What is your Minecraft username?:
The username of the account I’m applying with is rathounds.
What is your time zone?:
My current time zone is CET (Central European Time)
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
My discord username is vikushko.
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Here are my current applications as of writing this:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’ve been fairly active on the server for over a year, although I took a few months off recently. I am usually online for at least a couple of hours a day, most often roleplaying with my friends. I am always looking for ways to expand my roleplay experiences.
In terms of playtime (as of writing this application) . . .
My main account, houndrats, is sitting at 4w 3d 3h 21m.
My alt account, rathounds, is sitting at 5d 17h 45m.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been fairly active on SchoolRP, notably participating in the Yamaguchi-Gumi v. Akihito event, as well as previously being a part of the KPD, amongst other smaller events, and, naturally, small-scale roleplay with friends. I mostly enjoy roleplaying in detail, creating interesting characters, and delving deep into their stories.
Outside of SchoolRP, I have previous experience roleplaying on other albeit much smaller Minecraft servers, as well as extensive roleplay experience with Dungeons and Dragons, both as a DM and a player.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
As of posting this application, I am College Bachelor on my main account (houndrats), and Grade-12 on my alt account, which I am applying with (rathounds).
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I am interested in teaching Psychology.
What is your Minecraft username?:
The username of the account I’m applying with is rathounds.
What is your time zone?:
My current time zone is CET (Central European Time)
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
My discord username is vikushko.
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Here are my current applications as of writing this:
rathounds | KPD application | ACT 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): The IGN of the account I’m applying for is rathounds. (My main account’s IGN is houndrats.) Discord Name & Tag: My discord tag is vityq#0044. Previous bans: I have not been previously banned as of writing this application. Describe your...
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’ve been fairly active on the server for over a year, although I took a few months off recently. I am usually online for at least a couple of hours a day, most often roleplaying with my friends. I am always looking for ways to expand my roleplay experiences.
In terms of playtime (as of writing this application) . . .
My main account, houndrats, is sitting at 4w 3d 3h 21m.
My alt account, rathounds, is sitting at 5d 17h 45m.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been fairly active on SchoolRP, notably participating in the Yamaguchi-Gumi v. Akihito event, as well as previously being a part of the KPD, amongst other smaller events, and, naturally, small-scale roleplay with friends. I mostly enjoy roleplaying in detail, creating interesting characters, and delving deep into their stories.
Outside of SchoolRP, I have previous experience roleplaying on other albeit much smaller Minecraft servers, as well as extensive roleplay experience with Dungeons and Dragons, both as a DM and a player.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
As of posting this application, I am College Bachelor on my main account (houndrats), and Grade-12 on my alt account, which I am applying with (rathounds).
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I am interested in teaching Psychology.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I am interested in becoming a professor due to the unique challenge and roleplay it offers – seeing as one has to manage a class of (often rowdy) students. I have always been interested in mentor-type characters, and I believe playing one could be very enjoyable. Moreover, I often log on during times when no classes are being hosted, mostly due to my time zone, and I think I could be able to fill that void for many College students who are asking for classes during those hours.
In specifics to becoming a professor of psychology, I have had a great interest in the topic for quite some time. I find it incredibly enticing to dive deep into niche topics, for example, some famous psychology experiments, which I would love to introduce to any students who are interested in the field.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Discussion of famous psychological experiments.
There are a great number of famous psychology experiments, that are in some cases vital to the study of psychology. Many experiments are also incredibly interesting, showing us behaviors in scenarios that aren’t as common in everyday life or occur only in enclosed locations such as prisons, etc. I believe this could be a fun way to discuss psychology with the students instead of just listening to a lecture about it - being able to ask the students' input on why they think the results ended up as they did, what their theories may be, similar experiments they would propose, etc.
(Some experiments I would love to talk about would be the Stanford Prison Experiment or even the Behavioral Sink, which while it does not apply to humans in many ways, it is an interesting study in psychology, utilizing rats.)
2. Discussion and dissection of psychological behaviors as a group.
Group discussion is a powerful tool for coming to understand something as complex as psychology. Perhaps the class could watch a clip of a criminal interrogation, to more closely understand common human responses to stress, telling signs that someone is lying, and the tactics interrogators use to corner a suspect.
It is fascinating to study the behaviors people often exhibit, and discussing these as a group would allow students to further understand and apply their knowledge of, for example, body language, speech patterns, etc.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A no-brainer field trip would be to visit Karakura Hospital, to speak to Psychiatrists directly and discuss the benefits of therapy and their experiences with them. Hearing from people in the field is the best way to pick up up-to-date information about the field of Psychology and Psychiatry. We could discuss techniques used by our local Psychiatrists, as well as the different medications used to treat many mental illnesses and disorders. A field trip to the hospital would allow students to directly discuss any questions they may have with professionals, allowing them to understand better, as well as see the application of the theory of psychology in practice.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I am interested in becoming a professor due to the unique challenge and roleplay it offers – seeing as one has to manage a class of (often rowdy) students. I have always been interested in mentor-type characters, and I believe playing one could be very enjoyable. Moreover, I often log on during times when no classes are being hosted, mostly due to my time zone, and I think I could be able to fill that void for many College students who are asking for classes during those hours.
In specifics to becoming a professor of psychology, I have had a great interest in the topic for quite some time. I find it incredibly enticing to dive deep into niche topics, for example, some famous psychology experiments, which I would love to introduce to any students who are interested in the field.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Discussion of famous psychological experiments.
There are a great number of famous psychology experiments, that are in some cases vital to the study of psychology. Many experiments are also incredibly interesting, showing us behaviors in scenarios that aren’t as common in everyday life or occur only in enclosed locations such as prisons, etc. I believe this could be a fun way to discuss psychology with the students instead of just listening to a lecture about it - being able to ask the students' input on why they think the results ended up as they did, what their theories may be, similar experiments they would propose, etc.
(Some experiments I would love to talk about would be the Stanford Prison Experiment or even the Behavioral Sink, which while it does not apply to humans in many ways, it is an interesting study in psychology, utilizing rats.)
2. Discussion and dissection of psychological behaviors as a group.
Group discussion is a powerful tool for coming to understand something as complex as psychology. Perhaps the class could watch a clip of a criminal interrogation, to more closely understand common human responses to stress, telling signs that someone is lying, and the tactics interrogators use to corner a suspect.
It is fascinating to study the behaviors people often exhibit, and discussing these as a group would allow students to further understand and apply their knowledge of, for example, body language, speech patterns, etc.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A no-brainer field trip would be to visit Karakura Hospital, to speak to Psychiatrists directly and discuss the benefits of therapy and their experiences with them. Hearing from people in the field is the best way to pick up up-to-date information about the field of Psychology and Psychiatry. We could discuss techniques used by our local Psychiatrists, as well as the different medications used to treat many mental illnesses and disorders. A field trip to the hospital would allow students to directly discuss any questions they may have with professionals, allowing them to understand better, as well as see the application of the theory of psychology in practice.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
First and foremost, he’d observe and try to understand the situation. Hayao would approach and question both sides on what the problem seems to be, to get the full picture. Checking for any injuries or signs of physical conflict would be in order, and visiting the nurse’s office with the student if need be. His approach would be calm but assertive, conflicts are to be resolved in a civil manner. Any necessary measures such as detention or more serious ones such as suspension would be considered, should the situation call for it.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
He would sternly remind the disruptive student of the purpose of detention and the rules therein. He would ask them to stop asking unnecessary questions and finish their assigned work. If their disruptive behavior continues, Hayao would speak to the student privately to figure out what their motive for disrupting detention is. After all, disrupting that environment won’t help them or anyone, and he would sternly remind them that their behavior will only land them more days of detention. Should this behavior persist regardless, the issue would be taken to SLT to consider further consequences.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
With a calm approach, Hayao would confiscate their phones until the end of class, and remind them that they are not here to party and cause a ruckus, but instead to learn at least something. He’d remind the disruptive cheerleaders of class rules. Naturally, not every topic will be interesting, but being disruptive is unacceptable, and he would tell them as much. Should this behavior persist, detention would be given to the disruptive students, as well as a stern talking-to. Should they disrespect Hayao and continue to behave disruptively despite his warnings, they would be removed from the class to be dealt with by a Higher-Up.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Seeing as stepping in to break it up, be it verbally or even physically should they not want to get off each other, was unsuccessful, Hayao would radio for help to hopefully break up the fight for good. All students involved would be questioned on what happened. Afterward, detention would be given to those who actively participated.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
First and foremost, he’d observe and try to understand the situation. Hayao would approach and question both sides on what the problem seems to be, to get the full picture. Checking for any injuries or signs of physical conflict would be in order, and visiting the nurse’s office with the student if need be. His approach would be calm but assertive, conflicts are to be resolved in a civil manner. Any necessary measures such as detention or more serious ones such as suspension would be considered, should the situation call for it.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
He would sternly remind the disruptive student of the purpose of detention and the rules therein. He would ask them to stop asking unnecessary questions and finish their assigned work. If their disruptive behavior continues, Hayao would speak to the student privately to figure out what their motive for disrupting detention is. After all, disrupting that environment won’t help them or anyone, and he would sternly remind them that their behavior will only land them more days of detention. Should this behavior persist regardless, the issue would be taken to SLT to consider further consequences.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
With a calm approach, Hayao would confiscate their phones until the end of class, and remind them that they are not here to party and cause a ruckus, but instead to learn at least something. He’d remind the disruptive cheerleaders of class rules. Naturally, not every topic will be interesting, but being disruptive is unacceptable, and he would tell them as much. Should this behavior persist, detention would be given to the disruptive students, as well as a stern talking-to. Should they disrespect Hayao and continue to behave disruptively despite his warnings, they would be removed from the class to be dealt with by a Higher-Up.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Seeing as stepping in to break it up, be it verbally or even physically should they not want to get off each other, was unsuccessful, Hayao would radio for help to hopefully break up the fight for good. All students involved would be questioned on what happened. Afterward, detention would be given to those who actively participated.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
The peculiar and studious Hayao Hasegawa stands at a towering 6’3, stretched within a thin, bony frame. His posture is . . not the best, hunched over and taking several inches off his perceived height.
He has sharp, striking features, namely a pronounced nose and thick eyebrows that are constantly furrowed. Wrinkles have begun to dig away at him, a sign of age and stress. His face is littered with freckles and light stubble. His eyes are a rich flaxen gold, framed by eyebags and the thick curls of his raven-black hair. He looks a bit weathered, perhaps even worn, but mature and serious. Now and then a pair of reading glasses finds itself on his nose, suiting him quite nicely.
Hayao dresses simple and formal, a dress shirt, a tie, and jeans. It’s hardly an outfit that can go wrong. His hand is often curled around a cane to help him stand for long periods of time, due to a previous accident.
A notable feature is his deep voice, a tone eternally calm, rarely ever raised. It can often come across as intimidating or condescending, although his intentions are pure . . His personality in general is rather docile, although it can slip into a joking or even flirty one at times. One would not expect him to have that sort of thing in him. He’s also got some spirit in him when one manages to push his buttons, which, in all fairness, can be random depending on the day. His experience and study of psychology, however, have allowed him to essentially push down and suppress any outbursts in a professional setting, like a machine controlling his inner workings. It is quite the power to have, although not entirely healthy.
Hayao’s outlook on students is rather positive, contrary to what his expression would read. He sees younger people as a way to a better world, a new generation that can be better than he was. Being able to teach young people based on his own anecdotes, mistakes, and experiences in life is rewarding to him.
On the side of other teachers, Hayao has a sense of camaraderie. All teachers seek to raise a new generation of educated people that can make the world a better place, therefore he tends to be fairly friendly and supportive in the workplace, despite what his appearance may suggest.
Hayao’s future goal, in all honesty, is just to live on and become a bit of a better person. His life’s work spins around preparing a new generation of capable people, so his long-term goal evolves along with them. As for his personal goals? Well, those may be a bit harder to attain. He has a long way to go out of whatever ditch he may be in.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Hayao was a single child with a niche interest in books. Always buried in piles of stories, encyclopedias, and whatnot. Over time in his early teenage years, he developed an interest in the medical field, and more specifically psychology and psychiatry. One could say he set his sights on it, making it his life goal.
He began university at 18 years old, receiving a Doctorate in Psychology after 7 years of study. He immediately jumped into a job in counseling, where he picked up many experiences and tales from people in need of aid. As rewarding as helping others was, it was incredibly exhausting. Thus, he turned to working in education, as he wanted to stay within the field of psychology. He grew fond of the position, learning to love raising a new generation of capable and educated people. His life goal came to a crescendo.
A man with a desire to raise great people, while not a great person himself. After an unfortunate car crash, he spiraled into a terrible year-long episode, which broke his already unstable family. He was unable to work and quit of his own volition. After recovering physically from the accident, and essentially being alienated from his family after his now ex-wife left him, he left for Karakura in search of new beginnings. His desire to teach still lives strong, now available to the students of Karakura.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
The peculiar and studious Hayao Hasegawa stands at a towering 6’3, stretched within a thin, bony frame. His posture is . . not the best, hunched over and taking several inches off his perceived height.
He has sharp, striking features, namely a pronounced nose and thick eyebrows that are constantly furrowed. Wrinkles have begun to dig away at him, a sign of age and stress. His face is littered with freckles and light stubble. His eyes are a rich flaxen gold, framed by eyebags and the thick curls of his raven-black hair. He looks a bit weathered, perhaps even worn, but mature and serious. Now and then a pair of reading glasses finds itself on his nose, suiting him quite nicely.
Hayao dresses simple and formal, a dress shirt, a tie, and jeans. It’s hardly an outfit that can go wrong. His hand is often curled around a cane to help him stand for long periods of time, due to a previous accident.
A notable feature is his deep voice, a tone eternally calm, rarely ever raised. It can often come across as intimidating or condescending, although his intentions are pure . . His personality in general is rather docile, although it can slip into a joking or even flirty one at times. One would not expect him to have that sort of thing in him. He’s also got some spirit in him when one manages to push his buttons, which, in all fairness, can be random depending on the day. His experience and study of psychology, however, have allowed him to essentially push down and suppress any outbursts in a professional setting, like a machine controlling his inner workings. It is quite the power to have, although not entirely healthy.
Hayao’s outlook on students is rather positive, contrary to what his expression would read. He sees younger people as a way to a better world, a new generation that can be better than he was. Being able to teach young people based on his own anecdotes, mistakes, and experiences in life is rewarding to him.
On the side of other teachers, Hayao has a sense of camaraderie. All teachers seek to raise a new generation of educated people that can make the world a better place, therefore he tends to be fairly friendly and supportive in the workplace, despite what his appearance may suggest.
Hayao’s future goal, in all honesty, is just to live on and become a bit of a better person. His life’s work spins around preparing a new generation of capable people, so his long-term goal evolves along with them. As for his personal goals? Well, those may be a bit harder to attain. He has a long way to go out of whatever ditch he may be in.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Hayao was a single child with a niche interest in books. Always buried in piles of stories, encyclopedias, and whatnot. Over time in his early teenage years, he developed an interest in the medical field, and more specifically psychology and psychiatry. One could say he set his sights on it, making it his life goal.
He began university at 18 years old, receiving a Doctorate in Psychology after 7 years of study. He immediately jumped into a job in counseling, where he picked up many experiences and tales from people in need of aid. As rewarding as helping others was, it was incredibly exhausting. Thus, he turned to working in education, as he wanted to stay within the field of psychology. He grew fond of the position, learning to love raising a new generation of capable and educated people. His life goal came to a crescendo.
A man with a desire to raise great people, while not a great person himself. After an unfortunate car crash, he spiraled into a terrible year-long episode, which broke his already unstable family. He was unable to work and quit of his own volition. After recovering physically from the accident, and essentially being alienated from his family after his now ex-wife left him, he left for Karakura in search of new beginnings. His desire to teach still lives strong, now available to the students of Karakura.

Full Name:
My name is Hayao Hasegawa.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
My preferred title is Mr.
Given Name(s):
My given name is Hayao.
Preferred Name:
I prefer to be called by my surname, Hasegawa.
I am 38 years old.
Gender & pronouns:
I am a cis male, and my pronouns are he/him.
Religious Denomination:
I am an atheist.
Marital Status:
I am currently not married.
My nationality is Japanese.
Current Location:
My current location and home are in Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
I have previously taught Psychology for 7 years at Osaka University.
Working Experience (# of years):
I have previously worked in counseling for 5 years.
Academic Degree:
I have a Doctorate in Psychology.
Year of Graduation:
I graduated university in 2010.
I have majored in Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychology.
I have minored in Sociology and Creative Writing.
Native Languages:
My native language is Japanese.
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
I prefer to teach exclusively psychology. That includes any sub-topics related to it, such as behavioral studies, sociology, etc.
Full Name:
My name is Hayao Hasegawa.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
My preferred title is Mr.
Given Name(s):
My given name is Hayao.
Preferred Name:
I prefer to be called by my surname, Hasegawa.
I am 38 years old.
Gender & pronouns:
I am a cis male, and my pronouns are he/him.
Religious Denomination:
I am an atheist.
Marital Status:
I am currently not married.
My nationality is Japanese.
Current Location:
My current location and home are in Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
I have previously taught Psychology for 7 years at Osaka University.
Working Experience (# of years):
I have previously worked in counseling for 5 years.
Academic Degree:
I have a Doctorate in Psychology.
Year of Graduation:
I graduated university in 2010.
I have majored in Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychology.
I have minored in Sociology and Creative Writing.
Native Languages:
My native language is Japanese.
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
I prefer to teach exclusively psychology. That includes any sub-topics related to it, such as behavioral studies, sociology, etc.
Additional notes about your application (if any):
I unfortunately missed the previous round and I am hoping that a third professor of psychology won’t be overkill :’). It is something that genuinely interests me and I would be honored to have the ability to teach psychology.
I unfortunately missed the previous round and I am hoping that a third professor of psychology won’t be overkill :’). It is something that genuinely interests me and I would be honored to have the ability to teach psychology.
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