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Accepted oSxtan | Judge Application #1


Level 2

In-game Name: oSxtan

Discord Tag: sxtan

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Timezone & Country: Sweden BST + 1 / GMT + 2

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
As of right now I'm not quite as active. Main reason is because I don’t have anything particular to do. Daily activity will help me have more purpose, but my normal standard is a few hours a day. That will increase depending on what I can occupy myself with on SRP. As soon as I’ve got something going on, it can be up to 6 or more hours a day! I typically try to have at least one day off my pc (usually tuesday/wednesday) a week for health reasons however this is flexible and won’t affect my activity.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I have quite a few reasons! Since the faction is still rather new, I find it all incredibly intriguing and would love to be able to be a part of its growth. I've thoroughly enjoyed the recent changes to businesses and restraining orders and it makes the faction seem more whole and full of life. Along with this, I'm a person who’s always been interested in true crime. Judge Judy is a favourite of mine and I'm sure you’re well familiar with it! However, as stated in my activity answer, I wish to occupy myself with something on SRP. I like to fully immerse myself when it comes to roleplay and therefore, doing something I find interesting IRL will bring a new type of RP that I've never done before.
Another reason that I’m appling is my friend ZekesHB, we RP a lot together and I've heard quite a bit from him about how great it is! He suggested I apply for a town hall position so here I am! I’m always excited to try something new and as I've already experienced the school faculty faction, I’m now intrigued to attempt this!
I want to learn everything I can. My first language isn’t English so this might come as a big challenge for me, but that is what drives me the most to try new things.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Indeed I do.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My character has a long history, and for her to find a conclusion to her mistakes and search for a life she wants, this is the path she wants to take. If she manages to keep the position of a judge, she will finally settle and be proud of the person that she’s become. I only play as the one character so I’d love to see how she can grow.

As for me personally, just the ability to further engage with some of my favourite people on the server OOCly and delve deeper into SRP and its community is something I aspire to do, and it will give me plenty of opportunities to have funny and memorable interactions with my favourite faction.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The key element for a judge is that they are fair and judicial, this applies both ICly and OOCly however to focus on the IC aspects the Judge sits at the back of the courtroom, introduces the case and then listens to both sides present their facts and evidence, after the closing statements finish they go back to the deliberation room and depending on the amount of judges, spend time discussing their view and interpretation of the facts and what outcome should be given. Once a conclusion has been reached this is presented to the court by the lead judge in the trial. Outside of overviewing trials, Judges also hand out ID’s at the desk, oversee case settlements to ensure they are proceeding fairly and deal with KPD warrants and restraining orders. There is obviously much more of the job but from my knowledge this is what will keep me the busiest during my time.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I strive to be

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I will only follow the law

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have also read the whole constitution diligently

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Mostly yeah. I work one weekend a month but other than that I'm available!


Full name:

Odette Elyon Russo

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mrs. Russo

Current age:

Date of birth:
October 31st 1988


Academic Degree:
Doktor Nauk of Legal science


Criminal Justice
Political Science

Work experience:
Whilst residing in Russia for my first 17 years of life I was around politically active people in various ways. But it wasn’t until I returned at the age of 28 that I began working. Studies came first of Law and the rest stated above, but on the side I gained an internship at a law firm where I saw and experienced first hand the career of politics and law. I completed this internship as a part of my degree and it helped me achieve a Doktor Nauk of Legal science in Russia. Once my studies were finished, I worked as a judge in Moscow until the age of 34, until I moved back to Karakura before picking up a job as a chef to earn some money for my family. After having the luxury of being unemployed for a couple months now, I'm now seeking to utilise my degree and the experience that comes with it to make Karakura a better place.

Political background:
In my younger years I was always involved in the conversations where politics and crime were brought up. I did my absolute best to learn as much as I could from mere social gatherings when speaking of these things. In highschool I joined a club engaged in true crime where we would assess the public trials and discuss them. And at home I'd constantly annoy my family about all the current news stories that later made me realise what I wanted to do in life. My interest sparked and I decided to get more involved. Instead of simple highschool clubs I joined real groups that studied criminal justice full time. I joined my university's law report and criticised some of the unfair and biassed judgements that existed, and still do, in Russia, where they are unforgiving and ineffective at reforming convicts, this does not align with my personal views . Even then, I had a great grip of the law and I knew more than any teenager usually would.

Nationality & born location:
Russian, born in moscow.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
This is a fantastic question. I am not only available at all times, but I am also surrounded by people from town hall. As a person, I love to have my hands full, to be busy. I will never say no to any assigned work I'm driven by and therefore I will be of service to all, whenever I'm needed.

I dive deep into things I love, and this is a job I would put all of my soul into which means every aspect of it will be done to excessive standards. My passion for developing our city is palpable. I have a thorough understanding of the positives and negatives of the society that we’ve created and strive to make it better for everyone. I also bring a certain optimism to my work that often rubs off on others and helps me create a sense of community and inclusivity around my colleagues.


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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