Patch Notes • 3.61
During the month break we took for posting patch notes, a lot has changed!
We're proud to announce that SchoolRP has now moved from 1.17 to 1.19.1, this means more blocks and animals available to us for roleplaying with. With this move to 1.19.1, we recommend all players to connect to SchoolRP using a 1.19 client (or above).
The long-awaited In-Character Social Media platform known as 'ONRAIN' is once again available to ALL SchoolRP players. This version has been completely re-skinned and re-coded to work with our In-Game phone systems, meaning you can join group chats and text your friends in and outside of the game as well as post images and update your In-Character friends on what's going on in your character's life. We'll also be bringing the Auction house to ONRAIN at a later date as a 'Marketplace' feature.
We have introduced two additional developers to our development team which means more frequent and substantial updates to our systems and your experience on SchoolRP. Our latest projects that have been assigned are Attributes (and cooking), and Virtual Reality; you can expect to see these implemented in the coming 2-3 months. By next month, you can also expect the Exams plugin to be fully functional, this means we'll be hosting exams more frequently, giving you more chances to progress your characters through our College system.
A sprinkle of Christmas has been dropped upon Karakura as the seasons change In-Character from Autumn to Winter! You can find Santa Claus at spawn with Advent Calendar features, as well as gifts around the map to collect after the 12th of December to the 5th of January!
Server Changes
Below is a list of implemented changes made to SchoolRP within the last month.
- Players can now use 1.19 features, including blocks and mobs.
- A Frog whitelist has been added to the animal system.
- Icons to indicate being in Build-Mode have been added for Creative and Editmode users.
- Store announcements have been given new sprites dependant on the category of purchase.
- Store purchases now set off a fun firework to say thanks alongside a player-side message.
- Our In-Character Social Media website 'ONRAIN' has returned!
- Group and Private chats with In-Game phone integration.
- Posts, Likes and Comments (including a feed with accurate filtering).
- Trending topics with the use of hashtags, e.g. #onrain.
- Profile system to allow you to have more than one character or a business in addition to your original profile upon sign-up.
- Followers and follow requests, including privacy settings.
- A new Auction & Mail system has been implemented to better suit roleplay.
- The Mailman system will be attached to future systems, including sending, receiving mail, and collecting mail from mailboxes.
- The Auction system has been implemented with the previous rules integrated into the plugin to prevent newer players from getting warned for breaking them.
- The long-awaited emote colour system has been implemented, allowing you to save your colour preferences for actions (e.g. /it, /me, /my).
- Teacher and Professor class systems have been upgraded.
- When joining classes, if the teacher/professor is more than 50 blocks away from their class, new classmates will be teleported near the teacher.
- Teachers and Professors can now re-open classes after closing them to allow for more student participation.
- Teachers and Professors can send special broadcasts to their class In-Character to make chat a little easier to navigate during classes.
- SLT have been given new commands to help assist Professors and Teachers, as well as participate in classes.
- New players now receive free food to help them get started (free food cannot be removed from an inventory).
- /hub has been re-introduced as a functional command, meaning you no longer have to fully type out /server hub1.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed class kick location.
- Fixed pagination on auction house menu.
- Fixed bug preventing non-karakura events.
- Fixed bug where laying didn't work.
- Fixed bug where basketballs could be thrown outside of the court.
- Fixed bug where local roleplay chat stopped working occasionally.
- Fixed bug where staff would have 'vanished' above their head.
- Fixed Store purchase messages varying due to country/region tax.
Found a bug? Report it here.
Faction & Community Changes
Below is a list of changes made to server factions within the last month by our faction leaders.
School Factions
- The Sports faction have started hosting competitions between sports teams to build on In-Character rivalry and give the teams something to do.
- Senior Leadership now plan 3+ events per month collectively, including club events.
- The internships programme has been revised and heavily improved.
- Competitive football rules have been rewritten.
- Club Leaders can now edit their own rooms without staff/faction lead supervision.
- A club rush was recently hosted.
- A monthly event quota has been introduced to all clubs to ensure they're active, and to give you more things to take part in.
- Student award ceremonies have been re-introduced, more will be taking place in future including a faculty party and award ceremony later this month.
City Factions- Quotas have been re-introduced to all Black Market Dealers.
- IKIGAI is now under different leadership and will be turned into a space marketed towards Criminals now that ONRAIN has been re-implemented for regular Citizens.
- The Tactical Knife was re-added to the Black Market weapon roster.
- Mask items are now required to be worn if you wish to hide your identity (skins can no longer be used to serve this purpose).
- The sewers are currently undergoing renovations to update their builds and better accommodate future events and plans with gangs.
- The Shrine faction now has 15 slots.
- Shrine can now host up to 15 maidens/priests.
- Events are being hosted more frequently at the Shrine.
- New tax policies have been added to Towers and Estates.
- Rights for tenants of Towers and Estates have been implemented to make renting fairer in player-owned property.
- Riot gear has been updated to fit a 'SWAT' aesthetic which makes more sense for situations usually dealt with by KPD.
- Tax evasion has been added to the chargeable offences for Landlords of Executive properties.
- A new Commissioner has been brought into Karakura.
- The Pharmacy has had several items changed, removed and added.
- A new Hospital Director has been brought into Karakura.
- Therapy & Recovery sessions are limited to 15-30 OOC Minutes.
Community & Staff Team- More Lore blocks have been added to Karkaura.
- The Lore team have implemented a native family list which will influence past lore.
- The Event team are working on a City Event calendar.
- The Modelling team will soon re-brand into the 'Media Team' which will accept skin makers, video editors, and other creative hobbyists.
- @FigT has joined the development team.
- @DylanDeNewb has joined the development team.
A huge thank you to our Community Teams, Faction Leads and Staff for all of their hard work this month.
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