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Police stop demanding everyone to leave.


Level 6
IGN: Zrle
DATE: 10/29/23

I have felt a strong amount of frustration at the recent event happening today. There is the Pumpkin Patch Event, starting at 5 pm (EST). The event basically happened where it was everyone walking around, including pumpkins run by event team members. I didn't go to the event right away, however I showed up maybe 10 minutes in with my teammates. Everyone was doing their own thing, and the pumpkins were interacting with people one on one. Then the cops showed up around 5:20 pm (EST), and the pumpkins and them get into a fight. Less than 10 minutes pass and all the sudden the police are screaming that everyone has to LEAVE the forest, and that we had to FearRP this. Meaning, every single person who came to an announced server-wide event had to leave the event. Not even 30 minutes had gone by. It kills activity and the event, and made it so we can't have a fun time with the events scheduled for us.

I get police telling people to leave, but can we stop doing this at events-or at least letting the event run on for a bit before stopping it? If anyone runs late then they basically have no time to enjoy the event because we didn't even get 30 minutes to enjoy it, events should at least be able to run for a solid duration rather than being cut to 20 something minutes. I felt like it was a complete waste of time because I didn't get to do much RP- or watch the RP.

This will allow more people to RP, and enjoy Server-wide events that the event team obviously put a lot of time into, rather than let all the planning go to waste by events being shut down prematurely.
(edit because I for some reason didn't realize there was a format)
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Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
First, you should use the template instead.

Second, police are only doing their job and they aren’t going to perform /ever/ with bystanders watching. This feels more like something you should DM Tippie about. I wasn’t there for said event, but I do agree that the events should run a little longer before it’s practically cancelled by an outsiding factor (eg. KPD). However, if this is a suggestion to get KPD to not tell people to leave, this is never going to happen.


Level 6
Thread starter
First, you should use the template instead.

Second, police are only doing their job and they aren’t going to perform /ever/ with bystanders watching. This feels more like something you should DM Tippie about. I wasn’t there for said event, but I do agree that the events should run a little longer before it’s practically cancelled by an outsiding factor (eg. KPD). However, if this is a suggestion to get KPD to not tell people to leave, this is never going to happen.
yeah, I edited it-cause I realized only after I posted. I would DM Tippie, however I feel like that would make me a nuisance random person DM-ing rather than putting in a proper suggestion. I don't say that they have to completely not be pushing people out, but at least give a fair amount of time for EVERYONE to enjoy the event.


Level 146
Note, I was not online for the event, so I don't have the full context of what happened.

I don't know what it's like behind the scenes, but KPD is probably just following their regular protocol. I do think that their involvement should be considered when planning events like this, and that they should be briefed on what to do prior to it having started. If the event really did only last 20 minutes (which is almost unprecedented for an announced server-wide event), then it's probably because it did not go according to plan.

In any case, there's not much to speculate on since the majority of us do not have the necessary context. This seems more like a thing for the event team and its coordinator to figure out amongst themselves rather than something they need to publicly "solve."


Level 10

This is just.. Yeah.. Police are doing their jobs, they don't have to go by what the players want, they go by protocol.. So just no.


Level 75
You aren't pointing the suggestion at the right people, there was nothing wrong with what KPD did. Just because it's an event doesn't mean the entire thing is going to be scripted as roleplay is all improv, If KPD gets a bunch of calls relating to pumpkins we're going to respond to it.

If event team members don't want KPD to respond to calls they should let us know about that ICLY or plan with Yonio OOCLY, KPD going to handle a situation at an event doesn't ruin the event if anything blame the six people that wanted to call KPD ICLY to handle pumpkins taking limbs and attacking EMS, even in reality if a situation happens in an area that area gets shut down? so I don't understand the complaint of KPD forcing people to leave when the event turned into people getting attacked.

and like others said above and I'll say again, KPD was just doing their job they shouldn't be put on blast for doing the job they signed up for, instead make a suggestion for the event team. Also aren't server events supposed to be for the server? so the players of the server can roleplay?? KPD is made up of players so going to the event is the faction roleplaying as well.


Level 5
I see both sides of this. With KPD they're only doing their job to protect the citizens which means forcing them to leave dangerous situations, if this suggestion is for them to stop doing that then it will be nearly impossible since every situation can't keep citizens in the area although some events do let you stay for a decently long time but most likely from afar. Most public situations like these do need to involve KPD and they have a protocol to follow. Trying to solve the situation at hand + many citizens viewing can possibly create a bigger problem at hand so logically KPD will send people away.

However I also do see and understand how events like these can be more targeted to the faction members (EX : KPD, EMS, etc.) Because they are allowed to stay and RP while normal players are forced to FearRP and leave which takes away from their actual event time and interactions depending on the timeframe. Normal players do want to see how these events turn out disaster wise or dangerous, which allows them to have more of a RP experience for their character. With bigger events, I do think citizens should be allowed to stay to the extent of keeping their distance and not intervening so KPD gets their job done and players are still getting that RP experience they want BUT you also need to understand, KPD is also icly called for this and if this a event of people getting hurt and there's no EMS on, it's better to have things avoided.

It's basically 2 sides to every coin, no one has the context behind it besides them really so it is what it is but from my experience, there's times you are allowed to stay and may have your character effected by the event which is fun but other times it's more faction based so normal players need to FearRP and leave OR keep a decent amount of distance. Either way, there's more events coming up which can be fun aswell!



Level 163
KPD is just doing their job just like EMS. Think about it realistically, what if there was an emergency during an event you were attending but you didn't like it was getting interrupted by them? You can't just approach them and be like hey come back later when the event is almost over. No an emergency is an emergency and if KPD needs to get involved they will because it's their job and their duty to Karakura.


Level 12
I can understand how getting complaints is annoying. But everyone getting mad and lowkey disrespectful at a SUGGESTION is downright upsetting. Suggestions are for staff to see and for people to discuss and Tippie (the event cord) is not the only person who can deal with this. To make this easier for everyone to understand. Us, event people don't get a say. KPD, don't get a say. None of us do unless we are higher-ups. Bam. Fixed. Now let staff discuss and choose how to handle this but going against each other on a SUGGESTION is messed up. Suggestions force people to talk and deal with things! I'm sure that's the only reason they chose to make a suggestion.

To give my opinion as an EVENT team member, since I'm sure people want to know (lol kidding). I agree. KPD having to get involved sucks, but I understand you're forced to. I think it should be common knowledge that we should be beating around the bush with KPD interaction to keep the event going at the same time though. That way the event goes on but you guys are doing your job. HOWEVER, from your 900 comments, I can tell it upsets you guys getting blamed and I agree you guys always are and it sucks. Same for the event team. We get blamed for everything that goes wrong with events when half of the time it's not us. However, as faction members, we need to learn to not blow up on people for their complaints. It's not directed toward KPD in this case, it's more of a comment for Yonio to respond to. Or that's how I see it at least. It's a bit displeasing to see you guys not care at all that the event was cut short because of it though. This happened with the Popup Zoo too and it was fun for direct people involved but the other people at the event had to just watch to steer clear of an arrest and it can be a bit unfun for people! This correlates to the common discussion of people without tags not having much fun which is why I brought it up. It's ruining experiences so I do think this discussion is important but nobody should be getting blamed, we love you KPD.


Level 56
Community Team
Lore Team

I understand that this may not be within your interests or desires whilst you roleplay on the server, however, if you really want to look at our perspective, you'd understand as to why we respond to these calls. If an event happens and we're called, then there's a likely chance we will show up. I feel like this shouldn't be said, but the faction teaches cadets the motto of 'protect and serve', so when we get calls saying that people are being attacked by pumpkins, do you think that this doesn't prompt our interest? I get it, it might ruin things, and I understand that. I know that this is a hard task to do, but as an alternative, just don't promote people to call the KPD. Even then, it's a natural realistic response if someone's being attacked, to call the emergency services hotline.

From a spooky pumpkin patch event to a gang war, anything about violence, and the KPD will arrive and dismantle the situation. It's what we're taught to do in any situation. There are no known exceptions as far as I am aware.


Level 47

I do think citizens should be allowed to stay to the extent of keeping their distance and not intervening so KPD gets their job done and players are still getting that RP experience they want BUT you also need to understand, KPD is also icly called for this and if this a event of people getting hurt and there's no EMS on, it's better to have things avoided.​
I agree with this. Fearrp rules should be loosened a bit during big events so the average player can spectate the event from afar


Level 5
I can understand how getting complaints is annoying. But everyone getting mad and lowkey disrespectful at a SUGGESTION is downright upsetting. Suggestions are for staff to see and for people to discuss and Tippie (the event cord) is not the only person who can deal with this. To make this easier for everyone to understand. Us, event people don't get a say. KPD, don't get a say. None of us do unless we are higher-ups. Bam. Fixed. Now let staff discuss and choose how to handle this but going against each other on a SUGGESTION is messed up. Suggestions force people to talk and deal with things! I'm sure that's the only reason they chose to make a suggestion.

To give my opinion as an EVENT team member, since I'm sure people want to know (lol kidding). I agree. KPD having to get involved sucks, but I understand you're forced to. I think it should be common knowledge that we should be beating around the bush with KPD interaction to keep the event going at the same time though. That way the event goes on but you guys are doing your job. HOWEVER, from your 900 comments, I can tell it upsets you guys getting blamed and I agree you guys always are and it sucks. Same for the event team. We get blamed for everything that goes wrong with events when half of the time it's not us. However, as faction members, we need to learn to not blow up on people for their complaints. It's not directed toward KPD in this case, it's more of a comment for Yonio to respond to. Or that's how I see it at least. It's a bit displeasing to see you guys not care at all that the event was cut short because of it though. This happened with the Popup Zoo too and it was fun for direct people involved but the other people at the event had to just watch to steer clear of an arrest and it can be a bit unfun for people! This correlates to the common discussion of people without tags not having much fun which is why I brought it up. It's ruining experiences so I do think this discussion is important but nobody should be getting blamed, we love you KPD.
+ 1 !

I've seen this alot with event team members getting the backlash of certain events purely because a certain group didn't have fun which sucks :(( in this case, i agree that KPD isn't getting blamed as a whole but more like a suggestion for the planners and etc- its true you all are just doing your job and what you were taught but it's also good to see the other side of things if you were just a normal player


Level 47
everyone getting mad and lowkey disrespectful at a SUGGESTION is downright upsetting

HOWEVER, from your 900 comments, I can tell it upsets you guys

However, as faction members, we need to learn to not blow up on people for their complaints.
They're just giving their perspective, no one seems mad

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