What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Re-Adjust vehicle upgrade prices
What's your suggestion?:
The Current price for the upgrades post-plugin-update, is a little too high for the average players, cutting the prices by 75% or just 50% would bring a better balance to how easy to upgrades cars are, and how easy to gain money back after upgrading one component to max out, that way when the subset faction of "Street Racing" becomes popular again and can be profitable to individuals, It's not a tedious grind to upgrade their cars and be rewarded by it.

Suggested Price Adjustment for upgrades:
- Engines
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 35,000
Stage 3: 75,000
Stage 4: 100,000
- Tank:
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000
- Brakes:
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It will bring a better balance to how easy it is too grind to get an upgrade and how easy it is too regain that money after the update, that way upgrade actually feels worth it, rather than an optional thing for most people.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Re-Adjust vehicle upgrade prices
What's your suggestion?:
The Current price for the upgrades post-plugin-update, is a little too high for the average players, cutting the prices by 75% or just 50% would bring a better balance to how easy to upgrades cars are, and how easy to gain money back after upgrading one component to max out, that way when the subset faction of "Street Racing" becomes popular again and can be profitable to individuals, It's not a tedious grind to upgrade their cars and be rewarded by it.

Suggested Price Adjustment for upgrades:
- Engines
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 35,000
Stage 3: 75,000
Stage 4: 100,000
- Tank:
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000
- Brakes:
Stage 1: Free
Stage 2: 25,000
Stage 3: 50,000
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It will bring a better balance to how easy it is too grind to get an upgrade and how easy it is too regain that money after the update, that way upgrade actually feels worth it, rather than an optional thing for most people.
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