Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
Major Staff Disrespect; (Over half a year old)
I realized that what I did at the time was wrong, one of my friends was upset with an admin so in an attempt to make them feel better I said some not-so-friendly things about the admin. But I have learned my lesson, nothing like that will ever happen again.
Describe your activity on the server:
I get on almost every day for a couple of hours and roleplay with my friends or show up to basketball practice, whenever there is an event I always try to show up and make an appearance. On this account, I haven't gotten on it as much because I have no characters with it, but I plan on changing that soon if I get accepted into the KPD.
Which time zone are you in?
Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Do you have a microphone:
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/izakaya-karakura-shop-application.44791/ -Pending
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion2-police-application.35401/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion2-kpd-application2.36347/ -Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/per-se-shop-application.41007/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion-college-request.29169/ - Accepted
What is your motivation for applying?:
Once in the past, I was in the KPD but I dropped out during Cadet training at the end, I already completed everything and received pretty good marks but I stumbled towards the end because I placed a higher value on my other characters than this one. I've changed a lot since then, I'm no longer as irresponsible and rash as I once was, I didn't take it serious enough back then, I see that now, but this past year or two left me a lot of time for reflection, and I realized that I wanted to try again. I've always had an interest in criminal justice, and if I can bring justice to the victims of Karakura and work hard to make sure the city can sleep peacefully then I will gladly take on that challenge. I think police work is extremely fulfilling and if I get to actually help people in whatever way I can then the day is worth it.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
In the past, I've done extensive research on Japanese laws and basic conduct and after a few days of bringing myself back up to speed, I feel I've got quite a good grasp of the concept.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Currently, I am still in college studying Crim Psychology in the hopes of one day going into law enforcement as either a detective or something else, next semester I am moving schools to study forensics. In terms of rping as a law enforcement officer, I did similar things on other servers. But in terms of working experience, I've never worked in the criminal justice field.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Having police in SRP is extremely important, without the law being enforced then anyone can do whatever they want at any time, or the staff would have to take matters into their own hands, but we can't rely on staff to take care of every problem we face, that's where the KPD comes in. To every ying, there is a yang, and for every criminal, there is a cop ready to do what's right and sacrifice life and limb for the protection of innocents. Without the KPD Karakura would descend into pure anarchy and laws would not be taken seriously, but thanks to brave men and women working at the KPD this is not so.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I already experienced what happens to those who shirk their duties and I have no intention of repeating the same mistake a second time.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I know now that KPD is not something that you can do with only half your energy put into it, it is hard and is a long strenuous process to even graduate from Cadet into an Officer. Knowing the mistakes I've made in the past is not a crutch I believe quite the opposite, with my experience I know what is expected of me and what should happen if I do not meet the standards set by the KPD.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I am aware all too aware of the consequences should I miss training, I will make it my personal goal to show up to every single training and do the duties required of me to pass Cadet training and become an Officer of the law.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I've been on the server long enough to distinguish what is a personal attack and what is roleplay, should an event arise where the other person takes things OOC I will try to de-escalate the situation and come up with a solution that would make both parties agreeable.
In-Character (IC) Section
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Shinmen Takezo - The 25-year-old male with a slender yet muscular build stood at approximately 5'11" (180 cm). His hair was long, black, and tied behind his head. His hair would look like an explosion with hairs going out in multiple directions but it had a certain appeal. He had rough stubble around his face and arched eyebrows that made it appear that he was always angry yet calm at the same time, although that was his natural neutral face. He spoke in a calm, soothing, and gentle tone. He typically has his eyes closed though he is not asleep nor tired, making it hard to tell if he is listening or not, but he is always giving his full attention and always listening as if shutting his vision improves his hearing and other senses. Shinmen lives by the code of the bushido, the way of the samurai due to his family having strong ties to samurai ancestry, and incorporates it in his mannerisms, although sometimes he gets a little eccentric with his samurai voracity.
What they're like on and off the job?
Shinmen is extremely straightforward, he is quite gentle and peaceful, at least he appears so on the outside. He is highly intelligent, calm, level-headed, and observant. He is quite gentlemanly, being polite and cordial even with his enemies. On the job, he deems it crucial to retain his professionalism never stepping over the line, barely making jokes, if at all. Off the job, he enjoys being alone with his thoughts either meditating or reflecting on his day, he's not particularly good at making conversation but he's not opposed to it either. Shinmen has a strong desire to excel and become the best in anything he does although he hides it under his level-headed persona.
Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Shinmen may not always express it but he silently appreciates all of his co-workers and the work that they do and respects them, he views them all as absolutely vital to the preservation of Karakura and the safety of its citizens, furthermore, he views every facet of the KPD as though it was a well-oiled machine whether it is in direct assistance when two Police Officers stand side by side helping each other in the field, either making arrests, filing reports, etc. But he also shows a vast appreciation for other fields, like those in logistical support, detectives, and such. But standing by and appreciating everything they do doesn't necessarily mean that he agrees with everything that everyone does whether it be their goals or methods, and is not shy to voice concerns or alternative solutions. Shinmen plans to have a long career in Criminal Justice and rise through the ranks towards a higher position.
(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)
Early Life
Shinmen Takezo was born on August 17 in a small village in Hokkaido. Coming from samurai descendency he was always proud of his heritage even to the extremes at times. When he was young about 6 or 7 when his father divorced his mother and forced Shinmen to practice martial arts which he became quite skilled in, although he missed his mother a great deal, his mother did not wish to see him, telling him to return to his father, feeling alone. He'd grow to resent his father but simultaneously respected the man for having taught him a great deal about martial arts which he would use on multiple occasions throughout his youth. Due to his problems at home, Takezo would lash out with fits of anger and rage, he would grow a very aggressive personality and often thought of as being hot-headed he didn't make too many friends.
Later Life
Upon a visit to his mother they reconciled their differences and became closer, this brought closure to Takezo but not happiness, later that year his mother would pass away from stomach cancer. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotion he would often seek out nature and go into the woods near his home to meditate and reflect on his life, eventually, all the time he had to himself allowed him to shed his rage and pain to become a more graceful, and peaceful human being. After school he would spend his time reading more and more about the samurai of the past and learned more about his own family causing him to adopt the practice of Bushido and embrace the way of the samurai, this not only brought him happiness but made him a more honorable person.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Characters Full Name:
Shinmen Takezo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Shinmen Takezo
Preferred Name:
Shinmen Takezo or just Shinmen or Takezo
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience:
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice
Criminology and Forensics
Native Languages:
Other Languages:

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
Major Staff Disrespect; (Over half a year old)
I realized that what I did at the time was wrong, one of my friends was upset with an admin so in an attempt to make them feel better I said some not-so-friendly things about the admin. But I have learned my lesson, nothing like that will ever happen again.
Describe your activity on the server:
I get on almost every day for a couple of hours and roleplay with my friends or show up to basketball practice, whenever there is an event I always try to show up and make an appearance. On this account, I haven't gotten on it as much because I have no characters with it, but I plan on changing that soon if I get accepted into the KPD.
Which time zone are you in?
Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Do you have a microphone:
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/izakaya-karakura-shop-application.44791/ -Pending
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion2-police-application.35401/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion2-kpd-application2.36347/ -Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/per-se-shop-application.41007/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/porphyriion-college-request.29169/ - Accepted
What is your motivation for applying?:
Once in the past, I was in the KPD but I dropped out during Cadet training at the end, I already completed everything and received pretty good marks but I stumbled towards the end because I placed a higher value on my other characters than this one. I've changed a lot since then, I'm no longer as irresponsible and rash as I once was, I didn't take it serious enough back then, I see that now, but this past year or two left me a lot of time for reflection, and I realized that I wanted to try again. I've always had an interest in criminal justice, and if I can bring justice to the victims of Karakura and work hard to make sure the city can sleep peacefully then I will gladly take on that challenge. I think police work is extremely fulfilling and if I get to actually help people in whatever way I can then the day is worth it.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
In the past, I've done extensive research on Japanese laws and basic conduct and after a few days of bringing myself back up to speed, I feel I've got quite a good grasp of the concept.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Currently, I am still in college studying Crim Psychology in the hopes of one day going into law enforcement as either a detective or something else, next semester I am moving schools to study forensics. In terms of rping as a law enforcement officer, I did similar things on other servers. But in terms of working experience, I've never worked in the criminal justice field.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Having police in SRP is extremely important, without the law being enforced then anyone can do whatever they want at any time, or the staff would have to take matters into their own hands, but we can't rely on staff to take care of every problem we face, that's where the KPD comes in. To every ying, there is a yang, and for every criminal, there is a cop ready to do what's right and sacrifice life and limb for the protection of innocents. Without the KPD Karakura would descend into pure anarchy and laws would not be taken seriously, but thanks to brave men and women working at the KPD this is not so.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I already experienced what happens to those who shirk their duties and I have no intention of repeating the same mistake a second time.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I know now that KPD is not something that you can do with only half your energy put into it, it is hard and is a long strenuous process to even graduate from Cadet into an Officer. Knowing the mistakes I've made in the past is not a crutch I believe quite the opposite, with my experience I know what is expected of me and what should happen if I do not meet the standards set by the KPD.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I am aware all too aware of the consequences should I miss training, I will make it my personal goal to show up to every single training and do the duties required of me to pass Cadet training and become an Officer of the law.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I've been on the server long enough to distinguish what is a personal attack and what is roleplay, should an event arise where the other person takes things OOC I will try to de-escalate the situation and come up with a solution that would make both parties agreeable.

In-Character (IC) Section
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Shinmen Takezo - The 25-year-old male with a slender yet muscular build stood at approximately 5'11" (180 cm). His hair was long, black, and tied behind his head. His hair would look like an explosion with hairs going out in multiple directions but it had a certain appeal. He had rough stubble around his face and arched eyebrows that made it appear that he was always angry yet calm at the same time, although that was his natural neutral face. He spoke in a calm, soothing, and gentle tone. He typically has his eyes closed though he is not asleep nor tired, making it hard to tell if he is listening or not, but he is always giving his full attention and always listening as if shutting his vision improves his hearing and other senses. Shinmen lives by the code of the bushido, the way of the samurai due to his family having strong ties to samurai ancestry, and incorporates it in his mannerisms, although sometimes he gets a little eccentric with his samurai voracity.
What they're like on and off the job?
Shinmen is extremely straightforward, he is quite gentle and peaceful, at least he appears so on the outside. He is highly intelligent, calm, level-headed, and observant. He is quite gentlemanly, being polite and cordial even with his enemies. On the job, he deems it crucial to retain his professionalism never stepping over the line, barely making jokes, if at all. Off the job, he enjoys being alone with his thoughts either meditating or reflecting on his day, he's not particularly good at making conversation but he's not opposed to it either. Shinmen has a strong desire to excel and become the best in anything he does although he hides it under his level-headed persona.
Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Shinmen may not always express it but he silently appreciates all of his co-workers and the work that they do and respects them, he views them all as absolutely vital to the preservation of Karakura and the safety of its citizens, furthermore, he views every facet of the KPD as though it was a well-oiled machine whether it is in direct assistance when two Police Officers stand side by side helping each other in the field, either making arrests, filing reports, etc. But he also shows a vast appreciation for other fields, like those in logistical support, detectives, and such. But standing by and appreciating everything they do doesn't necessarily mean that he agrees with everything that everyone does whether it be their goals or methods, and is not shy to voice concerns or alternative solutions. Shinmen plans to have a long career in Criminal Justice and rise through the ranks towards a higher position.
(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)
Early Life
Shinmen Takezo was born on August 17 in a small village in Hokkaido. Coming from samurai descendency he was always proud of his heritage even to the extremes at times. When he was young about 6 or 7 when his father divorced his mother and forced Shinmen to practice martial arts which he became quite skilled in, although he missed his mother a great deal, his mother did not wish to see him, telling him to return to his father, feeling alone. He'd grow to resent his father but simultaneously respected the man for having taught him a great deal about martial arts which he would use on multiple occasions throughout his youth. Due to his problems at home, Takezo would lash out with fits of anger and rage, he would grow a very aggressive personality and often thought of as being hot-headed he didn't make too many friends.
Later Life
Upon a visit to his mother they reconciled their differences and became closer, this brought closure to Takezo but not happiness, later that year his mother would pass away from stomach cancer. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotion he would often seek out nature and go into the woods near his home to meditate and reflect on his life, eventually, all the time he had to himself allowed him to shed his rage and pain to become a more graceful, and peaceful human being. After school he would spend his time reading more and more about the samurai of the past and learned more about his own family causing him to adopt the practice of Bushido and embrace the way of the samurai, this not only brought him happiness but made him a more honorable person.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Characters Full Name:
Shinmen Takezo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Shinmen Takezo
Preferred Name:
Shinmen Takezo or just Shinmen or Takezo
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience:
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice
Criminology and Forensics
Native Languages:
Other Languages:

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