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Psychiatrist Application | CouldBeDumpster


Level 30
Screenshot 2024-09-27 133946.png I know it says denied, but I was accepted through Discord
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In Tokyo Japan, Ayoki and Denji Yokuna welcomed into the world their first son, Kai Yokuna. The boy was loved and spoiled by his parents for the first few years of his life. Seeming to be the happiest child, Ayoki decided she wanted to have more children to let Kai have a close friend. On December 5th, Kinoko and Miko were born, fraternal twins. The youngest of the two, Kinoko, born 3 hours later, was underweight, and being sent to NICU. After a few years in life, Miko had grown a hatred for her siblings, noticing that because of Kinoko's health, she would get more attention from their mother, and due to Kai being the only boy, their father would spend more 'one-on-one' time with him. In reality, Denji was abusing Kai in an attempt to strengthen his manhood. He believed that Kai was too feminine to be a strong male, which is what Denji wanted since the day he found out he was having a son. By the age of 7, Kinoko had found out about her father's abuse towards her brother. She had walked into Kai's room one night after having a bad dream, where she was welcomed by a beaten young boy cowering in a corner. The finding out the truth about her brother and father, Kinoko was soon diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Where she had episodes quite often and would hurt herself and others around her. On the twins' 9th birthday, the day was fun, there was a large party and lots of presents. After the long day, Kinoko lit a candle in her room, something clicking in her head saying the words 'Kill. Kill. Kill.' Hearing her brother's cries from across the hall, she dropped the lit candle onto the floor. Setting fire to their home, where only the children would make it out alive.
Ayoki Yokuna's body was found charred in her bed. Meanwhile, Denji Yokuna's body was never found. They were both pronounced dead on December 6th with the Police's conclusion that this was an 'accident'. That day Kai and Miko were sent to a nearby orphanage. With the remaining money from their parent's will, Kinoko was sent to a boarding school to receive the close attention she needed.
By the time she turned 18, she decided to leave her current private school and moved to Karakura, Japan for a fresh start and hopefully a good education. In Karakura she had taken over the family known as "Lycan", where she would take on the mother role of every member. She tried to guide them all on a good path but found herself stuck when her boyfriend, Zach Nevio, seemed to be feared by her sons. After he was murdered though.. she found a letter from one of her passed sons, saying "Zach is dangerous. Stay away".
Shortly after the death of Zach Nevio, a man named Karito had moved into his place, saying he was a childhood friend and meant to take over the Nevio gang and continue keeping the name. During her grief, Karito and Kinoko became instantly close due to his odd resemblance of their passed mutual. They quickly became a couple and he instantly made her sons fear him. Due to her grief and her sons protectiveness, they hid their terror in order to try to keep her happy, caring more for Kinoko's happiness than their own safety. It wasn't until Karito broke her son Max's arm that she started to fear him herself, but she had no choice to stay. After a fight a week prior, they had made up in an intimate way, where she found herself pregnant at the age of 18. The sons in her family fought to keep her safe from both Karito and the outside world as she had locked herself in her bedroom in fear of the threats to her soon-to-be child. It wasn't until her 3rd trimester that she had stepped outside and was attacked by masked individuals, kicking her stomach until she bled out. The lead of the group being her own son, Amara.
Thus marked the 5 month period where Kinoko was in a constant depression and had schizophrenic episodes daily. Karito had lost both his eyes in gang wars and she had called off their engagement, feeling awful for losing his only child. It wasn't until her due date where her old brother Kai Yokuna realized, the baby hadn't died. Kinoko gave birth in her bedroom while the house was empty, the baby laid screaming on the bed as she was passed out from blood loss. Kai had found her and the child, immediately rushing them to the hospital, disappearing the next day with Kinokos baby in order to protect her from the people who wanted her dead and her own father, Karito. Kinoko awoke thinking she had hallucinated the entire ordeal, completely unaware that she was the mother of a healthy baby girl.
[W.I.P. Karakura History]
She stayed in Karakura for a year until she finished her high school education, moving to Shanghai, China to attend a school she found great reviews on from the people of the town and doing her own research online, Fudan University. She stayed in the university at the dorms until she graduated, obtaining her Associate Degrees in Culinary Arts and Master's degrees in Mathematics.
After Kinoko graduated from Fudan University she went back to her former high school McTyeire School for Girls. She had arranged a meeting with the principal prior to her graduation in order to get a spot in the faculty. Kinoko had wanted to teach at this school as she knew the environment was a comforting place for her to start out. It was a school she always felt safe in and each year the students would always improve. After a thorough interview with the Principal, Kinoko became their Culinary teacher for all grades. Kinoko felt it was better for the students to mingle with their older and younger peers in order to grow in a better environment. She felt that her class and teaching methods would make it so all students would feel safe and well-taught.
After attending and completing medical school, Kinoko went to the Jr Tokyo General Hospital. She stayed a part of the medical team for three years where she understudied the Director of the psychiatry department. After her first year, she was given her own office next door where she was able to see less-severe patients as a way to help her get on her feet and learn how to give diagnoses firsthand. This allowed her to receive a full-time job after she had completed another two as a residential employee, as well as being on call for patients 24 hours.
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