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Thank you for your opinion.Simple permission removal, looks messy and generally ugly
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Thank you for your opinion.When I was a new player, I used to have it in my /nickname. One Fight Club opening, I was asked by a staff member to remove it -- I'm surprised this isn't actually enforced?
Thank you for your opinion.
No, Thank you for your opinionThank you for your opinion.
Thank you for your opinion.+1 It affects my sensory disorder so bad, I'm surprised it hasn't been removed already.
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Thank you for your opinion.
Thank you for your opinion.This has been a rule that &k shouldn't be allowed in the first place, but +1 either way
Thank you for your opinion.No, Thank you for your opinion
Thank you for your opinion.+1
Yes please because it's sooo distracting
Thank you for your opinion.This effect looks cool if you add for just one letter. But people who does it for whole nickname.. eh. Either way, i understand why this shouldn’t have a place as a someone who had this as newbie, when i bought F+ rank. Despite of my personal liking &k used properly;
+1 for your suggestion. Now you gotta thank me for my opinion.
Thank you for your opinion.+1 !!
Thank you for your opinion.Honestly we need this. .
Thank you for your opinion.+1
I don't mind it in halloween messages or when ghost characters use it - and when one does RP using walkie talkies in the forest cave with bad reception - but in names it makes less sense.
I know DEMAND to be thanked for my opinion!! ( •̀ω •́ )