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Denied Psychiatrist Application | cherae <3


Level 5

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

  1. IGN (In-Game Name):
  2. cherades is the account I am applying for
  3. main account: Cherae

  4. What is your discord username?
  5. cherae

  6. Describe your activity on the server:
  7. When it comes to my activity I’d like to give myself at least an 8. I’d bump it up to a 9 if I didn’t sleep till noon everyday. Til' August I have quite literally nothing on my plate; I am fully available whenever. Come August I will be returning to College but will be mostly online. Mondays and Wednesdays I will have 1 class in the afternoon unfortunately. I try to be online most days but occasionally will have an OOC responsibility that will have to take priority. I do have most of my activity on my main account as my alt account is kinda boring. Hence why I’m applying! Wooo! I'd say my current activity on the server would realistically be from noon-midnight Monday-Saturday in my time zone, occasionally earlier or later. I'm pretty much always available on discord unless I am asleep.

  8. What is your timezone?:
  9. Central Standard Time - CST

  10. List your current and past applications:

  11. [*]
  12. List your current roles on the server:
  13. As of now I am on the College Volleyball team!

  14. What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
  15. I've been in the SRP community for four years now!!!! Although I took about half a year of that time off of actually playing, I remained in most of the discord servers and tried my best to stay up to date on everything going on. I also stayed in contract with a few people. During my first main time on SRP I was a part of multiple teams including Volleyball and Track.. As well as participating in multiple clubs such as the fashion, photography and debate. Oh! And I was involved with the frat and sorority before that ended. I also have previous experience with EMS already, I can't really remember how long I was in the faction but in 2021 I was accepted and remained involved until I decided to leave SRP. I know during my previous time on EMS I didn't do as much as I could've and I would genuinely love another chance to get back into it and prove what I can do. I previously joined EMS when I already practically had one foot out the door on the game, but I've been back for a year now and have no plans on leaving anytime soon. Before I joined SRP I was involved in some online roleplay groups from about 2018-2020 and left those when I got into SRP. Those groups focused a lot on detail based activities and I learned a lot of what I know today from it. As stated in my previous application, for the sake of my embarrassment I'd rather keep the group information to myself.. Overall I really enjoy creative writing and just writing in general. I try to detail-rp as much as I can when I'm involved in RP. Writing is kinda like my escape from everything and SRP just makes it 10x easier.

    What is your motivation for applying?
  16. I cannot express how badly I want to return to EMS. This is my third application this go around, at this point I feel desperate. My motivation to apply stems from the lack of stuff I have to do on SRP currently. I’m longing for more. Yes, I am on a team on my main account, but I’ve been doing that for a while now. And I'm mostly limited to JockRP. Not that it’s boring or anything.. I’m just craving something- new! Or at least somewhat new. I had so much fun during my first experience of EMS. I met so many wonderful people and I genuinely wish I worked harder for it. When it comes to the actual role I am applying for, I’ve always had a love for psychology and mental health. I like to believe that I’m the person my friends would come to when they need to open up about things, and I love that. So why not take it to SRP with a whole new character and see where it takes me.

  17. Which role are you applying for?
  18. (Doctor or Psychiatrist)
  19. I am applying for Psychiatrist!

  20. What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
  21. All of my knowledge really comes from my previous time within the EMS faction, I am definitely ready and willing to learn all about it again; including the new stuff!
  22. Ranks (In Order)
    Director - The Director is the highest (And most important) position within the hospital. I.E. The head of the entire hospital. They are the ones keeping everything together but also the ones who are in charge of major changes within the hospital.
    Clinical Manager - Right hand man to the director. They are in charge of the clinical leads and is the one to train said leads on how to become the best leader for their position. They're more likely to be seen on the floor than the director.. though sometimes it isn't the case. Being a clinical manager is a lot of work and requires good leadership skills.
    Clinical Lead - Being a Clinic Lead is an important job to uphold. It's a very similar job to the Head of departments but are able to do just a bit more under the clinical managers approval.
    Head of Department - The head of one specific departments. They are in charge of training and giving out all the information that trainee’s may need. It is important that they evaluate their trainee's carefully. Once they see that a pupil is ready, they forward them into the testing phase. In whish case they look over their results to see if they are ready or not.
    Senior - The step below Heads.. It takes a lot to become a senior in your position.. normally requires a lot of work and I'm sure you've earned it if you have it.
    Attending - Woo-- You're kinda considered a higher up. Becoming an attending ____ is a job with high prestige. It's an important title within the hospital and they are the ones that officials will report to.
    Official - A step above Resident. Once you are an official, you no longer have to work under supervision and can preform tasks or prescribe medications on your own account.
    Resident - The newest hospital employees. Fresh outta' college and onto the real thing. This role preforms the least out of all of the ranks.. Mostly needing guidance or approval before doing some things. Residents are unable to go off duty until they have completed all the in-hospital trainings and passed their exams. (Unless given permission to do otherwise)

    - The one to diagnose people with diseases within their body. They are the ones to treat severe and fatal injuries. Being a Surgeon takes a lot of patients, skills, and training. They have to be able to perform the toughest of operations. Surgeons have access to the pharmacy and are able to prescribe their patients. This is one of the hardest roles amongst them.
    Psychiatrist - The ones who works with emotional diagnosis. Pretty much an M.D. that focuses on the brain. Assisting and helping patients by listening to their problems, taking notes, and asking questions to the patients. They focus on mental health issues for patients. They are able to give out prescriptions for mental health medications, and they are permitted to use the pharmacy to give out mental health medications only.
    Doctor - AKA a general practitioner. Doctors note down patients' symptoms and find a diagnosis for it. Though this does not including mental illnesses. A doctors main focus is figuring out what the patient is suffering from and which prescription would be right for them. Doctors are there for the less severe injuries, compared to a surgeon at least. However, they still are crucial to the department.
    Paramedics - Paramedics are the ones on emergency scenes outside of the hospital! They're responsible for bringing people in who are in dire need for more than just a bandage. There's only so much you can do in the middle of the woods, if that makes sense.
  23. Veterinarian - The newest (and coolest) role in the hospital. They work with all the karakura creatures and help with anything they physically need. Ranging from a cut under their fur to even past limbs being injured. I mean come on! Who wouldn't wanna work with all the animals wondering around. (Besides the bears.......jk?)

  24. Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
    Yes I fully understand.

    In-Character (IC) Section

  25. Character’s Full Name:
  26. Sterling Kallis
  27. Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
  28. Female - She/Her
  29. Character’s Age (if accepted):
  30. 27
  31. Character’s Academic Background:
  32. (Grade-12/Bachelor/Masters/PhD)
  33. PHD in Psychology
  34. Masters in Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
  35. Character’s Nationality:
  36. Greek, English (England)
  37. Character’s Marital Status:
  38. Single / Widowed
  39. Character’s Religious Denomination:
  40. She currently does not find herself under any religious denomination.
  41. Character’s Spoken Languages:
  42. Japanese
    (Will be applying for English if accepted)
  43. Character Backstory:
    • Born the 6th of March, 1997 on the sun-drenched shores of Santorini, Greece, a land of ancient beauty and boundless possibilities. Sterling was a child of sunshine and happiness, her outgoing nature and loving heart drew people to her like moths to a flame. Sterling's early years were like a symphony of laughter. She spent most of her days basking in the beauty of her homeland, exploring the rugged landscapes and beaches that surrounded her.
    • At the age of three, Sterling's life took a pivotal turn as her family relocated to Manchester, England, due to her father getting stationed there because of the Military. The transition to a new country was a seamless one for the Kallis family, as her mother's roots in Liverpool provided a sense of familiarity in their new surroundings. Despite the challenges of adapting to a different culture and way of life, Sterling embraced her new home with open arms.
    • Sterling excelled when it came to academics. It was her pride and joy. She absolutely loved being an academic weapon; even managed to graduate two years early from college to continue her education at Uni. Sterling pursued a Ph.D. in Psychology and a master's degree in Osteopathic Medicine as she was driven by a curiosity about the complexities of the human mind, as well as a passion for understanding and healing. It was during her university studies that Sterling crossed paths with William Sallow, a fellow Psychology student whose intellect and warmth captured her heart. Their connection blossomed into a deep and abiding love, eventually marrying when Sterling was just 20 years old.
    • At the age of 22, Sterling learned she was expecting a baby girl, a precious gift that filled her heart with joy. The promise of a future filled with love and happiness seemed within reach when tragedy struck. Seems as fate had other plans in store for Sterling when William's life was tragically cut short in a car accident, leaving Sterling adrift in a sea of grief. The unbearable weight of her loss ultimately led to a heartbreaking miscarriage that sunk Sterling into even deeper pain and sorrow. Not only had she lost the love of her life, but she had now lost her soon to be princess.
    • Despite the crushing weight of her grief, Sterling persevered, finding peace in her studies and the healing power of medicine. She continued her education and graduated nearly top of her class. Continuing on to complete her 3-year residency at St James's University Hospital in England. Sterling had unwavering determination and a immense commitment to her patients, drawing strength from her own experiences of loss and heartache to offer compassion and empathy to those in need.
    • It took a few years but inevitably she got past her grief and sought therapy during her residency. But there was one issue… How would she move past everything whilst still living in their home, sleeping in the same bed that they once shared. It felt impossible to her. Sterling knew she had to make a change. She made a courageous decision to leave behind everything she's ever known and embark on a new chapter of her life in Japan. The land of cherry blossoms and ancient traditions beckoned to her, offering a sanctuary of peace and renewal where she could begin the process of rebuilding her shattered spirit and rediscovering the light of hope within her heart.
    • In her work as a psychiatrist, Sterling found a sense of purpose, taking pride in her ability to connect with her patients on a deep and meaningful level. She felt most alive and authentic when helping those struggling with mental illness, drawing upon her own experiences to offer a guiding hand on their journey towards healing. As Sterling navigates the winding paths of her new life in Japan, she carries with her the scars of her past. Despite her new-found shyness from her fear of forming close connections caused by the thought of losing all those she's close to, Sterling's capacity for empathy and understanding shines brightly, illuminating the lives of those she touches with a sense of warmth that transcends words.
    • Dr. Sterling Kallis' story is a testament to the resilience in the face of unimaginable loss and heartache. Through her journey of self-discovery and transformation, Sterling hopes to learn how to open her heart once more to the beauty and possibility that life has to offer, forging new connections, and finding solace in the healing power of human connection. In the gentle breeze and the blossoming of cherry trees, Sterling will find the strength to bloom once more herself.


    • What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
      Sterling had originally planned on specializing in Military psychiatry before she moved to Japan as she herself dealt with and saw first hand how much it can affect someone. Growing up surrounded by family members in the military taught her a lot and she wanted to put the knowledge to use. Since moving she'd be focusing on child and adolescent psychiatry as it would be more useful in Karakura. She has no difficulties with children and honestly deep down this is the specialty she had been wanting all along.

      What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
      Dr. Kallis completed three years of residency in England at St James's University Hospital.

    • Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
  44. Besides her years in residency, no. Her work experience may be shorter than the average applicant but she brings a lot to the table with her knowledge.

    Has your character completed any additional schooling?


    Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others

    Dr. Kallis stood at a modest 5'7" and she carries herself with an understated confidence. She'd have the look of a mid twenties lass, but still looked rather young for her age. Her cheeks were full accompanied with little dimples in both sides that became more prominent when she'd smile. Sterling's eyes were rather cat like and possess a deep green hue that sparkles with warmth and intelligence. With skin that falls somewhere between tan and pale, she exudes a natural radiance that captivates those around her. She'd have a button nose that adds to her adorable charm; accompanied by plump lips that always seemed to have gloss on them. Her natural brunette hair cascades down to her waistline in a straight, healthy flow. During the average workday, she'd keep it up and out of her face in a neat bun with few strands on her forehead, rarely wearing much makeup. Sterling Kallis would be perceived as a “happy go lucky” kinda gal. She doesn’t seem to have a fear or issue with anything. She's just living her present life to the fullest. Her bubbly voice and enthusiastic personality make it easy for others to enjoy her company. Sterling takes pride in her profound dedication to her career, striving in excellence in all of her actions. Her coworkers recognize her as a compassionate professional, admired for her steady commitment to patient care. In the eyes of those shes close to, Sterling Kallis is a beacon of ambition, radiating the warmth and light of the sun, even amidst life's darkest moments. Despite her past, she holds a deep-seated dedication to her career, striving for excellence in all her actions.

  45. STERLING.png
    Screenshot 2024-06-05 030430.png

    How does your character act on and off duty?
  46. While ‘On-Duty’, Dr. Kallis could be perceived as calm, nurturing and helpful. Although on a good day it’s noted that she is extra bubbly and talkative. Sterling tries to help her coworkers as much as she can, to relieve their workload. Despite her shyness, there's a sense of responsibility that guides her actions. With immaculate attention to detail, she executes her tasks well, ensuring that every aspect is completed with precision and care. Her commitment to her job is undeniable. When she isn’t with patients, she would enjoy sitting at the front desk, answering calls, or any questions people may have when there. She could routinely be found cleaning up the staff areas, waiting areas or anywhere she’s around. As she’d say: “A clean environment is a clean mindset.” I.E. The messier you are, the harder it could be to improve any mental health issues. When work has it's challenges, she remains neutral, calmly navigating through obstacles with grace. Her shy personality fades into the background as she focuses on the task at hand, channeling her energy into fulfilling her obligations. Sterling always tries to work her hardest and to succeed at everything she does. She was raised to be strong willed and to focus on working her hardest at everything.
    • When it comes to ‘Off-Duty’ Sterling, She remains her calm yet bubbly self. Retreating into the comfort of her apartment, where she can truly unwind and recharge. Here, surrounded by the familiarity of her own space, she indulges in the simple pleasures of relaxation, losing herself in the pages of a good book, simply allowing her mind to wander or, occasionally watching a cringey rom-com with some popcorn and wine. She often explores the world of creative expression, dabbling in painting or crafting, or maybe even learning how to crochet.. Either way, finding peace in the act of creation. Dr. Kallis doesn’t get out much.. That’s what we’re getting at here. When she does venture out into the world.. (Even then, her excursions are never all that much.) It's a leisurely stroll through her neighborhood, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around her, or a quiet trip to the local Karakura stores, she moves through the world with a sense of contentment, savoring the simple joys of everyday life.
    • Does your character function better on their own or with others?
    • Sterling would love to be able to say “Oh yeah! I work amazing with others.” But, she can’t... Well at least to a certain degree. If it were people she was comfortable with; she could work perfectly fine. However, if the people she’s with are new to her she tends to shy away until getting to know them better. Which of course could prohibit her working abilities. Her shyness sometimes isolates her, but she cherishes the independence it brings her. She functions best in the quiet moments, where she can retreat into herself, finding comfort in her own presence. When alone, she is free from the weight of expectations, and the eyes of judgment; she's able to work at her own pace and her own style. She can work with others if she must. Her 27 years have taught her the delicate balance between solitude and collaboration. When working alongside others, she contributes her insights and skills, she might just be unable to put her absolute best foot forward.
    • What plans does your character have for the future?
    • Ah! The future... Something Dr. Kallis tries to avoid thinking about as she fears she's “running out of time.” At least that’s what her family keeps telling her. With the lose of her husband at such a young age, Sterling struggles seeing past short term goals as she first handedly knows tomorrow isn't promised. She'd love to remarry and hopes to have children in the future. She's been longing for motherhood since a early age- probably too early. As cliche as it can seem, it’s something she longs for. She loves caring for her patients and would love to care for her own blood. Unfortunately, she struggles with the thought of re-marrying as she doesn't know how she could love someone as she did her previous husband. So instead she remains to her career focused goals. Furthering her career! Up the ladder as far as she can. The main focus being on improving her skills in the field to help as many patients as she can. There’s nothing better than watching a patient improve with their struggles to her. One of her biggest goals is to fully move on from her past and accept her new beginning to its fullest as that's why she moved.
    • Thank you for taking the time to view my application.
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Level 257
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation, meaning we tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history. Howerver, your application also contains information that has been plagarised from other sources and/or written by AI.

Nonetheless, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any future applications and therefore improve your chances of being accepted in future waves:
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server, and refrain from using AI within your applications.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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