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Question for the Gangrp community!!


Level 8
Who is the top ten gangrps/crimerps on srp rn this can be bmd gang members leads, it can be based on activity rp anything state reasons <3


Level 45
In all honestly, I do not know of the current best GangRPer's or the best CrimeRPer's. However, this is NOT to be egotistical at all, there is members in Geheimer Verband that as of recently have been doing amazing at Roleplay. We have events lined up for the upcoming future, even while we do not base our organization off of permissions, and people might not see that as people are looking for permissions, we incorporate roleplay into our situations, we don't always like doing anything silly of sorts, we have to plan and map out any and all possibilities.

This is all opinion based, do not take this to heart! I still see everyone as an equal, as long as they do some sort of roleplay!


Level 8
Thread starter
In all honestly, I do not know of the current best GangRPer's or the best CrimeRPer's. However, this is NOT to be egotistical at all, there is members in Geheimer Verband that as of recently have been doing amazing at Roleplay. We have events lined up for the upcoming future, even while we do not base our organization off of permissions, and people might not see that as people are looking for permissions, we incorporate roleplay into our situations, we don't always like doing anything silly of sorts, we have to plan and map out any and all possibilities.

This is all opinion based, do not take this to heart! I still see everyone as an equal, as long as they do some sort of roleplay!
Yeah thats one of the reasons gv is one of the best gangs rn less perm activity and more rp based scenarios


Level 7
In terms of the best gangRPrs stats wise and more I dont want to have that ego but I am without a doubt top 5. I done so much over my 4 years never had a gang that wasnt UVG and had one that VG. Never been majored once same gangRP character until now. Raised the Hatake family, played a part in the Kaku-Kai vs Bonten war and founded Valhalla which revolutionised the current stage of GangRP. I dont really know what else I can add to my tally to be considered number 1


Level 9
The one and only, LuvZai. I'm sure you'll figure out why one day if you don't already know. (And niko as well.. sounds like he was pretty cool.)
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Level 116
My top five! Nooooot in order though, I love all of them. (Little edit - yes I realize this said top ten, but I frankly don't have the energy to put ALL of them down here so you get half of the request.)

She's more so of a BMD than anything from what I've managed to see, but she's still a really fun person to hear about when it comes to what she does on her characters that tend to go down that route. Such as Nayao Zhuang, for example! I love Nayao and I will never forget her, trust. There's also her other character, 'Prince' - who I have yet to remember the real name of. While this character remains mostly mysterious to me, I really want to interact with them more in the future.

He hasn't been on lately, but he still deserves a mention on this list anyways - what list is complete without him anyways? His 'main' character, the Mechanic, is genuinely one of the best written characters on the entire server in my opinion and probably one of my favorites I've managed to interact with. Same thing as Bheom, he's a very, very fun person to roleplay with and I really want to interact with the Mechanic once again - if he decides to bring him back, of course.

Moving onto people that are more 'up and coming' than anything as of right now, Tsuryoku also deserves a mention on this list. He's the leader of the Masahiko Yakuza Family which I am a part of, which is also an amazingly well-written thing in my opinion. I'm also aware that he used to be a part of the Akihito Clan, so that's another interesting fact about Tsuryoku!

He's one of the best BMDs and also my favorite lead of Fight Club, alongside an honorable mention of F1F4. Simplez is a nice person out of character, and is a rather smart one at that. His characters and stories are well written and tend to keep my attention, so this also lands him on the 'Top Five' within my list of Gang/CrimeRPers.

Man, I've been RPing with this dude since like late 2022. There's a good reason why he made it onto the lore team - he knows exactly how to write events and such, as well as word them properly. He was also the lead of Otake-Tatsu itself at some point during 2022-2023, which ended up being disbanded. His characters tend to be something to be remembered, such as his Sefu Tanaka character (who was also the leader of Otake at the time). Sefu himself is also just amazingly written and I'm glad I was able to actually properly interact with him.


Level 1
My list goes as follows(though not in order):

Zai. While many of the player bases who are active in gangrp/crimerp hate his guts, you can’t deny the hard work he has put into creating a gang like BD. And I can assure you that I haven’t been in a gang like BD. While we started rough and had some ups and downs, the growth that we made as a gang was undeniable and it wouldn’t be possible without Zai. He set up the events, supported us, and encouraged us that we needed to push forward, and no one can top that. (maybe nookski). So whether you hate or love this dude, he still stands at the top.

Niko. Much like Zai, this man has put in the hard work and dedication to creating a gang, Like Valhalla. While I don’t know him personally, I know that he has inspired many others to create something of their own. (I mean, remember the building blowing up?) He’s one of the players that most people know and love.

Cap7. I met this man before he started gangrp and he worked his way to the top. I wasn’t there for his journey to the top but i sure was surprised that he made it to BMD when I came back from my break from SRP.

Going on to gangs:

Black Dragons


Level 73
He hasn't been on lately, but he still deserves a mention on this list anyways - what list is complete without him anyways? His 'main' character, the Mechanic, is genuinely one of the best written characters on the entire server in my opinion and probably one of my favorites I've managed to interact with. Same thing as Bheom, he's a very, very fun person to roleplay with and I really want to interact with the Mechanic once again - if he decides to bring him back, of course.
Always remember that any person that puts genuine effort towards the roleplay depiction of "gang roleplay," is a good roleplayer and deserves recognition. A list is entirely subjective and inherently biased to multiple sides that it's really not easy to list down a set of players that would count as the "top ten."


Level 116
View attachment 69165
Always remember that any person that puts genuine effort towards the roleplay depiction of "gang roleplay," is a good roleplayer and deserves recognition. A list is entirely subjective and inherently biased to multiple sides that it's really not easy to list down a set of players that would count as the "top ten."
I will personally throw you
(This is a joke SRP)

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
There's been too many of you! Old Generation or New Generation? Can't Decide.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Had a hard time compiling this list but here you go guys. Ranked best to least best:



Level 108
A list insnt worth putting as its genuienly a RP experienced based list. I will not be listing but I do think that there are definitely people who are rising and / or making some form of changes or new ways of playing. Soon enough this list will mean nothing as the new generation is soon coming and will most likely bring better players.


Level 30
A list insnt worth putting as its genuienly a RP experienced based list. I will not be listing but I do think that there are definitely people who are rising and / or making some form of changes or new ways of playing. Soon enough this list will mean nothing as the new generation is soon coming and will most likely bring better players.
That's the sad reality of it. Newer players join nearly everyday and many of them have already started GangRP or CrimeRP, making it closer to a new generation of Gang and Crime RP and it might take them a while to make a name for themselves but knowing that newer more dedicated players may join, it would outweigh much of the significance of the current GangRPers. That's not to say they haven't achieved a lot already but there is only so much current or older GangRPers can achieve until its time to throw in the towel.


Level 115
@Oli is the best gangRP'er I know, he has been in the gang RP community for ages and has been a higher-up in many gangs in the past, and overall was one of the best PVP and roleplay GangRP'ers since he joined SRP. Sadly not a lot of people know about his massive influence and history within the community, but he really deserves more recognition.
This is all very true.

Anyway here is my OVERALL list. This means it does include people who are no longer on the server. (NOT IN ORDER)
- Nylu
- F1F4
- DarkxWalker
- RobinZee
- Tearliner
- HunterHampter
- Revra
- Kengan
- x_z

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