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Accepted Professor Application | simp69


Level 3
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Thread ‘Doctor Application | simp69’
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Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I would describe my activity 6 to 7. I do not spend most of my day on srp due to my studies however, when I have off days or it is the weekend i spend a good 4 to 5 hours online.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
To start off I played in a wide range of D&D campaigns, spanning a wide variety of genres. I would say I learned a lot of my basic roleplay knowledge here due to all the different genres of campaigns I would be involved in. Then, I started srp around 3 years ago playing on and off, becoming more active as I went. I was extremely active in the highschool sport faction for nearly a year mainly being involved in the female volleyball team. It was here that I feel that being a part of this team not only allowed me to be in some pretty unique roleplay situations, still it allowed me to develop my normal and DetailRP skills as well.
Wishing for something else I took myself and applied for the ems faction in August. I truly learned a lot here, not only in how a town or larger faction in general worked but also how many unique ways of rping there are. Whilst I was not able to stay for long due to real life concerns I did pass my exam and had a blast whilst I was doing it!

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
HS Grade 12 - simp69
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Sciences| biology/ microbiology

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I wish to try something unique, new and hands-on. I found that in most rp situations i’ve been in so far I always seem to find myself in the same sort of situations over and over again. I feel that with being in the professor role whilst yes, you can expect to encounter the same things a couple of times, you have the power to try and do something each class as you are the one physically teaching.
Not only that but I have first hand knowledge in the subject I'd love to teach. This is due to the fact I myself am studying forensics science in my chosen course. It is heavily biology based and due to that fact I have found myself gaining a plethora of useful and some damn right just weird knowledge. Yet, I think they’d make perfect material for a class!

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I’d absolutely love to host a field trip to the woods. Now some will say that this has been done before, and yes it has, however when I was thinking of what to do this immediately came to mind. One, due to the fact that there is so much natural biology in this environment it is unreal! Two, the unique group and self roleplay that could be provided in this setting is amazing.
For this trip I would organise for students to be taken to the woods just behind the school. They would either work in pairs, or alone if they prefer, and would need to rp out at least 3 situations of foraging and collecting items that they would typically find in the woods; whether this be plant life or even insects. By encouraging to do this not only are you providing unique roleplay situations where they need to action out situations they’ve probably never been in before but also allow them to learn and think about different biological factors they would typically find in the ecosystem around them. We would then go back to the classroom and examine they items found by the students under the microscope, this could be done in a second lesson if needed, however, by allowing them to further explore what they collected it would be allowing them to find ways to expand on their previous knowledge whilst also guiding them in knowledge about what they’ve collected. Creating an interactive situation where I as a professor can help the students and the students themselves can always ask me or other students questions; opening up the classroom in general.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Collecting fingerprints from objects–
It is in this class the scenario of fingerprint collection would be proposed to the students. They would first be led through what they are looking for when it comes to fingerprints, including how different types of grips can lead to different looking fingerprints as well as different types of shapes that can be found in prints themselves; all leading to the unique fingerprints we find solely on one individual in the world. After this a wide collection of objects, such as bottles for example, would be given to the class. After this they would be walked through the process of fingerprint extraction on a wide variety of surfaces, looking at different techniques to lifting and preservation itself. This class looks at the real life applications of biology and the subclasses that it can be used in, forensics for example, overall showing the students that there is more to biology that just plants and animals and it can in fact lead to real life jobs in forces such as the ems and even the police.
This activity promotes imagination when it comes to the class as, whilst my knowledge stands there are no electronic or light microscopes currently implemented in the game, due to this fact students would need to then rp and imagine the object was in front of them when in reality it wouldn’t be. This is a completely doable class as as long as the instructions are clearly given the class would be enjoyable and interesting to those who attend as it would provide a unique experience in terms of rp and knowledge that would be provided.

Examining fingerprints under microscope-
For this interactive portion students would be encouraged to take the fingerprint slides they preserved in the previous lesson and examine them under the microscope. They will be guided in how to properly set up a microscope as well as its magnification and stage for the slides. They will then use their knowledge to select the correct magnification and lighting to find and identify the types of printing they can see on the slides they have collected, using their previous knowledge from the class previously held to accurately describe any pits, scar, loops, whirls ect. That they can see. It is here they will also be encouraged to see if they can find matching fingerprints, indicating that they originated from the same individual.
As there is no instance where real fingerprints could be provided, in-game examples of real fingerprints would be given and students would be encouraged to look up these scenarios on their own to see the real application of the process they are currently completing.

I'd just like to state that even though these are the two examples I have stated, there are several more classes revolving around microbiology, biogenetics and ecology that i have several ideas for and would love to teach! Some of my ideas involve interactive quizzes as well as work books for the students to complete however, these activities would be purely interactive to encourage class participation.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

First of all If Naka saw this situation unfold he’d try and act as the mitigator for both sides. Trying to separate both sides from each other is one of his top priorities, align side keeping it fair for all involved, once they are separating and in the midst of calming down he would then begin to try and gain perspective from both sides involved, as well as taking sideline perspectives into consideration. From what he’s gathered, Naka would not be eager to give out a detention at first sight especially if it’s his first time dealing with the offenders. Whilst detention would be given in the case if physical injuries are present, on either side, or the fighting doesn't cease a quick, quiet and stern talk would be given to both sides. Ultimately encouraging them to not behave the way they have again or more severe consequences would be given. When it comes to the victim Naka would make sure everything was ok with them and check this wasn’t a recurring thing. If everything checks out either detention would be given, if the situation was severe, or they would be let off with a warning and reminded of the type of educational setting they were in.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Naka, trying his best to remain patient, would redirect the student to complete their task. Asking them to finish their work first before anything else, reminding them of the setting they have found themselves in. Naka would find himself constantly keeping an eye on the student in question, making sure they are following the task at hand and not distracting other students. Verbal warnings would be given if the behaviour does not cease and in cases where extra help is needed SLT would be called if available. It is then at the end of the detention period that if the student still has any questions they’d like to ask they could use that time to ask Naka; if they are appropriate.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
When it comes to the phones, Naka would remind the cheerleaders of both the school rules and his classroom rule of no phones in class. Keeping an eye on them after the first warning, if the behaviour continued Naka would speak to the students about their behaviour, further explaining that he would need to take their phones due to their disruptive behaviour. If no resistance is given and they begin to focus on their work at hand that would be the end of the situation, gaining them their phones back at the end of class. However, if resistance to the request has been given and they are either continuing on with their behaviour or just flat out resisting giving Naka their phones they would be given detention then swiftly asked to leave the class. When it comes to calling out the other students, Naka would personally speak to them at the first instance when they exhibit this behaviour. Explaining to them what they are doing will not be tolerated and that they need to apologise to the student they were previously calling out. If no further behaviour like this is exhibited they would be let off with a warning and be put on Naka’s personal watch list whilst on the other hand, if they refuse to apologise or continue on their behaviour they will be given a detention immediately; highlighting that this behaviour is not ok. He would explain to them the reasoning behind his decision to issue a detention and keep a further eye on them. In some cases he would ask them to leave his class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Naka would immediately try and break up the students, verbally threatening them with SLT intervention and detention as he did so. If this worked he would go down his regular route of trying to figure out what happened, getting help for the right people and issuing punishment as needed. If this did not help however, Naka would then call for backup straight away continuing to try and separate the students as he did so. Going as far as to call SLT like he threatened if needed. At the end of the day all students involved in the physical altercation would be issued with a detention, no exceptions given.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Nakayama Nobuyuki stands at a commanding 6 '1’’, with an imposing figure that commands any room he might be in, taking pride in his graciously proportioned body. Looking at Nakayamas face you see a set of dark brown fluffy hair that transcends down to his shoulders at the front and stops at mid length the rest of the way, only framing his sharp fox-like eyes further as they constantly scan his surroundings; always cool and calculating. Despite all of this, his movements are quick, sharp and even elegant to some; taking immense pride in how he presents himself when out and about. If you ever get to know Nakayama better you would see that his shoulders, arms and even his chest are riddled with tattoos that have significant meaning to him.

Naka’s personality is quite closed off to those who do not know him. With an aura that exudes confidence, a mouth that speaks few words and a stature that screams elegance those around Naka gain mixed signals surrounding his personality. However, those who know him are well aware of his serious and dedicated nature. Taking what he does well with both hands ensures he can guarantee the best educational and life outcome for his students and personal work. However, this does not come without the same expectation from the students and colleagues around him; if he’s putting in all their effort they should as well. Education to Naka is a sacred commitment that he made at the start of his career, swearing he would always aim for the best for his students.
Outside of his career though, Naka knows how to live a good life. Surrounding himself with those he considers friends and family is extremely important to him; opening up his heart to those he considers himself to be close with. You could most likely find him at the beach or shopping district in his free time, preferably with his friends if he can help it.
Whilst Naka knows there is more to life than just education, he’d like to help develop the future generation for as long as he possibly can; they are the future of Karakura after all.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
It was never in Naka’s plan to get into teaching, actually it was quite the opposite. All his life he wanted to join the police force and work fervently to gain his position in the forensics science and crime scene investigation unit. However, as it turned out, life has other plans for him. Naka had great plans for his university career. Taking first place on his course by the end of his first, second and third year was a great achievement for him. However, by the time it came to take his fourth year Naka became severely depressed. Feeling like he was at the lowest in his life Nakayama was reluctant to continue his studies, wishing to drop out then and there. However, when the news caught wind to the professor of Naka’s biology class, he would not let him go without a fight. Seeing the immense amount of talent for the subject at hand, the professor tried everything in his arsenal to make Naka feel better in himself and his studies; offering support wherever and whenever he could. In the end after countless months of comfort, support and encouragement from both his professor and support group he now attended Naka was able to continue on in his course at the top of his class and even gain a masters in the subject. This whole experience didn’t leave him unchanged though. After experiencing such hardships and only managing to survive through it due to the help of someone he only once considered a professor, it changed his point of view on his future completely; allowing him to have the hope that he could be that support system to someone else as well. Turning him away from the police and into teaching.


Full Name:
Nakayama Nobuyuki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Nakayama

Preferred Name: Naka

Age: 28

Gender & pronouns: Male, He/Him

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 4

Working Experience (# of years): 4

Academic Degree: Masters

Year of Graduation: 2020

Major(s): Forensic Biology

Minors: Chemistry

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: Japanese sign language

Preferred Teaching Subject: Biology

Extra: Microbiology​
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
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