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Piper Quinn (College-Council)


Level 5
There are 2 notes in the following app to help with clarification of what is meant by a word and what was writtien ICly and OOCly. They are marked with **.


What is your Minecraft Username?:
Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Only warns were when I started playing on the server (~Late Dec 2019 / Early Jan 2020) and were related to learning the rules. Kicks were for role changes.
What is your timezone?:
EST/EDT (Eastern)
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Yes, moshill1#9771
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Previous Council Application (Accepted) -
JSL Language Application (Accepted) -
French Language Application (Denied) -

Also was a college professor, however at the time of applying it was done via WiffyBanter’s forum messages, so cannot link to an app, however I was accepted for that role.
Describe your activity on the server?:
With the school year ending, I will be finding myself on the server more often than I have recently been. Upon writing this app, I have also come off a hiatus of playing SRP due to falling out of interest for 3-4 months; I have been back on the server for 2 odd weeks, having played from end of 2019 to end of 2020 roughly. With the summer coming up, I plan to be active on the server when I can be, given work schedule agreeing.
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:

What is the student council?:

The student council is, in general, a body of students who represent and speak on behalf of the entirety of the student body. They are the bridge between the students and the faculty, usually serving as a form of aid for both sides, as well as ensuring safety and happiness within the entirety of the school(s). Councils also act to better the school such as planning and executing events.
Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
OnTerm had mentioned that the council was lacking in college councillors as of right now, and insisted I apply, knowing I was previously on the council.
What does the school council of Karakura do?:
Like my previous response of what a council does, the school council of Karakura serves as a bridge / intermediate between the student body as a collective, and the faculty/admin of the school. The council has meetings both ICly and OOCly to discuss upcoming plans, events, etc. as well as changes in the rules and what perms councillors do or do not have, for example hosting detention, FearRP, etc.
How would you describe your work ethic?:
I would describe my work ethic as being generally on top of things and getting things done in a timely manner. I generally take my time to write things out as I tend to write best / with more confidence when writing in blocks rather than a whole thing all at once if that is necessary to know. A note is that I do generally prioritize IRL over RP, so my work towards council things might be slow at times, especially if I have things to do for IRL stuff such as course selection.
What interests you the most about the student council?:
The main reason I am re-applying for council is that I enjoyed being apart of the council OOCly and wish my departure had not happened. I wish to be on council again, as it is a group which I feel resonates with who I am, having been involved with my high school’s council on occasion during my grade 12 year. IRL, I was and am someone who prioritizes others first and aims to show compassion in all their dealings, respecting everyone as they deserve basic respect and dignity. I feel that these attributes; being helpful and respectful to others no matter the situation, wanting and expecting fairness in how things are handled, etc. are attributes that should be present in councillors, as well as good teamwork skills and communication. Overall, my interest in being a councillor is to help the server in whatever small way I can, and to reignite my interest in the server over summer break.
Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
Yes, as I have previously said, I have been playing on the server for ~1 year, on and off due to real life things such as work and school, as well as lows in terms of interest and enjoyment of the server. Similarly, I have had many roleplay experiences on the server as well as occasional discordRPs, many of which revolving around Piper’s involvement in groups such as council from the previous time and her being friends with the frat and sorority members.


**Side note for the scenarios: I refer to the phrase humanity of a person, which to me is the notion of someone being a human and what level(s) of respect and dignity they deserve, no matter the situation. Just a clarification on if you read that and are unsure.

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
Firstly, I would decide my own opinion on the idea since an idea being “awful” is generally subjective. If I think it is completely unusable / unfeasible, I would politely suggest either to try and come up with another idea, or I would suggest an idea that plays off theirs, whilst still being more feasible. If I feel the idea could work, similarly I would propose a further idea to make it more feasible. Overall, I would want to respect them throwing out an idea and recognize the attempt as fruitful.
In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
My general response would be take it in stride, knowing not every idea will be feasible to do. I would ask for specifics on why the idea / proposition was disliked by everyone and use that to either work on the idea or come up with a new one using the feedback. Ideally, not everyone would flat out dislike it, and thus people would have useful feedback as to why they think it would not work. The goal is to improve on the ideas suggested so the final product is as good as possible.
There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
First thing I would do is try to calm the people involved down, being respectful at first but being more and more serious if the argument continued. Once, hopefully, everyone has calmed down from the argument, I would suggest a breather break before then trying to have the discussion again, this time acting as a mediator and controlling the discussion to avoid another outbreak and derailing.
A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
I would ask either the president / VP or fellow councillors to sit with them (the councillor causing problems) and remind them of the rules and basically hold an intervention. This would end with a warning that further action would be taken if the problem(s) continued; the overall goal is to continue to treat them with dignity and fairness, and to give them forum and be unbiased. Unfair treatment, example being given a warning without your side being heard, can tend to lead to more issues rather than resolve them, as the person feels less humanity within the group.
The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
I would ask to talk with them one on one and vocalize my disagreement in a way which respects both myself and them. Obviously, what happens specifically depends on the specific disagreement; if it was a proposed idea for an event, then I would likely want others’ thoughts. If it’s an idea I disagree with, but I am the only one who disagrees with it, I would likely bite my tongue as I recognize I’m the minority. If what was said was more an attitude, then I would ask for a one-on-one discussion and vocalize my disagreement with what was said and to simply ask them to be mindful of that type of thing.
There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
Similar to the scenario on a councillor causing problems, I would try to suggest that the councillors resolve their issue(s) as humans, not wanting to interfere and appear to be biased towards on over the other. Should I have to act as mediator between the 2 councillors, I would ask to hear both sides of the story rather than blindly take a side and go from there. This method would, hopefully, show that I am unbiased and respect their humanity.
There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
I would gather evidence of the faculty member abusing powers (ICly, obviously) and ask to talk with a corresponding administrator. Providing the evidence gathered is sufficient, I would ask the administrator to continue dealing with the issue, as they have more direct authority of the situation and handling of faculty members.
Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
Short answer is nothing. I would hope that whoever gave them detention did it rightly. I would ask the friend what they did but knowing general aspects of behaviour, take it with a grain of salt, as they would most likely downplay what they did that ended with detention. After, I would ask for whoever gave the detention for their side of the story or their perspective of what happened, trying to build what happened and determine if the detention was validated.


Character Name:
Piper Quinn
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Character phone-number:
Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Piper is a generally quiet person but can sometimes lash out when the wrong button is pressed for her, having grown up in a more violent stepfamily, however she has a good control over this flaw of hers. She is generally a very independent girl, but still relies on others to cheer her up and to do stuff with, as she knows she cannot do everything by herself and knows when to stop working to enjoy stuff. Piper is a studious girl, especially in subjects she enjoys and is motivated to learn and has a small distaste in the courses offered at the college in Karakura.
Character appearance/attire:
In general Piper wears either a black dress with assorted sweater, or a leather-esque jacket and pants. She is also adorned by her round glasses and most noticeably, her silver-greyish hair. She is 5’5’’ and has a slight bust with a thin upper body, not any model level proportions, but not fat.

**The following were answered ICly from Piper's perspective.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
One thing that separates me from other applicants is that I have previously been on the council, so I already have prior knowledge of how things operate, barring nothing has changed too drastically. By this, I mean I already know the rules and rough idea of how to handle situations, provided no drastic changes in the rules have occurred since me leaving council. I have also interacted with some of the current councillors, such as Chloe, so there would already be a sense of friendship due to pre-existing experiences. Similarly, I feel that I can be a councillor who is typically available for students and faculty, as I am usually just hanging around the soccer field or the college study room, or running around the school aimlessly. This is beneficial because, since my time being back in Karakura, I have only seen a couple councillors around the school, likely around 3 if my memory serves. From my previous time on council, I tended to be around and easily accessible for anyone that needed a councillor, and I would continue to do that if I get back on council!
Why do you want this position?:
I want this position, to be a councillor again, because I want to be doing more for the school and have something to look forward to each school day. Since leaving, and before my trip back to Canada, I found that being at the school had simply lost an aspect and dynamic it once had. Similarly, I just simply wish to go back to trying to make the school community better and more enjoyable, as it can be boring for students not involved in teams or clubs, which I will touch on in other questions. I found that council was my place to express myself in the community, since it did not require members to be strong or necessarily popular, which unfortunately most other groups seem to require one or the other, or both.
What interests you the most about student council?:
Similar to when I first applied for council, what interested me most about the council was that it was a group with an interesting dynamic that did not rely on a member falling into a direct category. For example, the athletic students are on sports teams because they are athletic and do well in sports. With clubs, you have this pseudo requirement of already being invested in the club; why would you join a club you’re not interested in? With council, however, it was a group of different students of different backgrounds working at a collective goal of bettering the school however possible.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
One thing I can contribute to a safe and fun school environment is trying to keep students engaged with the classes, whether that be helping the professor keep control of the class or providing a small quip to get a laugh from other students, brightening the class. From my previous time on council, there was mention of doing things during break and lunch to help make the school more fun, small things the councillors could randomly do throughout the day.

Thank you for your time.


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Congratulations you have been accepted. Your application was reviewed by myself and the Council Presidents and it was agreed upon to accept you. All you need to do join the Academics Discord and @ WiffyBanter inside of the #help channel. You'll recieve your Discord Role. Later you may either request your IN-GAME role through /help, Role Request or request it from me in the Council Chat when I am online.​

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