I had 6 different highschoolers and 2 college characters flirt with my Professor char and it is a nono T_T.
I had 6 different highschoolers and 2 college characters flirt with my Professor char and it is a nono T_T.
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My college character gets regular attempts at 'being rizzed?'' by some goofy Greenies - I guess as a way to pull my leg (or troll).
Usually, as soon as one of these goofy goobers switch into ''rizz mode,'' I just ignore them.
I have never wittnessed the "Forbidden Love" trope materialize earnestly, pursued in consent, and in all seriousness.
You could theoretically roleplay a tragic doom-fated student-adult conflict based on romance, but I haven't met any people yet who didn't just use the setup as a crude joke.
edit: also, +1 (I don't know if this isn't already covered by the rules)