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Police-issued Sledgehammers


Level 84
Ah yes, i remembered suggesting this, a Halligan bar for the Cops. (it was denied tho)
even made a model for it back in the day.


Level 27

While I like the idea, I feel like KPD has plenty of weaponry as it is. I don't see how a sledgehammer would be helpful... KPD already has several weapons and gear in their arsenal, a sledgehammer just seems like overkill.

Maybe increasing the distance of the stun blasters would be a better solution? Stun blasters IRL can realistically reach up to 15 to 25 feet and no one is going to get stabbed at that distance...

As for the wall situation, I think there should be new rules implemented regarding the "trap apartment" issue. It's easily handled if staff make a new rule saying that you aren't allowed to make "traps" for KPD or do so in an ICly sense. It's already discouraged and borderline rule breaking, I see no reason to implement an entirely new item to fix an unrealistic OOC issue.

To me, a sledgehammer seems like it's just another buff to KPD and it feels unfair from a standard player standpoint.

Zia Likes Sharks

Level 2
I do know why this was made and I was there during the situation that happened. But I feel like This shouldn't be made into something where staff adds yet another way for kpd to combat something that was a 1 time thing, instead of add a whole new item they should enforce rules that change the standard of apartments, make it so where they have to be realistic, and you cant use glitches of parkour to get somewhere almost impossible. Criminals significantly are never buffed like kpd is, I do understand that kpd is supposed to be kinda op because its the government, but then crime would be unplayable. Not only are there other ways around this but I just dont believe this should be added, Crime is supposed to be hard on kpd thats the point. I would highly recommend staff focused more on making trap apartment rules and regulations. On if it was added -> if this was to be added, and say a raid wouldnt go as planned and someone mugged it? would they be able to use it? or would there be some rule to make it so were ONLY kpd could use it and staff would have to take it away, but in realty criminals would use it and it would be able to be mugged. But would kpd then get mad because criminals found a way around the item and now have it, Would it now be considered to op? Its these things that wouldn't make any sense. As crimerps as a whole are kinda pushed aside. I fear this is one of these moments. I disagree along with alot of others, Its a cool idea and thought out, I completely understand why someone would suggest it! But there are other ways instead of making yet another over powered item that kpd gets. In all respect! non of this was meant in a hurtful or mean way! much love <3


Level 12
The idea is solid, but similar to what stormii said, KPD has a lot of weaponry. I understand how a 'trap apartment' is virtually impossible to break into but a stun blaster, or a tranquilizer can be used to bypass it, depending on how you play it out. On top of that, its giving KPD another buff, and in close range combat. In the area of close range combat, a criminal is much stronger compared to a KPD, having more range, and more versatility. Its like giving GangRPers access to a long range weapon, that would defeat the purpose of a stun blaster/tranquilizer giving KPD an advantage. In the same way, giving KPD a close range weapon, buffs them even more, as attacking a cop currently would go something like this: You would have to avoid getting stunned before getting into range and starting a scenario. Then you'd have to be lucky enough to win against a /roll 200 and then get away from other officers. If an officer has a close range weapon, they'd completely overpower a criminal, and it'd basically make the idea of KPD a literal juggernaut. They already have batons, which is basically just a slightly worse bat, and crowbars, which is a no-roll door breaker. If you want to buff KPD, make it a way to balance it out for GangRP/CrimeRP more. And after all that, how would this item work if it were to be mugged? Would there be a restriction on it similar to stun blasters/tranquilizers, or would it be able to be mugged, and if it were, could any criminal just break into someone's apartment? This is just buffing KPD way too much, and they're already extremely broken as is. We don't need another KPD buff, and trap apartments are highly unrealistic.


Level 331
Thread starter
After reading some of the replies, here's my input on it

1. Im fine with the implementation of a rule that prevents these layouts that are virtually impossible to break into

2. Some of you are missing the point of this suggestion, saying that other police equipment can be used to solve a situation like this. As explained in my suggestion, none of the kpd equipment is useful during situations where the criminal can attack you but you cant attack the criminal (and there's no way to change this "meta")

3. This sledgehammer wouldn't be used for combat. It's simply a tool to break open walls or floors for the purpose of complex KPD operations. Police would never use it in the first place, considering they have much more versatile weapons at their disposal for close combat


Level 45

Even though this is an interesting concept, I find it will make things quite boring in the future.

Think of it as you were on the criminal side, trying to protect yourself. How would you react if a sledgehammer was brought through your wall? Would you be worried? It's practically just another buff to the already honored tasers, tranquilizers, etcetera. GangRP'ers are practically useless unless you have a practical skill. I am aware of the scenario you are referring to, however, all cops have to do is right click an item, and with an action. This is honored, if we cannot do anything about it. We have to physically try to fight cops, even though we aren't suppose to, it's always been a common thing.

For example, imagine the Kishi Raid with a sledgehammer. Just breaking through walls, it would have made the fun all go away.


Level 6

I think that GangRpers actively are told and encouraged to get creative in ways to adapt towards the pressure of KPD with the tools and rules they have at hand. There are a number of advantages that KPD have over GangRpers, and I think that a 1 time victory in a KPD vs GangRP interaction does not call for a necessary immediate buff for KPD members. They are very much trained for interactions such as this, and one time failure to infiltrate a penthouse isn't too devastating.


Level 2

Kpd already have many weapons that help them with doing their icly job.. i dont understand why kpd would need a full flegged sledgehammer.. they already have a tranq gun that is very helpfull to the cops already and tazers as well that helps them taze criminals/gangrpers so why give them another op weapon that would just break the realism cuz i dont understand why kpd would even need it?It makes no sense and it would only be buffing kpd's weapon range even more when they already have 2 op weapons like a mentioned before. I have nothing against the kpd at all , all of them are lovely ppl oocly and act really good acording to their roles icly but a sledgehammer for kpd seems a bit odd and unrealistic in my eyes and it would only give them more power and make it less fun for gangrpers or anyone that does criminal activities in srp..Plus the cops should be trained to deal with these situations if the cops cant get into someones apartment with the amount of door then its up to srp staff to figure out if "trapped apartments" or stuff like that are allowed. But giving kpd a weapon that can just break thru walls sounds a bit op cuz its the exact same as if you take two situations. Like where gangrpers have a struggle with doing stuff against kpd for the weapons they have and kpd struggling with gangrpers the same way they can just try to make a new type of plan to do it instead of breaking a whole wall down and if they break the wall down wouldnt it at the same time damage the both the kpd and gangrper as the broken wall pieces will fall on either one of them and can cause injuries that are more serious than a tranq or a tazer which seems a bit very more op then any weapons the gangrpers have that they can use.


Level 72
+1 if you notice most of these replies are the gangrpers themselves. I find this quite useful for any officers. If some of you guys read it, it is for raids not using against gangrpers. Yonio also stated it would be limited to higher ups meaning only they get the sledge hammer. I don’t get the -1s but this is a great suggestion in my opinion.


Level 331
Thread starter

If you take the time to read the suggestion, you will see that it's not a weapon intended for combat. It's a last-resort tool used when all other equipment / techniques haven't worked


Level 84

If you take the time to read the suggestion, you will see that it's not a weapon intended for combat. It's a last-resort tool used when all other equipment / techniques haven't worked
Halligan Bar. Nuff said. Used by Law Enforcement and even Firefighters.


Level 331
Thread starter
-1, Not necessary in my opinion, just kick the doors down ong
As stated in my original post, the issue isn't doors. This item isn't just a reskinned crowbar. For more clarification on what this item does and why it's necessary, please read the OP and my recent replies


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team

I don't think people are reading enough this is only when officers have no alternative method and cannot be used as a weapon (much like the KPD fire axe). With this, officers won't constantly be matched with several hour long 'trap apartments' and ending with majority attended stabbed every single time.


Level 115
Neutral, leaning +1?

I don't know how to feel about this.
If trap apartments (the last time I saw one was in 2022) are such a big problem, why just not... enforce the rule more? I believe it is against the rules, and so are unrealistic apartments. Adding in an item to use for when someone does break the rules kind of adds in an 'oh well it's fine, we'll just take the warning and leave.' It feels very extra to add in an entirely new IC measure to counter an OOC rule. But then again I do see it being useful as there might not always be a too easy fix to enforce said rules, especially not in the heat of a moment. I'm very mixed on this.


Level 104
+1 but also Neurtal
I had a proper read through all the replies, and I think a sledgehammer would come in handy, a lot of people have 'hidden' rooms so the sledgehammer could assist with that.
Though at the same time, I believe 'hidden' rooms aren't allowed. So I'm half-agreeing with this suggestion. I like the idea though.


Level 29
we should just have a staff member come /property reverse the criminal's apartment in situations where someone has boxed themselves into concrete

tho i do like sledgehammers, imo it should be usable in combat too, send those mfs flying

i would +1 for cool tool but also -1 for giving people "permission" to box themselves in since there would be a tool specifically to combat it

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