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Polar's discord profile suggestion


Level 103
All of what you just said was already mentioned in previous posts, if you get PTSD or panick attacks because of poeple's profiles again get toff your computer and go seek help, if I have say the n word in my about me and I can use it I'm not gonna change it because someone is a SJW. It's not that hard to not look at something especially when it's VERY avoidable, all of what you just said CAN be solved by the suggestion itself and if you go out your way to loom at someone's profile you don't like and see something that offends you that's on you, statuses I get but it's my profile, grow up you're not gonna go up to someone in real life because they have a shirt that says something offends you because you only have the balls to say so behind a screen, it's also called being realistic
Agreed, your not gonna go up to someone irl and say "please dont use that word it triggers me" their either gonna tell you off or say it more, the same logic could be applies, avoid them, walk away, they teach this in pre-school


Level 231
It's not difficult to be a good, respectful person with manners. Your behaviour and opinions away from the server reflect you as a person and you should be judged for that on the server.


Level 272
Instead of getting toxic, if people get offended theres a reason for that. For me, as a jewish if someone will have something related to ww2 or even worse blocking wont be a solution for that. People with OVER racism/homophobic/other stuff doesnt need to be on a commenity
of what you just said was already mentioned in previous posts, if you get PTSD or panick attacks because of poeple's profiles again get toff your computer and go seek help, if I have say the n word in my about me and I can use it I'm not gonna change it because someone is a SJW. It's not that hard to not look at something especially when it's VERY avoidable, all of what you just said CAN be solved by the suggestion itself and if you go out your way to loom at someone's profile you don't like and see something that offends you that's on you, statuses I get but it's my profile, grow up you're not gonna go up to someone in real life because they have a shirt that says something offends you because you only have the balls to say so behind a screen, it's also called being realistic
All this rract was pointless Polar, although there're people who getting offended vert quickly- I do understand his point and you dont have to be rude over a suggestion; Although its over the internet it doesnt mean YOU HAVE to act at the same way, tou have to be respectful even if you dont agree and stuff like he mentioned are good reasons which shouldnt be around discord, a place of teenagers speaking EVEN if they're above 13. Being racist or any other thing will end up in hurting A LOT of people and taking the people away from the community is a good idea.

Like toto said, It's not difficult to be a good, respectful person with manners. If you wants to be racist or any other things, do it with your friends. not in a 13k people server.


Level 11
All this rract was pointless Polar, although there're people who getting offended vert quickly- I do understand his point and you dont have to be rude over a suggestion; Although its over the internet it doesnt mean YOU HAVE to act at the same way, tou have to be respectful even if you dont agree and stuff like he mentioned are good reasons which shouldnt be around discord, a place of teenagers speaking EVEN if they're above 13. Being racist or any other thing will end up in hurting A LOT of people and taking the people away from the community is a good idea.

Like toto said, It's not difficult to be a good, respectful person with manners. If you wants to be racist or any other things, do it with your friends. not in a 13k people server.
u wish srp had 13k plsyers
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE:31st of August 2022
I'm suggesting that the rules for the rph discord or any rph discord be changed regarding user profiles and the contents that exist within them. Discord profiles are costumed to the users liking, their preferences and such. If someone has a status that contains slurs and such should not be tolerated BUT if it gets to the point where a user is being reported for their banner, about me, profile picture or such it should be turned away with the "block the user" response, though a simple solution would just be to not look at the profile since these can't be seen unless you click on the users profile and at that point it should be resolved that the reporting user is just looking for problems, a pfp is offensive simply ignore the user or block them. There's no reason for there to be strict moderation on a users discord profile and seeing as most users can't afford nitro to change the server profile specifically does not help and even then the reporting user is still going to click to see the actual profile and get pissed about it.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This benifits the community by teaching the users common sense and how to use a block botton and stop un-needed drama and instigation among the community and no one wants to be in a discord where they can get banned for something off platform or none related to the actual server. The block botton isn't just there for decoration
or just stop using slurs for attention cant be that hard polar?


Level 87
So far I’ve only been scolded for pfp which makes sense. And so I changed it (it was for jokes with friends so ofc I was gonna change it eventually) but regarding status and about me seems more like a different thing to talk about. [By personal experience] You won’t necessarily be hunted down by people unless you’re actively talking in the channels or whatever the nature may be. I would know since I had an inappropriate status for some time and there was nothing to be said about it. It would be a different story if I had such topics still there yet being active in channels and such because otherwise nobody is scrolling through the users to catch you slipping. So unless you do have nitro I wouldn’t take the risk with customizing your profile while being part of this server to the extent at which it talks about triggering or inappropriate topics.

My opinion? Neutral


Level 110
roleplay hub acts as any other large discord server would in relation to people abusing the feature of their status, name, profile picture, and about me. while i can agree that rph doesn’t do their best in protecting players in some circumstances, rules against what belongs to a discord user’s profile are beneficial in protecting players from things that they do not want to see.

a senior admin back in 2019 literally had a dead girl set as their pfp. imagine if rules policing what was in a discord profile didn’t exist and this person never ended up being demoted and banned. god knows who else, minors or adults alike, actually saw that. obviously that’s not relevant to roleplay hub now as it was dealt with; but, you get the idea of why it’s needed to have rules for discord profiles. roleplay hub is a discord with 14,000 people in it who could be exposed to anything on anyone’s profile. at the very least, they can prevent people from having to see something graphic, explicit, inappropriate, oppressive, or offensive. i think you’re only thinking about yourself when it comes to this suggestion

it is not difficult to be a respectful person who isnt acting on the basis of inciting reactions out of people by being offensive


Level 331
When you're part of a community, such as RoleplayHub, any sort of text, media, or information found coming from you, whether it's in your profile, on discord, on the forums, or in-game, can be used against you. This is a matter of the "jurisdiction" we have over players, and it becomes a bigger issue when it has to do with community team members. If I've just joined the server and see that an official member of the team has slurs in their profile, I'd be discouraged from joining the community. While I do understand your point and that your discord profile is yours and yours only, we need to acknowledge that our public image is also at risk when things like these happen

A quick reminder to also be respectful in this forum's replies. It has come to our attention that over the past few weeks, people have been instigating drama and being disrespectful, leading to forum threads being locked. If this is repeated multiple times by the same people, they may face in-game or forums-wide punishment depending on the severity

gold fish

Level 286

While the whole banner and about me section of not clicking on the profile may be understandable, simply saying to "block them" isn't a viable solution either. If you see someone who has something that's not only offensive by racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/etc I don't understand why it's a problem to be upset about that. Honestly, I don't know how big of an issue people getting reported, warned, or banned from the RPH server discord over things such as you mentioned are. But that being said, being on this server and in the discord is a PRIVILEGE. You are not owed being on a server just because it's public. It has rules, you should follow them. You also have to understand the MAIN population of who's on the server themselves. I don't think disagreeing with someone is bad, if anything it's bound to happen and that's okay! But rolling back rules on anything that spreads bigotry and/or hatred wouldn't make any sense. Yes this server is for everyone, but it's still technically a privilege to be able to roleplay on it and talk in the discords.

Additionally, those who are in the community and staff teams represent the server on another level that the average roleplayer doesn't. You are not only showing off who you are as a person, but also who the server had allowed to be a crucial part to the server itself.

As someone who's HAD private messages not only leaked but twisted and fabricated in a way to make me look a certain way, I understand that's a real fear. Having to watch what you say so that someone doesn't leak or get hurt by what you say is there. But doesn't that go for anything? If you're gossiping about someone in school and someone overhears, tells said person, and so on and so forth. Is that not the same exact thing? Only this is has physical evidence right? So you can't lie about it if you wanted. Those are simply the average nuances and precautions that everyone has to take while on the internet at any given time. This goes along the same with getting triggered for any sort of mental illness or PTSD. That's a very real thing people go through and avoid on a constant basis in order to stop themselves from experiencing (what would be the correct term) a panic and/or PTSD attack. Thinking that small things don't cause those or wouldn't hurt someone, quite honestly, shows one's age. Did I use to think a lot of the same things that the people who have said "+1" have given their reasoning for? Unfortunately, yes. But you learn and grow about the real world and how your words actually affect people. It's like the golden rule they teach you in kindergarten, "treat others how you want to be treated". It's not that difficult to not use a word, change a status or banner or profile picture because it makes someone uncomfortable or is bigoted and hateful.

Additionally, I'm okay with you disagreeing. You don't have to agree with me. I really don't mind, nor would I shoot down a respectful conversation. But I see it from both sides. A lot of people don't know how to have respectful conversations when you disagree. I do it too, I'm not just pinning it on other people. But I think all in all? Just a little kindness would go a long way.
Jay speak troof


Level 129

Stop trying to get away with putting racist words on your status. Like seriously, is it that important for you?

Vegan you're part of the community team. Having to block someone on the community team because of blatant n word usage isn't a good look is it.

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