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Prqbus - HS Council Application


Level 110
What is your Minecraft Username?:

My main is Ordinqry and my alt (the one I'm applying with) is Prqbus.
Past warns/kicks/bans?:
On this account, I've not recieved any warnings or bans yet and I do not plan to.
On my main, I've ever only gotten warnings from my early days on SRP.

What is your timezone?:
I currently reside in the EST timezone, living in the US.
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Russian Language Application - DENIED
Russian Language Application 2 - DENIED
Russian Language Application 3 - ACCEPTED
Chinese Language Application - ACCEPTED
Italian Language Application - DENIED
Italian Language Application 2 - ACCEPTED
College Council Application - DENIED
Chinese Language Application - ACCEPTED
Journalism Application - DENIED
Greek Language Application - ACCEPTED
JSL Language Application - ACCEPTED
Height Application - ACCEPTED
Height Application - DENIED
Height Application 2 - DENIED
Height Application - DENIED
Height Application 2 - DENIED
KPD Internship Application - ACCEPTED
College Council Application - ACCEPTED (For this one, I was accepted for basketball right before this application was accepted so I didn't accept the position in the end due to not having an alt at the time)
Lore Team Application - DENIED
Lore Team Application 2 - DENIED
Height Application - ACCEPTED
Malagasy Language Application - ACCEPTED (This application is currently the only one for the account I'm applying with)

Describe your activity on the server?:
Speaking from a range of 1-10, I would say roughly a 6 or a 7. Usually, I'd log on for about 9-11 hours a day. I am usually seen to be playing with the sports plugins or just running around/roleplaying.
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
I completely understand this and I will try my best not to go inactive.

What is the student council?:

The student council is a group of volunteers from both the highschool section and the college section, each of them handpicked to secure and improve the school. The council is in charge of managing what to do with the school and how to improve it for everyone, students and faculty alike. With help from the SLT, they are allowed to make changes to the school. Councillors are also free to help with school clubs with events and such. In many cases, councillors are to stop troublemakers from making.. well, any trouble!

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
Formerly, I was not able to accept the role as a councillor due to the lack of an alternate account. Now, I can re-apply for the position now that I do have an alt. However, I did apply at my own free will. No one really gave me a suggestion to apply.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
Like I said earlier, councillors are normally responsible for making any helpful or fun changes to the school with the help of the SLT division. Councillors are free to help clubs with hosting events and anything they need. If trouble is spotted, councillors try their best to stop the fight and come up with a solution for the parties that are arguing. For example, if a fight had started, a councillor would immediately step into the argument before anyone was majorly hurt.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I am usually very active with stuff. Even though I sometimes procrastinate, I can finish my work pretty quickly. I never exceed mroe than 2 days to finish something. From my time here on SRP, I've grown rather close with the community and I enjoy working with other people. As a current journalist, I'd say making reports is a whole lot of fun, especially while interviewing people.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
As I said in my previous application, I love debates and that'll never change. I've always loved to talk back and I think that is a good aspect to debate, as long as I control what I say. I would think debating would probably be in council for choosing the right ideas or the right way to change an idea, such and such. Another thing I would like would be the events. I've seen councillors are usually working with club groups to host events and I would heavily enjoy being a part of that, considering the maximum amount of clubs is only 3.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I have currently not been on any other roleplay servers except this one, SchoolRP! I can, however, summarize my experience on this server.

I've been playing SchoolRP for almost a year and a half, as you can see on my forums, I joined back in April of 2020. Though I did take a small break early in, I've grown a lot with roleplaying. I first started with GangRP, which I quit since I made my first SRP Shaded character, Felix MacLeod, the character I applied with last time. After that, I joined Swim Team for quite a small time, evolving my DetailRP ever since then. I quit official teams for a while, moving on with unofficial team; Golden Leos, Royal Ravens, and a looot more which would take way too long to tell. After a while in that, I joined the basketball team, which also helped as a motivation to DetailRP. And finally, I joined the Silver Auras which recently became a club team.

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:

I probably wouldn't pass it by and immediately say no unless it's like a reaallllyyyyy bad decision like.. from the top of my mind; adding bungee cords to the roof? That idea I would definitely say no to. However, if it was a better idea like.. adding more teams or adding more sports courts? Maybe I would agree to it. If the idea does have some potential, I would help the member with improving it before they resubmit the idea. If it still looks to be a bad idea, sure we'll drop it, but if other members end up agreeing as well, we can all work on improvements.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
Well obviously, I wouldn't let it go that easily without proper reasoning! Like, if I submitted the idea to make a roof dangling event, sure I'll drop it! (no pun intended and I totally didn't submit an idea like that to journalism already...) But if it was like a legit idea that I think would work, I'll work on it! Like, adding different foods to lunchtime, maybe! I would work on improvements like, maybe if that idea's not good, we could serve it only one a week, or every OOC day? Who knows?!? If it still sounds terrible to the councillors, yeah sure, I'll drop it then. At least I tried, right?

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
That won't do at all, I would just try to stop the argument. Maybe whip out an airhorn to get some silence between everyone? I could call the Council President or Vice President if they aren't already there, or just call an SLT member if it got extremely serious. Hopefully, this won't happen, right?

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
Bullying is wrong, especially for a councillor. In a situation like this (if I ever have to face it), I would call any faculty members to back me up just in case, before walking up to the councillor and telling them to stop. If they understand and realize what they're doing, sure I'll let it go. If they do it again, I'll report them to the higher-ups! If the victim is in any way physically or mentally hurt, I would get them to a nurse or counselor, whichever one depending on the situation.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
Well it depends on if its a debate or argument. If its an argument, I probably wouldn't argue back. If they continued to get mad, I'd simply call an SLT member, I probably wouldn't have any power to do anything more. However, if it was a debate, it would be a simple debate, we'd talk until one wins and that's that! No one really gets hurt.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
If I realized what was going on, I would try to stop whatever argument they have, try to seperate them maybe, or help sort out their problems. I think it would be a good idea to have them talk it out in the council room and try to help them fix whatever it is. If the argument went too far, I would simply report it to the higher-ups (being the SLT, VPs and Ps) to fix.
There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
There's not much I could do but call an SLT member to fix this. A councillor would most likely not have a lot of power over school faculty, considering their age difference and all. If this ever did happen, the only solution I would have would be to call the SLT to deal with them!

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I would abandon them as a friend. How dare they use me?!? Not only would I say no, I would simply ignore them. If there's a next time, I would report it to the higher-ups, telling them how someone is trying to take advantage of me to leave detention.

Character Name: Lux Aldridge

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 18

Character phone-number: 395-549-168

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Lux is usually a charming little fella. He'd often be seen playing sports or around the other Aldridges. Sometimes, Lux would usually appear as a quiet student, not prone to talking. However, once you get to know him, he would almost never shut up! Being a quiet child, Lux would usually not run towards people he has dislikings to, as it would end up causing trouble in the end.

Character appearance/attire:

Lux is prone to wearing hoodies, usually with the hood off. In other cases, he'd dress in the usual school uniform.

Description: Lux would appear to be a 6'2 Malagasy male. His fluffy brown hair would also match with his beautiful brown eyes. A scent of vanilla enveloped the energetic male. A full black platinum ring wrapped around his left middle finger.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
To be completely honest, I donn't really have any aspects that differ from other applicants. Then again, I don't know who the other applicants really are. So in my opinion, what makes me stick out is my dedication. Once I have a goal, I'm sure to achieve it, even if it takes weeks. Another thing would be my ability to actually do stuff. Work usually takes me pretty quickly due to me not liking just piles of assignments to complete.

Why do you want this position?:
I haven't really done a lot since I moved to Karakura. Sports teams aren't really for me so it's hard to find something to enjoy. Becoming a councillor would really be a new experience for me and I want to try it out! Maybe I'll really enjoy it or maybe I'll hate it but I want to find something to do in my free time.. since I kind of have a lot of it. It'd be nice to see what council's all about, be a change for once?

What interests you the most about student council?:
I would say the amount of things they're allowed to do. Supporting the clubs sound very fun to me but what I'd really enjoy would be debates. If I'm honest, I'm a chatterbox sometimes! Debate would be perfect for me, right? I could probably go on and on about a topic and still have fun doing it. Joining council would be perfect!

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
A possible contribution would be making an event, like, maybe an award ceremony or a capture the flag game someday? The award ceremony could be to congratulate our top students on their successes, like the top grades in a subject or the favorite sport member, similar to the student of the month stuff. A capture the flag game would just make everyone happy, like who wouldn't love a game of capture the flag? Now let's get to safety. From what I've seen, there's been a lot of fights placed in school. Now we don't want that, would we? I don't think a detention would do them any good, like what if they attack the next time? We should add... security guards! Security guards would definitely help, considering Karakura is a dangerous place...


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
- You've been contacted through DM's about what's next! Congratulations!

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