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Accepted Receptionist Application


Level 6
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What is your Minecraft username?: Pop1ezius, but the one I'm applying for the role of Receptionist is Pop2ezius.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Popiezius#3517

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server: I am definitely quite active on the server on my main account, because I am on a sports team, in which I do not want to miss practice or events. Tho I do not focus on activity that much on my alternate account. As of now, I'm planning on starting to balance the activity to equally split it between both accounts. I obviously have enough time to play on both accounts it's just there's not really much to do on the alternate that's why I'm applying for a job in which there's always be activity and being an adult could lead to some more interesting roleplay.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have in fact not been banned on this server.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I absolutely acknowledge that fact, and if I make it into this job, I won't be inactive otherwise something happens OOC'ly in which I would write an inactivity log, but I don't think there will be a time where I should do that.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I am applying for the role of a Receptionist.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Receptionist, in my opinion, is one of the more interesting jobs, as you have to do quite a lot of things. Mainly you can find the receptionist at their desk located at the front and the back entrance of the school building. Their job is to help the students with many things and help them locate where things are found if the student is new, they can also trade in students' tokens for various things based on what they pick. All around receptionist's main thing is to help students with most of the things in school. Tokens, Locating places, and most importantly dealing with students the cool students who are normal and they trouble makers who get into fights, get into detentions and etc.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Throughout my whole SRP journey I have seen and learned more things than I have known before, Things from CombatRP to how to deal with stressful moments and etc. Even tho I have only played SRP for over 1 year I still learn some new things throughout the process of roleplaying.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

[ACCEPTED] / JSL Application / French Application / Club Application / Height Application / Height Application / Teacher Application / Height Application / Korean Application

[DENIED] / Russian Application
/ French Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Pop1ezius | College / B / 20 / Daichi M. Asugawa
Pop2ezius | Grade-9 / 15/ Hyun Asugawa <---- The one I'm applying with.

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During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: At first, Hyun wouldn't raise his tone as he'd ignore the students, If the student continues to keep up the immature behavior then my character would give him or her a warning. If it happens again then it will be the second warning and so on, eventually leading to detention if they won’t stop.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Hyun would walk up to the fight, splitting the two students up and asking them both to separate away from each other in front of him. He would ask each student what happened so he could know both sides of the story from both students. After this was done, he would bring both of the students to the nurse's office to check if they were injured or anything. After they got out the nurse, would then give both students a warning and ask them both to stay away from each other for the rest of the day. Both students would walk separate ways and once they are out of sight then he would go back to the receptionist's desk to continue his work.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As Hyun would notice this situation of the employee doing something dangerous or disturbing. He would go up to him, attempting to stop him from doing the dangerous things and telling him or her that you have to act professionally at all times on school grounds. After this, he would notify the higher faculty around him about what was going on with the employee. Then, he would go to the SLT and tell them in as much detail as possible what the employee was doing that was inappropriate.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? As Hyun is quite a silent person he'd mostly be sitting somewhere in the corner drinking coffee, in case there would be other employees he'd start a conversation with them until the break is over.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

he would put the rewards tokens on a desk, then go to search for the items that he wanted, he'd then come back passing him the items, as he would sit down and relax.
/me Would put the cup into the coffee machine, choosing the size L, and choose the coffee to be a Mocha. As he'd patiently wait for the cup to fill up he'd take two sticks of sugar putting them on the table, when the Mocha would be done he'd put the cup on the table, pour in the sugar and then he would take a small stick to mix it up.
/me lifted his head, glancing up towards the individual in front of him he smiled; “Hello, how may I help you?” awaiting their response he adjusted the way he sat within his seat.

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Full Name (First & Last only): Hyun Asugawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Asugawa
Preferred Name: Hyun

Age (Minimum is 25): 32
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single

Academic Degree: Bachelor
Year of Graduation: 2010
Major(s): Culinary Arts & English
Minors: Math & Science.

Nationality: Japanese, Korean
Current Location: Karakura
Native Languages: Korean
Other Languages: Japanese

Hyun was born on 1990/05/27 in Japan, Karakura City. His father was Japanese but his mom was Korean. As the years passed Hyun enrolled in the Karakura Highschool as he spent a long time there, he was a great student overall, tho later on as his father and mother had died, he and his brother Daichi went to France to study there, Hyun didn't even like the country tho later on when he turned 16 he went back to Japan the Karakura City, where he was originally born.

As of then, Hyun was a great chef, he could make great meals for himself and his family one of the best ones there was this special recipe he knew on how to make the best Chicken Yakitori. He wanted to share this with everyone but never really got the chance to do it. At the age of 19, He enrolled in college, mostly focusing on the Culinary Arts, of then he knew even more great recipes, as of even then Hyun tried to teach his brothers how to make great food, tho Daichi was a pretty great learner as he learned lots of new things on making the food, tho Kentaro, on the other hand, failed to do so, but still didn't give up and he still is a pretty good chef, and he totally didn't burn the kitchen at one time.

Hyun then turned 20 last year of college, and he dropped cooking arts rather than working more on English, he wanted to get a major in English so he could succeed in life a Lil easier, by getting a good-paying job. As the year 2010 come to an end, Yone ended college with a bachelor's degree, getting the majors in History And English he then started working in a socializing job in which he got better at socializing, and as 2022 came he did lots of things through those 12 years, went to lots of trips to other countries, his favorite being South Korea, he also had a few new jobs that he spent most of his time in. Then 2022 came as he needed money and he didn't have a job he decided to apply for the job of Receptionist in his old school/ college. Karakura Highschool & College.

Motivation for Joining KHS: My motivation for joining Karakura Highschool is quite similar to my goal its to help people in any possible way. I enjoy helping people in any possible way if needed I can most definitely deal with troublemakers without any problems. Lots of my friends are supportive of making me into the Receptionist that thing, in particular, made my motivation boost to a whole new level.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): I have been a Culinary Teacher, and a Club Leader.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: In my opinion, I should be accepted because I think I'm suited for this job My activity on my main account is great, and I'm making my alternate account as active as my main. I enjoy helping people out and don't stress about taking care of troublemakers. I think I could be a great addition to the team.


Additional notes about your application: I know my alternate account hasn't been played for 7 days yet as there is a rule, I'm going to boost up my activity as much as needed to get this job. And if the receptionist job is full and yall liked my application, please leave me as pending if not you can deny this application.
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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