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Phones Price Decrease/new phones


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: MayorAphmau
What's the title of your suggestion?: Phones Price Decrease/new phones

What's your suggestion?:
Decreasing price for smartphones and flip phones

i think the phones are WAY to expensive
flip phones are like under 200 dollars irl and flip phones arent really a thing anymore
I think schoolrp should remove flip phones and or replacing the price to 200 or below
the Smartphones are way to expensive they are over 30,000 dollars and special phones such as special colors for the model should not be more expensive then the phone
also the base model iPhone 16 is only 799 US
and the base pro model is $1000 US
the base pro max is $ 1199 US
Base Pro:
Base regular

How will this benefit the server and community?:
this will help people (new players afford phones way faster)


Level 117
I don't think flip phones should be removed. There are a handful of people (older) who still use them. Also I like flip phones. My characters use flip phones!


Level 116
Flip phones are still used on the server by a good handful of people, like some of my friends (wethecreature included). So they shouldn’t be removed — although the price could be lowered a little, yes! At least for flip phones; smart phones are somewhat expensive IRL, usually ranging from between 100-400 or so USD where I’m from, so it does remain realistic somewhat and shouldn’t be lowered


Level 66
also the base model iPhone 16 is only 799 US
and the base pro model is $1000 US
the base pro max is $ 1199 US
The prices on SRP are in Yen, not dollars, the economy on the server doesn't work like the one in real life and the prices aren't that high... You can make money in a lot of ways like fishing as well.

I think schoolrp should remove flip phones
I don't see your reasoning as to why remove flip phones, they're the cheaper alternative to smartphones with a few cosmetic features removed like games. Flip-phones look great and they can be used by older characters or if you just don't have money.
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Level 43

If we're going off of the prices in America, then the phone prices really aren't that outrageous.
¥50,000 = $324. That's pretty standard pricing for a phone.

Also there is absolutely no reason to remove flip phones-


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

As someone who enjoys flip phones and has a custom flip phone themselves, I do not think we should remove them. To lowering prices, that is up to the shop that sells the phones to raise/lower their prices. If they are expensive, that means that they are popular or are super expensive to reorder.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team

Reasons above. Yen is a different currency to dollars. As well as that, SchoolRP offers many easy ways of making money. In real life, making $200-$799 for a phone isn't easy without a job, however in SchoolRP, you can make 200-1,000 yen within minutes of fishing at the pond.

You'll get there and be able to buy a phone, I recommend you look at alternative ways of making money. You can Join a Faction which can offer up to 200k or more, per month OOCLY.

Faction Applications

Or you can wait for allowance, fish at the pond, sell things in character, become a tailor to make skins for people, etc. Remember, it wouldn't be fun if nothing was challenging, if you had everything you ever wanted on SRP, you wouldn't have any goals to strive towards and might get bored :)


Level 13
-1, Why get rid of flip phones? They are still useful and cheaper alternatives than smartphones. Smartphones should feel like a reward that you work for as you play more while you earn money icly in the game to gain it. Just like with cars, you save up and buy better things over time. Plus, 50k yen is only about $323, not $30,000 what you claim that they are.
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Level 199
I think schoolrp should remove flip phones
Definitely no... people still use flip phones, and they generally add more variety and realism to the role-playing world than to real life. I have seen plenty of people use flip phones to this day, both in-game and in real life.
i think the phones are WAY to expensive
Like cars, we're lucky to have phones at the price they already are—they're rather cheap. Do more fishing or apply for a faction to easily earn some money! I don't see a reason to have to decrease the price of phones.



Level 75

Any of you saying no to this are clearly not thinking of the newer players that come onto the server and struggle to afford that really expensive phone you are all discussing, This is clearly one of those newer player that joined the community that is struggling with getting a phone. I like the idea! SRP over the years has added plenty of different models for cellphones, I don't see why those older model cell phones almost NONE of the more experience player base really uses cant be dropped in prices for the newer players coming onto the server. I don't see how this will negatively effect the community or the servers economy either.

Currently the older flip phones (gray, white, black) are normally priced around 15k, With hourly allowance this means a player has to play 15 hours on the server to afford one, this is not taking into account that newer players do not have ranks so they will be having to buy stacks of food so they don't starve. I think for these specific three phones they should be dropped to a more fair price like 5k, making players play for at least 5 hours instead of 15 hours for their phone.

I don't think this change will effect player ran shops all that much either as again we normally have much cooler looking phones players are normally drawn to and barely sell these older models. If we really want to look deeper into the matter, those 3 flip phones (gray, white, black) should start being placed in NPC stores for new players (like the family store) to make them more available.

How will this benefit the community:
Phones help players keep in touch with each other and help find roleplay around our BIG MAP, lowering the cost of phones will help newer players be able to find, make, and keep in touch with friends they make. This will lead to more roleplay and help keep people on the server for longer. We already provide 500 yen housing to new players to roleplay in (by block L/Dorms) AKA Student Dorms, might as well lower the prices on those older flip phones for them as well.


Level 163

Any of you saying no to this are clearly not thinking of the newer players that come onto the server and struggle to afford that really expensive phone you are all discussing, This is clearly one of those newer player that joined the community that is struggling with getting a phone. I like the idea! SRP over the years has added plenty of different models for cellphones, I don't see why those older model cell phones almost NONE of the more experience player base really uses cant be dropped in prices for the newer players coming onto the server. I don't see how this will negatively effect the community or the servers economy either.

Currently the older flip phones (gray, white, black) are normally priced around 15k, With hourly allowance this means a player has to play 15 hours on the server to afford one, this is not taking into account that newer players do not have ranks so they will be having to buy stacks of food so they don't starve. I think for these specific three phones they should be dropped to a more fair price like 5k, making players play for at least 5 hours instead of 15 hours for their phone.

I don't think this change will effect player ran shops all that much either as again we normally have much cooler looking phones players are normally drawn to and barely sell these older models. If we really want to look deeper into the matter, those 3 flip phones (gray, white, black) should start being placed in NPC stores for new players (like the family store) to make them more available.

How will this benefit the community:
Phones help players keep in touch with each other and help find roleplay around our BIG MAP, lowering the cost of phones will help newer players be able to find, make, and keep in touch with friends they make. This will lead to more roleplay and help keep people on the server for longer. We already provide 500 yen housing to new players to roleplay in (by block L/Dorms) AKA Student Dorms, might as well lower the prices on those older flip phones for them as well.
I agree with Eco on this, we were all new players at some point. Don’t you all remember how difficult it was to get a simple phone? Or how lost you were and maybe even frustrated why it takes so long to get yen and get to the price of a simple phone? I know I remember and I had to wait hours and hours just to get the right amount of yen to go get a phone. And on top of that I had to wait for the 11/7 to open (the OG one back in like 2017) just so I could buy it. Lowering the prices of the flip phones isn’t going to hurt SRPs economy nor the businesses of shops. I also like the idea that flip phones should be brought to NPC ran stores that way it’s much easier for the newer players to get a phone when they have the yen and don’t have to wait for a shop to open.


Level 14
I don't prices should be lowered
I also don't think flip phones should be removed from the server. Not only are they a cheaper alternative, but they also serve a great purpose for roleplay. Maybe there is a character out there who uses a flip phone for a reason; maybe they do not care about technology as much.

Personally, I felt fulfilled as a new player when I got my first phone. It felt like some sort of SRP rite of passage to finally earn a phone.


Level 45

Flip phones may not appeal to a portion of people, however they appeal to those of the community who are involved in gangRP or gang related activities so much as a throwaway phone that they dont care about getting stolen or broken through RP. For example I payed 110k for my sakura phone, if that got stolen or broke id be somewhat upset as it also holds sentimental value to me (yes its an item, bUT I WAS GIVEN IT I HAVE REASON) therefore people use flip phones, something they aren't worried about loosing.

Furthermore, the SRP currency isn't dollars its yen so it is somewhat reasonable at 30-50 thousand yen for a custom smartphone

However from a new player standpoint I understand how it may be that a phone may be expensive, maybe therefore upon joining a player could receive a grey flip phone upon spawning? or like eco said lowering specifically the 3 standard flip phones to 5k so that they are more affordable, there would still be a market in the shop faction for them due to gangRP so therefore they would still reasonably sell.
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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- There are plenty of ways to make enough money to be able to afford a flip phone; the type of phone most newer players will go for.​
- We may consider lowering the restock value of some phones to allow for more competitive and cheaper prices, however do note that shopkeepers have a recommended and maximum price they're permitted to sell items, so pricing and profits is completely their choice to make.​

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