the easiest way to not be unique in what situation you find yourself in. Spamming the same action removes the ability to write actual good actions regarding the situation

14. To this day I haven't seen people painRP properly in gangRP.

15. CrimeRP/DeliquentRP is severly underrated, but becoming overused.

16. Proper gangs have proper meaning, depth, lore and what not.

17. No one RP's out information regarding practically anything out properly. It's always just 'come here, i'll tell you', or 'I'll brief u in VC'.

18. No one realises you need motive to share permissions to others.

19. Don't use chatGPT for gang ideas, lore or wtv. Just think of something yourself by getting inspiration from books, movies and what not. ChatGPT just kind of makes everything forced.

20. 'Real Crime' doesn't exist on this server. It's always just mainly perms. With real crime i'm referring to most likely bigger events. Like robberies, proper hunting, kidnappings etc.

21. No ones cares about your kill count or major count. It just shows how perm hungry someone is.

22. GangRP itself is overrated, mainly because no one does it properly. You're better off with crimeRP and doing something unique on your own, inviting people later on if it's needed.

23. GangRP'ers don't act according to their own lore they wrote/had written.

24. Gangs never stick to their original motives and goals. It always comes down to just 'who can harm the most people'.

25. Unique gangs have a bigger chance of failing to succeed, cause most part of the community just wants to do perms. When you do something like I did which revolved around stalking people and collecting blackmail, you'll only attract a small crowd. Not enough to 'survive' or function properly

26. The easiest thing to avoid is OOC toxicity, you can avoid this always by just limiting your LOOC messages.

27. Stop taking IC to OOC, thats petty asf.

28. Metagaming is the biggest problem as of right now from what I've seen.

29. Don't hate on gang leads that got their gang disbanded if they did nothing wrong. The main cause for gang strikes is always from the members.

30. Stop passive-agressivly hating on other gangs OOCLY. We can see the true meaning behind the messages, you're not slick. And you probably have no good reason to hate on the gang. Theres a difference between disliking and disagreeing.

31. P2L isn't used properly.

32. Actual good actions (DetailRP or just proper actions) + rolling is an underutilized way of commiting crime.

33. DetailRP keybinds are terrible. Just cause you add a bunch of unnecessary text so you avoid being warned for unseriousRP doesn't make u a good roleplayer or anything

34. To not metagame is easier than people realize. But some opt to learn the hard way

35. Quality > Quantity. If you do 2 good events in 2 months, it's better than 1 sloppy event and a bunch of perms. (IMO)

36. Current gang meta kinda sucks. Almost no one is doing something original. It's mostly just gangs with their own unique lore and motive they choose to disregard. There are a few exceptions of actual good gangs rn (imo)

37. It's not difficult roleplaying according to your lore.

38. GangRP'ers need to start RP'ing out mental disorders.

39. Stop asking for proof of perms in the middle of something, it's actually stalling and just a hassle for nothing. RP it out, then ask for everything so you can overview it

40. Last but not least: Stop arguing and hating on staff for doing their job and correcting your mistakes, only because you don't like the outcome of it.


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
biggest one i have to say is activity absolutely does not matter if you’re breaking rules constantly/always need staff intervention


Level 104
get a BMD lead that isn't; KPD, EMS, SLT, Has time to manage and do some shit, especially the gang turf that channel aint been touched in a year, boutta turn 18 before the banner even get changed on me
Fax my brother! Spit your shit indeed!


Level 115
get a BMD lead that isn't; KPD, EMS, SLT, Has time to manage and do some shit, especially the gang turf that channel aint been touched in a year, boutta turn 18 before the banner even get changed on me
It's actually not that easy...
Faction leads (logically) have to be staff members, most of them already having partaken in something different. As well as crime lead is probably the most unwanted faction lead position from what I've heard. Most staff willingly pass up on it cuz of the stuff they have to deal with then..

Though I do kinda agree, but tbh it's fine whatever. they try their best and it certainly gets noticed with stuff that gets changed or added


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
It's actually not that easy...
Faction leads (logically) have to be staff members, most of them already having partaken in something different. As well as crime lead is probably the most unwanted faction lead position from what I've heard. Most staff willingly pass up on it cuz of the stuff they have to deal with then..

Though I do kinda agree, but tbh it's fine whatever. they try their best and it certainly gets noticed with stuff that gets changed or added
+1 to this

If you notice something is outdated just shoot me a DM/ask about it. In the case of turf channels I’m already aware, I don’t like how it’s set up right now or the information included so something else is being figured out


Level 103
It's actually not that easy...
Faction leads (logically) have to be staff members, most of them already having partaken in something different. As well as crime lead is probably the most unwanted faction lead position from what I've heard. Most staff willingly pass up on it cuz of the stuff they have to deal with then..

Though I do kinda agree, but tbh it's fine whatever. they try their best and it certainly gets noticed with stuff that gets changed or added
I mean just give a community team member that knows what they doin a chance, someone who'd change things for good this time, unlike the events of 2022, everyone who been crime lead always say the same thing, i been there for like 3 different leads, shits wack, not to throw shade, which i am, but hey that's just me though, shit tragic, new patek one more wrist i shoulda had it


Level 104
I mean just give a community team member that knows what they doin a chance, someone who'd change things for good this time, unlike the events of 2022, everyone who been crime lead always say the same thing, i been there for like 3 different leads, shits wack, not to throw shade, which i am, but hey that's just me though, shit tragic, new patek one more wrist i shoulda had it
Mf started rapping


Level 73
alrighty so!!

GangRP is half of the time arguing with the staff, then 30% of the time verifying perms then 20% of the time trying not to metagame then 5-9%% of the time getting the people to gangrp with 0.5% of the time running from KPD 0.4% of the time using valid perms then 0.1% of the time actually gangrping.

Rules & somethin are stuff which people dont really follow half the time and the only actually good gangrpers are those that ENJOY gangrp arentperm hungry and FOLLOW proper rules.

A good gang is one that is not deemed as dead, has a good reputation and members that don't metagame, avoidrp, failrp, and be toxic OOCly.

If a lead of a gang doesn't have a good reputation and / or has done inexcusable things in the past and has racked up a reputation for it should be deemed as incompetent for their current position.

I am a new gen gangrper and this is my opinion. I am not being biased at all.


Level 118
GangRP is half of the time arguing with the staff, then 30% of the time verifying perms then 20% of the time trying not to metagame then 5-9%% of the time getting the people to gangrp with 0.5% of the time running from KPD 0.4% of the time using valid perms then 0.1% of the time actually gangrping.
Thats 110%

half (50%)

30% (30+50 = 80 already)

20% (20+80 = 100..)

5-9 (lets take nine) (109)

0.5 + (0.4 + 0.1) = 1%

109 + 1 = 110


Level 146
Do you guys think having a link to this thread ready to copy/paste in LOOC for when the gang roleplayers are being silly would be OOC toxicity?


Level 174
I have a couple opinions that I've wanted to put out here for a while.

  • Yakuza's should be considered different gangs, and there should be set requirements to consider your gang a Yakuza. I see too many gangs called Yakuza's that are no where close to a Yakuza and do not follow a traditional code of conduct.
  • Following from my next point, YakuzaRP and GangRP should be two different things. Yakuza's aren't stabby stabby, angry at world, there's a code to the Yakuza and it's much less hand on hand combat involved than your regular gang.
  • Gang's should be Lore Based. I cannot get around a gang that has really boring lore or its soul goal is to "Destroy another gang that's super powerful". There should be lore behind it, a purpose to its existence.
  • Gang's should have a wide variety of players. They should take on newer players in the GangRP community and show them the ropes. This is more common now but when I joined I couldn't get involved in GangRP because I hadn't been in a gang before.
  • If a gang is driven on purely by activity, It is not a gang. It is simply perm hunting and I will not budge on that opinion.
  • Connections, are very very important. Do not just try to meet everyone, make friends with one person, grow that relationship and you can rise up more to meet higher people. If you get those connections you get better opportunities in gangs.
  • GangRP is not the root problem of OOC Toxicity, the root problem of it, is Toxic people.

That's all I can think of for now.
Last edited:


Level 174
Ya'll aint ready for this

1. 'Prime gangRP' doesn't exist, it's just a moment in which players had the most fun, it's subjective to everyone. Stop calling your favorite moments 'Prime GangRP'

2. Just using perms isn't gangRP, that's just text-based PVP

3. GangRP is overused, gangRP is all about the actual roleplay of comitting crimes together with others, organized crime and all that

4. Gangs that only rely on perms aren't gangs, just PVP groups

5. Perms are unneeded. If you have cool and unique ideas you can organize them all with consented perms on what to do and what not

6. Rules exist.

7. Gang revives are unwanted, stop brining them back. If something died, it died for a reason. Think of something new

8. Take your time. You don't need to pump out 30 activities on the daily to be a good 'gang', cause gangs dont revolve around activity.

9. Take responsibilty of your actions and the consequenses that follow them. Just stop arguing with staff, if staff is actually wrong: staff reports exist. But most of the time everything results in pointless arguing.

10. Roleplay is different from gangRP/crimeRP.

11. KPS didn't make gangRP great. It actually was the burden of most problems.

12. A good gang has influence over the entire crime community.

13. Keybinds are the easiest way to failRP, as well as the easiest way to not be unique in what situation you find yourself in. Spamming the same action removes the ability to write actual good actions regarding the situation

14. To this day I haven't seen people painRP properly in gangRP.

15. CrimeRP/DeliquentRP is severly underrated, but becoming overused.

16. Proper gangs have proper meaning, depth, lore and what not.

17. No one RP's out information regarding practically anything out properly. It's always just 'come here, i'll tell you', or 'I'll brief u in VC'.

18. No one realises you need motive to share permissions to others.

19. Don't use chatGPT for gang ideas, lore or wtv. Just think of something yourself by getting inspiration from books, movies and what not. ChatGPT just kind of makes everything forced.

20. 'Real Crime' doesn't exist on this server. It's always just mainly perms. With real crime i'm referring to most likely bigger events. Like robberies, proper hunting, kidnappings etc.

21. No ones cares about your kill count or major count. It just shows how perm hungry someone is.

22. GangRP itself is overrated, mainly because no one does it properly. You're better off with crimeRP and doing something unique on your own, inviting people later on if it's needed.

23. GangRP'ers don't act according to their own lore they wrote/had written.

24. Gangs never stick to their original motives and goals. It always comes down to just 'who can harm the most people'.

25. Unique gangs have a bigger chance of failing to succeed, cause most part of the community just wants to do perms. When you do something like I did which revolved around stalking people and collecting blackmail, you'll only attract a small crowd. Not enough to 'survive' or function properly

26. The easiest thing to avoid is OOC toxicity, you can avoid this always by just limiting your LOOC messages.

27. Stop taking IC to OOC, thats petty asf.

28. Metagaming is the biggest problem as of right now from what I've seen.

29. Don't hate on gang leads that got their gang disbanded if they did nothing wrong. The main cause for gang strikes is always from the members.

30. Stop passive-agressivly hating on other gangs OOCLY. We can see the true meaning behind the messages, you're not slick. And you probably have no good reason to hate on the gang. Theres a difference between disliking and disagreeing.

31. P2L isn't used properly.

32. Actual good actions (DetailRP or just proper actions) + rolling is an underutilized way of commiting crime.

33. DetailRP keybinds are terrible. Just cause you add a bunch of unnecessary text so you avoid being warned for unseriousRP doesn't make u a good roleplayer or anything

34. To not metagame is easier than people realize. But some opt to learn the hard way

35. Quality > Quantity. If you do 2 good events in 2 months, it's better than 1 sloppy event and a bunch of perms. (IMO)

36. Current gang meta kinda sucks. Almost no one is doing something original. It's mostly just gangs with their own unique lore and motive they choose to disregard. There are a few exceptions of actual good gangs rn (imo)

37. It's not difficult roleplaying according to your lore.

38. GangRP'ers need to start RP'ing out mental disorders.

39. Stop asking for proof of perms in the middle of something, it's actually stalling and just a hassle for nothing. RP it out, then ask for everything so you can overview it

40. Last but not least: Stop arguing and hating on staff for doing their job and correcting your mistakes, only because you don't like the outcome of it.
W reply as always.


Level 3
it's so embarrassing when gangrpers get super mad or toxic in looc when someone takes more than 20 secs to write an action or questions anything
KPD is cracked out, sometimes you have to get leery to not get caught. Although I think that we should be polite and kind while asking for people to hurry their actions.


Level 104
KPD is cracked out, sometimes you have to get leery to not get caught. Although I think that we should be polite and kind while asking for people to hurry their actions.
Telling someone to hurry an action nis a shitty move over all

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