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Re-Adjust vehicle upgrade prices


Level 84
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Re-Adjust vehicle upgrade prices

What's your suggestion?:
The Current price for the upgrades post-plugin-update, is a little too high for the average players, cutting the prices by 75% or just 50% would bring a better balance to how easy to upgrades cars are, and how easy to gain money back after upgrading one component to max out, that way when the subset faction of "Street Racing" becomes popular again and can be profitable to individuals, It's not a tedious grind to upgrade their cars and be rewarded by it.

Suggested Price Adjustment for upgrades:

- Engines
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 35,000
Stage 3: 75,000
Stage 4: 100,000

- Tank:

Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000

- Brakes:

Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000

How will this benefit the server and community?:

It will bring a better balance to how easy it is too grind to get an upgrade and how easy it is too regain that money after the update, that way upgrade actually feels worth it, rather than an optional thing for most people.
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Level 115
Maybe I could get behind a slight price adjustment, but the prices you set are a little too low, in my opinion.

Cars are a luxury after all, so should the upgrades be. If everyone has the upgrades, what's really the point besides quality of life and stuff?

The prices I'd suggest:
- Engines
1. Free
3. ¥175,000
4. ¥250,000

- Fuel Tank
1. Free
2. ¥75,000
3. ¥150,000

- Brakes
1. Free
2. ¥65,000
3. ¥125,000

Though, price changes aren't necessary at all imo.... This is just the greed in wanting to save money talking
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Level 19
+1 The prices are literally awful atm and not many players can even afford that much


Level 35
Community Team
I mean, if you want to be able to do a faction of street racing and it be rewarding, surely the upgrade prices are better off being higher no? It's also a goal to work towards

I get that people want upgrades asap but its still nice to be able to work for stuff yknow


Level 115
I mean, if you want to be able to do a faction of street racing and it be rewarding, surely the upgrade prices are better off being higher no? It's also a goal to work towards

I get that people want upgrades asap but its still nice to be able to work for stuff yknow
realest ever dylan


Level 35
Community Team
Adding onto the fact vehicles have been made cheaper and more accessible, it only seems right that the upgrades are thus harder to obtain, as believe it or not they are optional


Level 103
The prices at the moment are fair prices and realistic, if the engine upgrades were just 100k for the max engine everyone would just go back to having the same speed, and its rewarding to work for, especially now that Delinquents have to work their asses off now to be better than other crews/bosozukos or their friends, and races now actually have to be skill based, lowering the prices now would just be terrible, everyone would run to buy them, it shouldn't be easy to grind or a crazy engine upgrade,


Level 84
Thread starter
I mean, if you want to be able to do a faction of street racing and it be rewarding, surely the upgrade prices are better off being higher no? It's also a goal to work towards

I get that people want upgrades asap but its still nice to be able to work for stuff yknow
It doesn't have to be super low, but It cannot be super high either, there should be a better middle-line, maybe a 25% decrease, that way It's not super ridiculously tideous to grind that you can't ever possibly actually grind to get them with only street racing.


Level 35
Community Team
It doesn't have to be super low, but It cannot be super high either, there should be a better middle-line, maybe a 25% decrease, that way It's not super ridiculously tideous to grind that you can't ever possibly actually grind to get them with only street racing.
Okay, but as I said, we've already reduced the entry price point for vehicles so you can get started. As for grinding only through street racing, frankly that's up to players to decide how much they're willing to gamble, high risk, high reward.

There's also the factor that you don't need to max upgrade instantly. You can buy one or two at a time, race, and win more races for your next upgrade.


Level 84
Thread starter
Okay, but as I said, we've already reduced the entry price point for vehicles so you can get started. As for grinding only through street racing, frankly that's up to players to decide how much they're willing to gamble, high risk, high reward.
Trust me upgrading cars has only been requested by players that street races, and the problem is... street racing as of now, Is not exactly a good profit, you'd probably get 25k or 50k if you're lucky, as for the cheaper car prices, the average people that buys the non-custom cars are probably not committed enough to those cars to max them out unless they are super into cars, as for custom car owners, theres a reason they bought a custom unique car, that's because they commit to them, so IMO the prices should be lowered just a little bit, literally a 10-15% decrease is better already, 25% would be nice but that would dance in the line where gunna and you said would make people upgrade cars too easily and make every cars same speed again.


Level 103
It doesn't have to be super low, but It cannot be super high either, there should be a better middle-line, maybe a 25% decrease, that way It's not super ridiculously tedious to grind that you can't ever possibly actually grind to get them with only street racing.
the prices right now are completely fine, if you convert the YEN prices to USD and lookup how much is it to get the average engine upgrade I'd say its pretty realistic, the only reason someone would make this suggestion is because they have more than one supercar and they want to upgrade all to them to the max speed but they dont have the money to, plus its completely fair to others, street racing would just go back to being ass because everyone would have the same upgrade speed


Level 84
Thread starter
the prices right now are completely fine, if you convert the YEN prices to USD and lookup how much is it to get the average engine upgrade I'd say its pretty realistic, the only reason someone would make this suggestion is because they have more than one supercar and they want to upgrade all to them to the max speed but they dont have the money to, plus its completely fair to others, street racing would just go back to being ass because everyone would have the same upgrade speed
Prices are nowhere near realistic, cars doesn't cost less than 1 Mil Yen IRL unless it's a rusted out shitbox, as for the reason I made this suggestion is because, I care about players who wants to get into street racing without a tideous grind to 500k (half of the price of the car itself) or even 1 Mil (to max the entire car) only to never gain from it again because street racers won't bet over 50k in a race, that way there's a balance to progression, reward, and grind.


Level 115
Prices are nowhere near realistic,
I'm going to add to the fire real quick:

The current conversion rate of ¥1,000,000 to USD is $6,645,18
The average car price in the US is $48,008 as of March 2023. That's ¥7,223,280

The average car price in Japan is ¥1,470,000 so, about the same price (if not higher) as in SRP.
- For (max) upgrades to be almost as expensive as the car seems fairly logical.

It kinda shows you car prices aren't realistic; they are cheaper than normal.
HOWEVER, I do not think realism should come into this price debate at all.
so with this information as you will, just wanted to get that out the way


Level 84
Thread starter
I'm going to add to the fire real quick:

The current conversion rate of ¥1,000,000 to USD is $6,645,18
The average car price in the US is $48,008 as of March 2023. That's ¥7,223,280

The average car price in Japan is ¥1,470,000 so, about the same price (if not higher) as in SRP.
- For (max) upgrades to be almost as expensive as the car seems fairly logical.

It kinda shows you car prices aren't realistic; they are cheaper than normal.
HOWEVER, I do not think realism should come into this price debate at all.
so with this information as you will, just wanted to get that out the way
those 1.4 mil cars are also probably economy cars like the nissan cube, and the econo-boxes cars, so we shouldn't prioritize realism, prioritize fun in progression and that fun in rewards, If they don't want to decrease the price, they should at the VERY LEAST, make Street Racing more supported that way people that doesn't want to do any faction jobs and wants to do criminalRP in the form of Street Racing are able to actually gain money if they're good at it.


Level 35
Community Team
I think it would be interesting to support street racing, perhaps a separate suggestion on what can be done to support street racing would be better.


Level 84
Thread starter
I think it would be interesting to support street racing, perhaps a separate suggestion on what can be done to support street racing would be better.
It's already been done before, but they never ended up supporting it, same thing as Legal Racing, for some reason most just against the idea of street or legal racing in Karakura for profits.

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